Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1789: The Articles Of Confederation Edition

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Reposting for new thread. I think it's the first time I ever did this. New things every day right?

What has been your saltiest/most butthurt moment in the chain?

Always remember that America needed day one patching.

How many explosion-happy people can you meet in the chain now?
There's Brick, Tiny Tina, and Mister Torgue from Borderlands.
There's Junkrat from Overwatch.
And now Megumin of KonoSuba.
Any others that I left out?

And the second one. Probably going to take a break and work on just DI and RL stuff.

Well I say that but you know me.

Oh fuck Yes!

By the way hows Black Butler coming? I'm curious about what the OC companions you mentioned a while back are like.

Meh. I've seen better.

Love ya Val


>DI and RL
What are those?

> Running Hawk-kites are attracted to the hardest material within their range
> The Jumper has an armor made of neutronium or admantanium or some other super dense super hard bullshit
> Jumper is now Running Hawk-Kite bait

Not bad. A lot of stuffs decided, though there's a lot of item spots still open for now.

OC Companions, I'm focusing on different sorts of Masters and Servants. Servants have more categories so you have things like Butlers, where you have a range of different OC Butlers to take as companions and they're totally not all various types of dominant/sadistic character archetypes. Same with Chefs, Gardeners and Maids, though I haven't quite nailed what I'm drawing for archetypes for them. Masters are just the opposite of Butlers.

Nothing from last posting.

Dies Irae and Real Life.

Use em to run over your enemies. Mufasa those motherfuckers.

>I took Barbaradium Body a few jumps ago
Oh god

Even more ironic is that they specifically didn't want a central government with too much power and in their desire not to be like Britain they screwed up majorly


Here's a really good series about it

Didn't you add CP to Remina, or did you do that last thread?

Yeah, was posted last thread at the end.

What is Kazuma's class? I remember it being seen as pathetic but surprisingly useful.


Ah, well. Never paid attention to the musical of Wicked, other than a song or two.
In other news, jump of Wicked is still in early stages.
>Real Life.
That's one of those myths, isn't it?

Naw, it's one of those new anime coming this fall season. Looks really hype from the trailer. Lots of action, romance, slice of life stuff. All the good shit.

This is also good for how they decided to fix it.

tl;dr The Constitution would read really differently if they saw the cotton gin coming.

Can you change the spell used for Path of the Explosions, or is it locked in forever at purchase?

Now that's a hard one. You've named a lot of the best ones right off the bat. You might like John Caster from Ring of Red. He drives a huge four-legged AFW with two barrels because he loves the explosive power.

There's also Bakugo from My Hero Academia, if you can put up with his attitude.

Eri Kasamoto from Metal Slug is also an excellent choice. Her nickname is "Memphis Bomb Princess" after all.

Oh! And Crazy Harry from any of the Muppet Jump. He's almost as much of a fan as Megumin.

Mmmm, not sure. It can be pretty damn powerful so I'm thinking of having it stuck with one, since it fits the series better do. Don't cheat on explosions and all.

Bakuda in Worm. Not always pure explosions, though.

>Holy Hexes
Shit. Is this the best magic booster in the chain?

For an advanced class version of Adventurer would Onion Knight work? Starts out as a weak generalist but follow it long enough and you start growing really fast to eventually be a master of all?

Once per mastery. They need to reach the level of expert or master, then you can pick another student.
Dropped the price.
Very unlikely, unless they have some way of sensing it at range. In universe, you'd have to hold still and let someone view interact with your ki.

Sure, why not.

>"I wish you would use your command seals more often. It is fun to be ordered around. I don't know yet whether I don't care if I'm ordered by a master or if it is special because You are the master."
People last thread talking about Saber Shiki being summoned and shit miss the more important fact that she likes being magically compelled to do stuff and being bossed around.

How big is 3x Kalameets size? Like double Darkeater Midir? So, around the size of a small town?

What's that one do again?

Some people like that stuff.

Maybe have it so you lose the benefits of the first spell if you switch? You can "break up" with one spell, but you have to be completely faithful to the other. Otherwise it really encourages going to other jumps and getting a really good spell first.

