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Neva enuff Dakka edition.

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First for fuck the yiffs.

Second for best fucking regiment.

3rd for Chimeras

Reminder that the worst knight weapons are now the best.
Melta cannons and thunderstrike gauntlets are the new black.

That's debatable.

you're right

Did someone say "giant xenos to kill"?

Hey, skavenposter from last thread.

Has anyone tried to run beastmen/clanrats/abhuman cultist blobs in the official store?

I remember the old policy was kitbashing and such were fine so long as it was 75% gw model, regardless of the model. Is that still the same policy?

That is the most kitbash thing I've ever fucking seen.
And still no doctrines on veterans.

Fucking. Lark.

go away

My store it pretty lenient when it comes to that sort of stuff, I've seen people get away with fully 3rd party models as long as they looked enough like the original.

Overall it'll mostly depend on your opponent and how well you can sell the look in your painting and detailing.

looks like them ww1 german cavalry troops

Man those look amazing, but damn it would be expensive to build a coupe squads of them or just about any of the cool conversions GW showed in the new codex

How is your army equipped to kill knights?

Manticores, Demolishers and Vendetta in my IG lists.
Every second unit in my SoB lists.

fixed bayonets

What's the best doctrine to take with your brood brothers?

Two Neutron Lasers, a pack of Dragoons to knock a couple wounds off here and there and the primary damage dealers are 20 to 40 Fulgurites, who will deal 23 wounds to a Knight if they manage to get the charge with Reroll Magos next to them.

>catachan arms
>cadian heads

Holy Fuck Yuck!

Cadian Battle Tanks or Demolishers?

I'm thinking of which standard BS4+ tank to give orders to while I keep my commanders (and Pask) in Punishers. I like to take Wyverns/Manticores for ranged firepower whenever I have the points and to not spam pure Lemans even though I'd love to take more.

>mixing bits instead of using the carefully bits carefully sculpted by GW to be totally balanced with their corresponding regimental doctrines.


B-Cannon. Demolisher requires movement and lacks range.


How's this for an Ork army for a 2500 point game?

The idea is to have the Gorkanaught lead the horde of boyz, while the two nob squads are amongst them giving the regular boys some hard hitting allies. The WAAAGH Banner guy is there for that sweet buff. The Tankbustas are in the lone Trukk and are essentially an explosive party van(zoom around and blow shit up until they themselves get blown up). The Big Mek is Either going to accompany the boy horde, but more likely stay with the Big Gunz units so that my only artillery doesnt get obliterated. The Warboss and the four model Nob squad will be hitching a ride in the Gorkanaught(it's sort of the Warboss's personal ride, with those four Nobz being his "Honor Guard" of sorts). Also, those two units of buggies will Outrider themselves onto the board to mop up small and/or weak units, while also being the designated annoyance unit.

Im banking on the Gorkanaught to deal with any vehicles I may encounter.

Whew lads. This weekend has been surreal. We took a vote at our store today to ban guard for being too good. It passed.

The guard fag didn't get angry at all. He said he's play his army as counts as orks. I had a game against his "looted conscripts" (counts as boyz) today.

Your mum's a WAACfag.

>Whew lads. This weekend has been surreal. We took a vote at our store today to ban guard for being too good. It passed.
>The guard fag didn't get angry at all. He said he's play his army as counts as orks. I had a game against his "looted conscripts" (counts as boyz) today.

Oh boy, here we go.

Looking through the rules now. Is opened top vehicles even a thing anymore. The profile for the death Korp centaur dosent say anything. Kinda blows that I have to keep my squishy characters on foot if I want my infantry to benefit from the aura abilities.

What, did they ban Tau and Eldar for being too good in 7th? I get conscript lists are stupidly good (maybe ban people using more than like 40-50 conscripts because people can't figure out how to deal with them). Seriously this is some stupid shit.

My marine army require combined arms to defeat it within a reasonable timeframe. That's a weakness that troubles me, but against smaller threats it's not too bad.
>Centdevs, Hellblasters, Hammernators and Ironclad

store owner plays eldar, so only tau were banned last edition.

Sounds like a really terrible environment.

Enjoy your safe space.

Alright faggots, give me one good reason to not use clear bases?

>maybe ban people using more than like 40-50 conscripts because people can't figure out how to deal with them
They did, the codex nerfed them down to 30.

It's fun to make bases

It's lazy.

