"I don't know what I expected" edition.
Niggers just gonna nig
Since warframe has comics?
>pretend to have a gun and point it at a cop
>get shot
Woooowwwww how unfairrrr
since about two weeks ago
If they would stop acting like retards, confronting the cops and shit they wouldn't get shot as often.
1d4 damage is still a lot for ants.
what site did those images and shit
>stop acting like retards
You ask too much.
>confronting cops
Sovereign citizen retards confront cops all the time and doesn't get shot half as often as blacks do.
Sovereign Citizens don't bumrush cops while pretending to have a gun. They just sit in their cars and rattle off the articles of confederation
Sovereign citizens usually aren't violent about it, so they just get beaten up and tazed instead.
I don't remember this from LotGH
>Total darkness is -10 to rolls.
>But being on fire is only -2.
>Better off being on fire in darkness than not.
sovereign citizens shoot cops all the time. mostly because you have to be more than a bit crazy to actually believe that shit, but seriously, cops get specific training for dealing with them because they can be really dangerous
>Verbally harassing pigs by reading the constitution out loud is the same as acting like you're gonna shoot them.
2.5 damage per six seconds
Peasant has what, ten HP Max?
So 24 seconds of being in fire kills a person?
Sounds pretty strong actually
Fucking idiot. Don't threaten policemen at less than 25ft. Even a knife attacker can murder a policeman before he has time to pull off his gun closer at less distance. This has been tested hundreds of times. The aggressive attacker has the advantage at close-range even with inferior weapons.
I'd think people making claims of it being an unjust shooting were either before the vid was released or without having watched the video.
Can't believe that guy thought that would work
being on fire must have some other health detriment
I'd like to think that, but a lot of people seem to believe that any shooting is unjust if the victim was black.
seriously, also, the video says "pointing his fingers like a gun"
does the fact that he was holding his hands behind is back and "quick drew" mean anything? the police officer did not actually have time to react to whether the kid was holding a gun when he saw that arm come forward
Well, plus shock from pain and the chance of panicking after a failed fear roll. Plus you really shouldn't be doing anything besides trying to put yourself out.
Spotted the commie
What am I seeing here?
The lore actually isnt bad when you read the codes articles. Shame the game is so grindy
A genius among blacks, he actually can use fire.
I do, you suck by not remembering best character.
You can skip 90% of the grind by leveling one set of equipment and sticking with it. The problem is you quickly run out of things to do if you decide not to grind.
advanced references incoming
Best post.
Take me deeper sempai.
To say nothing of the fact that if you don't fill your mastery rank bar, your mastery sigil stays small and pathetic. I am currently plateaued at rank 24 because I have actively run out of new gear to level.
And some mods have like a fucking .01% drop chance. DE why?
Still fun to dip in and out of
more advanced references incoming
thats the only part about that that gets me
inb4 "it's a bad joke"
oh god
Not furry enough to be that one CoC.
technically not Veeky Forums, but fuck it
>players and their characters
There is no such thing as a sovereign citizen, only lawbreakers trying to get injured so they can sue.
Nah, the joke is that both are the same in essence (both are actively looking for traps to walk into), but /pfg/ has kitsune girls as their characters.
You are playing it wrong.
Become Diogenes, no corruption no items no rape.
Max out int, str and dex. Only hang with shouldra
W-what is this from now? I need it for uh, research purposes.
>Hanging out with Shouldra
>Not masturbating in public
You are not Diogenes
Do you know what shouldra does to you?
Possession masterbation
Max out everything. Its super easy in CoC, just get vitality T and scholar T for strength toughness and intelligence with no corruption gain or physical transformations, and then pick speed every time you level up. Boom, done.
But they aren't the same though, the top one is saying "I know this is a trap, but I'm going in anyway" while the bottom is "lets specifically seek out the path with traps"
i dun geddit
God, I can't stand people kicking it. It's so cute.
Not pictured: her switching her lover with a dead nun and setting the whole convent on fire.
do you have autism
extra advanced references
The character on the bottom has a justification, though. She and her friends are diviners and can predict the position of the traps.
I know that but I believe that my option is superior than the one presented.
And that's really the heart of the matter, isn't it. It's not about cops failing america, this is a issue about large parts of America failing its cops by not giving them proper training
Daw, that's adorable.
Proper training for what, exactly?
Yeah it was clearly justified. I can't imagine even the most hardcore blm person watching that and still thinking the cop was in the wrong.
Maybe you can imagine that, but this isn't at all unclear (as a lot of police shooting videos are) so I don't think so
What a lovely lady.
It's like watching baby Godzilla.
White person would have not been shot.