So how to make a good Human-Succubus romance story, to make a demon degenerate and sinister and yet still cute and likable? Also, how would "fix a succubus" scenario work? Like that succubus would become better overtime and transform back to Angel?
Of course, I mean Christian setting, where evil doesnt exist ontologically, Demons are fallen Angels and weren't always dicks and douchbags.
>Of course, I mean Christian setting, where evil doesnt exist ontologically, Demons are fallen Angels and weren't always dicks and douchbags Then there is no hope for the succubus. Blasphemy is the worst of sins
Liam Ortiz
so Veeky Forums actually just means whatever fictional concepts and fetishes you want to discuss?
Tyler Young
Well, God is merciful and would forgive repenting, its just that Demons refuse to repent, according to Christianity. But by fantasy world setting, I mean a bit...modified attitude toward the latter one. On the otherhand, Human becoming corrupted and becoming some sort of undead/lich is also interesting (I think)
Tyler Stewart
So, you have a thing on succubi, but in order to not to look like a complete degenerate, you justify it by """fixing""" it with phallus?
Evan Martin
Please masturbate before posting on Veeky Forums.
David Smith
Just give the succubus free will and let her decide she doesn't want to be degenerate and sinister. The OP pic is related because an easy way to make the succubus likable is to show them as they are before they can be expected to behave sexually, then build from there.
Having a succubus become an angel is bad. You want them to be rebelling against their own instincts, not following some christian agenda. It's not punk if you get a reward at the end.
Asher Rogers
>fix a demon of lust and sex with "love" I really wish you faggots would stop with this sophomoric bullshit. It's like trying to get Einstein to worship you by showing you can do basic addition. You are not special, your love is not special. Especially when your idea of "love" is doing literally the exact same shit every other human in love does. Take your purification fetish and shove it up your ass.
Henry Hill
What about succubi that are thousands of years old that haven't adapted to today's degenerate mores? The succubus has sex with the husband in order to cause marital strife, then finds out they're poly and the wife invites the succubus over for a threesome?
Ryan Ortiz
Sounds like you are all bitter.
Ian Myers
Yup. Bit him too.
Noah Carter
In Nomine Satanis/Magna Veritas style. Demon incarnated in a dead girl, goes around with her life when she's on a mission for an archdemon, just a regular human being, with a secret identity of torturing puppies for professional reasons/fun.
It's a twisted christian setting, so as you said the angel/demon dichotomy is more of a Law/Chaos thing rather than a Good/Evil.
>"fix" your beloved What kind of abusive relationship is this, hmm? She's your partner, work with her, don't change her core being. If you try that shit, she'll probably try to corrupt you in return, and my bet is on the living incarnation on lust, not on the neckbearded mortal.
Nolan Clark
This is the only answer. Op is a Little bitch who wants us to justify his craptacular porn fantasy.
Sage this shit.
Aiden Diaz
maybe a bit too accurate with that insult, lol
Xavier Adams
Post that pic already
Mason Stewart
Agreed. I'm keeping this thread open just for it so hurry up and do it OP.
Julian Hall
>How to make a good Human-Succubus romance story. The Succubus falls in love with the human, but the human doesn't fall in love with the Succubus (bonus if he's super religious and her Cham magic doesn't work on him)
Gabriel Watson
Just do what happened in Catherine. The main girl is trying to seduce the guy but his choices and focus on her leads him to being with her. then end with him being king of the demons like a badass
Austin Campbell
Blake Brown
I once made a succubus character (as a GM) who haunted local gaming stores and seduced thirsty nerds by being super cute instead of slutty. She killed everyone she dated so everyone thought she was a perfect virgin waifu.
Can't go wrong with a succubus who wears glasses.
Jose Clark
And let me guess, each one thought it was worth it as his last breath left him.
Say, what happens to the souls? Does she consume them as fuel, do they go to Hell, does she store them somewhere for later use?
Kevin Moore
Quests were banished to make room for quality threads like this
Tyler Diaz
Man this comic turned to fucking shit so fast.
Isaiah Miller
>>Sinfest What's up with the comic lately? I stopped reading when it went from ironic SJW to completely unironic turbo-faggot SJW. Shame, too, I liked the arc where the devil said fuck it and went on vacation for a while.
Did it ever get better again?
Tyler Foster
Why can't asians grasp western mythology?
Kevin Wilson
After centuries of cold, emotionless lust, the succubus finds that it doesn't get her off anymore. She decides to try being passionate and loving in addition to being intensely lustful. She targets a boy who's been deprived of sex and love for a long time for whatever reason (crippling shyness, fear, dick problems, trauma, whatever), because it'll intensify the energy he releases. She sees it as just a kink at first, but starts to get addicted to it when she sees how amazing it feels. She tells all her succubus sisters about it, they start doing it as well, and a new wave of sexual bliss sweeps across the earth, carried on the wings of hordes of succubi.
