Mtg answers the age old question:

Mtg answers the age old question:
>if a tree falls in the forest but no ones around to see it, does it make a sound?
the answer is no since:
>if a plane has something that could happen in it but jace isnt around to cause it, does the plane even have a story to tell?
is also answered with a no
if jace had decided NOT to be on ravnica during dragons maze, ravnica would be in shambles
if elspeth had decided NOT to be on theros during the xenameme, theros would be in shambles
if sarkhan decided NOT to dick around with tarkirs timeline the entire place would be as it was before
why do planes just FREEZE when there isnt a planeswalker around to cause shit to happen? how come the ONLY people who can create meaning in the magic lore HAVE to be walkers?

imagine if instead if jace being the memepact it was some fuckin dude, couldve been a legendary colorless dude in one set and then a 5 color legend for dragons maze who works with the guildgates and mazes end
or if xenagos WASNT a walker and just a satyr who partied hard and became a god then fuckin daxos took elspeths place in the story

why does every story HAVE to be walker driven now? I feel like the cards themselves like the meandering towershell tell a much more satisfying story than "X walker finds this new setting to have an adventure on till they leave" cut n paste for every fucking set

why do walkers have such impeccable timing so that theyre always on the correct plane when they need to be so that specific planes "chosen one" story can be told?

how come Ravnicas story was "a world where ten guilds are fighting for power" and then Return to Ravnicas story was "Jace is on Ravnica"?

Walkers sell cards.

>still paying attention to Wizards

The story's been shit for like twelve years and the game's been shit for nearly as long. When are you going to cut your losses?

I fucking loathe numagic.

Planescripples were the death of MTG.

>Whaddya mean!? Muh profits doe!
Fuck off, tasteless cunts.

would a walker NOT being the centerpoint in the lore no one reads REALLY effect card prices of walkers? I feel like they would just sell regardless as long as their face is on packs

I love the game, I WANT to like the story

Jace is the Roman Reigns of MTG

>I love the game
I envy that
>I WANT to like the story
This is just plain delusion. Cut your losses. Wait for Return to Dominaria. That's the last hope of competent storytelling, if it's more nuWalker garbage then the dream is dead.

>Dominaria being last hope for good storytelling
You fucking wish. You know as well as I do wizard writers are going to rehash it, fuck it up, and somehow shove down their politically correct agenda down the readers throats.

I wish walkers could just be like Tamiyo was during first innistrad when all this shit was going on and she was just a babe who liked lookong at the moon

no big "Tamiyo caused the moon to create angels and the demons wooow" no she was just on that plane at the moment doing her thing on the side while the story of thr plane took place (too bad the story of the plane was also planeswalker caused and driven)

I heard they're bringing Garfield back on for that one set. That is my one single solitary spark of hope, and the only reason I'm not writing it off as atrocious setting-ruining wank like Scars of Mirrodin and Return to Ravnica.

Granted you are almost 100% certain to be correct and it will be garbage that at once manages to trample everything we loved about Old Magic while simultaneously lionizing the nuWalkers yet again, but there is the tiniest grain of possibility that something good could happen. Garfield's quote at the foreword of the Tapestries anthology gives me hope that he, at least, remembers what this shit's supposed to be about.

Walkers should be massive, incomprehensibly powerful motive forces with their own agendas that loom over the plot and influence it without having it revolve around them. This is how it was done in the olden days with few exceptions, and it was good. "Tamiyo caused the moon to create angels and the demons wooow" could be fine if it was meant to be some distant mythic backstory for a godlike entity, rather than a plucky magical X-Man tween having totally radical adventures in The World of Magic: The Gathering™

Its a real shame, frankly. I started playing in Amonkhet and i really like the game. But shit you look at my decks and its mainly built with singles from older sets. Ixalan imo is pretty nice for a setting but so many of the cards are fucking useless! Even more if you get a mythic and its not a planeswalker or one of the big legendary dino avatars you just got a completely unplayable and uninteresting card. Rowdy crew? seriously? It'd make it a rare or an uncommon at best.
I mean, shit. I havent even bought a single HoD booster other than at prerelease, i bought more Oath of the gatewatch boosters and now im trying to quit buying boosters and focus on singles.
Personally even if every single set onwards is absolute trash with 1 or 2 cards that will actually be useful in a deck not in standart (and thats another thing i hate but i wont talk aboot that) atleast you cant destroy the game. Just now how many decks can you possibly make? So many crazy ideas, tribal synergies, big creatures for big prices, big spells to bamboozle. Just because WoTC is doing shit NOW dosent mean we cant enjoy the game still. But hey, im from quebec so i can quite well understand whining and being angry for fun. Might as well be an our olympic sport.

