Half-Merfolk can breathe both air and water?

Half-Merfolk can breathe both air and water?
That's a huge advantage!

Half-Humans get a minor stat bonus and a crappy racial ability?
That's a nonexistent advantage!

Maybe, but that abomination would struggle to walk on land and wouldn't be meaningfully better at swimming than a human wearing diving fins.

Full merfolks irl usualy could breath air too


Roberto Ferri.

He's one of the only painters still doing the old baroque-era style these days.

I doubt it.

Have you ever read a single bit of merlore?

I've found a new term to love

You need to read some tales about them.

So they'd just be lungfish folk.

We all know you just wanted an excuse to post your ass picture

I want to fuck that fish.

But they smell like dead fish
Would you waifu someone with permanent poon tang smell?

In DnD at least they can. Sahuagin can only breathe water and start to suffocate on land, but merfolk have never had that rule.
They have a very low land movement speed, though, since they have to crawl around on their tails.

>smells like fish
>extreme difficulty surviving on land
>dead in fantasy ocean
>smells like fish

Well don't let that stop your romance fantasies user

>smells like fish
It's okay to just admit you're gay, you know. /tumblrgeneral/ is a safe space.

>he thinks a regular vagina smells like fish

You've either never been with a woman, or only one with poor hygiene.
or maybe your cousin let her see one at the family reunion that one time
But hey, keep projecting, it's cute

That's what Alter Self is for

>weeb tries to explain why "3DPD" monstergirls wouldn't work while failing to see the irony of his weebness
I wish anime weren't allowed here anymore.

Why would they smell like dead fish

Do you smell like a dead monkey?

Hybrid vigor.

Depends on the setting. If you have space campaign, it won't matter.

>"And you track the space criminal's warp trail to Poseidon-26, the Jupiter-sized ocean-world!"

>If you have space campaign, it won't matter.
God damn it Carlos.

just because they can breathe both air and water doesn't mean they're particularly good at either

they'll only be able to survive in shallow water because their lung-equivalents couldn't handle anything deep and going onto land would leave them with severe oxygen deprivation, think regular ol lowland human having to survive in tibet

not to mention that hybridized leg/fishtails by necessity either be crap at running or crap at swimming forcing them to spend the majority of their time in one environment.

better hope for them they're more of the land variety, because any merfolk societies would be tribal in nature, mostly relying on hunter-gathering so their gimped physical skills would make them pretty much useless, at least in human society they could find a job scraping barnacles off ships

I don't get it

But they can only half-breathe in both environments?

That's not advantageous at all!

Not him, but I guess it's how space lacks matter.

>people pretending OP's statement is what the thread was made for

Do all half-Merfolk have asses like that?

If so yeah I'd say that is a pretty huge advantage.

>character can comfortably traverse flooded areas
>the party can't

It's the same thing you run into with sneaky rogues.


You're on an anime image board owned by a japanese man.