Where were you when WotC jumped the shark and decided to completely shit on MtG's logo?
Where were you when WotC jumped the shark and decided to completely shit on MtG's logo?
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Bring back the blue one.
Is that lens flare?
This is fine I guess.
>some jackoff with a graphic design degree got payed a salary to (((((redesign))))) the logo by removing detail and applying a metallic gradient filter
I don't blame that guy in particular though, wasting time and money to rebrand yourself is more appealing to suits that actually stressing the longstanding issues with your design team and the product they create.
Looks more sleek and modern
Because that's what you want for your fantasy epic. Sleek and modern.
it's to better sell planeswalkers!
The lens flare doesn't seem to be part of the icon itself. The font and such are fine, although it kind of looks like a "modern" style from 10 years ago.
The icon is stupid however. What is it even supposed to represent? The Jacon Five?
>The lens flare doesn't seem to be part of the icon itself.
RE: I'm an idiot, immediately forgot this: I believe this is the case because if you go to the linked site, there's another logo for MtG ARENA which doesn't come with the lens flare
Who cares? The one on the actual cards will stay the same. This doesn't matter in the slightest.
Why tho'
They can't change the back, so I don't care.
This, Magic is at that akward stage in a company life where everyting is done to please noob execs who don't know shit abour the company and were just hired because your earnings got a bit too good to not be sharked away by suits.
Honestly im just sick of every damn modern thing using that flat-style for everything. What if i want depth or detail in my god damn icons and programs?
As long as they never change the card backs, who cares?
I don't like the logomark, but the logotype is way better.
>The icon is stupid however. What is it even supposed to represent? The Jacon Five?
Dude, the planeswalker symbol has been around since literally Time Spiral block.
It being around a long time doesn't make it less stupid. Hell MaRo's been around that long.
Well it matches the redesign they gave the website a few years back at least.
>Dude, the planeswalker symbol has been around since literally Time Spiral block.
Find me a card with the planeswalker symbol on it in Time Spiral block or shut your mouth.
It's Fantasy Justice League now.
Logos are supposed to represent whatever they're a logo for. Can you really claim with a straight face that this is less in line with the tone and feel of modern MtG than the old one was? I'm kind of shocked it took them this long
>the building blocks of a brand that can see itself not only as a game, but as an entertainment property
This line in particular makes me want to vomit. Why can they not just let the lore of a game be the lore of a game? Books and stories exploring the lore I can live with because decent writers tend to be very careful about expanding the lore properly and in the same tone as the original work (and bad ones tend to get ignored), but you just know that they don't mean that when they say "entertainment property".
Mark my words, there will be a MtG movie, it will be pushed by WotC to no end, and it will be awful.
Let's hope it's awful AND it bombs. Because if they release it and they get any small amount of profit out of it, they'll start pushing to make it a "cinematic universe".
Let's hope it goes the way of the new ghostbusters and assassin's creed movies and just die a silent death.
Problem is, I suspect if it does bomb it'll take a good chunk of investor confidence in MtG down with it. I won't say it'll kill MtG, because it's enough of a cash cow to live for many years to come, but I wouldn't be surprised if a bad movie results in job losses and decreased investment in MtG.
That said, the idea of a "cinematic universe" is still probably worse.
To be honest, that wouldn't be such a bad thing. When entertainment companies fuck up, they have to go crawling back to their core audience and make ammendments to keep themselves afloat.
I've seen it in wrestling, videogames, comics, etc.
If they go for the movie, tank hard, lose the surplus of new investors that are only interested in the "brand" and "marketing", we might get some of the good old stuff like player rewards and more mechanic focused sets.
You can't try to appeal to a bigger demographic when you are fighting to stay afloat.
Fair point, but the question then becomes: how long does it take for them to come crawling back, and how much of a core audience will be there to welcome them? Because I can easily see them alienating their original core so much that MtG shrinks by a decent amount by the time they come to their senses. If and/or when that happens, I highly doubt they can get back the lost market share, especially when you have competitors in the market which have only really been stifled by the fact that MtG commands such a large portion of the market. Fantasy Flight would probably jump at the change to snatch up some market share, especially because they're sitting on a bunch of card games which can be easily pushed.