>everything's about planeswalkers now!

Yeah mang, it's not like old magic wasn't all about Urza or anything.

Granted, I don't like many of the new planeswalkers, but getting mad over them having a prominent place in the fluff is retarded. The era of MtG fiction most people look dreamily back to was essentially The Urza Planeswalker Show.

I don't like that the Jacetice League has to be everywhere, that's for sure, but people seem to forget that the Weatherlight Saga went on for ten years I think.

One thing that bothers me heavily is that the Gatewatch is still being prominently featured as the protagonists and good force of the world, after the Eldrazi threat has been contained (for now) and Nicky B is gone as well (for now).

There's no point in keeping them around.

They did this for years and not a single person gave a frozen dick about the lore. The answer is that a core cast makes a stronger story and involves people more. In D&D terms the only merit in having a planescape is seeing your party run around the planescape. They are boring, empty setpieces without a cast, and making a new cast every time is a corpse field of writing and audience participation.

Even being outraged about it is better than simply not caring about it. Did you care about Kamigawa? Or anyone on Mirrodin other than Karn?

My only complaint about the Jacetice League so far is they exist solely to go to planes, view it from their own (SJW) perspective, then go and fuck it up into an irreparable state instead of letting it unfold in a natural manner. Everywhere they go, they form communist rebellions to upset defined social structures. Then wreck the plane almost back to the stone age with their meddling, then dust their hands off and fuck off somewhere else to do it all over again.
We sorely need an evil-ish walker, who only cares about their own power, to come along and kill a good walker, say they did it just to kill them, and not have it retconned or undone in the following set.

That literally happened once (Kaladesh) and the rebellion was ran by Chandra’s Mum, a native of the plane.

Amonkhet they didn’t actually do anything. It just unfolded and they couldn’t intervene. While planeswalkers wrecked Innistrad it wasn’t the Jacetice League, they salvaged what they could after Nahiri summoned Emrakul. They potentially fucked Zendikar but that was Nissa’s turf, she had a stake in that too.

So not only are they the best meddling mages the game has seen, they have an unerring ability to fuck up even worse when they have stakes in, got it.

The game is ruined, absolutely pozzed. Mechanics are just now returning to the level they were at before their NWO (almost 10 years now), but everything has taken a hit. Flavor text is worse than ever, card names are almost incomprehensible, mechanics reference themselves or are worded to directly contradict official rules, color pie is a mere memory, mechanics being absolutely recycled, formatting and color balance on cards themselves are out of whack each set so there is no consistency, the company makes political decisions and makes it a public memo, LSV going back to playing because he is getting railroaded off the commentary team as he had a very public affair he and the woman tried to hide (after both became "darlings" of the community and fucked it up so shamefully), players getting banned for drug use (heavy drugs at that) then it getting covered up, design team with fetishes getting their fetishes listened to instead of keeping it to themselves.
The list could go on beyond post limit. They just ruined a good thing to ruin it in the name of progress.

Its a side effect of the game getting bigger, someone in marketing must have pushed for mascots that they could use as the face of MTG. There was also the movie idea that was floating around and they probably wanted to build up the Jacetice League.

At this point they are so entrenched in the lore that they will never go away as the center pieces for the game. But I believe they also said we may be getting stand alone sets so that may be an opportunity to have self contained stories. Or maybe more random Jace adventures.

I couldn't read everything you wrote because the first few lines were fucking awful. I really doubt the rest of it makes any difference though.

You appear to have heavily invested yourself in the storyline of MTG. That's like eating Rustler's Burgers for every meal.

Not only are you ruining your health by consuming nothing but garbage, but you're not even consuming good garbage. MTG's storyline has always been complete shite, just like Rustler's Burgers are soggy horsemeat.

You entirely deserve the consequences, which are that your personality is like the body of someone who only eats Rustler's Burgers.

Anyway my Rustler's Burger is done. Sort yourself out.

I'm sorry, what's the joke here?

Even Jace is tired of the life he has been handed. He wants to end it all instead of doing anything at all. Its not a good or funny comic, but does shine a light on how pathetic the game is now.

