Millennials of Veeky Forums get in here

How is your financial life and future doing despite the myriad of obstacles we have to face?

dont even want to start down that path ya dig,,,a financially stable future is all I want

I am a WHITE MALE in the United States of America. Shit's SO cash!!

>Work in devops making an obscence amount of money as a 23 year old (110k)
>Made over 80k on crypto in 6 months
>literally have no debt/commitments besides my cat so can get shredded, and travel 1 month a year fucking sloots

Life isn't too bad

What do you do for a living you magnificent faggot?

I do your mom.


Extremely comfy. Got into crypto in 2011 and haven't left since so I actually don't have to work for the rest of my life and pay out of pocket for medical and dental and all that stuff. It's pretty funny how shocked everyone is and how they always try to talk me out of it, waiting for insurance, or getting into payment plans instead. I actually started getting really bored last year and have since started working part-time as a program assistant at my state university which is only 15 minutes away. I get to flirt with and fuck high school girls who are in our accelerated college program. Will probably do this for another year or so before getting bored again. Thinking about moving abroad but then I think about all the effort and paperwork needed and I just shrug the idea away.

27 y/o software engineer in the midwest making ~90k at a startup without considering benefits

family owned a dilapidated loft so dropped 10k on remodeling it and don't pay any rent

40k in student loans. don't give a shit about student loans because making a killing investing entire paycheck into crypto.

I dunno, I feel like I'm cheating at life sometimes. I live pretty frugally, never eat out, just reinvest.

max out hsa and roth ira.

Crypto got me interested in understanding real investments and how persona finances work for or against you (in the case of student loans). I've begun to take steps to stop living a financially automates life (work, pay bills,repeat until dead) but instead I have been reading up on successful investors like Warrant Buffet, Charlie Mungee, Jack Bogule and Benjamin Graham to understand how the markets work, how to remove emotion from investing and focus on giving myself as much of an advantage against an unsure future as possible. It's also begun spurring my interest in philosophy so there's that side benefit as well. Overall becoming more and more financially literate actually has made me feel like I have a better handle in my life and it shocks (yet at the same time doesn't surprise me) how little importance schools place on teaching these ACTUAL life serving skills

Work as electrician with zero debt. Even if I lose $40000 I'm doing better than a lot of people.

Too bad I'm a loser brainlet otherwise

I will finish uni early next year. I studied communication design (designing ads, websites and shit) and just hope I didn't get memed out. I have no fucking clue where I want to work after and I'm scared. Crypto is the only thing I feel good with in life.

Failing at uni doing software engineering and student loan will eat all my gainz after taxman takes his share
Life is hard

23 yo working in tech sales , life is okay.

Still live at home despite making 75-100k, have quite a bit in crypto and stocks already so solid there.

No gf, family is toxic, really need to move out but my fucking LINK stacks have made that tough

My finances are ok, I've been richer and I've been poorer. My long term outlook is good, physical health is good, so I have no complaints.

Age 23 here. Doing ok. Making $60k/year in a job that doesn't interest me that much, but which was willing to hire me with no relevant experience. $30k in debt currently. Have $16k in crypto, which I may cash out to pay off the debt next year, if it grows to 30k. I can rebuild a crypto portfolio later, I just want to be a free man.

I should've invested more than $2500 into crypto. I was trying not to be reckless. No regrets though, at least I put something in.

>Warrant Buffet

Just think how much your portfolio is going to be worth after you hodl for a few years in state prison for cumming in a 17 year old!

make 100k doing easy enough job, fell for marriage meme and wife also makes 100k, live in comfy apartment in nyc by central park. 2 cats, student loans being paid by the gubmint in 2 years, saving for house, maybe gonna make it in crypto but I'm good even if I don't.

Idk. I failed my start up after college and it took me two years of interning to get on the bottom rung of my career field. Meaning I don't earn a lot, atm. Luckily I have a house, paid car, but like 10k in savings and 5k in crypto. Still have debt from college.

