What Class is Tolkien, Veeky Forums?


Bard. There's some double-page songs in his books.

-10 HP

I think Lore Bard would be most accurate.


Tax Collector.

Commoner. Or Expert.

What if he were a PC?

a rank and file infantryman if I recall correctly

Lieutenant, actually.

Was that picture taken before or after because that is a hell of a "seen some shit" expression.

His classes were normally in languages when he taught at Oxford.


But were they in real or imaginary languages?




from what I can google that's supposed to be him post-Somme

"seen some shit" expressions would be entirely appropriate

> post-Somme
yep... that'd do it

If anything, he looks remarkably stable.

So what you're saying is that he had seen Somme shit


Ohhhh the eldriiiiich...

Upper middle, I'd say


What if he were a PC?

Probably Caster.

He chased his students to their final in a mail hauberk swinging a battle ax. He’s a bard


His coping mechanism was really fucking good, you can read what it became

Caster, obviously

I call bullshit.

The man took part in the Somme and lived, he'll chase whoever he pleases with whichever weapon he so chooses.

Halfling Lore Bard.

HOLY bard, or the paladin equivalent to a bard. Remember that LOTR is somewhat of a response of people losing faith in God and stuff after WW1 and WW2. He was also best buddies with C. S. Lewis.

Dungeon Master

Didn't he state that he hated allegory and C.S. Lewis' use of it (specifically religiously) in the Narnia books?


>inb4 fighters can't write books user

I'm not sure about that (but it could definitely be true, as evidence of their writing styles), but I do know that they were friends.

They were friends, but he made clear his distaste for allegory and that while his fiction may have places of applicability it was not didactic or allegorical.

How the hell did this happen?

>no what can men do against such reckless rates
>no DEBT
shit image

I think that cap was made before those posts


Context plz

>GRR Martin's likes to shit on Tolkien's work (or really any work of other people in general).
>One of key points of his critique was that Tolkien wasn't really getting into pragmatic part Middle Earth such as how taxes are collected.
>This spawned Veeky Forums and subsequently Veeky Forums troll "What was Aragorn's tax policy?" and its derivatives.
>In this particular thread Veeky Forums showed good form a decided to play along.
Greek hobbits wondering why nobody else knows about second bailout had me in fits.

>that fucking look on Merry's face when Pippin asks for second bailout



Upper Middle, an Oxford Don with more than a comfortable income and wealth to leave behind to his children.

>ywn have a professor as cool as Tolkien

This is still the best.

>LOTR is somewhat of a response of people losing faith in God and stuff after WW1 and WW2.
No, he just really liked Northern European mythology and culture. One doesn't design a fictional language down to its grammar merely for the purpose of a religious allegory.

How mad would Tolkien be at people that "speak in tongues"?

I saw an actual Caster statblock for Tolkien once. It was really good

>One doesn't design a fictional language down to its grammar merely for the purpose of a religious allegory.
I believe you need to reassess your conception of humanity.

Some people took the GRRM quote about taxes in LOTR and ran with it. Hilarious finance memes ensued.

He believe some shit about God being three persons and one person at the same time, it's not he's any better.

You deserve a you for this

>brainlets still can't understand trinity
3 persons, one essence. It's not hard.

Noble or expert

It's easily conceptualized as a single entity possessing three distinct personas.

>It's not hard.
It get a lot easier to imagine when you realize that God is non-euclidean.

In TOR there is the Scholar.

I forgot what the title of that comic is

God, I hate R.R. Martin

Because of his obesity or his pompous egotism?

I was thinking of his egoism, but yeah, I also dislike fat people.

So, God is a sphere?


Couldn't handle Saber, Lancer, Archer or Zerker, and assassin makes no sense

Unless we stretch his myth to allow him to pick up the skills of anyone of his characters, in which case he's every class but assassin

>GRR Martin's likes to shit on Tolkien's work
False, Martin is actually a big fan of Tolkien's work, he was just talking about the difference between his fantasy and Tolkien's.

He might have meant four dimensional or extra-temporal, which is how some people seem to interpret transcendental grace.

There’s an actual, doctrinal answer to the way the holy trinity works, that being ‘it’s a mystery’. Anything else is heresy.

>GRR Martin's likes to shit on Tolkien's work

Mongoloid memester alert. He does nothing of the sort.

Yes, but he loved applicability.

In essence and for this subject, lessons about faith, but not religion.

One example is Sauron ruining churches and organized religion for all the numenorean successor kingdoms by building giant elaborate temples of human sacrifice on Numenor's holy sites. Gondor and Arnor favor decentralized spirituality and mysticism when it comes to the Valar, and somewhat terrified reverence of Eru that slowly fades from their cultural lexicon.

It's hard to say what exactly that communicates about religion persay, but it certainly contains a multitude of thoughts about faith and worship.

God is Nyarlathotep.

You'd have thought a "fan" would have read Tolkien's books and retained some of the basic information about them, like how you can have kings who are good people morally but bad rulers, like Theoden.

> Thousands of year later!

The ego of Tolkienfags is simultaneously hilarious and bizarre to see in action.

Hey, did you know that you can shut your whore mouth


tolkien is based class

A paladin who later took levels in bard

>GRR Martin is factually wrong about Tokkien books despite calling himself a fan
>muh tolkienfags