Cinematic universes are already dead. DC stepped out and Disney is becoming wishy-washy about it because Marvel/Star Wars merchandise is shelfwarming and all the moneymaking actors are leaving.
Back in the days of radio, they invented these things called soap operas, which were marketed to housewives. The idea was to get people to keep watching no matter what, because the longer they watched the less likely they were to ever stop watching. It didn't matter if the story was good, just that there was a lot of it and that it could keep going indefinitely, with regularly scheduled SHAHKING TWEESTS to keep things from getting too stale. As long as you kept giving them more, they'd keep using them to escape from their dull, empty lives.
Think of nerds as the housewives of the 21st Century, and setting details as the new secret evil twin.
See if they took the property and went at an odd angle with it, I wouldn't mind so much. I'd be way happier about the prospect of a MtG sitcom than I would a MtG movie, simply because it would hopefully avoid being so god damn generic and mishandled by what feels like the same set of movie men.
Also, isn't shonen anime basically nerd soap operas? Naruto, Dragon Ball and One Piece pretty much all fit the description you gave, just replace "SHAHKING TWEESTS" with bullshit power ups.
It never amazes me how retarded you fuckers can be.
Tell that to HASBRO and pretty much every single other company that owns a franchise.
Aren't you interested in the "Dark universe" with Tom Cruise's hit movie "The Mummy"?
How about the Kaiju universe, with King Kong and Godzilla?
They will keep milking that cash cow until the new cash cow appears.
The core audience of MTG will never truly go away. They are getting older each day and they can't keep the new players around, but the core public will always be there, much like the warhammer fans with games workshop.
The core fans will be more than happy to pay more to get the stuff they want (Modern reprints, more mechanic based sets, even more commander stuff), but the market is more that ready to get that casual market back.
My bet: The next big cartoon/anime will take the casual player much like pokémon did it in the 90's and Yu-gi-oh in the mid-00's. WotC would be more serviced if they spent all the resources and creative power they are putting on this "movie" into a cartoon series, because that would attract players from ALL ages now, since cartoons lately have been appealing to older audiences and they'd have more creative control to pick and choose what to showcase in the cartoon, instead of having to push for something like the jacetice league they've been pushing for the last 3 years or so.
>Also, isn't shonen anime basically nerd soap operas? Naruto, Dragon Ball and One Piece pretty much all fit the description you gave, just replace "SHAHKING TWEESTS" with bullshit power ups.
Oh, absolutely. Comic books, too. This isn't new in any way, it's just now there's a lot more nerdshit that follows the same model.
Well, One Piece doesn't have as much BS power ups. Relatively speaking.
MaRo's been around since Alliances.
Guess what!
The fact that a Magic movie is in the works to some degree or another has been a known thing for years now.
>WotC would be more serviced if they spent all the resources and creative power they are putting on this "movie" into a cartoon series
That would be the smart move. We can't count on investors to want that smart move though, especially because they probably see movies as a bigger, quicker return on investment. A cartoon series would work as a better long term return and bring in new blood to the actual game, but I suspect that isn't the game plan. If anything I get an awful feeling that some of the investors don't like the idea that the property is tethered to the card game, so they don't particularly want to push people towards it, but instead towards the intellectual property. That in particular is partly why the phrase "entertainment property" was so stomach churning: because it looks like the 1st stages of a larger pattern involving divorcing the intellectual property (which is marketable in the eyes of investors) from the original product that spawned it (which has a smaller, more niche appeal to a group of dedicated fans they don't particularly want to deal with).
Again, reminds me of WRESTLING. WWE is about "sports entertainment", not WRASSLING anymore.
MTG isn't going to be about the card game anymore, it's going to be about "GEEK ENTERTAINMENT"
>The next big cartoon/anime will take the casual player much like pokémon did it in the 90's and Yu-gi-oh in the mid-00's.
I don't know, there's been plenty of popular shows that could have been turned into CCGs but weren't. I think you're vastly underestimating how long the wait could be
>WotC would be more serviced if they spent all the resources and creative power they are putting on this "movie" into a cartoon series, because that would attract players from ALL ages now, since cartoons lately have been appealing to older audiences
Sort of confused why they haven't already. Especially since Hasbro had so much success using a cartoon to market a toy line recently
>they'd have more creative control to pick and choose what to showcase in the cartoon, instead of having to push for something like the jacetice league they've been pushing for the last 3 years or so.