I have no debt, a really great job, 100k a year in the midwest and i'm good at what I do, and I have 200k in ETH, but cryptos have stressed me out so much I started losing my hair at 30. so no gf no matter how much ETH I have.

I have rich parents and got a good paying job I got through nepotism.

>1st year medical student
>no loans because of mining btc back in 2010 cause of the memes
>financially independent
>considered unemployed so taxes are comfy

Life is good

in due time, my friend.
fortune favors the bold

I'm currently shorting the US economy with my crypto gains.
I'll be a multi-billionaire within a year or so.


Kek, damn autocorrect

is this a legitimate holding strategy? kinda like waiting 3 turns in monopoly jail instead of paying?

devops? Sounds made up.

>29 make 40-60k year
>bunch of debt
>hot ass slave gf who worships me
>self employed, never had a "real" job
>own company worth 500k+
>lease my car
>work about 3-6 hours a week, tops

Feels good desu.

What does your company do user?

B.S. in Manufacturing Technology, got a job as lead designer for some microwave point to point telecoms equipment for $16/hr (((lol))), equipment worked, marketing and sales for it didn't, started drinking heavily, got fired, lost my apartment, couch surfed and worked shit jobs for 6 months.
Now I'm a wildland firefighter, made $30k for 8 months of grueling work this year, love my job but it's going to kill me one day so I'm only planning on doing it for another 2-5 years.
Managed to sink $2300 into crypto after this season, over traded until I lost half of it, then learned how to hold and am back up to $2200-2500 depending on how bitcoin is fucking alts at the time.
I really just want to make enough for a down payment on a starter home and pay off my student loans ($34k), then the rest is gravy.
If I can support myself with crypto, then I'll start a business, buy a copy of Solidworks and a CNC mill for fun and just make stuff until I die.

>Have a degree in accounting with Finance minor.
>No debt but have never had a legitimate job that paid more than $12 an hour because there aren't any jobs.
>Got into crypto a year ago and did some other entrepeneurial stuff which made my life a lot better.
>Invested in a coding school. Almost finished so can probably get a programming job before the end of the year.
>Get annoyed at my retarded normie family because they don't get the concept of taking risks and thinking outside the box.

Yeah, go for it user!

You fuckers are even more entitled than the boomers. You need to work for your money, not get loans, debt, everything on credit and a shit degree and then complain that life is so hard for you. It’s your own stupid fault.
Learn the value of money, stop expecting handouts and free shit and please, for the love of got, stop thinking you are special. You ain’t shit and deserve nothing unless you break away from the herd and think for yourself, sacrifice and put in the hard work.
Pro tip: education and a 9-5 is the herd.

Primarily mobile software with some web properties too.

Leave boomer. You were handed literally everything on a platter and still managed to fuck it all up. Kys.

Learn a trade or actual skill that’s needed. We have enough lawyers, poloticians, dentists, etc... get working or get lucky. You make bad life choices.

>Found the salty no-coiner
You're too stressed from wagecucking to jerk off aren't you user?

Neck yourself

I’m 30 lmao. You guys are all delusional and bought the lies. It’s not your fault. You have been indoctrinated. Take my advice and snap out if it, face reality. Your life is a lie, it’s fake.

>>Have a degree in accounting with Finance minor.
>>No debt but have never had a legitimate job that paid more than $12 an hour because there aren't any jobs.

Honestly, succeeding in finance(even in accounting) is mainly based on who you know. Probably why so many autists (like me) these days cannot even find a half-decent accounting job. It's even worse in the UK because the job market is oversaturated as fuck. I've also been thinking about learning to code, mainly just SQL shit.

‘84 here

Married a dumb whore who’s almost certainly cheating on me. I hate her so much. Prepping for divorce. I’m on debt up to my asshole. I have a shitty corporate office job that I fucking hate. Pretty much if crypto doesn’t free me from this hell I don’t know how much longer I can keep going without killing my self.

Boomer boot licker, even worse. I'm 29, you're a retard. I know more about hard work than you do, guaranteed.

