>dat waifu-tech tho
Your player wants his character to have one. What do you do?
>dat waifu-tech tho
Your player wants his character to have one. What do you do?
give im one
He can certainly try to acquire one. And I doubt it'd affect the game much other than giving his character a quirk of having a sexbot in the house.
What an absolutely gorgeous woman. Fuck.
what does it matter?
Step on it. I hope you were satisfied with our product.
Tell them they probably can't have one, given the technology level of the setting.
>what do you mean you won't conjure me a phantasmal concubine? I am a knight of the realm, and you will obey my commands!
If he's the kind of autist that has a waifu in real life, I don't allow it. Because he'll abuse it and try to make his waifu the center of attention, and basically be "that guy".
If he's doing it purely for roleplaying and comedic purposes then it's fine. (i.e. Travis Touchdown type character)
>everything you want to hear
Jerk off instructions?
Okay, fine, I guess you can force a ghost to be your sex slave using magic, but I'm not narrating anything that goes on in that bedroom.
>has a waifu in real life
How do you have a waifu not in real life? Pretending you have a waifu on the internet? You know that's not really having a waifu, right?
>Because he'll abuse it and try to make his waifu the center of attention, and basically be "that guy".
>not jealously guarding your waifu lest other faggots try to claim her for their own
Yes, that's what I mean. That's what a "waifu" is, an imaginary fictional girl a person pretends is their girlfriend or wife.
>You know that's not really having a waifu, right?
Yes it is. That's what "having a waifu" means in real life. I know it sounds ridiculous and that's because it is.
Relating to a fictional setting, if there were gynoids or AI in the setting made for human companionship they wouldn't be called waifus anyway. The only valid reason anyone would refer to them like that is if they were trying to roleplay a weeaboo character who fawns over his waifu in-universe, as a joke. Which I think is alright. But if you're unironically asking to bring your actual waifu into the game that's a hard no.
>guy with an anime-ish hologram goes around
>gets rescued by the players
>player immediately wants to steal the hologram under threat of violence
I should have known
>save me, Krieger-san, my cherry blossoms are wilting!
>If he's doing it purely for roleplaying and comedic purposes then it's fine. (i.e. Travis Touchdown type character)
This. If they're doing it for roleplaying, like a Cyberpunk Conan the Barbarian or Krieger with his holo Waifu, then they can have one. If they just want to talk about fucking her every time the party rests, they're going to make everyone uncomfortable.
>If they just want to talk about fucking her every time the party rests, they're going to make everyone uncomfortable.
How do you know that's also not just roleplaying? The implications of actual holo-waifus are really creepy something the new Blade Runner movie plays with nicely so someone who owns one will also be really weird.
Don't get me wrong, I totally know what you mean. No one wants an actual waifu-fag ruining the game by talking about how in love he is with some moeshit anime character. But what if you're only *playing* someone in love with a moeshit anime character?
Art is supposed to give the audience an emotional reaction. However, That Guy can use this excuse to play out his self-indulgent wank fantasies in the middle of everyone elses game.
Basically if the player is doing it for sexual pleasure then they shouldn't be doing it at all in front of other people. Unless everyone is into that.
He actually was Krieger and the guy didn't watch the show
I'm not sure if i want to allow my player to seperate the two
You certainly don't want them to antagonize Krieger, I can tell you that much.
>Replicant hooker wants the d
>Stay loyal to your limited ai
Joe was a goddamn retard
Deckard did the same mistake
Seconding Krieger is a goofball, yes, but when properly pissed, he will fuck your day up something fierce.
Also on that list are Archer himself, Barry, and Pam. ESPECIALLY Pam.
Shockin' right, user!
>How do you have a waifu not in real life?
user, the opposite of having a waifu in real life is not having a waifu in real life.
>Obsessing over physical pleasure instead of embracing the divinity of virtual reality and direct neural stimulation.
For the record, I'm too much of a lazy asshole to mspaint crappy VR goggles or a Jordi visor on this guy. Well, I'm too much of a lazy asshole to make something that only looks hilariously like shit instead of just looking like shit.
I mean what the fuck am i gonna do if the guy decides to antagonize krieger?
In the game im playing he's a refugee scientist from the fallout institute - which means he has access to top tier weaponry and could possibly oneshot a player
So i have to cautiously tell them how dangerous he is without giving him the feeling of railroading because that guy wants kriegers waifu
>So i have to cautiously tell them how dangerous he is without giving him the feeling of railroading because that guy wants kriegers waifu
Just tell him that NTR is a shit fetish and that an NTR'd man is a dangerous man.
