Let's make a Fantasy setting for 200+ IQ persons

We will begin with writing the lore for the Khyldrnpfot, Drelig-Ngdafel and Dzugktchi islands in the Lrmundrek ocean.

The western parts of Drelik are ruled by religious zealots.

The religious zealots are servants of the hated archfiend Grngld Brnpf

Grngld Brnpf attained his title by deflowering the archangel Catarina Mezglutch. Her worshippers deny any such involvement in such a torrid affair but still treat the religious zealots with hatred as if the story were true.

Catarina Mezglutch being a localization of course since angelic uses all vowels like how demonic uses all consonants. Her real name being Eaiauioa Ueaoiuiae

>Grngld Brnpf attained his title by deflowering the archangel Catarina Mezglutch.
Unfortunately, in the process his name was cursed to never know the touch of another vowel.

Lrmundrek ocean is made out of strawberry milkshake.

Long ago Grngld Brnpf himself was once an angelic being. But for his incestous crime the Omnipotent Masters Oaiooeaoaiioeaoua has banished him from the High Realms of Sky

A factory in Gsvsgbm recycles swords for use in its Table Manufacturing.

Nine used swords are required to make each new table.

If there are 625 used swords, how many tables can possibly be made in total?

The world is a story being told by god but only the angels know this.

The Island of Dzugktchi and its surrounding waters surrounding have been recently visited by ostentatiously dressed 'explorers' from the East. Seeking mythical orbs of immense magical power in the name of their far off Red King.

The Leader of this expedition is non other than the swashbuckling Ferdinand Frankock!

His attempts to assign this land with more 'civilized names' and commune with their governments has so far failed due to his arrogance, pension for raiding any undefended coastal towns, and looting of any unarmed ship that nears his expeditionary fleet. This has resulted in hostilities between the locals and the ever roaming pirate-esq fleet as it moves west in search of their lords promised prize.

What the Lords and heathen gods of this realm think of him is irelevent in his eyes, only the orbs and plunder matter.

For he knows if his Red King finds his efforts lacking, he will see a more capable captain put in command, and he will be dragged back to the Red River where his judgment awaits.

Everyone who dies can be reborn again but only if they can solve a skilltesting question.

The population of Dzugktchi has turned themselves into pickles.

The people of Dzugktchi have devolved into strange pickle-like subhumans. The viziers of Ngdafel have studied this event and concluded that

the Dzugktchi people have performed a complex ritual with the intention of assuming vegetable forms such as pickles, in order to maximally appeal to the appetites of the explorers of Ferdinand Frankock's crew. This magical trick enables them to have a direct passage into the organisms of the unsuspecting explorers. The Dzugktchi men shall infiltrate the explorers and manipulate them

Dzugktchi in their normal form appear to be humanoid in form but their distinct green color and hardy if not bumpy skin immediately distinguish them as the ever manipulative yet peaceful Dzugktchi.

The colors range from light green at birth to the 'ripe' dark green in old age.Their devotion to their god has let them shed their ancestors form of reproduction and now they spawn from sacred pod fields in the heart of their island, Here the older patriarchs of the peoples tend to and nurture the pod plants.

And the continents out of shortbread. Often, a leltigre would appear from the earth and dive into the sea.

God is a character played by one of the players, but not even they know it.

From the south, hailing from the distant, frozen shores of the evertwilight realm, came raiders of Ztrkhantz, looking for the fabled realm of Zwzdcwickurskickz. They're planning to resupply on the lands of Lrmundrek ocean, one way or another.

There was an order of ogre knights who once settled Khyldrnpfot, they were servants of Xanajokjoj god of spindly legs

The Broken Giants they were called, once warriors of a greater ogre empire that has now been lost to time. Many were lost in the great cataclysm that swallowed their realm. But hark a few lucky survivors took to new lands seeking atonement for whatever sin their kin committed to bring them low under the wrath of the spindly legged god.

Now like Ronin they wander the islands and beyond seeking worthy masters and rightful causes.

>The Seas being like milkshakes and the islands made of shortbread is the god's kid making funny remarks as he tells the story.

Landsknecht conquistadors/pirates vs. Vikings in a battle for the Lrmundrek seas?

Elder Scrolls pls go.

