PDF Share Thread #94

It's Da Archive™ !
It Will Be The Best 9 Hours Of Your Gaming Career!

Go to the last thread if you haven't looked at it. There is lots of stuff, including filled requests posted directly to the board.
Files posted directly to Veeky Forums are not added to Da Archive, so go grab them now.
Archived threads can be found here: archive.4plebs.org/tg/search/subject/PDF share/

Grab your documents. Da Archive is multiple documents. You especially want to get Da Curated Archive.

Get comfortable and browse through the blasted thing. It is only about 150 pages long. If you skim over the Personal Collections without looking you will miss 7,000 pdfs.

Remember, we are better than all of the rest of the horrible internet and good manners ALWAYS gets more results. Wise up or please go elsewhere.

Extra Special Thanks to the user Brigade who do ALL of the digging, loading, and posting.

Other urls found in this thread:

plus.google.com/ RobertSchwalb/posts/idqNdPxBN7E

Please ONLY POST OPEN SOURCE PDFS DIRECTLY IN THIS THREAD. Link the others from elsewhere. Excessive infractions could cause TPTB to remove the ability to post any pdfs at all. Check for copyrights before you post anything directly.

Please be patient with the Irrepressible Urchins™ who request without looking first. They are always a regular feature here. They help bump the thread, and they want to look at something that's not porn. They might even read it. You don't have to answer them, although that also bumps the thread. If they upset you, punch a teddy bear. I understand your frustration (they used to drive me crazy), but you don't kick a puppy for not being housebroken.

Please give as much information as you can when you make a request. The more information you give (cover, a link to product, name of designer/writer/publisher) the more chances someone might recognize it and upload it.

Please post dead links and I will remove them to keep the archive up to date. Be specific - include a page number. There are dozens of copies of some PDFs.

Please be respectful and don't belittle others' requests because you dislike the game. Imagine the horrific RPGs I've run across; 'Dragon Dildo Warriors', ‘Cheeto Fingered Gods of Angst’, and 'We're All Little Girls (Frilly Dresses Are Mandatory At the Table)' spring to mind.

If you have a fancy pdf that has unwanted clutter on it, one way to clean it is to contact our resident Transmutation Wizard and politely ask him to clean a pdf. He will set his scrying device to accept pdfs, and then you ship it to him. Magic occurs, and the pdf is purified.
[email protected]

By the way, thanks, Mageguru. You're the best!

CityofCarse is responsible for many recent scans from private collections. If you have a rare or obscure book, he may be willing to convert your dead tree into digital bits. He may also be available to clean your files.
[email protected]

Check out Da Curated Archive to see what's in it.
Pick a game or small publisher you like that’s not too big and complete it as best you can easily.
Upload the pdfs somewhere. Hunt for and request the missing things. If it gets taken down, put it up again later. Using indirect links seems to work for Mageguru.

Step Right Up! Don't be Shy!
Claim a Game!
Name Yourself Captain Deadlands or Mister Degenesis!*
Curate your Game!
Get Lucky! Chicks Dig Pirates!
(*silly name not required)

Why 1337 5p34k?
A Paraphrased Message from TheWiz!:
To guard against rapid takedowns by bots, we suggest encoding links thusly:


The above link is easy to decode but does not show up as a working link to the lurking T-888's. Obfuscation becomes most important when filling requests. Posting a full link right out of a large Trove/Collection risks the whole thing. Just post a page reference for Da Archive or Da Annex, with a short instruction and let the document do the job of guarding the links.

|-|0\/\/ 70 1337 5|O34|


I have trimmed all dead links between "Over the Edge and then some" (p24) to "Warhammer Ratmen" (p38), and links from Da Extract have been aligned so they may be quickly removed at/before Da Archive update.


Thanks again to the user filling PbtA requests. What Ho! World has been added to the trove.

The_Guild: THANK YOU for posting that Pendragon link in the last thread.

I've been looking for the Book of Battle for literally years, and trying to purchase it a few months ago through DTRPG actually resulted in a 404 error on their part and having to do a charge-back on my credit card.

You're my damn hero for the day. Cheers.

Does anybody have any of the stock maps by Derek Von Zarovich from the DM's Guild?


Here ya go. It's pretty underwhelming unfortunately.


I searched the old threads and the archives and now I'm down to digging through random and misc troves. Has anyone seen Dungeon Scum?

Requesting FrontierSpace

mutant c class. modules?

I am currently in the process of compiling a comprehensive collection of DCC for the Archive. I am currently missing these 1st and 3rd party modules. Any and all help would be appreciated.