>New jump, wooo!
>reads pdf
>Uhhhh, surely it can't be that awful a setting
>nope, it's _worse_.

How cute.

Konosuba Universe-
Free The Way This Works-Adventuerer is best class, the guild is just stupid
Free To The New World
Free Stop That Thief!
Discount Miracle Man- I sure do love Luck Perks
Discount A Really Wild Adventure- I'm sorry, did you say "Yes Justice, you CAN acquire more Super Modes now"? Because that's what I heard.
Free Adventurer Card
Free A Place to Stay
Discount Cheat Weapon(Import The Sword)
Justice Cult- Fanatical and in small numbers. JUSTICE IS HERE BABY! We come to save everyone!
Canon- Chris/Eris

The Dirty Old Count+200- Nope. Not going for it. He can die for all I care
The Holy Order of Pigs+200- Still don't care.
Shameless+100- I've taken worse drawbacks
Dearth of Eris+100

Oh. Justice is PLEASED.

Cool, thanks Satan!

Still doesn't really work, as you're still able to swap around a really really good spell boost to what you need.

Sure it might encourage going to other jumps but having it swappable just encourages you to use it for whatever's most convenient at the time and not actually stick to one spell like it's themed after. Swappable also vastly boosts the versatility of it above what it currently is too.

Do origins dictate class, or can you take rogue origin and be a magic user?

Origins dictate class.


>Free retarded Goddess with a fat butt
You're a real human being Valeria.

Not so much "swapping". I was thinking more you'd have to "build up" the other spell from its base level, too, as well as lose the benefits of the other. Love and people change over the years, after all. But if that's still too much, it's not a big deal.

RIP Jumper, at least you'll have something to bound with Darkness over since she's actually tougher than her armor holy shit.

Hey if I make Astolfo in the servant Supplement and then pick the Genderbend drawback what do you think will happen?

Oh, Holy Hexes has a lot of potential. I think I'm definitely going to take that. Miracle Man, too, because the idea of turning my enemies into Mr. Magoo is an amusing one.

Reverse Trap

You're literally a God man. Holy fuck the heeell yes.

Everyone needs their free gifts.

Yeah, still won't work. Maybe if I go ahead with the capstone booster idea I might but otherwise I'll have it stay as is.

Reality breaks. It'll be worse then 2B's butt for the sanity of men.

You get a woman that looks very manly.

Twice in as many threads I did not know I wanted such a thing as badly as this until it was mentioned. This is truly justice.

Can we use A Single Greater Being + Mad World to compress the obscenely large mass from our Hellstar alt-form into something about human-sized, while still retaining the benefits that we would ordinarily derive from our size?

>Have to redo my entire chain to make room for Megumin.

I'm happy but also fuck you.

Still reading through KonoSuba, haven't gotten to this yet, but a quick skim shows we can be a rival Hellstar and get into a big space fight with Remina? Nifty. I'm going to be some weird defender of the universe, hunting my own kind.

Chair is best girl tho.

Uh....maybe eventually? That does sound like something you could eventually do though, yeah.

Megumegu is worth it



All jumps should use this color scheme.

It's much easier on my poor eyes, at least.

No Goddess race option?

Blacklight from the Prototype lets you cram as much mass as you want into any type of body you want in complete violation of physics. It also lets you shapeshift into whatever you want as well.

Too be fair we have absolutely no idea how powerful they are anyway.

Eh, I skipped on both Blacklight and Whitelight cause I'm a dumb hipster.

So, um, how good of an idea is it to take both Miracle Man and Maximum Wellness? I figure at that point I'm a walking talking Heart of Gold.


One of the Priest Capstone is basically simulating what a Goddess would be like.

Thought about it but a couple reasons had me go no. Even fallen goddesses would be super good so I didn't really want to make them a race and it also didn't really fit the way the jump intros.

I could maybe do a capstone booster eventually but I decided to pass on that for now, since I wasn't able to write it to a way that made me happy.

Pft, something like that. It'd be interesting to be around you for sure

Do Eeet

I say about the size of a rather large house or maybe even a small apartment, definitely not the size of an entire town.