Right, it should be like 'The Princess Bride'!The main god is telling the bedtime story to his son (Who in turn is adding his childlike imagination here and there to make it fun) Thus we get the weird pickle people ect.

Players are at the mercy of the god telling the story and the kid's pity for them.

Boneman Island (Thrkaf Lduk)
is the small island between Dzugktchi and Drelig-Ngdafel. It is inhabited by a race of bone men. They dwell in gigantic forever spinning windmills made out of glass.

The bone men use colorful nets to catch birds that fly over their island.
Those nets are made from the webs of a unicorn spider, a maneating creature from the south eastern parts of Drelig-Ngdafel.

The birds are stripped of their feathers and their beaks are removed. The beaks are turned into jagged lamellar armor which is sold to other people across the islands.
The feathers go into the making of giant artificial wings for the mountainous construct, The Bonerlord, that is prophesied to awaken and turn the world into bone.

Is your conception of material that reaches beyond 200 IQ just lack of vowels in words?

Well, more like Viking Crusaders since they're seeking the holy land of theirs, the Throat of the World, Khmarvundrz, just so they can choke it to death.
You see, they believe in an inverse-religion of sorts: they believe that by truly extinguishing their gods (and the deities of other people as well) only then they can bring about the true god of the realm. So they're gonna kill their god by choking the Throat of the World, if only they could find it.

There are a race of backwards thinking mole people who's lead based submarines, or "waterdiggers" are slowly poisoning the milkshake sea

Tidhrn pdnr sigggyu jug pip. Mug jfjjb osiisheb djrndk yuyuyhig blupglup Wreren Blonk dna. Crit Igfsjdivesg ud d d d d diikbdk polp.

ZzZz Tposs dna Xjoln h duh
Yutsibe dna tipkd slhehdondss.
>Hruy dut Yutsibe dna jdopnd ppp
Tvshsi iii Yutsibe Yutsive...giorno.

Qbdberry qehb hgs. Fggp.


Procreation consists solely of cuckoldry and cuckqueenry

Go back to /pol/, troll faggot

The people of Lrmundrek are prone to severe panic attacks due to overthinking the consequences of minor risk taking in their daily lives.

The Dzugktchi exploit this with a stranglehold on the regions production of antipsychotic medication.

Also the ocean is pink because it's made of strawberry-milk

Another wyrd thread, I see.


There's the legend of the great heroine Rohsaka Tin who pleased old men for money

is that a jojo reference

>The Thinking Man's Fetish
>Not suited to a 200+ IQ (read: Reddit) setting.

>setting for smart people
>doesn't have its own alphabet or number system
May as well have retards play it.

The great hero Mhhhbfrleot of the Xalxktw city of Llomwequaque once set out to find the sorceror Yhtlkeq to inquire about the scribe Bvunbw of Rxhdeuio who once transcribed a Whkdrf colored tome that read that Qhaffghy the Great would one day seek out the Yhg named Ghgoykht to learn the location of the woozard Sdw who once battled Pykgfrwq at the pass of Hjklasd and tortured him to learn the plans of Vbkjln to meet with Whtythy and form an unholy alliance to kill the sorceror Yhtlkeq. Unfortunately, Mhhhbfrleot was killed by an ingrown Klkt on his way and did not reach the sorceror. A wooden grave for him can be found near Llomwequaque.

So, you fuck everyone but your own spouse?

I will propose an alphabetical system for the easternmost small island, Oöœoōo
O = Un
Ô = Set
Ö = Waaaaa ( held for 2 seconds)
Ò = Lara
Ó = Aral
Œ = Buoy
O = Eee
Ō = Ooh
Õ = 3 nonverbal claps

An example word: œœöóòôõō, or Frog, is thus pronounced buoybuoy-Waaaaa-arallaraset-[clap]-[clap]-[clap]-ooh

This sounds good. People who have friends they suspect might not have the full 200 minimum IQ can start a session on this island as a way of subtly testing them.

