Warhammer 40k general /40kg/

Still no codex edition.

>Warhammer Community news(New releases for the Death Guard: Multipart Plague Marines and new characters)

>Daily Duncan Playlist

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>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

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>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

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1st for the Guard

IG codex where

Felinids WHEN

5th for the Sons of Titan


Would you a Stormlord?

when you purge all the heretics Jenkins

I just noticed the Ghost Ark has the Hovering rule, but the Doomsday Ark doesn't.

Is this intentional, or is GW just shit at writing consistent rules?

Just finished assembling two squads of Mk IV tacticals. Dubs decides my Legion/Chapter

Can someone please post a good picture of the Mordian and Ork hunter from the new codex?

Rainbow Warriors

>tfw when your ironic funpost is being used as an OP picture 6 months later
I've never collected Tau in my life.

Alpha Legion.

word bearers

First for for the emperor

"Dozer Blade: If a vehicle with a dozer blade charges in the Charge phase, add 1 to hit rolls made for it until the end of the ensuing fight phase." Well then... "DRIVE ME CLOSER, I WISH TO HIT THEM WITH MY NUKE!"

Storm Callers


marines melevolent



I'm not as excited about the Stormlord after all the other SHTs got better. I'm leaning towards the Hellhammer, although the Shadowsword is very good too. I think the Banehammer might be best now if you want a transport tank. The tremor effect has a lot of utility.

>that model

Is that a 3D printed V1 used as a deathstrike?

I meant the models.


Sheeeiiiiit. Time to start priming.

I like them because it really says something about the Imperium's enemies that making a low-calibre weapon with a fixed firing arc is a good idea.
It suggests that:
>The hordes of enemies it faces need such firepower to put a dent in them
>the Baneblade chassis is so massive that the stormlord's gatling guns would be firing tank shells in WW2
>the Imperium's enemies are so strong you need gatling guns of that calibre to hurt them

>lets make rules that allow two of a special weapons per unit, but only include one in each box


>take tank commander in demolisher, multi-melta sponsons, vost regiment
>give him relic of outflank himself+1 infantry unit
>upgrade him to commisar tank
>with vost strat he hits on 2s, orders himself to reroll 1s, conscript screen has ld9
heh, nothing personal xenos

So close.


Essentially, slapped on two engines making it more akin to the Russian knock off V1.


Have fun!

It sugests that the enemies of whoever made the stormlord's STC were all of those things and that the imperium hasn't changed it

fuck yeah I would

hotshot lascannon tempestus command squads + stormlords are fucking amazing

So I found this old Veeky Forums gem :

>Perigalian Bluebloods

>Formed from the rich, inbred and pampered highborns of Pergalia's noble classes, the Bluebloods are an inexpensive way for the government to both rid themselves of useless fops and fulfil imperial tithes at the same time. Always pushed into the closest meat grinder available, the regiment experiences a high turnover rate which has yet to outstrip the enthusiastic procreation of the bored upper class. The brainless yet eager Commander George Joshua Der Poppington III's sole strategy is to charge the troops across no-man's land in a glorious bayonet rush every single time, usually while the troops complain about the mud on their shoes or the loud noise. The regiment usually has enough materiel to supply even the most heinous wastage due to relatives back home sending supplies and creature comforts to their darling heroes at the front.

How should I make those guys ? Any kitbashing/conversions ideas that I could use ?

Wanted a hot swappable heavy support chassis before 8th landed and made deathstrikes terrible, now I run it as a Basilisk. The turret is fully 3d printed with an axle between the left and right halves.

I believe the stormlord was made on Lucius after heresy.
Tech-priests started to put titan minigun into vehicles and created stormlord.

mordians with valhallan rules?

You will need some FANTASTIC hats.

I'd suggest whatever the fuck the fantasy Empire Greatswords are called now.

Did you paint it grey, or are the details the only thing painted?

Megabladiers of the FreePeoples

Which army are you running that with?

Fuck, could have done far worse

I honestly don't know if you're trolling or not.

Basically, like this, I would pick personally the torsos from Scions and add some Empire hats.

>3D printed
I though it was sculpted from plaster and petroleum jelly.

>all those mold lines

wikia says it dates to the great crusade

Should have sanded that turd before painting it.

Someone has read a historybook.
Or played Company of heroes.


40k wikia is shit.

Well if your mental image of them is Blackadder aristocrats with lasguns, you might want to use 17th or early 18th century figures.


That isn't a finished picture of it, but, it was painted grey with details being picked out. Army was meant to be urban combat focused so drab colors for the most part.
Going with Firstborn for now, synergies with the rest of my army damn well. As useful as Cadian or Catachan would be, the rest of the army does better with Firstborn. Just wish that the Master of Ordinance got fixed so it wasn't a power that worked at 36" or further because that is real shitty in normal matches, 24" would be far more useful. Oh well.