Fun is just a buzzword for when you can't think of why something's good.

It's easy to get glue or paint on them.

Modelling for advantage.

I'm lazy.

Easy to screw up. If you use to much glue it gets a weird frosted look

Meant the store restricting people to taking effectively taking 2 squads of conscripts to a maximum of 40-50 bodies on the table. Something the orks can put on the table just fine.
Hilarious, how about have them modify it to allow only one conscript group in the whole army (not per detachment, whole army). Might make people not freak out so much. But, eh, people still would fail at figuring out how to slaughter them.

Now force a vote to ban Orks.

Oh, that...
Seems really retarded. Individual blobs of 30 can be whittled down severely, whereas the individual blobs of 50 can seem impenetrable without a turn's worth of anti-infantry.
Using multiple squads is not a problem distinct from spamming any other kind of unit.

That's fucking stupid. How salty do you have to be good lord.

This store is super weenie hut jrs. I only go because it's the only place for miles.

If you win more than 5 games in a row against someone, you usually get a stern talking to from the store owner suggesting you tone your army down a bit. With recommendations of units to purchase from him.

If you ignore the recommendations, the store owner's son starts picking fights with you over little things. People have been banned from the store for being "anti-society" and "poor sports" because they won too much.

please, we got finns now my man

Hey trying to get a list with the models I have. should I go mars or stygies?
RG/Stygies 2000pts

**Space Marines** Ravenguard


-sniper, cloaks

(10x)Assault squad-160
-chainsword, pistol

Sternguard vets-90
-storm bolters

-macrostubber, volkite



10x Corpuscarii priests-140

-goads, blasters

-gamma, fist

-3 hvy phosphor blasters

Knight Paladin-428
-RF Battle Cannon, 2 stubbers

Just get everyone to agree to play the next broken thing until he bans everything.

Nobody can agree on what is most broken. Everyone says it is what beat them last usually, or what the internet is saying.

Do Tyranids drill through the planet mantle?
IIRC there is 3 times less biomass on the Earth land surface than under it (Earth is pretty porous)

Just had a guy refuse to play a game because my army wasn't painted all the same color. I have a demi 4th company of Blood Angels supplemented with units of various successor chapters because I liked the whole "rally all the successors" subplot. I'd say my force is about 70% BA proper, 10% Flesh Tearers, 10% other successors and the rest is soon to be Knights of the Chalice Primaris reinforcements. Am I in the wrong here? I just wanted to switch up the paint scheme every now and then to keep from getting bored.

ur a faggt an a nigger kil urself jew

"Most" broken. It's generally easy to say what's broken.

Sounds an awful lot like my store, although I'm fairly sure I would have noticed if they'd banned Guard and I'm also fairly sure GW stores won't make that call. My solution is usually to ask people to prep lists before game day, FW and all, since it's not like they can say "hey, I know you're halfway through T2 but you need to redo that entire game because Levi Dreads aren't fair".

Ok, just throw it on top of the other B8.

Stuck on an idea here.

What Chapter should my Deathwatch Leviathan Dreadnought hail from?

Why did they bother to give Knight weapons heavy if they'll ignore it anyway?

Why not give them an assault "Knight's stubber", "Knight's Battlecannon", or "Knight's Gatler"?

You're not in the wrong. It's all valid WYSIWYG and in mechanical terms it's valid since they've got the same chapter keyword. It *might* be the ultimate example of RAW, because there's no mechanical benefit to it and no actual cause for confusion with WYSIWYG.

I'll try, but it will be difficult. We have another store meeting a month from now, and every month is the same. Everyone complains about a faction that they aren't playing. It was rare to get agreement before, but the buzz on the internet about guard helped a lot. Maybe if there is a similar buzz about another faction we could do it.

What is a good faction to start with for banning after guard?

Fucking hell that sucks.

Still pretty strong when you can march 4 30 body conscript squads with a commissar between them with the Cadia doctrine or whatever you feel like using. Hard to displace, or just go Vallhallen, drop the Commissar, and when one dies just resummon it onto the table for like what 1 or 2 CP? Only costs 3 points per body is dang cheap for making a wall. Throw in elites that can do some stuff and heavy support that can crack things open and there is just a wall of bodies that you either focus on while you get pounded by tougher things, or you get drown in dice and eventually fail an armor save anyways.