Get your cpa dumbass

Who hurt you bud? You've got a lot of misguided negative energy? There are lots of good resources out there for people as miserable as you

>used to be in military as mechanic
>work at some maintenance job after on
>got disabled circa 2010
>on disability ever since
>put 1800$ into crypto, now its 5K$
>portfolio is stagnate, it seem to be stuck

lol speaking of millenials go into the signals channel and look at what these stupid bitch fat discord nerd girls are saying about stellar... calling BTC the devil and stellar is the way forward for a progressive world lmfao

I am uneducated due to dyslexia and probably mildly retarded. Barely a GED. I'm doing okay running a business we net combined income under 40k a year. Unable to ever buy a house on this income. Too retarded and stubborn for education or to be a wage slave. Crypto is my only hope. Or get lucky and find something rare since I'm a picker American Picker style. At least I'm free which is an amazing feeling.

I'm doing okay, which is to say that I'm not a failure but that I haven't met with sufficient success thus far to say that I'm well past the post of what my inevitable inheritance will look like (I'm an only child). There are some interesting obstacles in my path just as there are some interesting opportunities. I have my fingers in several entrepreneurial ventures at the moment, but I've found thus far that both financiers and potential partners are incredibly unreliable. My credit score is in the high 700's, but banks tell me that I have insufficient accounts (read: not enough money) to lend me anything. Partners tend to cut and run the minute that they smell risk, typically to our mutual detriment. Everyone wants reward, nobody can tolerate risk.

Right now I've got a gig going as a contractor for a fairly large company. I'm about to walk to a competitor because they've been so sketchy about paying me, and I do this knowing that their budgetary allocations are based in part on the work that I do so by walking away I am effectively robbing their department of funding as the projects that I specialize in cannot be completed. They have known that I have had the capacity to do this the entire time, yet have been unwilling to stop attempting to fuck me over. I can only hope that the other firm is going to be more accommodating, especially after I walked out of this one.

What I've found in business thus far is everybody in the corporate world is a stupid, short-sighted, greedy motherfucker swimming in a culture that encourages them to be stupid, short-sighted, greedy motherfuckers. Everybody wants guaranteed profits with no risk, and getting people to turn on the tap and start trying to work with you instead of fucking you over is like getting blood from a stone, except the stone smugly thinks that it's smarter than you and is shocked when you outmaneuver it.

>Greatest Generation: Fights World War 2 to save Capitalism. Gives everyone amazing prosperity and the lowest unemployment rate in American history. They knew when they had enough money and didn't screw each other just so they could have an extra Cadillac in the driveway. They actually gave a shit about their fellow man.

>Boomers: Took all of the prosperity for themselves, sold all of our jobs overseas and gutted all of our unions and benefits just so they could buy stupid shit, giving no thought to the fact that future generations would be fucked.

>Millennials: Most of us were raised by these parasites. They raised us and then blame us for their mistakes. Their narcissism has caused many of us to have commitment issues and the fact that they never invested any money into education prevented us from learning something that could actually get us a fucking competitive job when we were in our prime learning years instead of us being forced to read from shitty outdated textbooks and have to put up with ineffective old teachers that just wanted a paycheck. But no, it's my fault that I had to go back to school at 25.

Lol I’ve been ‘retired’ since I was 25. No stress here. I’m not rich either. I just played a smart game and am happy now living a very modest (some would say poverty) life. I am relatively free and that’s what’s important to me. I don’t chase dreams of fame and glory. My ‘poverty’ seems to be over too thanks to crypto and a bit of luck. But my life doesn’t matter to you and nor should it. I am only offering honest advice and trying to save you all a lot of misery.
Never get a loan.
Stop chasing fake and fortune.
Find a partner, settle down and have some kids.
You don’t need to have a flashy car or big house. Get something cheap, move to the country. Cities are miserable.
Get a trade or skill people want and save save save then invest.
Don’t live beyobd your means, credit is never the answer. If you get a mortgage have a 5 year plan to fully pay it off.
Above all, stop being greedy. Learn to aoreciatr the smaller things in life and learn to love freedom above everything else.
You have nothing to stress about. Cut your expenses to a minimum and work for 5-10 years and save/invest. This means no flashy cars, big TVs etc. Shit takes time. If you aren’t retarded and do this you can retire by 40 and be happy. Life is not a race. Old boomers got lucky sure but they also worked for years to get where they are now.
It’s the bankers and loan givers you want to hate. If nobody got bank loans for houses then the prices would drop, same with everything. Anybody getting things in credit is part of the problem and that includes your education. Work+save and stop expecting a free ride. Life isn’t fair, deal with it. Boomers had housing and you have crypto. The 1% had stocks. You can be the next 1% generation if you play it smart. Just stop being brats about it. You have every ipertunity if only you look and stop complaining about the past. Fuck loans, fuck the banks and go all in on DECENTRALISED crypto. Yw millennials.