I don't know why you think they'd make it about anyone else. Otherwise what was the point of building them up as the mascots of the franchise? Maybe if they tried making a movie first and flopped. Otherwise, have fun with Jacetice League Now
This. Are you talking to your investors? Because as a player, I do not fucking care. Is it my property? No, only the cards are, of which there are many thousands of other copies around the world. Is it WotC's property? I don't give a shit, it's not like they're doing the best job in the world with it. Am I supposed to care because muh card value and market and meta economy blah blah? If I wanted money, I'd go for stocks or foreign currencies or whatever and get many times as much, with less hassle because I won't be as involved emotionally in the subject.
Besides, if it's not ["just"] a game, it does a worse job of being a game. It's like a toaster that has a flower pot and a web browser and a chalk board and is still worse at toasting bread than a plain model.
It's the obviously the chain veil, this was established in 2014.
If they went the justice league cartoon route, I wouldn't mind. Focusing on the jacetice league for the first series, set up some villians, planes, get a pretty cool finale and then procceed to go unlimited in the second series and show all the other cool planeswalkers and characters outside the main jacetice league.
>there's been plenty of popular shows that could have been turned into CCGs
None as BIG of a fever as YGO in its heyday or even a fraction of pokémon's success.
You are right, it may take a while longer, but it could appear anytime.
Kaijuu movies in Japan have had a shared universe for decades, though. Albeit a very loose one.
Here guys, straight from the horse's mouth:
>None as BIG of a fever as YGO in its heyday or even a fraction of pokémon's success.
I'd argue they were only as big as they were because of their tie-ins. Done right, a Steven Universe CCG could have been a huge hit. Maybe not YGO/Pokemon huge, but big enough to really hurt MtG.
Fake news.
>"Dark universe"
Universal has to put out a Dracula, Frankenstein, Wolfman and Mummy movies at least once every 10 years or they'll lose the cinematic rights to the characters and after losing the rights to Poe, Hunchback of Notredame, the Invisible Man and Phantom of the Opera they're sure as fuck not letting that happen even if they have to produce crap movies that don't make money like Dracula Untold.
Jesus, the movie made all of its profits overseas. Everybody in the world, besides the US, seem to love Tom Cruise.
>Everybody in the world, besides the US, seem to love urban fantasy.
I could watch SyFy movies in open tv while on vacations in Mexico. They're as ubiquitous in the international market as police procedural is in Murrika.
>I want my children's card game to look old so i can feel better about having wasted so much time on it.
Good luck with that. The investment is never worth it.
Honestly just surprises me that the artwork for Omniscience has been around for 3+ years before being used as a card.
This would have been fine had the M and the A still the small disconnected areas.
There must be a middle-ground between the original font and design and this bland generic "sleek design".
Updating for the sake of updating almost always is a waste of investment also. Remember New Coke? Or Blue energy being superman? Age of Sigmar?
> banner was needed that could fly proudly over all of Magic's worlds and themes, in the tabletop card game as well as in digital games, apps, narrative entertainment, fashion and lifestyle products, animated and live-action entertainment, and anything else that the future could hold.
So we're not only getting a movie but also a cartoon/anime?
They better give us a official card database app with built-in Life tracker and deckbuilder soon. Even Games Workshop is releasing apps with army list builders.
>Fashion products
Oh yeah, don't they design some fancy clothes based on some characters?
I kind of remember a hoodie designed to look like Jace's design around Return to Ravnica.
Yeah, they had stuff like that I think.
They probably just meant generic MtG shirts and shit, though.
I think they mean the puzzle quest game shit.
This reminds me that I have yet to add a way to one of my EDH decks to win with this.
I'd be less upset if it didn't look like fucking shite, and even then I'd still be really fucking upset because the first and second logos are my favorites.
There's ways to update the logo and move away from that typeface but this one is fucking terrible, the color's gone, it looks like it belongs to a bad cyberpunk iphone app
Bring back garfield, crucify maro, bring back the OG logo, free hat, remove the reserved list, and unban SFM