The joke is the dog actually goes to school and is doing homework in the last panel

>design team with fetishes getting their fetishes listened to instead of keeping it to themselves.
Care to explain? Sounds interesting. I mean, MTG seem to be more puritanical with time not less.

Original Innistrad's overall plot wasn't planeswalker caused.
One of the plane's demons tricked the plane's guardian angel into fucking up, plane is fucked as a result.
There was a B-plot that involved Garruk and Liliana that Liliana won.
You are correct that the overall resolution involved a planeswalker - though even then it was the decision of a planar resident that was what was important (Thalia, specifically, choosing to blow up the Helvault instead of letting Liliana kill her men)

Garfield's going to be involved with the design portions of the set.
Creative is a different thing entirely. The art and names and flavor text and stories and plotline will still be handled by the same people who have been handling it this entire time.
And everybody has to bow to Marketing, and Marketing says 'MORE PLANESWALKERS'.

Have any of the planewalkers even fucked? After all the shit they been doing you figure at some point some of them would fuck off to let out steam

Liliana and Jace canonically fucked in Agents of Artifice, yes.
More than once.
He thought she was hot as hell, she needed him to be dependent on her to get some information for Bolas also why she got everyone else he knew killed, thus they were a couple and they fucked.

has he fucked chandra yet?

why does jace have a thing for black chicks? first lily now vraska?

Closest would be Gideon, not sure if anything actually happened or not between them (didn't read the book myself).
And Jace also has a thing for Emmara Tandris, so it's not just that.

>why does my card game have a childish story!?!?!?!?!

Are those books still canon? From what I understand they have retcon some of his back story

>absolutely pozzed

Planeswalkers as part of the story aren't the problem

Planeswalkers as overpowered, mandatory slots are the problem

Nah, at least Jace has good cards, meaning he has one redeeming quality. Roman has none. The only good thing he has done is get Braun over with everyone, by getting his ass kicked by him. And honestly, that was more Braun's doing.

no they werent a problem back when planeswalkers werent little bitches like jace and actually universe warping world creators the story was at least on a grand scale

now what use is a xenagos' god title or jaces living guildpact status if the plane theyre on stops existing when they leave?
the point is that planes dont feel like planes of existence, they feel like situations this sets planeswalker is going through till they move on to the next one

take the eldrazi going to innistrad, that wasnt an invasion of a plane, that was the super crew dealing with their situation and the focus isnt both of those planes clashing, its what the planeswalkers are doing about it
its lazy and shouldnt just get the slide because story means jack shit
the story SHOULD be interesting, you should play the game and then enjoy it MORE when you look into the cards and find out whats the situation not feel as if only the game is enjoyable and you should just ignore the story because youll be disappointed

Roman can wrestle and hes good with the kids, Jace has good cards and is also good with the kids

theyre literally the same situation just a different medium, fat marks like me hate both of them but they sell so wizards/vince keeps pushing them

>Roman can wrestle
I mean technically he can get in the ring and finish a match, so yeah he can wrestle. He can't wrestle well, or even mediocrely. He's bad at everything a wrestler should be good at. He's a powerhouse, but doesn't have the strength to lift Taker. Yes I know Taker fucked the spot up too, but someone like Braun, Brock, Cena, or Cesaro would have been able to do it. As far as promos, you may as well send Goldberg out there. The best thing I can say about him is he was part of The Shield. I'm not saying Jace is good, he isn't, but at least his cards are good, and can be fun to use. I can't ever remember enjoying a Roman match that wasn't because of his opponent or tag partner. Cena carried their match at No Mercy. And this all happening so he can beat Brock at 'mania, even though he's never beaten Braun.

the guys got an iconic move set and it works, thats why hes a draw and despite all the hate is still up top when fuckin rollins and ambrose need to chase shield nostalgia in order to stay relevant
dont get me wrong I hate the guy as much as the next, but if you actually believe hes a bad wrestler and isnt good for the company you dont know jack shit about the company

magic the gathering

Who would of guessed the sweaty man children who complain about representation in a children's card game also watch wrestling.

Come on guys, grow up. This game is meant for children. Wrestling is meant for children.

Jace is also an actually interesting character that happens to be written incompetently due to the lack of skill of the authors.


