Could someone tell me about Force of Will? Never played it before...

Could someone tell me about Force of Will? Never played it before, but I'm interested and thinking of picking up a couple starter decks.

Other urls found in this thread: is force of will dying

It's a much cheaper magic clone that fixes mana screw and each deck has a commander. What I've played of it was fun but no one around here plays it.

Its dying

>but no one around here plays it
When I couldn't find a thread for it, I knew that it did not bode well.

Please elaborate, if you can.

I think people are saying it's dying because the really absurdly overpowered Regalia card type all rotated out of the Standard equivalent and as such the overall powerlevel went way down.

I'm pretty new to the game myself though so that's just my guess.

>Please elaborate, if you can.
Does he need to spell it out for you? The game is dying.

But why?

Because less and less people are playing it you moron

That doesn't elaborate on the statement at all. Based on what are you coming to the conclusion that less people are playing? Anecdotal evidence? Why are less people playing?

>Based on what are you coming to the conclusion that less people are playing?
If you had actually done any research before asking to be spoonfed on Veeky Forums, you would know that most LGSs have dropped the game, and Veeky Forums almost never has threads about it anymore.
>Why are less people playing?
Because they don't want to. There are any number of reasons a person could want to stop doing something.
Think before you post. Please.

That's not how spoonfeeding works. The burden of evidence is on the person who makes a claim; in this case, the claim was made that the game is dying, and people rightly asked you to demonstrate how that is true.

I suggest you think before you post, and actually provide some substance instead of just lazily baiting people by skirting around what you're talking about (because you don't have anything to actually say to back it up).

>That's not how spoonfeeding works.
It really is. If OP would have just done a quick Google search before making the thread he'd have his answer. It's that easy.

But why? Are the game rules bad? Is it overly expensive? Did it never take off? is force of will dying
This should tell you everything you need to know, bud.

>I don't like discussion

OP wasn't requesting a discussion-- he asked a question with many answers; all of which are available with a quick Google search.

No, it really isn't. And again you're avoiding the issue of providing anything concrete, likely because you don't have anything concrete.

Everything concrete can be found online. Prices plummeting, LGSs outright dropping the game, etc.
First result on the Google search I did for OP since I'm such a nice guy. Tells you some "concrete" stuff (as you call it), like certain cards breaking the game meta.

That didn't answer anything.

It literally did. ->

Some random literal who blog with iffy reasons about why he's stopped playing a game doesn't really mean much. He doesn't even have a single comment on his post and the guy doesn't even blog since last year.

>You should just look everything up on Google and trust the first result

You are the reason humanity is struggling in this age of information.

It gives answers, which is what OP asked for. Also, it's only the first link to appear after Googling the issue.
So you're suggesting Veeky Forums is a much more reliable source if unbiased information? Come on, now.

Jeez, what a shitposter. Stop killing discussion.

Not all of those posts are even mind, you retard. What have you contributed to the "discussion" so far?

>hipster blogger with barely any views or feedback
>hates FoW but plays a fucking MLP card game
>last post is literally "My blog's dying and I probably won't be posting again"

How Not to Provide Good Sources: the Post.

>most LGSs have dropped the game
This is the main culprit
They can't get a profit from it because FoW is constantly reprinting stuff.


I just love the artwork. But then again, I’m a turbo weeb. The gameplay itself is just EDH, but with more accessible mana. I like the game, but it’s pretty much on life support here in the States.

FoW doesn't have very expensive cards. So while a LGS can make money easily through MtG, that's not the case with FoW.

I think I'm still going to pick up two decks and make my friends play with me. Any suggestions on starters?

I kinda want to get into this but I heard there were color balance issues and the terminology is super off-putting. Like what the fuck is J-ruler? What's even happening in this game?

>>most LGSs have dropped the game
>This is the main culprit
>They can't get a profit from it because FoW is constantly reprinting stuff.
Holy shit, fifty fucking posts in and someone actually answers the question.

The most recent sets have cut back on reprints. Before the player base was upset their cards were worthless, now they're upset the cards are too expensive to acquire staples! Go figure

>a "titan"
>one of the "twelve apostles"

lol japs

>haha those silly japs, how dare they take old myths and create their own take on it
>it's certainly not like the ancient myths that we know nowadays are actually amalgamations of countless retellings and alterations by our ancestors
>baka those nips

>Like what the fuck is J-ruler?
So every deck needs to have a Ruler card, which is put into its special field zone at the beginning of the game. The vast majority of Ruler cards are double-faced, with the back side being the J-Ruler which usually functions much like a Resonator (creature). The "J" come from the card ability that transforms and summons the Ruler being called "Judgement."

lol weebs

You made a statement with no evidence to back it up, and no helpful information as to why your statement may be the case. In short, you contributed nothing useful. You then refused when other anons rightly asked for clarification.

It was just as popular as magic where I lived a few years back but that was a highly Asian area.

Part from the Anime art the main differences from MTG is the emphasis on commanders and Mana is dealt separately

It's fun but don't go expecting the same penetration and support as magic.

I would also like to know this. Been looking at this cute vampire's deck, and I heard the red Lovecraft deck was good in a thread a few months ago.

I haven't tried every single starter deck but they all seem pretty solid. Last year's decks seem a bit stronger than this year's decks but this year's are all built around a unique mechanic that are directly expanded upon in the latest booster set.

So if I grab a deck of each color for the stones and to try out, mixing this and last year's decks won't make for too much of a power difference, right?

OP here, thanks. I'll probably pick up last year's decks.