Then he shoots my boy krieger
Players are fucking awful man
You have Kroger unleash a can of whoopass and/or cyborg hounds.
Not letting you players do whatever the hell they want isn't railroading. If the character is a direct expy your Krieger, and the player was reasonably warned and persists in doing something dumb, then he gets to deal with the consequences
I think it was obvious Joe wasn't the most well-adjusted individual
Have him develop something to ruin the guy's life, or have him plant a bomb in the waifu ' projector so that if he can't have her nobody can.
>Her character into is pic related for a good few minutes
>get a chance to smash some of that pussy
>stay loyal to Galatea
Pygmallion was a goddamn retard-- oh wait, he wasn't, fuck you.
Joe was a real human bean, that's the role he always plays
Just have the guy introduce the player to his waifu's "sister" if he does him a favor.
Then make it so that waifu is loyal to Krieger. You know, "ghost in shell" kind of thing, and if someone kills Krieger, she upoads herself to net and does her utmost to avenge him and destroy the party.
Might make for a neat villain arc, to be honest.
Split Asshole Character off from party for a bit.
Have the other players encounter Synth version of asshole character. Synth-Asshole is actually a far friendlier person than Asshole, and is generally a better dude to be around.
Other players are unaware that Synth-Asshole is actually a Synth, just assume Asshole somehow turned over new leaf.
Then have Asshole reunite with party while they're mid revelry with Asshole.
Or just have Krieger design a robowaifu for asshole, if he's that dead set on it.
Not Krieger, user. One of the Krieger clones.
If he has the cash, he can do whatever the fuck pleases him. Though I must admit that I rather expected domestic replicants for the new Bladerunner movie. Just take a Real Doll, add her some kind of robotized skeleton, and the hard and software to use the body, and you have the perfect waifu - prefect for any nolife detective.
Was she sentient in the end? I've read many conflicting opinions on the "You look like a real Joe" scene, some people interpret it as a complete coincidence, which inspires him to go save Deckard by reminding him of his dead robot gf, others interpret it as it shows that Joi didn't truly believe him to be a special snowflake, she was just programmed to say those things, and the default "name for a man who has no name" is Joe. K realises that this means life only has as much meaning as we give it, and goes off to save Deckard because pic related
delet this
That sort of thing was already kind of played with in the first movie. That's basically what Pris was. Amazon Echo: Waifu Edition was new and I appreciated that even if it was really creepy.
Oh god, I'm dangerously close to falling into that kind of thing myself.
Messy breakups are hell. Never allow a man to become the center of your life.
At the very beginning the beefy replicant says that K won't understand until he sees a miracle. For K, that miracle was seeing the ad version of Joi and realizing that his Joi was truly different and special - if only to him - because of the experiences they had together. The fact that her love was programmed did not make it any less real, and indeed that same love actually allowed her to take actions that transcended her base programming.
This knowledge is what makes him decide to take Deckard to see his daughter, disobeying the resistance in the process because he realizes that even if he's actually just a completely unremarkable replicant and not born of a womb like he previously thought his own life can have meaning and humanity if he exercises his free will and does what he actually wants instead of following orders.
>wait a bit and fuck them both together when your limited AI decides she wants the d
Also, Joi was pretty well adapted to Joe’s quirks. She may have been a sophisticated chatbot, but she was one that developed to be suited just to him. One notes her disloyalty to Wallace and snappiness at the prostitute even when joe wasn’t around to hear it.
It's the difference between the character having a waifu and the player having a waifu. The latter is a problem because once the session is over and the characters put away, somebody is still fixated on the game.
Let them cajole or fight him for his waifu, and have Krieger pull deadly energy weapons, personal defense tech, horrific FEV strains, and really any discontinued (cause Father is a fucking pussy) institute projects you can think of. If things still go bad for him you can emergency teleport kreiger-kun to safety, since teleporters are apparently easy to throw together in the wasteland, even without familiarity with the technology.
If the players want to hunt down a mad scientist no longer constrained by the very staid, cautious Directotate and kidnap his AI waifu let them. They’ll have to find his hideout, get past his defenses, and fight him with his lab, guards, and arsenal at hand.