Through Ningauble’s Cave
Patrons of Lankhmar
Masks of Lankhmar
Free RPG Day 2012-2014
#80.5: Glipkerio’s Gambit
#82.5: Dragora’s Dungeon
#83: The Chained Coffin
#83.1: Tales of the Shudder Mountains
#85: The Making of the Ghost Ring
#87: Against the Atomic Overlord
#88: The 998th Conclave of Wizards
#89: Chaos Rising
#90: The Dread God Al-Khazadar
#91: Journey to the Center of Aereth
#91.1: Lost City of Barako
#92: Through the Dragonwall
#93: Moon-Slaves of the Cannibal Kingdom
#94: Neon Nights
#95: Enter the Dagon

2013 Holiday Module: The Old God’s Return
2014 Holiday Module: Trials of the Toy-Makers
2015 Halloween module: They Served Brandolyn Red
Escape from the Shrouded Fen (DCC)
The Ooze Pits of Jonas Gralk
A Gathering of the Marked
Lair of the Mist Men
Through Ningauble’s Cave
Patrons of Lankhmar
Masks of Lankhmar
Tales from the Fallen Empire
Into the Demon Idol
The Swamp Daughters of Marshsund
The Headless Horseman
The God-Seed Awakens
Sky ov Crimson Flame
Cast Tower of the Blood Moon Rises!

/r/db91awem on volafile

I'll share what I have, please share any DCC in the room.

Just bought the PHB for this. Gonna check the thread for how to send this thing to the cleaners.

Did Call of Cthulhu: Reign of Terror get uploaded anywhere? I saw in the last thread someone mentioned they had submitted it to MageGuru

com/ file/ l8kp97

$3nd $p@ c3 (dot)
Wanted me to break the text up it seems

Does anyone have the Mistborn Adventure Game or its supplements?


Much appreciated.


Might want to get that cleaned.

Got all of the DCC modules on that list with the exception of 80.5. Been compiling a comprehensive Goodman Games Trove. Sorting through it right now.

Not sure how that works as I've never done this before. Also, what does the cleaning process do? Remove clutter from the PDF or do PDFs have tracking these days?

The point of "cleaning" is to remove identifying marks like your name, order number, or some other identifyer, which may be hidden to various degrees, depending on where you purchase.

Ohhh... I do in fact also have DCC 80.5.

Someone always beats me to the punch, well as long as a comprehensive DCC trove exists.

Hmm, well hopefully nothing comes of it and people are patient enough to wait for the mageguru to finish cleaning before downloading. A copy has been sent his way as well.

Does anyone have the Quickstart for The Sword, The Crown, and The Unspeakable Power?


I know this is not the ideal place, but i doubt there is anywhere else. Does anyone have the Deus Ex novels? Or a link where i can find them?

Does anyone have the Tails of Equestria Essentials rulebook? This file is all I can find, useful but not what I was hoping for.

there is a whole board about books

Previous thread Carse and donater thanks for Bash 10 powers, Mecha and Mon., Epoch and much more, got plenty to read for weekend.

Gods and Icons, 13th age

Final (for now at least) PBTA trove contribution....hopefully it inspired some others to stop being lazy leeches.

Dead Scare. Zombies. 1950s housewives. Same vola as all the others -- /r/e2n76cx4

Thanks again for all these fills. There hadn't been anything new shared in a while so I really appreciate it.

Does Dead Scare not have playbooks or anything? I can't seem to find any searching around, which seems odd for a PbtA game.

Filling a request from last thread, Digital Hero
35, 37

>Does Dead Scare not have playbooks or anything?

They're included in the same PDF. I guess they figured people are smart enough to know how to print just parts of a PDF and don't need to split it out into a separate download. Look on page 21 for "The Wife/Spinster".

Yeah, I mean the external, print-friendly stuff other PbtA games usually provide. So you don't have to send the players the whole book or chop them out yourself. some of the other fills had them on the game's site. Weird choice for the publisher to leave them out, imo.

lit is for discussing, no link sharing there sadly.

Their sticky has a link to a site to download books.

Do you have a (hidden) link for this stuff?

In the process of putting it together. It will include as much Goodman goodness that I can compile from my 1.5 TB of RPG files.

I'm looking for a couple of Savage Worlds third party supplements:

- Worldcrafting (by GRAmel)
- Apocalypse Campaign Guide (by Daring Entertainment)

Anybody willing to help out?

Enascentia for Savage Worlds?

I also clean things. Optimize them. theeguild AT protonmail DOT com.