i agree with much you said.
iv been looking for a partner to develop apps/games with (its fairly easy for 2 people) and most of them couldn't bother even starting the project.
i could do projects myself but its much easier with a partner

You're too old to post here if you fall for the CPA meme.

>debt from meme school 25k debt from CC 3k
>income 45k a year
>2k in savings 1.2k 'invested" in shitcoins (1.4k profit)
>assets 2016 WRX own free and clear
>getting married next year

Life's good I guess seeing as I'm a brainlet who fucked up my earlier years.

ur ahead of your time by being behind the times, i salute u .. but city isn't misery for us all.. some of us need it.. you can bring the country to the city! ;)

> divorced
> shit job paying $16
> 3 maxed out CC’s
> renting
> car loan
> pay check to paycheck
> $1000 in crypto

Pray for me

CPA doesn't exist in the uk, anyways most qualifications that are like the CPA in the uk require like 3 years relevant experience which you cannot obtain since entry level jobs require fucking 2 years experience within a practice.

24, $11k in crypto and a paltry $130 in stocks.

I started out taking computer repair work in the WinXP era and did it on-and-off as a side gig until around 2015. It helped me land a lot of jobs in retail, restaurants, warehouses, etc.

Now I go to a community college for shop classes and work as an apprentice in my trade.

Only debt is $5k in student loans and I enjoy the work I am in.

This has been a very good year.

The law of averages says most ppl would be happier out if it. That’s all. Especially the majority trying to go ‘professional’ not that they are all bad. The city is where I made myself the man I am today but it’s not my cup of tea for a lifestyle. Some say they enjoy it but I have met very few who genuinely enjoy the rat race. To each their own. It’s chasing shitty pipe dreams if you ask me and very fake, it’s just an extension of higher education really. Some of those corporate settings are no different from the classroom. It’s kind of sad how they never grow up. I suppose it is what you make if it, there are just so many fucking zombies in cities!

Chased that dream huh? Sounds like you rushed to ‘make it’ when in reality things take time. You’re still young. Just have to get those debts paid off and start again. You should be find by the time you are 35 if you are carful. GL!
Debts paid first and never get more.

>It’s the bankers and loan givers you want to hate. If nobody got bank loans for houses then the prices would drop, same with everything. Anybody getting things in credit is part of the problem and that includes your education.
Damn, never considered this despite it being blindingly obvious.

Thanks for the motivation M8

>shit-tier liberal arts degree
>only have had a few short term jobs
>currently unemployed, living at parents
>60K in crypto, 50K in the bank, 150K in stocks (given to me by uncle)
pretty comfy right now, going to buy a new car soon, just hoping I can get a new job soon and be able to move out

why dont you pay off your loans while you have the money? what if crypto drops off? Veeky Forumstards are really strange to me sometimes

You are right I sit on my ass and fap. And I make a wagecucks paycheck in a day.

>buys a new car before owning a house

You'll never make it with the financial awareness of a chocolate american

late bloomers who get into stem are the best kind of black pilled

I have 1 3/4 years to make enough to sustain for at least 10 years or so.

>masters in cs
>dead end underpaid software engineering job
>tons of debt from college
>shit luck in crypto, can't predict market, make stupid decisions
>live in mom's basement
>can't afford to rent my own place
>will never afford a home
>will never have a gf or family
life sucks and i only have myself to blame

I'm with you. Millennials are more indoctrinated than boomers. Jew worshipers and good goys the lot of them. They deserve what is coming. We all do.

