So I was in a Ryuutama game recently with two other players. While I don't care who gets the spotlight, I feel the GM was just showing more attention to the other two players. He gave one player a cursed sword, and made another one the new emperor because she was proven to be the descendent of the emperor. Should the GM have given something to me too? Has this happened to you as well?
Player Bias
>While I don't care who gets the spotlight
Rothfuss is cool fuck off.
Just be grateful Wheaton isn't doing it anymore.
I try to be fair in my games, but I won't give all my players something just because I gave it to one of them. Who gets the interesting story bits and who gets the best items is determined by a number of factors, with effort put into roleplaying being one of the foremost.
NOTE: that I said effort, not quality. Someone can be a really shitty roleplayer and still get rewarded as long as it's clear they're trying. I don't want to punish players, especially new ones, just because they're inexperienced, or a bit awkward.
To be fair I consistently have 7-9 players and it simply isn't possible for everyone to get spotlight time every session, or even every story segment/campaign arc
He's a piece of shit fat writer who is holding his third book hostage because he knows he will fade into irrelevancy after people have read and forgotten it. It's been done for years (he's admitted so himself), so why hasn't it been published? He's a fat coward who is just milking the nerd community.
If you regularly don't show up for my games, don't expect to be part of the story or get special items. You're going to be an auxiliary character at best.
This was only the first session and I was the first to show up
Although this seems to be about you, you haven't given any information on what you actually so did, so this will be rather generic.
You see, this is actually rather normal. A multitude of factors can split a GMs attention and it's hard to be all fair all the time. Maybe the other players were more up front with their desires or talked to him out of game. Maybe he simply got along better with the others just a little bit and played favorites. It happens.
The thing is, if your fun is lessened by this, it's YOUR turn to bring that up. Talk to your GM. Tell him you want at least a little side story, but don't pressure him. Sure, this is Veeky Forums so you either being a fag or having autism is highly likely, but just try to have a normal conversation with your GM about it.
Personally, I haven't really see a campaign where everyone was equally important - maybe unimportant because we were being railroaded - but when that didn't happen, there's always one or two guys that just stand out more. I mean it kinda sucks for you that it happened in a 3 player group, because that should be small enough to divide equally, but if your playing with 4-5 guys, something like that is normal
This is a sensible opinion as a GM, but should be made clear to the player in question
>first session
>cursed sword and someone crowned emperor
Is Ryuutama supposed to be high powered or is your GM new?
My GM is quite new. He's only been GMing since early February. It didn't even feel like Ryuutama to tell you the truth. My friends played a demon, and a lamia and I played a kitsune. The lamia became emperor because she was supposedly a descendent of an emperor who fell in love and had children with a lamia (I'm not making this up)
So you are a faggot who doesn't like fun, got it
Sorry if I came off as blunt, as that was not my intent. I guess I'm just upset that he worked so hard to implement my friends' characters into the plot and just didn't bother to do anything with mine. I just felt that the story he wanted to tell fit more with other systems, that is all
>I guess I'm just upset that he worked so hard to implement my friends' characters into the plot and just didn't bother to do anything with mine.
Oh sorry, it seems Í was wrong. You are a jealous faggot who doesn't like others having fun, got it
Am this user What this situation looks like to me is your GM is just getting all of his shitty ideas over and done with out the gate. New GMs doing this shit is pretty common, it's not that he's biased towards the other players, but probably because you haven't asked for anything yet.
t. guy who had two GMs like this and had players complain about what you're complaining about
Thanks for understanding. I wouldn't call his ideas shitty though. Like I said before, some of them would work well in other settings. The thing with the other players is they haven't asked for anything. He just randomly gave my friend a sword, and decided out of nowhere that my other friend (who played the lamia) should be the true heir to the throne. My friend was actually taken aback and actually felt it was a bit forced because he kinda threw the responsibility of being emperor onto my friend
Ryuutama is about farmers and blacksmiths and shit.
New characters should have problems finding modest armor that's horrifically out of fashion and also smells a bit off, to say nothing of cursed artifacts.
Sounds like he's just going with whatever seems cool to him at the time.
I guess you are right as well. I guess we all have that urge to add something cool to our games. It feels like something that we can enjoy. I've come to realise though that you have to take into account the player's situation as well, so many of those cool ideas have to get scrapped for continuity reasons
Sometimes in my games certain players manage to get a bit extra as a result of good roleplay and taking initiative (not the stat, the actual concept) in the game that causes their actions to lead to rewards, status and the like. Because of certain personalities being more prone to this, it can quickly lead to "X Player seems kinda like the main character" scenarios.
It seems a healthy idea to, at some points, throw the players who don't get rewarded as much or as often a bit of good luck. A player solos a shadow in combat when they've been behind on the reward train? Some quirk of the ephemeral causes the shadow's essence to be absorbed into their sword, dyeing the steel black and causing it to drain the vitality of its foes, giving it some minor regen mechanic they can play with. Invent some lore statement that the rare, spontaneous enchanting of weapons is a thing, and it's likely adventurers just see more of it because they expose themselves to the criteria needed for it more often. Things like that.
However, it's important for players to stress their concerns with me; if you feel like you're taking a backseat and want a little more attention, tell me. I'll try and wrap a sidequest more about you in, sprinkle in some monsters built to be tough to beat without something only you bring to the table, something like that to give you a chance to take the lead for a bit.
Missed your thread
That does sound quite nice. Thank you for sharing your experience