It's been out for a few days, what do ya'll think so far?
As someone who never played the old TCG, it's pretty damn fun. I've played three games so far, 2 Lion 1 Crane (starter decks only so far); and I'm looking forward to actually deckbuilding.
It's been out for a few days, what do ya'll think so far?
As someone who never played the old TCG, it's pretty damn fun. I've played three games so far, 2 Lion 1 Crane (starter decks only so far); and I'm looking forward to actually deckbuilding.
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I played a learning game a little while ago on TTS, and it was honestly really fun. I like the unusual dynamic of Fate being a characters lifespan, and the slight mindgames element of your facedown provinces. I can't wait for the cardpool to grow and deckbuilding to get more complex.
I am sure we all can agree that good dental hygiene is important and the samurai of Rokugan should set a shining example to impressionable young people. With that in mind I propose the attached MRP to the highly offensive "Banzai!" card. Behold, "Brush Your Teeth!"
And we had such a nice start.
If I buy 2 cores, would that be enough to get into slightly competitive games at my LGS?
No you need at least 6 cores for a passable deck.
Yeah, you should be mostly fine. Especially once a few boosters get into circulation.
En garde! I'll let you try my Wu Tang Style!
Not really. All of the clan cards are 1 ofs. You absolutely need to buy 3 cores to not fill your dynasty deck with neutral junk.
You need 3 cores because of the 1-of problem. A lot of the clan cards are just really good - and having 3 of them in your deck is just needed.
By the same token, you are correct in suggesting that you can get into 'slightly' competitive games. Also, if you get into the community, I can almost guarantee that you'll find somebody who you can borrow a couple of cards from. As long as you're not trying to borrow half a deck, and would be willing to reciprocate; of course.
Okay guys. With the new beta being lackluster, I'm thinking about pathfindering this bitch. How do I get a wiki started?
>I'm thinking about pathfindering this bitch
The last time they tried to stick it in 3.X, it was a disaster and is considered the worst version of the RPG.
Typical FFG bullshit
How about no.
I like it. You need to edit a Wu Tang symbol onto the Scorpion dude to make it perfect.
No no no. I mean forking 4E entirely. Keep R&K, file off all the names but preserve the feel of the clans, rebalance all the shit everyone hated, present a bunch of optional rules rules so the GMs can mix and match to their preference.
Oh. Pathfindering is a bad word for that, since it just sounds like you want to port it into Pathfinder.
Is there a more descriptive word though? Fork sounds stupid.
I think he means making a Not!L5R that uses the original system kinda like how Pathfinder basically is 3.5.
>you'll find somebody who you can borrow a couple of cards from
That's what I was planning on doing with my mates.
I just hope that Unicorn + Lion Supp or Scorpion + Crane Supp will be relatively unpopular in my area, because lord almighty I want to main Unicorn or Scorpion.
100%; but by the same token, as someone who has been buying FFG stuff for 3+ years - I at least knew what I was getting into.
This is definitely one of the worse examples though, definitely. With Star Wars you only needed 2 max; with Netrunner you could legit get by with 1; but 2 if you really wanted. Here it's just 3 or bust; and fuck you very much consumers.
Unicorn is straight garbage so yeah they're pretty unpopular. Scorp is the most popular clan at the moment.
That sucks, since I only got 2 boxes. Now I'll have to get a third without the preorder discount my store has.
Or you can wait a few weeks for the secondary market to kick in and just buy the clans you need. I already know two guys that are prepping to do exactly that, they just are in the process of setting up inventories and web shops.
>Unicorn is straight garbage
Because they are underdeveloped or because they just don't compete well against the current stage?
Scorpion just seems like the logical first time player clan.
Supposedly because FFG made bad choices on which cards to put in core and which to put in the first cycle, and many of the Unicorn's good staple cards are not in core.
Some people claim it's because they lack certain themes but their card quality is just really low. Their champ is decidedly meh and only one of their cost 3+ characters is truly worth playing at all. They have a lot of small guys (which eat assassinates all day) and their small dudes are their best dudes currently. They also have a huge military focus, which basically means they only get to attack once each turn instead of twice.