In Heaven, God watches as this revolution puts an end to war and hatred and every other earthly problem. God is formless, but if it had a form, it would smile and nod its approval as the beings it created to be angels of sex and love find their true selves at last.
Justin Barnes
No, it's just gotten worse. So much worse that threads about it get banned. Just walk away and imagine it never came up and live your life a happier person.
Brandon Collins
Nathan Reed
Jose Rogers
sinfest used to be so nice.
Christian Ward
Owen Powell
>does she store them somewhere for later use? Yes
Gotta maintain that chubby nerd girl bod somehow
Sebastian Howard
>Well, God is merciful and would forgive repenting, its just that Demons refuse to repent, according to Christianity. He is fair, which means that while demons can be forgiven they would still burn in hell for all eternity. Mercy without justice is no mercy at all
Lincoln Smith
>lately Sinfest has now been terrible for A LOT longer than it was ever good. And it was really good too, which is a damn shame.
Anthony Nguyen
>seduced thirsty nerds by being super cute instead of slutty. She killed everyone she dated so everyone thought she was a perfect virgin waifu. >Can't go wrong with a succubus who wears glasses.
Robert Miller
I'm fairly certain a repentant demon would experience the presence of God as a burning fire until their impurity is totally burned away. It'd be a painful experience, and probably a long one, but if they persevered with whatever compelled them to make the attempt they could overcome it, if there is possibility for repentance in whatever state those beyond death know. Love has a place for both justice and mercy.
Jack Morales
And then it turns out she's actually just a scared little girl desperately trying to find her daddy?
Caleb James
Degeneracy depends on what a societies standards are. Maybe to the succubus haveing a chaste monogomous relationship is degenerate?
Also there are fallen angels. Maybe she becomes a redeemed demon? Like she gets closer to the middle where humans are, rather than all the way to the other end of the spectrum.
As for 'fixing' her, she needs some motivation to be redeemed, can't help someone who doesn't want it, but I imagine treating her like a decent human being could do wonders.
Austin Long
>I want to redeem a demon through the power of LOVE. >It's always the sex demon.
Adrian Brown
>just a human and succubus >not the hero and the demon queen I just finished every available chapter, what the fuck am I supposed to do now while I wait for scanlations at snail pace?
Matthew Adams
We tried with the horrible rape/torture demons....It went about as well as you'd expect it to.
Nathaniel Brown
I hate this fucking website.
Connor Anderson
Just ask them for more pleasure than pain. Cenobites understand that the things they can show you don't necessarily need to be shown all at once.
Austin Rodriguez
As it turns out the sort of people this thing appeals to are exactly the ones that sex demons would trick
Angel Jones
So how to make a good Human-Daemon romance story in 40k? How would it work? Which god has the best daughters for marriage? How do you make it non-heretical? Could you be wedded by a ministorum priest, or do you need a dark apostle (traveling into the eye is expensive and time consuming, although your bride would probably feel more at home there).
Ryder Collins
>romance a vaguely-female Bloodletter >die horribly >romance a vaguely-female Plagued One >die horribly >romance a vaguely-female Horror >die horribly >romance a probably-female Daemonette >die extremely horribly >romance an Undivided cultist >fuck once or twice, then die horribly to something mostly unrelated
Parker Adams
What if you can best your bloodletter waifu in combat and disarm her every time? Your sword skills are just that good!
Andrew Edwards
Wrong way around, bruh. Justice without mercy is no justice at all.
Alexander Flores
It being disarmed wouldn't stop it from fighting you. It'd probably develop some sort of cross between a boiling hateful grudge and wire-thin loyalty to you after you kill it a number of times in single combat, but you'd be too busy gathering skulls for Khorne to do anything else.
John Hernandez
Why does it seem like 40kids either totally ignore "Your dudes" and "It's a big galaxy," or ignore the few iron-clad rules the setting has for dumb and not very interesting reasons?
Gabriel Carter
how about you just play kyonyuu fantasy and make it a day?
Lucas Reed
What is that about?
Nolan Davis
I'm pretty sure most daemons aren't capable of love. Daemon Prince(ss)'s might be different, having once been human.
Owen James
Tzeentchian demon(because tzeentch demons can actually have relationships) and a citizen get stuck on a quarantine planet.
After surviving all the horrors the planet has to offer, the two fall in love.
Tzeentch makes him become a demon prince because tzeentch, bang badda boom.
Cooper Price
Depends on whether or not the atonement works or not.
Willfully rebelling against a god that you know exists is pretty much the worst sin possible.