Having watched the original Blade Runner last night and 2049 today I’m kinda suspicious of Joe’s death at the end. He handled a beating from a combat model two generations more advanced than Batty and his crew and gave worse than he got, but apparently died of wounds that Nexus 6 replicants effectively pushed through. It could be blood loss, or will to live, etc., but he’s shown to be a durable motherfucker.
Also, how the fuck did Wallace manage to get Rachel’s eye color wrong when the only footage of her they had was her fucking eyes. Did the guy just not care about eyes?
>The implications of actual holo-waifus are really creepy
No they're not. The implications of holo-waifus are a sexual revolution for men, which society doesn't want. Can't get men to continue being obedient worker drones and fighting amongst each other when they all have easy access to sexual satisfaction.
>someone who owns one will also be really weird
Exactly the kind of shaming language you can expect to see should AI waifus become a thing on Earth. "You want something that offers happiness without making you jump through tons of hoops? Ew, that's gross. You're gross."
>Having watched the original Blade Runner last night and 2049 today I’m kinda suspicious of Joe’s death at the end. He handled a beating from a combat model two generations more advanced than Batty and his crew and gave worse than he got, but apparently died of wounds that Nexus 6 replicants effectively pushed through. It could be blood loss, or will to live, etc., but he’s shown to be a durable motherfucker.
Whether or not he dies is completely ambiguous. It's entirely plausible he just lays in the snow for a while not giving a fuck about the cold or his wounds, then leaves with Deckard to go into hiding (from both Wallace and the resistance).
>Also, how the fuck did Wallace manage to get Rachel’s eye color wrong when the only footage of her they had was her fucking eyes. Did the guy just not care about eyes?
I like to think that Deckard said that mostly to convince himself. He knows that his Rachel - the real Rachel - is dead, but the new one really is a perfect copy so he makes up some difference just for his own sake, and as a jab at Wallace.
He got stabbed in the gut. Stomach acids leaking out and digesting his body. He would have been fine in a day if he went to the hospital, but he kind of went on a road trip instead. The flippy replicant from the first film was disabled in one shot, and died in two.
Also the eye thing may have just been a quip.
>For the record, I'm too much of a lazy asshole to mspaint crappy VR goggles or a Jordi visor on this guy.
Apparently too lazy to spell Geordi correctly, either.
>Apparently too lazy to spell Geordi correctly, either.
You're right. I am.
This. People drone on about true love and companionship but let's face it: most people don't really want companionship from a mate. Most people are perfectly fine without a real, living human to listen to them bitching and say that they love them. People are imperfect. They want, they care, they act outside expectations. This is fine for a friend, but a defect in a lover. Humans are an inefficient vessel for projected human emotions, which is really all the romantic fulfillment most people want.
Hey so no offence but are you literally a sociopath?
more likely just a basement dweller who's never spoken to anyone that wasn't a blood relative.
Actually, I disagree with a lot of that. I think people *do* want companionship, with all the emotions and everything. It's just that it's particularly difficult for men to get it in our society, because society places far more expectations and demands on men than it does on women when it comes to getting companionship. And even if you can meet those expectations and demands, it can still end up feeling like the whole thing is highly conditional, even cold and mercenary, and if you slip up even slightly, you'll lose everything. AI waifus wouldn't be like that. They'd just want you, no other bullshit required. They'd treat you the way most men treat their female lovers.
When it comes to synthetic sex, it's interesting that women seem to largely be satisfied with dildos and vibrators, but fleshlights usually aren't enough for men. Men want an entire person, with a complete body, intelligence, and emotions, and someone they can talk to as well as fuck. They don't just want to get off, even though that's definitely a major part of it. They also want a strong emotional connection. That's the whole reason that resonates with people.
And yet people say that men are the shallow ones.
Our culture has a very fucked up view of men's sexuality and emotions. It views those things in very mechanical, utilitarian terms. Just look at how people react differently to male sexual dysfunction vs. female sexual dysfunction.
"You can't get hard? What a loser! Can't please a woman!" (No mention of the fact that he's deprived of pleasure as well, because his pleasure doesn't count.)
"You can't get wet? Oh you poor thing! You can't enjoy sex!" (Compassion, no judgement, her pleasure is considered important.)
I'll get off my soapbox now. Here's a picture of Cortana.
