"I drew spell pierce" Edition
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Thread Question: What is the best non-white boardwipe and why is it Bontus?
"I drew spell pierce" Edition
>Official search site. Current for all sets.
>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.
Thread Question: What is the best non-white boardwipe and why is it Bontus?
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>What is the best non-white boardwipe and why is it Bontus?
explain to me how that card is good. I still don't get how taking an entire turn off after a board wipe can be adventageous
there aren't any boardwipes in blue/black
gotta take what you can get and it also works well with treasures.
I just figured all of those decks would run Hour of Devastation instead
playing three colors is kinda poopy if you're not green because it's really easy to get punished by mono red or a quick longtusk cub.
How did Dinosaurs do yesterday?
user... there were only 2 decks... Ramunap Red and Temur Energy..
And blue black control. But yeah, Dino’s are btfo.
>that card you think is really cool turns out to be OP and the breakout star of standard
It's nice to see Blue/Black get some love for once
now I just need to pull 3 more copies
Anyone got a spicy brew they want to share? I'm sick of seeing Temur Energy and Ramunap Red every Friday, I need something to mix it up
Anyone playing blue green pummeler? Was thinking about putting it together
Gruul dinos with fling
marionette master
I was worried about Carnage Tyrant ripping up the format, but now I feel like a Red/Blue prowess deck could be pretty good
I'd go 3 colors if you really want to play blue with pummeler
fling has won me so many games it's not even funny anymore
Why would you miss out on Invigorated Rampage, Voltaic Brawler and Fling? Rogue Refiner is the only reason to blue.
I just saw something on cfb about blue green, I didn't even think of temur and didn't know green red was still viable. Is it just 4 flings replacing uncaged fury?
3-1 with this last night, and I feel like I only lost the one game due to mana screw. Holy shit is it fun to play.
By the time you're casting Bontu's you've got land to spare, so you're not costing yourself an entire turn, you'll just have 3 less mana next turn. 4-5 if you have to counter something on your opponent's turn.
Would this just be all the treasure producing cards + Marionette Master?
>Scarab God is now 24 euros on cardmarket
oh shit here we go
Seems pretty spicy. Do you play this kind of deck? How would either of the Tezzerets do in it? Maybe 2 of the 4 drop Tez?
Time to sell
Rate my shitbrew Veeky Forums
Reposting my treasure brews to maybe get a bit of feedback:
Trying to figure out which one to actually build and what to possibly change about the lists. Really want to play a Revel in Riches deck, but plain Treasure Token Turbo in UB feels like it's too easily taken care off and doesn't have much ways to properly survive stuff.
And fuck Scarab God's price tag,
makes me mad I didn't buy the promo version a dude at my LGS pulled for pre-release for 20 bucks.
human dino big butts :3
x3 Kinjalli's Caller
x3 Priest of the Wakening Sun
x4 Drover of the Mighty
x2 Atzocan Archer
x2 Ripjaw Raptor
x3 Steadfast Armasaur
x2 Looming Altisaur
x2 Bellowing Aegisaur
x2 Belligerent Brontodon
x4 Saving Grace
x2 Growing Rites of Itlimoc
x3 Sheltering Light
x4 Commune With Dinosaurs
24 land
Stall board with big asses and combat tricks to keep them alive, dig with a mix of priest, commune, ripjaw and even growing rites to get bronotdon, play ~turn 5 if all the stars align with caller, and drover.
Cheesy, but I really want to try something different.
>preordered one for like 10€
>tfw need a second one
could be worse I guess
Why do the 10pack booster box things ("fat packs"?) have the little empty cardboard box under the actual box of cards?
To make it arbitrarily taller for some reason?
I'm guessing to make weighting the packs for scalefags harder
Fat packs used to come with two boxes, but fewer packs. They kept the outer cardboard poster/sleeve the same size.
Best site to buy cards?
Also where can I find lewd anime girl card sleeves?
Like really lewd.