Yeeeesh, some one got diherrea

giving characters interesting backgrounds isn't that hard, most of the gatewatch have them, but yeah the lack of execution hurts it. the writers seem to be more tied to the characters behaving according to their color rather than the past experiences and events in the characters lives

>whiney bitchy highschool self insert
>interesting character

pretty sure chandra is less one dimensional than "IM BLUE" the character
its like they try to pass him off as intelligent and all knowing but he just comes off as incapable and low depth when you actually see the way he acts and how he makes decisions

Wasn't the entire story on Dominaria focused around Urza?
I don't like Jace and he is overused, but what's wrong with having recurring characters? The planeswalkers are the only ones that can go to other planes, so having them be main characters is natural.

the issue comes when the walkers are the only reason things exist

take ravnica and remove jace and you actually have a plane in ruin, and it wasnt by jaces design the world was warped from "guild plane" to "Jaces home" by wizards choice and even though hes the "living guildpact" unifier of the guilds and the reason the guilds can coexist, hes fucked off in ixalan to leave the plane to go to shit
ravnica shouldve been jaces last stop but INSTEAD theyre just going to pretend he isnt needed on ravnica just so they can push him in every set

its coincidence factor that comes off in the wrong way, as if "everything was going fine" before the walker shows up that brings the issue
was the dragons maze just never gonna start until jace made it to ravnica?
if it did happen was the plane just straight fucked since supreme verdicts were gonna nuke the place?
would there have been another person to step up to the plate and be the living guildpact?

all interesting questions that could lead to a better story but all go to waste since "meh no walkers no story"
planes stop existing when walkers arent there to show their new setting and thats fucking stupid
not to mention each walker having the eternal "nah Ill just planeswalk out of danger" stipulation meaning that ANY danger theyre in is negligible and if they ever do get hurt its their fault for being retarded and not doing the walk

That's a cute dog, would pet 10/10

Except they've been having stories that show things are going to shit in the meantime on Ravnica specifically.
And the thing is, walkers print money. This is a hard fact, and Wizards is a business. A set will not NOT have walkers in it. And they focus on the plane they're actually selling at the moment (said stories were from Commander products) because, again, business.
If they made changes while the set wasn't the current set, everyone would be bitching about retcons and pointless changes. 'Ravnica: Giant Wasteland Filled with Corpses and Nothing Going On' is not a way to sell a set, after all.
And they want to have a story to go with what's going on. Yes, having it be SAVE DA PLANE so often is fucking retarded and they need to stop that. That is a seperate issue altogether.

again the point isnt that "planeswalkers are in the set"

look at domri rade or old vraska for examples of walkers who dont intrude on the fucking story
a walkers going to sell regardless of it being the centerpoint in the story or not, the stories are going to keep going shit if it always boils down to "walker finds this plane, it goes to shit, walker saves the day"
its lazy writing and instead of the story making the game better, it actively gets WORSE which is bad marketing and the reason most players dont fucking bother

Could be interesting to have less walkers as a story centrepiece and more of an "active or passive observer of this plane's events, with the capacity to put them in perspective"

It would mean that Liliana could still make her home on Innistrad for that second set without having to be a major plot point (she was), dudes like Vraska and Domri or Tibalt who are native to their plane or maybe some random planeswalker from another place that sparked and fucked off into a plane they dont belong in (like tamiyo who was just doing research first time we were in innistrad)

thats what I was saying a bit ago, like sets can still have the walkers around as long as they dont make it a point to be the mary sues that being a walker makes them

sarkhan was a good version of a walker being the main point in the story since he needed to be the one to go back in time and also commune with ugin since a normal human couldntve been up for that shit, elspeth couldve just as easily been replaced by daxos or another "stronk female lead", jace couldve been an average joe

each plane should feel as if it has its own story to tell, not just the backdrop for this sets planeswalker to flex and jerk off on

I get what you are saying user, but I feel that you are less angry about the story structure (ie. planeswalkers in center) and more about the general quality of the story.

thing is that planeswalkers are the biggest things holding wizards back that prevent them from telling a good story

if they always fall back on the "whats this sets main walker? alright now how do we make him save the day? what if theyre the bad guy this time how is jace going to stop them?" plan its always going to be shitty
if they for one fucking set just put that aside and say "hey maybe this time the big hero and villain can just be fuckin legendary creatures and the walker can show up on packs on the side?" without getting fired maybe something good could actually be written

Not even close. Urza is better described as an omnipresent force, but he was far from the entire focus of Dominaria. He was tied with Gerrard for main character of the Weatherlight saga, and there were several sets that didn't feature him at all. He was also more nuanced than any member of the Gatewatch by a mile.