Nah, I couldn't stand having some or even most of a core set. Whole thing or bust!
Also made him black.
>Riza and Ghost being the same person
Nah son, miss me with that shit.
But once you have 2 Cores, you have 3 of all the Neutral cards. Faction Cards are the only cards you need to complete sets. One of the guys I know is going to sell them as "Clan Packs" that will have all of a faction's cards. I'll likely buy 2-3 factions if they are in 7-8 dollar range.
Because the pricing bullshit, I might just not bother to buy it and play it on TTS. Most of the people I know who are interested are online anyway.
Here's alternate flavour.
The Unicorn aren't that awful; their Crab and Dragon matchups are fucking horrible, but outside of that they're alright. They even appear to have a positive Lion matchup, which is quite amusing and helpful.
(Also note that this chart is only built off of 370 data points, so it's still quite rough and not indicative of the true percentages yet.)
>phoenix abjectly shitting on the crab
That chart is worthless as people are "trolling" by reporting fake games.
It currently says Phoenix is the best clan in the game while it is in a worse place than Unicorn.
>It currently says Phoenix is the best clan in the game while it is in a worse place than Unicorn.
Scorp and Phoenix player here. Objectively false.
Tier list time
Great tier:
Crab Dragon Scorp Crane
A bit weak tier:
Phoenix Lion
Bad tier:
Garbage tier:
Ponyfuckers (I have only lost one game out of dozens to a unicorn)
Nobody is trolling the chart, calm your tits. And no, it does not say Phoenix is the best clan; their Crane MU is abysmal.
It is, however, only useful as an aggregate view and not a slice of how the game would look in the top cut of a tournament. Anybody can play a game and report it, even if it's their first game ever. And Phoenix definitely do suffer at the top tables, for sure.
>Nobody is trolling the chart, calm your tits. And no, it does not say Phoenix is the best clan; their Crane MU is abysmal.
People have already said they are fucking with it by reporting fake games to fuck with the Worlds Meta.
What are a couple balanced(ish, at least) decks I can make with 2 core for demoing with a friend?
Preferably one that is Crab.
>People have already said they are fucking with it by reporting fake games to fuck with the Worlds Meta.
[citation needed]
Crab and Dragon is a fine matchup.
Kingsley - Yesterday at 2:21 PM
I am just tossing in my wins. I don't remember most my losses but it hardly matters. The more people playing Phoenix at Worlds the better.
Man, Kingsley is still the same little bitch he was in Conquest.
You're only supposed to put your wins in. That's the etiquette anyways; winning player reports, to prevent double reporting.
If Kingsley or anyone else is just straight out making shit up to report that's one thing, but this is just business as usual.
but why tho?
The people actually prepping for worlds already look at the chart as nothing but a curiousity anyways. Nobody's going to change their opinion on their deck just because a chart tells them it's less good than scorpion when played by utterly average people. Nobody that had any chance of making the cut, that is.
More so. He is convinced he is the best player and gets people banned from the Discord if they disagree.
In context it was talking about old games where they asked people to report their games from before the list was put up. They wanted people to report any wins and losses they have recorded and he refused to report losses
Is there an L5R discord? Is it private or public?
invite pls if public
>They wanted people to report any wins and losses they have recorded and he refused to report losses
They actually asked people not to report games that predated the spreadsheet. So in that sense he's being an idiot, but whatever.
>He is convinced he is the best player
Sounds about right.
>and gets people banned from the Discord if they disagree.
Now you're just full of shit. Kingsley's got no pull on the mods.
It's a decent server. Not the best, but far from the worst.
the Veeky Forums discord is this, but there's a bigger more public discord floating around
Thank you, boyos.
Homebrew is the word for what you want
Maybe with a descriptor like "be for [x] what Pathfinder is for 3.5", or something.
"Pathfindering" actually totally works, but if and only if you knew it beforehand - like I thought you were porting it into the Pf system
By the chart you put, they have the worst average match up and not by a small amount either. And Lion, the only clan they consistantly beat, is also the only other clan with a sub-50 average.
>Scorpion just seems like the logical first time player clan.