The interest, the extra bit you pay back on a loan (USURY JEWISH INVENTION) on every single loan is created from nothing out of the ass and added to the economy (that portion of money doesn't exist before the loan is created). Federal reserve's have to print money to cover it causing inflation.
Since banks can't do that shit with crypto (coins are mostly finite) they are shitting themselves.
Governments like the US, EU, Russia etc will have to kill crypto to maintain control eventually imo.
They are favouring coins like ripple that creates coins, take note of that.
Unironically, some boomers I've talked to still think paper money is backed by gold.

There is no rush, things take time and sacrifice. You will get there, in time. At the very least you can provide a better life for your kids. The worst thing you can do is get greedy and rush. It rarely works out. Risks are fine but not ones that will leave you destitute. Very occasionally an entrepreneur takes a big risk and wins but you get more winners in the long run from the people who take it slow and don’t get greedy. Be average! It’s great. Better than burning out by the time you are 40 and ending up on meds’ or with a drug problem to cope. Not to mention ending up single and childless (or paying child support). It’s no way to live your life. It’s all part of the plan of course. You get taught to consume and crave new things from birth. It’s a hard program to break out if. Once you do the stress is greatly reduced. I lived off $10 a week for food for three years. Now Ive got my plans in order and can relax a bit. It was worth the sacrifice and hard work. It’s amazing what being debt free and saving the pennies Can do, even on minimum wage. Luxury goods are not a necessity. I think we forget that. There is plenty of time to get the cool stuff, if you play it safer now. That’s how I see it anyway. I had my first holiday since I was a kid in the summer. It was awesome and I appreciated it and had no stress to come back to. It was an experience not an escape. Life shouldn’t be something you want to escape from. There is plenty of joy to be Fiji’s from the simple things in it. Again, we are taught that isn’t true and forget that life isn’t all red carpets, the latest gadget and who has the nicer house/car etc. It’s only a competition if you make it so, only a race if you try to win. Otherwise it’s just a nice walk to the end with time to enjoy the trip.

TL;DR: buy LINK (kek)

You make it so easy. Pay your taxes!

2022 it will all collapse. That’s when the debt claim ck runs out and the welfare will have to end. Hopefully crypto remains decentralised and helps us escape the failing banking system and it’s debt/loan based economy. We are all going to need to get some perspective soon. The banks used our greed against us, we have only ourselves to blame. We deserve this.

Debt clock*
>phone fag posting

At least I have my Pumping Spiced Latte

I own some land, more than 20 acres. GOnna start leaning to homestead. Got real lucky and over 100k in crypto and a decent job. All this shit is a lot to take in. Trying to jewpill my friends and just survive this coming apocalypse. Good luck user.

I'm starting the second semester of my first year in college. Hoping to make it by trading crypto so I can get my family out of the ghetto. I have a modest amount of capital. I just need to flip it a couple more times before we move out to a nice cozy cheap house out in Oregon

That is my end goal actually. I still need a bit more luck with my crypto but I am already out in the countryside, I just need some land and maybe one last house move. Really great plan imo. Good luck!
Weird you have NEO because most people are Cypher. Ignorance is certainly not going to be bliss in a few years time.

Hope you make it, brother.

I am 23, live in parents spare room, work a mediocre job as a merchandiser.
I invested a few hundred in FUN, XRP, and POE.
These better fucking moon, or I'mma gonna snap.

What coins you holding?

these larp threads are the WORST

Feels good that basically everyone in this thread who owns some crypto is gonna be set for life.

All the normies are gonna subsidise our cost of living by buying crypto due to fomo

>save jews and international capitalism and communism, you mean.

You show your ignorance here on what the German economic aims were. They weren't anti free-trade, only against predatory global capitalism that hurts a nation.

Except me.