The order of the supreme numerologists of infinite talismanic erudition, eschatelogical thaumaturgy and panastronomical warding. Have secret cabals troughout all the land. Their teachings are a syncretic form of, archaic west-Drelikan demon worship as formalized in Fthfthllp's "Simplified principles of the metaphysics of astral dreameaters", and the (probably foreign) mystery philosophy of the teachings of the second zero. The founding of the order has been attributed to 00Dhdk a disgruntled ex-follower of the honorable Aoui ueu and his school of the inphantasmal quantum monads. As 17Xgggh explains in a "Refutation of the indivisible trough extrapolation of the foundation of material transcendce in favour of harmonic idealism" 00Dhdk completely broke with Aoui ueu when he found out that his eschatological thaumaturgy was aimed at destroying the magocratic principles of old-Ngdafellan society. He then founded the order being inspired by the myth of the Silver sulphur snake snatchers and their refusal to drink angelic blood in exchange for the knowledge their father had lost w.r.t. the advanced aerodynamic's of lesser magic missiles during the time of the tomes.

>ingrown Klkt

>there's a crown once worn long ago by a king who ruled all of these islands
>upon his death, it was shattered, each shard taken by a different son, representing the eventual dissolution of his empire through fraternal infighting
>that was long ago, so long ago, before even the old forest grew
>now each shard is lost somewhere
>find & combine them all into the one true crown to rule this entire realm

The Morally Ambigious Grey lord lives in the Yellow stone city of Carcosa where he prepares an undad army to perform all of the farming work for the entire nation, destroying the powerbase of the nobility

I don't understand what's happening and I'm afraid.

Well, that is because you need at least 200 IQ to understand it.

This buildSFOSC requires light in every screen, JA, Rett class I I'm dark. YOUR ACHIEVEMENT WILL EXCEPT IN YOUR PEOPLE AND THINGS. Stairs to the east of the quarry. There's no cremation in La Sarraz, I scratch, I'm going to the archives Which cabs did you throw? Posters explain the ceiling with a number of recipes and com orders "May 20, Gold came to us, buy the FER list back" I like Eynes, ECH, the great name ECH Pankarta is Hey Huck Rusty Rolls , Burn Cranks Unes Pines, United Nations, Hotel Parts, Germany Buildings, Wood Chain Associated Mechanisms I'm an unknown person on the roof, I'm anvil once the United Nations is again. On the west side there is a wall of a south wall and a small room with two arms. Add the ES reproduction based on my conscience writing


I understood that I was too smart for this thread. xXXrpl Faggathots.

Soul powered mopeds are made by melting down the bones of leltigres and molding them into the shape of a moped. The driver must eat 20 pioms of leltigre flesh to sustain the soul wheels for a hour. Also, since the wheels are made of the rider's soul, driving for too long may result in soul damage.

An alternative for the rider to avoid soul damage is to use an endjinni.

The landbridge between Drelik and Ngdafell is known as the isthmuss of Periphysēæ on this lush but windswept landscape stands one of the most prosperous cities of the western-Vizirates, with walls of frozen dragonbreath the capital of the Asphyxęæ: Irus Aurus Archēlle is home to powerfull Deimomancers. To get entrance the city however you need to have Uiu, wich can only be obtained by playing the national sport of Gerasphynxathon. Gerasphynxathon is played by having tamed Leltigres (stratagies can vary wildly depending on the Leltigre's season of birth((Asphyxęæ distinguishes 14.62 seasonal variations in Leltigres)) give telepathic commands in the local dialect of binairy on how to move the Geratho pieces (for rules on wich pieces to use consult your local ascendancy augur). The losers Leltigre wil puke up Uiu wich is used as the standard currency, a spice, a prime ingredient in Deimomancy and a measure of masculinity and power.

We need some official art for this setting!

Behold,a Neu'roman!C ah on his mighty thoughtsteed!

Standard Xalxktw infantry during the reign of emperor Hahayleot.

There is a planet called Rick, inhabited by Mortians, they speak in the language "Wubba lubba dub dub" and eat pickles

During the times of Higgskull the Drelikan overkhan Chd Trbcck raided most of Ngdafell he destroyed the holy city of Stacy and defiled her temples. Xalxktwn and proto-Asphyxęæn tribes united under the stuttering leadership of the scientoprophetic Alggernon-Eduardo Virginius who had mastered blockchain-lightning and the machinations of Betarage-engines. In a massive revolt the Chdan overkhanate was pushed back to the Drelikan highlands and Alggernon had the great chasm of Branletts build to discourage any future incursions.