So which codex is next?

Eldar or Nids
flip a coin

well I'm not going to search through the imperial armours and potentially apocalypse books to see if they say anything

IG codex share when???

Eldar then Nids

or Nids then Eldar

So whats my best bet for next purchase?
I've got some wyches and a Start Collecting box, and not sure if I should get a second SC, Gangs of Commoragh or some Scourges.


I did sand it, what I really need is a cold acetone bath setup for further prints. That is the prototype one, given how it is set up I can just set it somewhere when I get a better one made. Also a smaller nozzle will help. Few other things for some details being printed separately. It was a prototype that I was happy enough to run with for now.

Will the Deldar codex make wyches not terrible next year?

>a million rivets to paint

Munitorium vulcan mega-bolter.

You really sanded it?
Man it must have been awful at start, I guess you could pretend it's that anti-magnetic mine spacer paste they used in WWII

Do some1 has the big pic of this little daemon?

Ravagers are worth their weight in gold. Venoms and Razorwing Jetfighters are also pretty tops but its really about what you want to play/paint up more than what is good because Drukhari are pretty good this edition.

>1 baneblade
>1 tank commander
>1 wyvern
>about 30 infantrymen

>14 guard
>6 HWTs
>3 russes

I'm almost done converting my guard to fight for COBRAAAAAAAAAAA. What are you guys working on?

What's his name again, Veeky Forums?

So guys, I need help. I've got about 1200 points of Grey Knights in the form of 5 paladins w/ halberds, a brother-captain, a grand master, a paladin ancient, and an apothecary, with a stormraven.

I normally play 2500, what's a good supporting unit for those grey knights out of adeptus astartes? I normally play Ravenguard.

how's this for a quick and easy admech knights list?

superheavy detachment
knight crusader
knight warden
knight gallant

battalion detachment
2 x enginseers
3 x 5 rangers with an arquebus
3 x ironstriders

figure I'd take stygies and infiltrate the ironstriders to draw fire away from the gallant coming in hot from the front. Might also shave some points from the knight guns to bump the ranger squads up to 10. enginseers stick by the warden and crusader to heal them, burn most of the CPs on the ion shields for 4+ invuln

I have the guard codex. anyone want something specific?

A penitent engine.

Fuck My Life.

Hey makes sense to me, help shroud it from EM sweeps by the enemy looking for the unit's artillery support. But yeah, I do know it looks fucking rough to say the least. As it is, overall shape I am happy with. When summer comes around again I'm going to get two more chimera chassis and make two more and try doing cold acetone vapor baths to smooth that shit out, if it works, I'll reprint the prime's turret and have a full trio. Because it will bug me to no end seeing them having different quality.

The whole thing please


has the whole thing really not been uploaded yet?

Trying to prime some shit. Luckily it looks like the temperature and humidity will cooperate tonight.

What's the overall best turret for a single Leman in a Genestealer Cult list?

Just a battlecanoon?

>has the whole thing really not been uploaded yet?
>anyone want something specific
Fluff please

fluff of what?

Thats mr fister and mr fuck-your-sister

Veeky Forums is terrible today.

It's bad, user.

I've not tried others, but I find the demolisher cannon underperforms, and the battle cannon does just fine for me.

I'd love a razorwing, but figured I'm better off getting more basic bodies first.

Does it explain who Yarrick can order with his warlord trait, is it really only fucking other commissars?

main regiments, timeline

not even that, prefectus isnt a

right now he cant order anyone, not even himself, same thing if you give the bullgyn bodyguard the same trait

Decided to read some Mechanicus lore to see what my friend's new army is actually about, and I've got to say I'm impressed.

Mars was terraformed and as green as Earth with a bit less water. Then it went the way of the Hive World, THEN they had a Krieg-esque civil war way before the Unification of Terra and the world was Mad Maxed with atomic fire.
Then they had the literal current wars, only with more shooting lightning from fingertips, sucking life force out of the enemies and molten eyeballs everywhere, THEN the Old Night happened and contact was lost, then came the Men of Iron, and the catachombs beneath Mars got filled with sentient automata trying to kill stuff, and virus were released and the library was virulent sentient ashes.
Then the Heresy happened.

Six apocalypses and an era of disunity later, they STILL have the most generally advanced military available to humankind, in numbers that make marines a drop in the bucket. Say what you will about the toasterfuckers, they get shit done damn well. Will make gunning them down all the better.

Probably more anti-vehicle and/or (anti-horde) shooting? Maybe some units with greater numbers and/or flexibility?
Vanguard/assault, tacs (or more suitably in my view, primaris), Centurions, Vindicators, Hellblasters, Devastators, Bikes?

How big do you need it?

Here's the mordian

Battle Cannon

you could also do a layer of soft microfiller and then re-sand.