how would pic related do in the 40k universe?
How would pic related do in the 40k universe?
Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo!
>Incredibly strong chaos demon that taxes dimensions of their time
He'll fit in fine.
Lord Chin Chin is already a Chaos God.
He'd be shot for being a raging faggot.
could Prometheus take slaanesh?
Depends on the Dimension and the number of bins available to Prometheus.
>hurting lord chin chin
He owns multiple dimensions
aren't chromosomes money?
They're a measure of time and power that is often used as a currency. The fact that Chin Chin taxes his Dimensions for their Chromosomes means his power is constantly increasing.
>universal time, power, and currency
i do like that
filthy frank has a wise idea.
>Buff Greek god using lead bins fighting body-horror, sadpanda, ear rape and the Silk Road made manifest.
10/10 would watch
I gotta say, I never understood this
Closest I can guess is that it's like meta-ironic visual shitposting. Is that it?
keeping an eye on this thread
If I ever roll a bard it's gonna be modeled after Pink Guy.
>Closest I can guess is that it's like meta-ironic visual shitposting. Is that it?
Got it in one.
>Ey Boss
>modeled after Pink Guy.
I hope your party is tolerant.
I guess I'll find out real quick when I play samples from Pink Season as my somatic component
Probably cause quite a bit of ruckus before Ordo Malleus steps in.
You don't even want to KNOW what the verbal components are going to be.
Don't you fucking dare do some bitch nigga shit and just do the obvious. Mix it up, surprise them.
>implying I won't be playing with my nipples a la chameleon man or making o-faces
I think anyone would be surprised by hearing "dora the explorer"
Filthy frank would make for a good superhero game.
Heck you could even call points "chromosomes"
>chameleon man
its salamander man, you dingus
How many nano seconds would the Arfenhouse universe last against the 40K universe?
Joe's here
Unironic Filthy Frank threads are how you know that Veeky Forums is full of retarded redditors
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Francis of the Filth. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Frank's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Filthy Frank truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Salamander Man's existencial catchphrase "Yes," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as George Miller's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Pink Guy tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand
It's the fact that chin-chin is strong enough to actually survive in the 40k universe is the reason.
Or the fact that the filthy frank multiverse isn't half bad for the mess it came out of.
It's just the fact that 40k universe is literally on the same level of quality as ironic shitposting done by a random internet weeb.
40k is as ironic as filthy frank.
its different ironies
frank wants to be filthy
40k wants to be heavy metal covers
most people don't get this
Holy fuck!
>those digits
where did frank touch you user?
40k, being ironic as it is, actually attracts people completely devoid of irony. You can tell by the powerlevel threads. There's always those autistic kids who had no friends in school that will argue for hours about chaos gods defeating Goku or some shit. And come on, Goku vs chaos gods is a wacky image that shouldn't really cause any sense of frustration, but no, they still have to argue about nonsensical shit like that and take it seriously.
>Inb4 bolterfag defense force
i'm a bolterfag, but I still think that warhams lore is like yogurt stickers: it's made to sell yogurts, nothing more. it's cool if it's good, but I won't shed any tears if it's bad (not the actual bad, the power glove bad).
I like 40k, I like it's lore and how stupidly over the top it is
barring Primaris™
I could have sworn they were an abstract measurement of personal power, given that pink guy was said to have many.
Are you inferring that Chin Chin is not our great lord of malice?!
Slaanesh demons?!
Filthy Frank is a giant cunt that needs to die in a car fire.
Actually, he's a pretty swell guy when he isn't acting on camera. I met him at the con sometime ago, and he was a genuinely okay person to talk with.
Just because he does his damn best to make his content as counter-culture as possible doesn't mean that he is a shitty person.
This is what used to guard the golden throne before they decided to put their armour back on.
Ever so often I read about filthy frank "lore" and think it's real fucking interesting. Then I watch 30 seconds of the actual videos and realize again that it is unwatchable retarded garbage
Why is there so much thought put into something so dumb
It makes it funnier that way.
The juxtaposition of utmost retardation with DEEP LORE adds an extra layer of humour
Also, there's a book titled Francis of the Filth out now that's all just Filthy Frank lore
I'm keen for it, but I want to wait for an Audible version.
Did Prometheus run out of bins when the good ole Horus heresy rolled by?
>demon comes out of webway
>Prometheus walks up
>hits it with bin
>walks away
>Narrated by pink guy
>this whole thread
So basically chin-chin is strong enough to do some work in the 40k universe?
No autistic screeching?
Ok then
When you take out the more ridiculous aspects and silliness, the Filthy Frank universe is pretty interesting. A deranged man who serves an almighty dark god who taxes time from the dimensions he has command over, yet this same deranged mortal is one of the few beings who stands up to said god. It's a universe full of almighty beings, where words hold just about as much power as a god, and wordsmiths can kill with a simple lyric.
>for being a raging faggot
Then why hasn't Slannesh been shot yet?
Oh wait, that's because he's in the process of being axed
You actually have a bunch of variety that works.
>chocolate men
A universal currency, and infinite room for superpowers.
It's actually not trash.
Aren't all the chocolate men dead?
>lol so epic """""story"""""" made to amuse preteens
>not trash
This friends, is what someone with no fun in their life looks like.
He was talking about Filthy Frank, not 40K
i think dade is in heaven, but yes he is dead
Everyone in this thread needs to message him on YouTube asking for this.
he grabbed him right in the boipuccy
considering his ass just got banished by a wandering messenger or some shit in the latest video, I wouldn't put him on a chaos god level, but maybe greater demon prince. I could see him giving the likes of a demon primarch a run for their money for sure.
Fulgrim vs Chin Chin
I wanna watch this.
Hey this means we have another undivided demon prince.
>considers the autism of a youtube eceleb """""fun"""""
confirmed for underage
>implying they both aren't
you're hopelessly braindead
It's like watching a spong bob episode or the room.
It's so stupid but sincere you can't help but laugh at it.
If you are pretentious enough to not be able to laugh at a stupid joke idk what to tell you.
>there's just ten hours of AYYY BOS GIBE DA PUSI and moaning
It's a gay-fight.
Who is the gayest?
Prometheus is.