Alright, given that a lone Space Marine can slaughter hundreds of men in mere minutes, according to the lore, how would 10 of them fare in the ongoing war in the world of pic related?
Alright, given that a lone Space Marine can slaughter hundreds of men in mere minutes, according to the lore...
Pretty well probably.
Also Garo is awesome.
>Also Garo is awesome.
It really is. It's honestly sad that more people don't know about it.
Could even gakuin S1, it was like watching pokemon with every episode being a freak of the day episode and all the heroes being just bright good so much they are basically evil due to their retardness. And supposedly the next seasons are dogshit in comparison to the 1st one so I don't even want to imagine it.
>And supposedly the next seasons are dogshit in comparison to the 1st one so I don't even want to imagine it.
Who exactly told you this user? Because I can tell you straight-up, that this is some bullshit. The other seasons are fucking great.
I'm speaking of the anime Horo something, it disgusted me of the setting almost completely. Are the actor played one better ?
>I'm speaking of the anime Horo something, it disgusted me of the setting almost completely.
The anime isn't bad (unless you are talking about GnT, then your disgust would be mostly justified). The first anime is one of the better works in the franchise.
>Are the actor played one better ?
The tokus are pretty damn good, and have some damn fine acting. Its okay if they aren't your cup of tea, though.
Season one of that thing was garbage. Utter garbage. Couldn't finish it after the capital's destruction by the enraged golden warrior.
>Couldn't finish it after the capital's destruction by the enraged golden warrior.
Getting mind-raped with your mother's death via horribly burning tends to do that user.
No, I mean it was the only good thing about the whole show and it immediately came back to being boring and slow. And the "good guys" reasonning is completely retarded, they could have gone in a super interested way but no they just made more pokemon episodes.
My friend, Garo has *always* been a monster of the week show, with the heroes cutting down eldritch abominations whilst steadily unveiling the bigger picture. It's not meant to be a show where they rush to the ending, it's a show about uncovering the larger Horror plots and eventually putting a stop to them, not about instantly killing the Big Bad in a day.
He can only slaughter hundreds of men in minutes if they're as stupid as orks and rush him non stop at a chokepoint.
If they make him work for each kill, the killing rate is drastically slowed down. Ever play a FPS video game where you got pissed because the piece of shit enemies kept hiding and wouldn't come out? It's like that.
Why did the farmer girl have to die
The witch was a shitty waifu
>Ever play a FPS video game where you got pissed because the piece of shit enemies kept hiding and wouldn't come out? It's like that.
Doesn't help that Horrors are *leagues* more intelligent than the average Chaos Space Marine or Orks. They are also more numerous and varied in ability too. Space Marines may very well be fucked in the Garoverse.
>given that a lone Space Marine can slaughter hundreds of men in mere minutes
depends on what you consider canon
on the tabletop, they are worth 3 men
in the RPG they are worth a dozen men
in the lore they go from "bested by a clever normal man" to "kills 20 eldar without trying"
Should I watch the anime or the toku show?
I still remember of the storytime from the guy that ran a Garo campaign.
Both are good (Not really counting GnT). It's best you watch the initial toku though, just to get a 'feel' for the world and lore, before jumping into the anime.
More like fighting the team rocket demon of the day with completely retarded duties and obligation while never putting them into question. The knight order as a whole is stupid, the prince was completely retarded on such a magnitude that was insufferable.
Anime is shit and I'm a very good public. I can't say about the toku show the anime made me throw the whole thing away.
As much as I hate to say it, very poorly. It's because they can't kill humans.
Their closest analogue, Grey Knights, kill a LOT of humans. It's just the way 40K is.
Well if you are referring to the Makai Order, they can't kill humans in *most* circumstances. But if the situation calls for it, they are willing to glass whatever area needs glassing, and deal with the repercussions later.
>We can't kill pieces of shit because they're human no even stopping them from sacrificing innocent people: the show
Half the possessed horros are better than some humans in those shows
Muh seeds almost made me drop the anime but it was good
Watching the toku one right now
Dramatically speaking, a couple will be killed early but they can hold their own. After some time their numbers dwindle till there's only 1 or 2 left. If two they'll be from different chapters to give each one more personality. They will have had to abandon their power armour and bolters but can still manage with what they can get from the setting.
I think you're missing the point. The Knights don't kill humans because of some inherent goodness in humanity. They avoid killing to prevent their own spiritual corruption.
When you're fighting, you know, forces of raw evil made manifest, you have to be secure in your own purity. Because when a Knight goes bad, he goes catastrophically bad.
Instead it's the plot that went catastrophically bad. The whole "we are so fucking good and shit but lets doom this guy children forever because rolfmao" is even more retardation among an already huge pile of shit. Don't make me say it is a bad idea per see, it could be well treated and be awesome but it is treated stupidly even by anime standards.
Yet the villain of every Garo show is a falle Makai priest or Makain knight
And in every show you at least have a couple of episodes in where good people get possessed because either were tricked by bad people or sacrificed themselves to save other people
This show is "whatever you do, good people always die, and why? because we don't act when we must"
The antagonist Makai knight and Makai priest from yamitera season2 became evil when they left their kid in a town to kill the monster attacking that town, and meanwhile the town sacrificed the kid in a torturous maner to placate the monster's anger. When they returned the town acted like it wasn't their fault, Makain knight and Makai priest killed them fast, man, they got away easy, fucking pieces of shit.
>The Knights don't kill humans because of some inherent goodness in humanity. They avoid killing to prevent their own spiritual corruption.
This. Horrors don't give a damn about your "Good Will". You start to show even a *single* sign of Inga corruption, and a Horror is going to be taking you for a joy-ride soon enough.
>X vs 4k go!
Every. Fucking. Day. Are these threads not bannable yet?