Thomas Ward
For the good of Veeky Forums and /tg Please smother yourself in your sleep and stop posting these awful threads
Jayden Allen
is that image from catherine?
Evan Roberts
Ccan you give exampeles for comparison?
Lucas Harris
>Also, how would "fix a succubus" scenario work? >Of course, I mean Christian setting, where evil doesnt exist ontologically, Demons are fallen Angels and weren't always dicks and douchbags. It wouldn't.
Eli Gutierrez
>Well, God is merciful and would forgive repenting, its just that Demons refuse to repent, according to Christianity There's nothing in Christian lore that would suggest that demons are redeemable like that.
>to make a demon degenerate and sinister and yet still cute and likable? Let's both pretend for five seconds that our dicks don't exist.
You can't. You simply cannot do this. Do you know what a demon is? Unless you go to the Greek root word daemonion (which can basically mean any kind of supernatural entity), a demon is always defined by being evil. In D&D they're more akin to evil elementals: creatures literally made of the force that is evilness itself. They cannot and should not be redeemable, that's the entire point. The very act of redeeming them cleanses them of evil. A redeemed evil man becomes a good man, but his man-ness does not change. A redeemed demon/evil elemental becomes... nothingness. There's nothing left, neither corporeal nor metaphysical. In a way, demons are the only ones who can take the fast lane to redemption: being redeemed through their own labor or being smitten, it's all the same.
>Of course, I mean Christian setting, where evil doesnt exist ontologically, Demons are fallen Angels and weren't always dicks and douchbags. In that case it's probably introspection of any kind. I think it's even accepted that Satan *could* be redeemed if he just asked for it. But if we're going that route, succubi are apocryphical and you're mixing theology and fantasy purely to tickle your pickle.
Connor Diaz
Nope, it never got better and here is what you have missed out on. >Lady liberty breaking up with Uncle Sam because Sam waswatching porn on his laptop >Monique or "Nique" became a lesbian >A guy who bought a sexbot gets turned into a frog and forgets he ever was a human because he was evil for wanting his sex bot to return to him after it spontaneously gained sentience and ran away, to get saved by assassin sex bots with similar software glitches >Slick has now a good self and bad self and i have no idea how the bad self gets out of the mirror world to be an ass in regular universe >Devil built a wall around the realism zone >Sam got two new girlfriends who are a brainless bimbo and some militant dominatrix, also he got a giant mech >Evil Slick got a giant mech >Devil hosted a party and invited Lil' E and his retarded friends there too, then it all turned into a giant fight with some OC donut steal character added year or two ago
Also Tatsu made some attempt at fleshing out Lilith's and Devils relationship with a arc set in past.
Isaac Hill
This. We need to add this to the cat post
Juan Edwards
Different user here. Take this.
Adam Howard
Doesn't matter, still a demon in need of smiting
Charles Lewis
all 4 of those look like parody to me.
Alexander Bennett
The difference is that the first three didn't lead to anything and the last one was serious and led to the arc we have been on since 2011.
Jaxon Ward
D&D demons canonically ARE redeemable, though.
Leo Thompson
how hard would it be to fuck a succubus till they turn good?
Josiah Gray
How long do you have to sleep to turn a sloth demon good?
Easton Rivera
>tzeentch >relationships other than sociopathic ladder climbing and manipulation.
If anything Slaaneshi daemons would be the most likely to love, but of course they'd take it too far and be yandere at best.
Jeremiah Lee
Succubi, yes. I have yet to see a redeemed Balor though. But nobody wants to fuck Balor. Hence my condition for this discussion: let's pretend our dicks don't exist.
Blake Rodriguez
How long do you have to spend on /v/ to make a Wrath demon good?
Jack Evans
Basically, every comic that is NOT about the love story between that pink demon and nerd in the series is garbage
Tyler Morales
>fix a demon of lust and sex with stoic asceticism >redefine love as unconditional compassion while stripping the baseline of desire from the equation while continually reminding it no, you don't do that using a penis, stop that I'd read that comic.
Chase Reyes
>But nobody wants to fuck Balor
Josiah Flores
There's nothing that doesn't, either. It's been the opinion of quite a few religious scholars that even Satan is redeemable.
The only train of thought that rejects this is the one based on Aquinas' fanfiction.
Brandon Phillips
Uhm, yes there is. And in fact I remember that there are Orthodox monasteries where they pray that demons would repent.
Austin Hall
>Shitting on Aquinas Protestants OUT! Veeky Forums is a catholic board
Dominic Reyes
>Succubi, yes. I have yet to see a redeemed Balor though.
I've actually seen this in games. Rather, a Balor on the road to redemption, who had chained himself to a rock on the very outskirts of hell and was studying/writing illuminated manuscripts in order to better understand 'good'.