That seems fundamentally kind of odd, though admittedly I know jackshit other than a VERY vague outline of what everyone is.
I'd have thought Crane, Crab, or Lion would be the simplest factions
Lion is really fairly complex and hard to play.
Scorpion has always attracted certain kinds of players, due to how edgy they are on the surface.
I tried out an example came that someone had set up with Crane vs. Phoenix. I actually really enjoyed it - it felt like the GoT LCG, but with the shitty parts removed.
Raw numbers, the chart actually says Scorpion is the best clan. Arguably Crane is best positioned since they only have one bad match up and it's with a clan who's only other favourable match-up is versus the weakest clan.
Then again, you probably shouldn't be giving this chart too much weight.
I'm not sure about buying 3 Cores unless you are going super competitive super early. I have a feeling that 2 Cores would be enough to tide one over until the probably more valuable expansions start hitting.
Anyone else annoyed at the idea of mixing clans in expansions? I guess its nice that you get different stuff but I want to be able to say "I will ignore X expansions because I want, say, the Unicorn one to make my Unicorn not shit"
the """""art""""" on all of the cards reminds me of the worst of the newer MTG digital """""art""""" shit out by chinks daily with zero effort
FFG uses a Chinese "talent" firm for all the L5R art to ensure it is not racist
Shut up, Genzoman.
That seems closer to true.
Negative Promos confirmed for Worlds prize wall!
Don't buy it Veeky Forums, FFG is going against saying "Banzai" before tournaments. They are complete cucks, don't support their products
It is marketing. Marketing avoids anything that might even have the smallest bad PR.
Marketing is the entire reason that SJWs are a thing.
chalk up another win for Scorpion, lads!
You whining about it only makes me want to buy it more.
The typical FFG bullshit is being able to buy a complete set of cards for less than your average MtG box of random cards?
Considering that the game has lot to splash, I think little for everyone is the best. Also I don't think the playerbase is that dedicated to a single clan as the memes make it to be.
Is the neutral stuff that bad? Ronin didn't play too bad when I played it.
Ronin is pretty overpriced for stats. It protects him from Assassinate but it is still not good economy.
Buy it, go to tournament and shout Banzai anyway, if everyone does it, no one can do shit about for fuck sakes.
Best card game in 20 years.
You just know the weapons-grade cringe that will happen when one pasty white weeb inevitably shouts BANZAI without anyone backing him up.
FFG already confirmed doing this is a life time ban from all their events.
By the worst company in 100
I didn't know GW made card games
the reddit Discord. There are 2 FFG Organized play people that post there.
Until there's an actual official statement to that effect, banning people for it would be retarded and unfair. A 20 year old tradition suddenly being ban-for-life territory because some unspecific, theoretical people are offended by it and some guys on a discord said so is actually disgusting. Especially since people in the Philippines, China, and Korea have all played the CCG with the banzai chant just fine.
That will be worse for their marketing than the chant itself supposedly is. They did it themselves at Gencon, so it's also hypocritical.
People outside the USA don't matter in things like this. Only the feelings of white people that will never play the game anyways.
Sounds to me like it's a bunch of false-flaggers trying to rile up the /pol/sters, like they are right now.
Does anyone else kind of feel like "For Honor, For Glory, For Rokugan" is even more violent than Banzai?
Like, Banzai can at least be a hip-hip-hooray, like "we came together to play a game". But the new chant is specifically about war and victory.
Honor and glory are not exclusively militaristic ideas, especially not in Rokugan.
It'll sound great in German.
Oh no, wait, it'll sound like a literal Nazi chant.
They outsource them to Sabertooth, I thought?
Ya the new chant is super cringe.
I'd rather have no chant than this shit.
Someone should bring a recording of the Gencon chant and blast it from a cheap speaker or something. I would, but I'm not going to Worlds.
This is acceptable, the old chant was cringier to be honest.
The old chant is relevant to samurai, and is in fact one that is still used in Japan and has a direct equivalent in China.
The new chant is generic and sounds facist.
If a word from another culture makes you cringe you might need to not play games based on other cultures.
Banzai has no relation to samurai whatsoever.