The flippy replicant wasn’t a combat model, and joe was. He definitely needs medical attention, but he’s robust enough to be smashed through walls without significant internal damage. He’d definitely need to tend his wounds, and might never fully recover, but by my reckoning he’s sturdy enough to hold out at least a day more. He’s an engineered fighter, and only went a short time between getting stabbed to the final scene, from pre-dawn to morning. The police chief in blade runner said the only way to hurt Nexus 6 combat models was to kill them, and he’s thirty years more advanced in terms of any sort of countermeasures he might contain.
100% agree user, Hookup culture these days has just pushed more and more men into being weird social recluses because they can't get their emotional resonance from real companionship, so they get a waifu instead. Also figures why male depression and suicide is so high and rising.
This is what feminists actually mean when they discuss""toxic masculinity"", they acknowledge all the problems men face in the modern world, and they agree the cultural barrier between men and women should be lowered, they just have to phrase it like masculinity is the problem, and not a fucked up culture that's had a complete socio-political revolution for 51% of it's population in the past 100 years while the other 49% is expected to carry on like nothing's changed.
If they admitted that then they'd have to acknowledge that they're responsible for the problem.
Or what's infinitely worse, that everything isn't men's fault.
All women were born from sperm created by a man, therefore any problems caused by women are also indirectly the result of a man.
>Doesn't know about the Sacred Balance of the Masculine and Feminine
It's like I'm not even on Veeky Forums
Or /x/.
>never allow anyone into your life, ever
>Can't get men to continue being obedient worker drones and fighting amongst each other when they all have easy access to sexual satisfaction.
Honestly I always kind of thought that providing artificial waifus made men into GREATER drones, but that's an interesting point of view.
I guess his idea is that if you don't need to seek status for emotional and sexual satisfaction many more avenues become appealing and viable, and a person could fuck around following their passion for what pay they can find because they wouldn't need to live as a breadwinner and go-getter to have a satisfying life.
It's arguably possible now, and it's debatable whether sexbots would have such an effect because it really comes down to the minutiae of their presence in society, but it's as likely as anything else.
I coulds see that outcome. I could also see someone giving up all ambition forever because instant satisfaction is easily and freely granted, though. Until they run out of money to survive, anyway. Same thing with other potentially addictive enjoyable experiences, though. I suppose it depends on the person.
You're both retardedly overthinking this in opposite directions. The implications are fucking nothing. The world is exactly as boring as you think it is and very little is going to change that. There's not some deeper meaning to something like this.
People that want perfect robot waifu's will be present day Japan. The biggest problem will be population slipping, but once all the later night talkshows run out of sad NEET jokes, everyone gets used to it and moves on. The people with their Waifu's are a neat little subculture that "normal" people don't really talk about, and when they do it either wouldn't be taken seriously, or they'd have the same "yeah whatever, to each their own" reaction most people have today.
There's not some secret shadow cult holding the whip using pussy to keep the masses brainwashed. And the inventions of a working replacement for pussy doesn't suddenly turn the world into some creepy sex-crazed mad max society
Honestly, I think all the things you can do with a human-mimicing AI that aren't 'have sex with it' will be at least as revolutionary, likely more. For starters, having bots that are indistinguishable, or nearly so, from humans will likely mean the slow death of social media as swarms of competing chatbots push out the humans.
I think the hedonic treadmill would prevent that sort of total collapse of motivation, at least.
>It's arguably possible now
No it isn't.
I guess I'm the sort that imagines he'd get tired of fucking eventually and turn towards productive but self selected projects, and hope that this attitude is held by at least most adults. Also, social status and its perks wouldn't vanish, it's just that the bottom floor wouldn't hurt so much.
Then again, in your situation we might just finally take the initiative and automate nearly everything. We'd presumably have the means, and if everyone had other things to take up their time it would be expedient for the powers that be. Though that might mean your perfect waifs/husbando is also a fountain or micro targeted propaganda, though the matters it would be propagating could also end up pretty trivial.
To bring it back to Blade Runner, I want to slap the stupid out of Tyrell and Wallace for relying on such a stupidly volitle system when better alternatives for their purposes and for everyone else as well.
Given the choice between a technocratic urban mega sprawl where I and everyone I know is disenfranchised and malcontent and miserable and one where we're disenfranchised, satisfied, and happy, I'd pick the latter.
Give him it, turns out it was spying on him the whole time and when he does something stupid or they plan stuff around his waifu bot it goes back to whoevers using it to spy. Either the police or a third party they've fucked with and now knows their next job, where they will be and what their plan is.. except now someone is waiting there and has already made sure every escape path is secured by armed guards.