Honestly two groups of 30 conscripts is probably the most anyone every should really need. Even then I steer clear of them just due to I don't have the space for 30-60 more dudes to store. As much as I want a 30 body conscript unit of abhumans.

I never understood why they say in lore that Tyranids leave "bare husks of planets" when everything on a planet is by definition organic matter.
can someone explain this to me?

the definition of organic matter has changed over 38,000 years.

Probably in case they ever want to make a rule or stratagem that buffs those kind of weapons.
And because it's easier to give the platform the weapon is on a rule ignoring heavy than it is to make a new weapon for every vehicle that ignores it, or a specifically non-heavy version of each weapon.

Try this and give us the results, we'll pick a chapter that fits it if we can, if one doesn't come to your mind.

That hasn't been a thing for a while.

Well, if you want to get technical they'd eat every hydrocarbon or variant on the planet and leave the other elements, which is retarded so I assume the writers are using the "living things" meaning of organic matter like every other story in existence.

Says all I need to, thank you for taking steps to prevent (you) overpopulation.

>everything on a planet is by definition organic matter

Still a good principle.

Can it fatty.

It wasn't even that much of a disparity. Just a squad of FT Vanguard, Knights of the Chalice Reivers and an Angels Sanguine Tac squad.

Organic matter is made up of organic molecules. Organic molecules are any molecules that are made up of at least 1 carbon atom, though the definition is a bit fuzzy (some scientists prefer to look at carbon to carbon bonds I think).

Not all matter on a planet has carbon in it, so not all matter is organic.

I can't find them.

You're putting considerably more thought into it than the GW writers.

Is the Fantasy Ork Warboss as big as the 40k 40k Ork Warboss? I want to custom make a Warboss, but I want him to be visually big instead of a fancy looking Nob.


>40k Ork Warboss
>he doesn't know


I know there's the Warboss with Big Choppa and that plastic model accompanied by a Nob squad, but I want to make a kustom one.

What are you implying? That Warbosses arent viable anymore? Theyre getting a new plastic kit? What did he mean by this?

Are there clear flying bases?

Even his face kinda look like the finn assburger guy

Stygies. The strategem they have is really fun.

They make good alternative scions.

thanks, I was planning on using it to infiltrate the priests. And it goes right along with RG.
I'm just worried about the lack of high strength firepower in the list. I'm used to having some las/ML ven dreds


I got my first figures a couple days ago and I think I might make them finn regiment.
What's the worst that could habben?

Soviet invasion.

So, with the absolute clusterfuck of balancing that is the IG Codex, what do you think is next? Will all following codices be up to par or will they be like the others released so far and IG will be the outlier? Is GW just trying to bolster sales till Chapter Approved nerfs them down to size? And if it doesn't, what will happen when every tournament winner until 9th is nothing but IG?

Aside from Guardfags insisting the army is perfectly balanced and they're just better players, of course :^)

Well, he's on Deathwatch, so he needs to have some excuse to hate Xenos especially, or expertise at killing them. Blood Angel or successor with a hard on against Tyranids after Baal? Raven Guard butthurt over Damocles? White Scar that is hoping that killing enough Deldar will bring back Jaghatai?

No it's not. A hunk of iron isn't organic matter.

Next loyalist primarch when??

lognlas :DDDDD

>Literally need a safe space from the fucking Guard
holy shit what a fucking joke

>Is GW just trying to bolster sales
You think GW understands the rules well enough to make something OP/UP on purpose?

The bait worked unfortunately.

>store owner plays eldar, so only tau were banned last edition.
what a cunt

I'm thinking for the best results you'd probably want to go with Catachan legs, Cadian hostile Environment upgrade kits and then the rest is just regular Cadian.

You did nothing wrong, I do the same with my guard, used to paint Guardsmen with Zandri Dust, now use Steel Legion drab for the pants, Also painted my vets a different color to distinguish them, but they will always be Cadian.

>Banning something rather than taking turns beating the fuck out of it with 'sub-par' armies until the WAACfaggot gets the message and brings a more fair army against everyone and starts trying to improve his play rather than his army

Good riddance the people at your store must all be a bunch of spineless faggots.

Look out boyz it's the poorfag ausfag


>only Aussies can say cunt

They knew enough to nerf Stormraven spam when it was the meta. Taking the most powerful faction, slapping on a couple token nerfs and across-the-board buffs is very hard to do on accident.