He's appeared in three games with the same setting, so he's either achieved redemption already and doesn't realize it, or he's never going to, but the fact that he's devoted his existence to the attempt makes the pursuit no less meaningful. He makes for a cool recurring character.
Wyatt Watson
>catholic board uhm no, sweety, this is Orthodox board
Daniel Cook
>Of course, I mean Christian setting, where evil doesnt exist ontologically, Demons are fallen Angels and weren't always dicks and douchbags.In that case it's probably introspection of any kind. I think it's even accepted that Satan *could* be redeemed if he just asked for it. But if we're going that route, succubi are apocryphical and you're mixing theology and fantasy purely to tickle your pickle. There's two main things OP's overlooking here: a)Christian god himself is an epic level douchebag, so it would not be strange for the angels that became demons to always have been douchebags either. b)Christian angels and demons alike do not possess free will (it's a uniquely human quality in christianity), meaning that however they are is exactly as god intended them to be. Thus they're still irredeemable.
Jaxson Thomas
I'm neither, though I probably sympathize with Catholics more due to its status as a less morbid and stringent religion that's more accepting of mankind's flawed nature.
Either way, being Catholic doesn't mean you have to suck Aquinas' dick. He's a very eloquent writer but he often just made shit up because it was his headcanon.
Brody Green
>a good man redeems a succubus by fucking her >realizes that the same principle must apply to other demons as well >redeems a sloth demon by making sure it gets a perfect night's sleep >redeems an envy demon by explaining to it just how much better God is at everything >redeems a wrath demon by making it browse /v/ >redeems a vainglory demon by praising it >redeems a gluttony demon by hiring a masterchef to cook it the best meal ever >It was actually all the same demon who was having fun in making him indulge in all the deadly sins and making sure he'll go to hell
Michael Evans
WRONG! This is a Mormon board sanctioned by prophet Joseph Smith (pbuh)
Robert Turner
We only believe in a certain set of gods here.
Logan Robinson
>pbuh Nice try Achmed
Colton Torres
>Christian angels and demons alike do not possess free will
This is never stated in any scripture. They very clearly demonstrate free will.
Caleb Williams
>Christian god himself is an epic level douchebag, No, he explains opposite what you are saying: In Christianity there is no ontological evil. God is good and all he has made is good. >Christian angels and demons alike do not possess free will (it's a uniquely human quality in christianity) Uhm...yes they do.
Blake Jenkins
>set of gods There is but one god and his name is RNGsus.
Kayden Wright
>"I dont get Christian theology even slightly":the post
Christian Lee
OP here and you are wrong. Just like this guy said here: I just specified what Aspects I meant to concentrate when I stated "Christian setting"
Jace Ramirez
>even Satan is redeemable Then "eternity in hell" is kind of a non-threat, isn't it?
Elijah Fisher
No, the fact that someone is redeemable, doesnt mean that he will repent at all.
Blake Stewart
Consider: Christian theology is a morass of stuff that stands in contradiction to other stuff, because it amassed over thousands of years of revision, mistranslation, and intentional reinterpretation.
Shit, man, the actual idea of Lucifer the fallen angel is complete poppycock if you go Vulgate.
Leo Green
Depends on your views. We have Dante to blame for hell (or Gehenna, rather) being imagined as Satan's fiery torture chamber, where he also made the more often forgotten description of hell (the gnashing of teeth) literal as well in the 9th circle. From what I know, Catholic theology (confirmed in the Cathechisms I think?) and Orthodox theology have very different views.
According to Catholics, hell is simply the painful, shameful and all-consuming absence of God. The Orthodox on the other hand believe that everyone ends up in the presence of God, but to those who have rejected God His shining and radiant presence is insufferable.
This reminds me of something Timothy Keller said. To paraphrase him: a lot of people ask me if hell really is a place of fire and torture. When I say it isn't, there's always a sigh of relief. But they always tense up when I tell them it's much, much worse than that.
Cameron Ortiz
>The Orthodox on the other hand believe that everyone ends up in the presence of God, but to those who have rejected God His shining and radiant presence is insufferable. Yes, as an Orthodox I can confirm: This theologoumena about hell is dating back to St. Isaac of Nineveh. Most common example is how sunlight melts wax and hardens clay. Similarly, light and love of God is joy for Saints and misery for damned. God loves all, but this love is received differently by recipients, basically.
Blake Young
I was thinking more in the kind of Christian I actually see on a day to day basis. The only Christians around me who give a damn about their religion are fire and brimstone types who think the universe is 6000 years old and masturbating sends you to hell (unless you accept Jesus between your last fap and dying, of course).
>but to those who have rejected God His shining and radiant presence is insufferable. See, that would be a better way to have it. It still has issues, but it's not "God made a place to torture you because he loves you so much".