>A Really Wild Adventure
I wonder how many skill points it would cost to copy super powers (e.g. flying). Sadly, since such points are earned by killing and my jumper is rather pacifistic, I'll probably go with one of the other very nice perks in this jump.

>Adventurer Card
>don't let anyone else get a hold of it

"Why I am suddenly an expert at knitting?!"

Hmm, alright. Can I at least hear your reasoning, though? It wouldn't really increase your versatility, at least not in a combat or other urgent time-frame, because you'd have to spend time and points on improving it to an appreciable level. You also lose any gains you've previously made. It's just a safety feature to ensure you didn't permanently choose incorrectly.

That seems fair but I don't know looking at Kalameet and Midir's wingspans, getting any amount times larger than them and you'll get pretty massive.

Does Shameless cancel out something like Scumper?

Of course it'd increase your versatility. Even if it takes time, you can now apply something that is normally locked to one thing to others. Just save it to use on the really powerful spells and rituals.

And again, it being changeable does not fit what it's based on.

>Skipping on one of the most OP powers in Jumpchain because you're a hipster.

Redlight's where it's at, man.

And here's a prime example of what causes /jc/ hipsterdom.

No import options for items?

Partially? Anything that doesn't contradict the drawback will still work.

You can import items into anything similar, I reckon. I'll note that in.

>Spending all your CP to be a filthy virus.

>Not spending all of it on Glorious American Firepower.

Crimson Demon bonuses only apply to Arcane Magic or can it apply to Divine?

Is there a way to control your own height without becoming some kind of shoggoth or something?

I know the feel, user. Skipping out on some powers because of how much they're hyped up.

Suffering is real.

Magic in general

Well that's because you're just the queen bitch of hipsters.


>not using science perks to make a better and still patriotic aircraft carrier

> Red is my queen.
user, stop.

Well, shit. The cats are turning draconic. Like Red.

Hey if I'm about to die can I use Its’ Name Is Jumper to call ALL the eldritch Abominations in a last act of spite?

I was mainly wondering if the drawback would do things like cancel out things that would make people deal with you being a pervert. Like the part of Scumper that makes it so people like things about you like being a pervert, or just having such charisma/beauty that very few people wouldn't welcome your attentions.

Go for it. Be the spiteful little bitch you know you are. It's great knowing that even if you die, you're foes are going to get fucked SO HARD.

Pleas tell me that it's just one aircraft carrier flying over another.
Because it kinda looks like a spacehulk-esc fusion of two carriers.

I don't skip out on powers because of how hyped they are myself. But I skip out on plenty of hyped powers, just because I feel they don't suit my character/build, or I just don't much like them.

I picked up Blacklight, but not because of power. I picked it up because I fucking love those games, and think it's cool as hell.

Jokes on you I'm blacklight and I have a respawning nuke too.

dose are guns, mate.

Big. Fuckin'. Cannons.

And yet Holy Hexes applies to all your magic, vastly increasing your strength and versatility in every spell you have. The Path of Explosions doesn't even add new effects, it just increases the parameters. Not even the most powerful spells. If you realize you were a fool and a bit too fervent over an explosion spell, and teleportatiom or invisibility might have been a better choice, there's nothing you can do about it. You'll never be able to burn ghosts with explosion, and other such effects that would become useful or necessary. It drastically loses out to a perk in its own jump at almost all times except initially. Being able to change it once every ten years hardly seems worth a capstone boost.

Also, how does it not fit the series? It's not the result of some metaphysical connection to "explosion" that explosion is so powerful, it's because the person who had the spell was obsessed over it. This is even reflected in its counterpart capstone, Hyper Build. Passion and obsession can subside over time, and theoretically other spells could have been improved if the person this was based on had bothered to.

We can agree that I am trash, this is true.

Stahp. Plz.


>I don't skip out on powers because of how hyped they are myself. But I skip out on plenty of hyped powers, just because I feel they don't suit my character/build, or I just don't much like them.

I'm with you.
Practically everyone has a Stand yet I just have not interest in them.
However, I did take Ultimate Lifeform, but not for the raw power. I almost skipped it if it wasn't for its genetic altering/copying capabilities. I have been grabbing every gene augmentation perk there is, so I had to get it.