Like good chance shop owner asks me to leave lewd.
Max kek
Stop shitposting in several Magic threads at once with the same thing.
is the jace from the Ixalan planeswalker starter deck any good?
Are any of the starter deck planeswalkers good?
If we didnt have scarab god this card would be garbage
Trophy mage, spell pierce, nissa, and dive down
Never, and this is by design to prevent competitive players from buying out planeswalker decks.
> -9 to steal three creatures
>if opponents have that many creatures you're either losing or jace is just going to get murdered befre he gets to 9 loyalty
>implying planeswalkers ever get to use their ultimate unless it's a jank one
How is playing loads of creatures different.
What is Nahiri?
I wanted to get a couple of copies of scarab God months ago for grixis control. Bought them for dirt cheap. Now I'm a net decker.
A non-standard planeswalker that requires a ton of protection?
A janky Pw that saw little play in standard and was shilled by scg in modern to the point people actually played the deck.
The nicole boris from the hour of devastation starter deck isn't that bad is he
Four turn combat damage kills are quite possible, being able to clear the table turn three could save you. Is has to cost them enough momentum that you can afford the missing turn. I'm not sure, Bontu's may or may not see use.
Anyone got a decent Grixis Control list?
Why weren't they any Abzan/WB token lists in the SCG open? It seems to do fairly well against monored and WU control with a decent matchup against the energy decks.
because W is dead
That's just false. It does ok against mono red. It's pretty meh against energy and it's pretty shit against control.
I played a WB marionette master deck when Amonkhet came out. Hidden stockpiles is your best friend.
I dunno. It feels like if monored doesn't have Rampaging Ferocidon, they have to have a near-perfect curve to beat the token deck before they can stabilize and recover.
looks like Search for Azcanta will be a $15 card by the end of this weekend
I was just about to buy a playset yesterday, too.
Guess I'm not playing blue this expansion.
I'm running fishes but it's not in the deck yet. Still afraid to sell my sole copy off though just in case.
Shota's running one and doing alright with it.
I'm not going to say I knew this was fucking strong (but I totes did) but I'm just surprised I saw a lot of people thought it was a shit card. Literal quotes like, "3 mana activation makes it not standard playable". How bad are people at this game?
Against those two? B/W, Esper, or Abzan tokens rolls them (with the obvious exceptions of their absolute nut draws). The decks just gain too much life across too many bodies for Energy or Red to really race them, and it gets worse post board. Energy can still win a grindy game though, just watch out for the tramplers.
And Ballista ofc
It isn't easy to really forsee how dominant a card will be, but azcanta and ramunap ruins i seriously don't get how people didn't see the potential at least. I still like the black flipland a lot, but azcanta probably stole its possibility of being played.
>entire color absent from standard world championship
How did they fuck up white so bad
lol you're retarded if you actually think tokens is some sort of tier 0 deck
Tokens isn't tier 0, it gets fucked too hard by the control decks in the format, but it does have good matchups against Ramunap Red and Energy
UW approach and Abzan tokens are solid decks. Worlds just has an inbred metagame because it's 24 players made up of about 3-4 teams bringing the same deck.
I don't know anything about MTG. Would this be game-breaking?
In standard? not really, it would make some weird deck top tier but no more than something like energy is right now.
Other formats would fall apart though.
Interesting. I assume that's because of the effect itself since the cost is *negligible* if the card resolves a turn later, anyway. (If I'm not mistaken). I wouldn't know how to decently balance that sort of effect, because causality says that even allowing for 1 mana to be substituted with any other mana would probably yield the same results.
Okay, how about this one?
Lmao, that's by far the most broken theory card i ever seen. Even if you are new you should see it's broken.
wew lad
this just allows T1 any big creature in the game. It essentially finishes games after the dice roll. Who goes first, wins
That's outrageously broken. It's a better Channel since it's free and only costs cards from your deck. Turn 1 play this, drop the eldrazi titan of your choice, Karn, Ugin, your whole hand if you're playing affinity, etc
drop ballista for 40 mana, shoot face, win
Congrats you've just made a more busted channel.
