Warhammer 40k general /40kg/

Some big battle edition.

Previous >Warhammer Community news(New releases for the Death Guard: Multipart Plague Marines and new characters)

>Daily Duncan Playlist

>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas
>Old Black Library Mega

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

>Imperial Guard codex (thanks anons)

first bitches

My campaign is no forgeworld or named characters and I play DG/CSM. There is a territory that lets you add deepstrike rules to any non-HQ unit. What would be the funniest thing to deepstrike while my plague crawlers and demon prince advance? My idea so far is 15+ berzerkers with the WE trait, or I could simply deepstrike my poxwalkers, or a load of melee plague marines with a lord of contagion to back them up

Second, for helmed Felinids

I was thinking of using these guys as a base for my new infantry squads. Catachan arms and legs, Cadian heads and bodies, with Leman Russ/Taurox/Chimera shoulder pads. I was also thinking of using Scion Beret heads for Sergeants.

What would you think about mixing in some Scion helmet heads with the Cadian heads? Would that look too out of place?

Rules question, do falling back units contest objectives?

>ywn use foul sorceries to look cute and try messing with people of the inquisition, betraying them in their bedchambers
Tzeentch please

Have a less blurry pic, friendo. I'm wondering how to get those bone trophies.

I heard that Guard have an Ambush Stratagem that let's then roll a D6 for every enemy unit on the table and deal D3 mortal wounds on a 4+. What the fuck.

I'm pretty gud with photoshop and image editing

Gimmie a dumb 40k joke/meme idea and I'll try to make it happen

Thanks other friend.

Kroot maybe? It looks like they have some neat little pieces.

Help how do I into nids

So if the trend started by the IG codex holds, what can we expect from the CWE Codex? Aspect Warrior-specific stratagems? Stupid strong craftworld bonuses? Like a dozen more psychic powers? Reasonably costed infantry?

>My 5k game death pile
It's like playing 7th all over again. But how are you anons? Played a pretty shitty game against DG and NL Saturdaybut did you guys have any good games?

you wait a month for their new book.

ghouls and skelingtons from WHFB

>multilaser still 2 points more expensive than heavy bolter

What the fuck GW I just want my laser chimeras
I don't give a shit about conscripts and russes and doctrines I just want chimeras that are 5% less shitty

Had the beginnings of a game today. IRL crap cut it short.

Tried the new Guard 'dex. Can only report the following:

Hellhounds kick ass now. If it's GEQ they'll eat half a squad every shooting phase, cover or no. Those Tau never stood a chance.

Every game with my orks in 8e is a good game pretty much.

Only game I've been truly shit on so far in this edition was a guard player who had a massive heavy weapon company and he Heavy Bolter'd all my boys to death

I don't pay attention to the wargame. Why is everyone playing Death Guard all of a sudden?

I dont think that exists, preliminary bombardment is the only one that affects the whole army and its

>Use this Stratagem after both sides have deployed, but before the first battle round begins. Roll a dice for each enemy unit on the battlefield. On a 6, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. You can only use this Stratagem once per battle.

The one you are talking about doesnt affect the entire opponent's army and you need a vox caster plus 3CP and its called "Fire on my position!"

>Use this Stratagem when the last model is slain from an ASTRA MILITARUM unit from your army equipped with a vox-caster. Before removing the model, roll a D6 for each unit within 3" of it. On a 4+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Which is not that great as you need to lose a unit and then roll a 4+.

Good idea, user.

that is great

After reading this doujin i wondered if its wrong to since its a guy in a lolis body.

just found out my little cousin and his friends are getting into 40k

time to dust off my orks

havent played since 5th edition, how fucked is the game now

Hows your AoP display/army going user

GW literally sells a pack of 300 plastic skulls, ya pinhead!

they got a pure death guard codex along with daemon primarch mortarion

Asking again

>AoP display
>As if i am a good enough painter to enter

If you don't pay attention why do you care?

They were in the 8th ed box and just got a codex and several new kits

Depends who you ask. Most people agree it's better than 5th edition post blatant codex powercreep (SW, GK, etc) Everybody agrees it's better than 6th and 7th edition were, though that wasn't hard to do.

No, not the skull. The ones on a necklace.

Had a really fun Sisters versus Death guard fight. Stupid smelly FNP, so many dudes ignored my flamers... but my canoness was just SLAUGHTERING all game, as soon as she got into melee she just tor shit up.

Giant chainsaws are no damn joke.

Space Wolves, Kroot, WHFB Chaos and Ghouls, etc.

loads of new death guard models and they are easy/cheap to start as a new army because of the 8th edition starter kit having a lot of their staple units

>Drowning in work and family that needs help
>Not even time to paint, let alone the energy
>Just read some news and watch the shitposting on Veeky Forums

I wish I had the time to be too lazy to bother doing anything for Armies on Parade.

It's a cute genius, so only a little.

60 Geneestealers

Dirty Phil to ruin 40k

New codex with brand new rules, models, some storyline advancement and their Primarch coming back and getting a model and rules.

I want sisters of battle so badly for so long, hate my LGS has a strict 50% GW policy so I can't do dreamforge models in place of them instead of paying ransom for them. Or waiting for them to actually come into existence in the M36

>Duncan gets more based with each passing day.

of course


Better than ever, though the powercreep introduced literally today by the IG codex might change that.

cool thanks
I just got my hands on some ork codex scans

armies dont use points anymore wtf?

