Was look at some minis sold by mantic games that basically just space Skaven. Has anyone ever homebrewed a skaven faction for 40k?
Skaven in 40k - Any homebrew codex?
There's been talk of it. I don't know if it ever amounted to anything.
play tyranids
>swarm army
>stompy army
Someone made their own codex years ago. I've never tested it, it's on old rules, and it's almost certainly shit, but here you go.
Just use them as Orks or something
Where did they get all of those gas mask heads from ? I need a source for my clan skryre army / acolyte conversions
It's Mantic.
use them as geansteler cult or some tyranids
What would be a good gimmick for the Skaven in 40k since the technogical edge that they enjoy in Fantasy would be gone? Maybe they could be a race of scavenging hobos?
I would say advanced but wasteful technology. Big, sludge belching monstrosities that destroy the environment of whatever planet they're on. Kind of stepping on Orkz' toes but I think it could work as long as it's focused on being big, gross and effective and not ramshackle and barely functional
A feel of using magitech(like chaos) but with a bent for applying hordes of fast weakling fodders mixed in with Death Star units. (Like orkz) Have a greater focus on shooting, stealth and spellcasting(eldar) in exchange for poor moral and melee.
Or take their tech edge to it's logical conclusion, skaven confirmed as being the old ones
>tfw no eshin ninjas with stealth armor
time erosion
regenades/heretics run em as a nurgle aligned.
>plague ogryn for the rat ogre things
>renegade militia for everything else
These Models look pretty rad.
Nah, Skaven aren't as retarded as TUUUUUBES
Like orks? Like the entire Imperium of Man? Like Chaos?
Eshin aren't ninjas...
This would be perfect
They learned the arts of murder in Warhammer not!Japan and not!China and they fight using shurikens and martial arts. They may not be literal Master Splinter ninjas but they're pretty close. They would be great with stealth armors.
Can you elaborate?
This is just a reprint of Skaven from WFB some editions ago. It's not 40k.
No such thing as Ranks in 40k, AP is a stat not a special rule, etc.
I don't know about that. Despite their obsession with TUUUUBES the Pirates have formed a major threat to a galactic organization and are better at discovering and adapting new power sources than the good guys. Also, they have a fucking dragon.
Skaven's biggest achievement was destroying their own world and having their minor deity reach apotheosis only to be bullied and ignored by the other great powers.
Skaven saved the world from nagash, blew up the moon, caused the plauge of 1111 and are now living as some sort of multiverse travelers in age of shitmar.
Heretics and Renegades. A lot of them are just fucked up abhumans in the first place anyways, so they would be a perfect fit.
You are describing Space Pirates from Metroid.
Not too familiar with the faction but if they get Ogryns/Dreadnaughts or something then you can even have those be Rat Ogres.
They have chaos Ogryns, which would of course be a great fit for rat ogres. They have a bunch of chaos version of Guard vehicles as well, so you have a lot of conversion options.
At Nova 2011, 3rd place "best army" was Nyhil's "Kabal of the Fursaken," which was a "counts as" Dark Eldar army. Pic related, you can find the remainder of his stuff on teninchtemplate.
You could even use bits from their lightning cannon for the gun. Or fluff a flamethrower tank as one of the giant censers.
Pretty clever way to minimize usage of guns without being as verisimilitude shattering as "counts as orcs"
>Can you elaborate?
Play as Astra or AdMech or Chaos Cultists
Use the Lost and the Damned out of the AM forgeworld book. Mutant rabble is a horde based troop choice. Though, pretty much any troop choice can become a horde. You also have access to some big artillery tools.
Hopefully, some day, they'll remake the Vraks list that lets you put poison clouds everywhere.