>Declare red.
>Remove the top 21 cards from your library.
>Cast Fireball.
noice, here's a tip for ya: when designing cards for a game, know how to play the game. you just made a more polite contract from below.
>how to balance
you don't. not with that kind of effect. you always put a hard-cap on mana gain, otherwise the exercise of making the card is pointless because it's broken.
Is the vampire squadron hawk and oketras monument combo viable?
combos well with cards, 8/8
probably not but it sounds fun as hell. I'm sure there is a new monument deck out there for people to figure out though.
How does Shota's deck win a game?
it keeps denying the opponent stuff but it has only three creatures
is that enough to kill the opponent?
Went 2-1-0 and came 2nd at Standard Showdown with Temur. Last game went to time against UB Control. How were your tournaments?
standard showdown is tomorrow for me. Bringing ramunap red
Also NIcol Bolas.
I give up on standard. I can't bother just looking at the same Temur energy and the same Ramunap Red until the next rotation.
>1 week after a new set releases
>give up on standard because people are playing proven decks they already own
Grixis stalls the game out until it draws and casts SG or Bolas (or barring those, just beats down with gearhulks), then it steals the opponent's shit and wins. It sideboards Gonti in against RR or Temur.
Doesn't exist around here. No one plays standard, so the LGSes just horde the packs then crack them.
>got 2/3 of a deck
>make a list of needed cards and bring some trade-ins for store credit
>shop has exactly 0 of the cards I need in stock, even the lands and uncommons
>fire up tcgplayer and order what I need
>estimated delivery middle of the week after next
I didn't even bother with Standard Showdown today but considering just throwing together a jank version of the deck to at least get some FNM play in this week.
They're great together, but I don't know if that's good enough for a deck. Won't stop me from trying, though. I love Monument
Since people seem to discuss this topic right now and since it's definitely going to be a relevant discussion for months to come:
Is Scarab God ban-worthy? The moment the card lands and sticks, you tend to just win the game on the spot if your opponent can't kill you or Scarab God within their next turn and due to mana issues and limitations effectively not existing again every single deck running blue or black can run them, with pretty much every single deck becoming stronger after adding him, no matter your game plan.
Is a card being a wincon on its own, no matter the deck, able to be run in every single deck that's not Ramunap Red or Dinosaurs, enough of an offender (or "oppressor") to warrant a ban?
It is almost to the point that copter was at yeah? Basically an auto include in every deck that can handle the mana base for it
>Friend says "that one card is worth more than your entire deck"
It's true but fucking hell, are all mtg players this autistic
the next b&r is in a week, so I guess we are about to find out
It's not ban-worthy.
There were 24 players at worlds this weekend, 9 of them played Ramunap Red, the remaining 15 played Energy variants and 8 of those had Scarab God in, while the rest had Confiscation Coup specifically to steal Scarab God, since Aether Hub allows them to still use it as much as they wanted.
I've been brewing UB lists myself for a few days now since I want to make Treasures and Pirates work as well as some GPG/Reanimator decks in UW or Mardu and every single list I felt could've been improved by adding Scarab God.
There's absolutely no way Wizards will ban it. Not after the last three standards all seeing bans. As for whether or not it's actually ban worthy I dunno
Kaladesh was a mistake.
Energy was a mistake.
This isn't the new artifacts-matter plane I wanted, Wizards. Please make it stop.
>"We've screwed up too much recently so now we will simply not acknowledge our screw-ups."
That sounds like a terrible policy, so it's probably accurate.
Explore was a mistake, energy is fine
>cancerous untouchable resource that's been dominating standard since its release with no way to remove and cards scaling near infinitely with how much you have
>limited coinflip mechanic that either nets you a land or lets you play a creature with slightly above the curve stats + pseudo-scry
So how's your Temur deck doing recently?