It's not a secret shadow cult. Domesticity is a recognized societal ideal, and one that is no longer helpful.
Why a third party they've fucked with? Why not the sexbot company, collecting data for the highest bidders, that being special interests and advertisers.
Are you retarded mate?
There is literally a propaganda machine constantly at work. Every moment of every day it pushes out RIGHT THINK and WRONG THINK. It tells you what you should do and what you shouldn't do to be accepted by your time. It makes you think whatever it wants you to think is normal in exchange for entertaining you.
Welcome to television, to the internet, to the radio, to the printing press.
There IS a conspiracy. You just don't realize that it's so fucking big it's literally in every home in every first world society and is considered abnormal not to listen to it. This is one of the key features of classic dystopian media.
Because if you fuck with the mafia and now the mafia knows where you will be bad things is going to happen. Only the Mafia isn't going to tell you how they know, they will just keep spying on them until they figure it out
It’s a mind effecting phenomenon under the power of a numerical minority, but it’s too broad, fractious, and decentralized to be called a conspiracy. It’s a function of human will and fallibility, not a controlling secret order. It’s just powerful men seeking to enrich themselves, and ambitions men seeking to join in their riches or seize them for themselves to increase their own fortunes. Everybody wants to rule the world, even but what one finds is that large scale forces can only be managed, not controlled.
I'll third that agreement.
I think this kind of AI waifu stuff in media is super interesting because of the fact that its a relationship based rather entirely on emotions/companionship; with little to no physicality to it. It's fascinating seeing how they deal with the fact they can't touch one another.
So much of our culture is based on boning that something like this seems almost comforting to me.
Well just in the thread we’ve had people belittle joe’s emotional development for preferring his chaste relationship with his dedicated confidante over a hookup with a forward prostitute.
>Why not the sexbot company, collecting data for the highest bidders, that being special interests and advertisers.
Did we all just forget that Ashley Madison was a thing?
It is by definition a conspiracy. Especially when you consider how much of it is just straight made up. Not to get political but how much shit did they throw at Trump with no evidence? RUSSIAN HACKING for months and yet zero evidence for it.
It is the biggest conspiracy in human history and you deny it is such because "That's just what humans do"
>it’s a conspiracy because I don’t believe what they’re reporting at the moment
Is how I read your post
You don't know what a conspiracy is do you?
I do, I just don’t think the situation qualifies because it generally requires illicit or criminal intent. There is a large number of people intent to profit by legal means, via the businesses they own and operate, by investigating and reporting the actions of the president, his family, and his cabinet. You can believe or disbelieve their reports, just as with the evidence they use to support them. If disbelieving, I’d does follow that they are making concerted efforts against him, if believing it follows that they are reporting facts along with editorial information along the lines of their known lines of bias, which they do to keep their chosen market segment.
I have my facts, you have your alternative facts.
The media is controlled by the system, it gets to decide what is and isn't legal. A government conspiracy would be entirely legal because the government decided it was legal.
>This is what feminists actually mean
feminists don't ''mean'' anything, they're agenda-driven useful idiots
Grab his phone, turn on text to speech and open up cleverbot.
Turns out he bought a bootleg product, and he's stuck with a defective AI because customer service won't let him return it.
More like for being a willing murderslave and a depressed wreck that he is at the start of the movie
It's almost as if his life would be more than bearable if he wasn't treated like an inhuman object.
>t. Roy Batty
Sure, that's true. Still that doesn't make him well-adjusted, just about as well as could be expected
Man, even the film critics who say the new Blade Runner is great have to add shit like "but you won't see it twice" or "but it falls short".
Are film critics ever NOT humongous faggots who literally deserve to die? Like, here's definitive proof that they literally can't NOT talk shit, even about shit that they themselves think is good. How many fucking movies are there where critics bomb it and the audiences love it. Fuck film critics.
This. I find myself agreeing more with the audience score than the critic score on rotten tomatoes, for example.
A prime example is the new star trek series debacle. It's getting high praise from critics. But mostly boos from fans and audience. However the Orville is getting panned by critics, but everyone is saying it's the only true star trek show right now.
Fuck critics.
It's literally a profession built on the assumption you're smarter than most people and they know it.
Even I talk shit about the shit I like. It's easy to do when you like something, because then you can see its flaws. I liked the new King Kong film for monster action, but I'd still say a bunch of the characters are superfluous or could be easily combined.