>22 years old, just graduated
>working as an accountant in a big 4 doing FDD and valuation, salary 43k CAD a year while working on my CPA
>set all my bills to auto pay, live a pretty simple life in the city with my video games and tinder
>no debt, portfolio worth 40k CAD and growing

My 5 year goals is to hit 80k salary, obtain CPA license and buy a house/condo.

Bad ones probably lol. ARK, NEO, REQ, LINK, QSP, XRP, XLM, XYB, BAT, ENJ, HST, ALIS are my main ones with minimum of $500 in each. Holding for 12+ months and pumping any spare fiat I get into random real world use shit coins. If I make it I make it, if not then oh well. I’ll cope.

It really is the banks who have tucked it all up when you think about it. Governments and the people all take loans from them and in turn they get more power and prices of things go up requiring more and bigger loans. It’s madness.

I'm in XRP and XLM are good choices despite the XRP bank connection it is going to go way up and will have staying power.
XEM also has a lot of potential.

Post your Ripple address and I will send you some to help you out.

24, dropped out of high school and got a GED. Went to community college, transferred to a top 25 university with a full scholarship. Just finished my final days at university last week and will be starting a consulting position in March. Invested 1500 a month ago into crypto and almost doubled that so far.

I salute you for your posts. I can never find the words to describe what you described in just a few sentences. I will use them.

The whole system is really just pure madness.

I'm in crypto with 1000$, let's see what I can make of it as a bonus.




That’s very kind of you. The XRP actually on my friends nano so I don’t even know the address lol. We bought it together 6 months ago and I’ve not bothered moving it. It’s cool though, thanks. I am actually an idiot and sold 3k nearly last week of it... never again. He still has about 5k left. Kind of gutted about that but lesson learned!

Me and my friend had that exact same conversation about the xrp and bank stuff. We decided in the end that like you said, it’s going to have the staying power to survive even in a near total collapse of crypto so we would be daft not to get some.

XEM does look good but out if my price range now really. I could get a hundred every few weeks but I kind of enjoy the smaller risky gambles with the shit coibsidk. It is good though. Scary, but good. It can’t be as bad as IOTA hopefully. Now that is scary lol.

Best of luck and thank you. I wish you success.
The rotchild one is better “give me control of a countries money supply and I care not for who writes its laws”
Taking loans if them for wars was our first mistake. Whole nations in debt and then they had to give permission to be allowed to feed on the individual.

Its all good then man. I actually didnt check the ID and sent some to that dude up there but it was a test amount first lol.If you want to make one I will send later if the thread is still around but I will verify the ID.

Studying to be a CPA with a internship at BDO in April. Explain yourself.

18 year olds are the fucking best. I wish the stigma about fucking them wasn't there.

Pretty shit, can't lie. Living in bumfuck rural town with no jobs and no car. Trying to scrap up enough money to get a train ticket out of here to the nearest city. My old highschool friend's insistance on getting me hooked on dope is starting to look more and more enticing. I get what people in poverty mean now that they don't see a way out, just crushing despair 24/7. Shit's not cash, but I'm doing all I can.

Selling off all of my possessions on Craigslist. There are some rich old fucks around here so I might put up a few ads for a Cryptocurrency Money Manager. I feel some of that hunger, like you're backed against a wall and will do anything to get out. Don't care about the regulations or laws, just my own ass and not dying in "Salem's Lot."

What can I say. I thought those coal workers and "muh jobs" were just exaggerations, but here I am after highschool with shit all. I'm not angry, just desperate.

I posted this one because it aligned with what you were implying: we get what we deserve. I don't entirely agree with that, though, since the masses are basically brainless and never actually think much. I square most the blame on traitor gentile elite classes throughout the West that sold us out to international jewry and set themselves up as their compatriots in ruin. I don't believe most people have the capacity for much self-agency. That Rothschild one is a good one though.

32 was in crypto in 2013 went from 75 CAD to 10 BTC, preg gf says sell it all or i leave, leaves anyway. caring for autistic daughter working as a server cause can't move her closer to jobs my education can get me. Played csgo to cool down while she sleeps, gained skins, sold them and withdrew into ETH, starting with 85 dollar in crypto again lets see if it i can do it all over again.