Looking for an odd one, Darkmoor


Ptba Sundered World, did not see in the trove

Yeah, I don't collect 3rd party Dungeon World stuff. There are links to that in Da Annex though


CoC - Reign of Terror

CoC - Down Darker Trails

5e Alchemical Archetypes - Created Creators

5e Archetypal Spell Compendium - Artificers Arcanists

5e FR Archetypes II Champions of Mystery

5e Secrets of the Scaled Ones Serpentine Spells

5e Unearthed Archetypes - Heroes for the Ages


Here's a couple of files I found. Not really game stuff, but it's a mindfuck either way.

I'll go ahead and get you a link to that.

Requesting the d20 Afghanistan book

wait, two e's?

thanks for heads up, annex link is down though

Both good, cheers. Check out the Red Book by Jung for some similar stuff.

Does anyone have the Mistborn Adventure Game Alloy of Law: Masks of the Past expansion?


Look in Da Annex.

Looking for the PDF of Arcana Rising, if anyone can share it please, he'll be the hero of the day.

Anyone happen to have Mutants and Death Ray Guns?

on the last thread someone requested the Classic Fantasy Expert set
my advice is save your money. it is a 32 page ad for a book still being written.

Snippity snap, your l33t reading is crap.

Brilliant. Thanks for both the CoC files.

I've no idea what it was called but I'm looking for a large collection of oneshot or twoshot Call of Cthulhu stories. I don't know if it'll be much help but one of the stories was about killing a monster posing as an Ice Cream Man to eat children and turn them into slop in the ice cream maker.

Requesting D30 Sandbox + DM Companions.
Looked around but can't find it. If it's in the archive please point me in the right direction.

I'm curious about those as well, hopefully someone has them.

Requesting Vow of Honor RPG

Just d30 Companion:



I think the adventure you're thinking of is 'I want you to kill the ice cream' man. IIRC the collection is in the CoC curated archive in the modern folder.

Thank you!

Soyy, I mean: just Sandbox

def wanna see more of this stuff ... thanks!

Looking for Uresia: Grave of Heaven (2nd Edition All-Systems Library) TIA

Looking for: updated Shadow of the Demon Lord.

plus.google.com/ RobertSchwalb/posts/idqNdPxBN7E

> We updated the main rulebook this morning. If you purchased the PDF from my site, you should have an update link in your inbox. Same for One Bookshelf. Enjoy!

Is this a good place to share this pdf, I compiled it from a recent thread?

requesting a re-scan of Rifts - Sourcebook 03 - Mindwerks from Rifts RPG. the current one in the da archive is missing half of it's text

Does anybody have the Fantasy Age GM kit?

Never mind me, its in the annex.

Speaking of, do you have any of these?

Fantasy AGE - Encounters Childrens Crusade
Fantasy AGE - Encounters Drive for Justice
Fantasy AGE - Encounters Menace from the Mines
Bestiary- Beastmen
Bestiary- Giants
Titansgrave- The Hermits Road

I'm afraid not. I only have pic.

All six books you requested... sendspace.com/file/qrof5y

Damn man! Thanks!

Holy fuck, you are the man.
Anything you're looking for? I doubt I'll have anything obscure but may as well ask.

Heavenly graves… sendspace.com/file/tsa9ug

Six of Stones? Great Monsters of Crime, Terrors of the Ancient World, and Wizard-Spawned Insanities? Shadow, Sword & Spell 2e? Gathox Vertical Slum? 1879 Miniatures Rulebook? Starguild: Space Opera Noir?

Can you post the character sheet, both cards and the errata? I'd really appreciate it.

That's the shitty september 13th update, and it's already in the /SOTDL trove

Sorry, my collection is not that extensive. I'll do some googling, you never know!

Does anyone have Basilisk Goggles & Wishing Wells? I'd like to check it out.

I'm looking for Lethal Forces for SR5, anyone would be kind enough to share it?
Thanks in advance!




For once, I can give something back!

Awesome, thanks!

Your world asunder... sendspace.com/file/c3zotg

Anyone have Yggrassil uppsala, kings of the sea and all of Qin from cubicle? Are there any updated scans of Ork! the roleplaying game 1st edition and Orkworld? My copy of Ork! is missing pg 58-59 and Orkworld (53.7mb) is missing a lot of pages and maybe in need of a re-scan. Also looking for What's that Smell? (wicked press d20), Toon Tales, and Toon Ace Catalog but not sure if they've been scanned already.

Desperately seeking the Bone-Hilt Sword Campaign.

All things Keltia, Yggdrasil, and Qin... sendspace.com/file/ofs7iu

This link seems to be down already. Mind reposting?

this please!

Anyone got a scan/pic of the sample Character Sheet insert of Mentzer's Basic Set? The one for the CYOA fighter? It's not in any scan/PDF I've found.



He removed it for cleaning. One of the cleaners will repost when they are done with it.