Any fun games this weekend gents? I managed to turn Typhus into a thick paste over one turn of combat. Morty was a different story...

minotaurs to be on the safe side. personally the AoS orcs are pretty dank if you want to make conversions for 40k

Thanks bros

Stormshields are 15? I heard they were 5

>fucktard Xenosfags wondering if Elfdar going to be OP like they've been the past fucking 7 editions

>Ork codex scans

Points are still a thing, but there's also Power Level which is used for casual gameplay, being more generic and less granular (wargear is not included, for example). It also has other differences from proper matched play like being able to use the same psychihc power more than once per turn and IIRC the same for stratagems. Ask what stratagems are.

Wait wouldn't this be more slaaneshes territory? Also i need some like offical rulling on if genderbent characters are degenerate


w-what are strategems...

nevermind ill get my hands on the proper 8th edition book soon

There was a dude who got around this by having dead necrons/cultists on all their bases, its more about showing your support then actual models. YMMV so check with your stores manager

Hey just wanted to check if anyone else has found demolition charges in the new guard codex? They didn't remove them did they?

Trips name my Lord of Skulls.

One exception isn't a 'trend' you pillock. GW takes forever developing, printing and distributing new rulebooks like codexes.
This should be obvious, because the codexes needed the exact same things FAQ'ed as the Indexes.

The codexes released so far have been finished and sent to the printers before 8th edition was even released. They are literally the Index rules with maybe a few tiny tweaks because of internal (insufficient) playtesting, and strategems, warlord traits, and relics tacked on.
This is why the balance levels between the codexes is basically the same as it was with the Indexes. Because the feedback about units is younger than the codexes. Just wait for Chapter Approved and hope GW will fix shit that way.

>preemptive imperial butthurt
the reason no xenos codices were released yet was because the real power creep starts now
butter up, time for 50% off wargear costs

Get a broodlord or two and lots of genestealers, they're both solid gold units and will be the bulk of your troops/hqs. They can also be allied into an Imperial Guard army as a detachment of Genestealer Cult units (patriarch/purestrain genestealers)

Then get the Swarmlord for combos and maybe some termagants and hormagaunts for light fodder. Then whatever else, that stuff will be doing all your heavy lifting anyway

It's just based on positioning, so there's no reason they wouldn't. Falling back doesn't mean 'breaking morale' or anything; it's just leaving, tactically or otherwise.


Be warned ...

>not even thinking outside of the box, utilizing a cute body in order to trick the imperium or others to advance your plans
>not even getting into the bedchambers of an inquisitor and then revealing your true form, using that moment of surprise to blast him into warpdust

Mister Nice Guy

Yep. And I wonder how much noise that shithead dumping about IG will be making once that crap rolls around.

>Sideways Chimera in the background
But why?

Good point, I'll ask them about that, having blasted cultists sounds perfect for me. Painting that much metal would give me a fit if it was necrons, that and I actually want to run necrons and it would make me sad to cut up necrons for that.

Chaos Gate 2 when?


Dymetrius The Black King of Detroit

I had a silly game today. I went for an alpha strike of sorts mixed with waves of bodies. About 100 infantry models, 2 Valkyries filled with Bullgryn and Crusaders, Scout Sentinels with flamers, Rough Riders, Scions, Assassins, Inquisitors. A very aggressive, close range and melee list using the Catachan doctrine. He ran a castled up shooty Marine list and just sort of sat back while I sent everything after him.

I didn't really do a lot of damage to his vehicles outside of the Meltas and Plasma. I just sort of swarmed everything and multi-assaulted. I won on objectives, but he had killed way more of my army since my S4 fists either didn't make it, or bounced off the power armor and all my guns plinked off the 2+ armor in cover.

As much as I love melee in this game, it's getting old how often people run away, use transports to speedbump my melee units or don't have their own melee units that want to fight mine. I've been thinking about bringing 2 lists. One like this one to fight Orks, Tyranids, Chaos, melee Marines and then a more shooty one to fight everyone else. It's not that fun chasing people around all game with a 9 hour movement phase when I could just be sitting still and firing artillery.

Black Betty.

For vanilla Space Marines, it says SS are 5 pts for infantry and 15 for characters, but Deathwatch lists them at a flat 15. Guess the index writers don't like Deathwatch.

I pray for plastic models... all my sisters are from 15-20 years ago before they were 100$ a squad.

I'm actually getting kinda worried about the codex if they ever get one. With GW's new trend of not making rules for models they don't sell anymore that kinda puts all my combi-weapon sisters in a sad state since looking at their webstore, I see no more combi-flamers or combi-melta sisters for sale.

at least deathwatch aren't cheaper lychguard i guess.


Niggophilius Necrofeelius

What Manga?



Biggest changes to Guard with the new Codex?


I admire your confidence

Blart Gashrip.


Do it!

Captain Kathryn Janeway

Rainbow Dash

Abu Bakr al mohamed

Jam'al the Black, Breaker of Chains

Angry Ron

Getting of power mauls, axes and rough riders.

Superheavies don't get penalties to moving and become melee monsters with dozer blades and the crush them stratagem.

Doctrines are all amazing except Steel Legion which is trash.

Fag-Eater, the Butcher of San Francisco

Yeah that worries me too, I really want plastic sisters, I would make budget to get a new shelf for them and buy a full army of them. I hope, I really hope next year they are a big release with plastic everything and a huge price drop and proper codex, even if it means they are last to get a codex.

Skull of Lords.

Since Basilisks' Earthshaker Cannon don't need LOS to target units, can they use this weapon overwatch a hidden unit?

>MFW Valhallen Russ need to be at 2 wounds or less to even get stat reduction
Fucking WHAT

top kek
>not allowed to batrep
what heresy is this?

Biily Bob's Discount Daemon Engine