Army and Skirmish Warband builder > City generator > Art Database >
Alright, maybe one or two more doomwheels and I think I've got enough skryre for now.
Now which clan should I focus on next? Eshin is out of the picture since I'm not too interested in them, leaving moulder, pestiles and verminus. I've got 80 clanrats and could go for some stormvermin. Got 4 rat ogres, 6 bases of rat swarms and two packmasters. 6 plague monks left from kitbashing acolytes and four cencer bearers.
Nathaniel Mitchell
share your spiderfang lists
John Parker
Third for my butcher is so dead
Alexander Jenkins
Why are you playing in a dark room user?
Isaac Morris
previously on /aosg/
Ian Lewis
1x goblin big boss on spider
As many araknaroks as you want
Fill points with spider riders was that so hard?
Thomas Gray
With so few units, isn't there essentially just one list?
Hudson Phillips
John Smith
Share your free peoples lists
Anthony Gomez
Loads of Destruction allegiance possibilities for spiders eg mixing with other grot and orc stuff. Gutstomper allegiance too.
Josiah Bennett
Are any of the new Fyreslayer battalions worth using? I think the one that gives you the exploding effect from your runes is pretty good but I'm not sure how effective it is against other strong battalions.
Kayden Fisher
The downside of bureaucracy, you always have to go with the cheapest products.
On one hand, you have the chaos dwarfs, who are known for the precision and fine craftsmanship, longevity of their products, etc, which are also more expensive in comparision to the competition. And on the other hand you got the skaven. Their products tend to fall apart, die or hurt/kill/mutate the user on a frequent basis. But their prices are the lowest and that's what counts.
Josiah Hughes
did bryon orde tweet it?
also /ironjawz/ 2nd place
first they take 4th, now they take 2nd, ironjawz confirmed not dumpster tier?
Tzeentch nowhere near the top???
Chase Turner
It was a fun thread
Michael Adams
yeah it's on the facehammer twitter, his chicken scratch list, it's legit, my skaven printing press kingdom for the man who tracks down the ironjawz list
Angel Hughes
The facehammer podcast is good btw. Seem like sound guys.
John Edwards
I've basically finished what I'm planning to use as my Relictor.
Still needs to be put on a base and cleanup but you know.
Bentley Sanchez
Okay, incoming wall of text, but I'm still on the fence whether or not I should play AoS and I want advice from players if I should start. I came into Warhammer pretty late(Storm of Chaos just ended in Fantasy, and Black Crusade was over for 40k) and I was attracted to fantasy for the identity of the factions, the sense of desperation in the lore, and the 'solidity' of the setting(not sure if that's the best word for it). This what I want to know AoS
>Identity Pretty much every faction had a unique culture to them that affected their aesthetic and personality. The Empire was Germans with German sounding names, architecture, armor, etc. Brettonians same thing but French. The Tomb Kings were Egyptian/Nubian(?), Ogres were Mongols, Lizardmen Aztecs. What I see in AoS doesn't look like that. The names of the Stormcast and their entire background look like something out of a World of Warcraft expansion, and that feels too....generic. Like I mean pic related seriously looks like something lifted from WCIII. Is there anything that has that sort of unique identity in AoS? Or is it all left generic deliberately because it wants us to make up that identity? Or is it because GW couldn't be arsed with it?
>The Struggle The idea of mid-late Renaissance Germans, and Arthur's Court Frenchies fighting an unearthly horror that even super powered solders of 40k struggled against really appeals to me. That regardless of location or technological level, these different factions were all fighting the same war that was always teetering between total defeat and victory. Does AoS give off that same vibe? Because from what I've been reading, it feel more like DnD in that yeah Chaos is evil, and Good fights evil, but infinite planes infinite wars, whatever who cares if you win or lose, an infinite number of other battles your side wins. Are there campaigns or backstory I'm not seeing that actually show how high the stakes are, or are they set low to keep it casual?
Robert Gutierrez
You autists are freaking out about the Order list winning, but IRONJAWZ has been putting up absolutely lethal finishers and with two dramatically different lists.
Last week Chris Tomlin took 4th in a GT stacked with Tzeentch and SCE with the following:
Megaboss on Maw-krusha - General, Ironclad, Daubing of Mork* Weirdnob Shaman Warchanter Warchanter
and more recently at the GT 2017 Finals /ourgreenboyz/ took 2nd with
Maw Krusha - Ironclad - Meatrippa
Grot Shaman
20 Ardboyz
3 Gore Gruntas
3 Gore Gruntas
6 Gore Gruntas
2 Doom Divers
Gorefist Take Aways: Gore Gruntas are amazing, the mobility you get from them is second to none
Brutes are viable, 'Ardboyz are viable, use some legacy weapon teams because you need them
Aiden Gray
>Solidity This may sound odd but I liked how everything had a set location that established where a faction was, how far they extended, and exactly where they were in relation with everyone else. It made the conflict feel more 'real'. Every town had a purpose, even if it was just invented, every city was specialized and had its own history and background on how it got there, what it's been doing, and how it is doing in the current state of the lore. There was a sense that this was a place you could see people living. However miserable it may have been, it felt like the cities and forts and villages were alive with their own people doing their thing and were clearly established as part of their faction. In AoS, I don't really ever see anything solid. So far all I can dig up from OP's links and the website area couple of maps of places. Okay. What are their relation to each other? Is there a map of Shyish? Of Azyr? I know they're infinite, but Chaos and Sigmar are able to take control of 'infinite' realms in a finite amount of time so there's gotta be a limit to what their civilization has found. Is there a map of that?
How does Azyrheim work? How does it support itself? Does it trade? Do people actually live there or is it just some super shiny city of angels where no one actually does anything but prepare to fight?
All these tiny details really help make the setting feel more believable and, for me, more fun. Where are they? Does it exist? Are they going to write it?
I'm really torn up. Part of me wants to play AoS; the depth of the game, the epic scale, and the possibility of being part of a growing story all sounds really enticing, but at the same time the generic-ness of a lot of the factions, the holes in the backstory, and the 'shallowness' of the depth pull me away. I just want to know if I would have fun with this like I did with WHFB if I liked WHFB for the above reasons?
Sorry for wall of text.
Landon Ross
you're a faggot
Aiden Rogers
That is a proxy. Not a counts-as. I do not believe for a second that is a liberator. An absolutely lazy attempt at making some stupid elfcast conversion.
Connor Lopez
Isn't it possible to have Aelf relictors though? Couldn't user just stick that head on a Stormcast and call it a day?
Kayden Nguyen
How the shit do I deal with a 9+ bloodcrusher rape train as Wanderers?
Ryder Morgan
I guess it's possible. Honestly it has never been directly answered. But that's besides the point.
user just made an elf model, gave it a relictor banner, and went "durr look my stormcasts are kewl".
Put some effort into making it believable, man. Right now it looks like a kabalite warrior found some funky banner laying around on the battle field going "Hey Archon! Did you need this for your trophy room or something?!"
Samuel Flores
I guess that answers that.
Logan Parker
I can agree with that honestly. But I've always felt the banner was the most iconic part of the relictor anyway.
It's hardly something I would force anyone to play against without checking if they were okay with it first anyway
Wyatt Williams
I'm not going to read all that shit just because you yourself are too lazy to read the background material.
Levi Gomez
As someone who only recently started giving AoS a chance, I might not be the best qualified. I loved WF for the lore and mostly played the PnP game and read the books, didn't play the tabletop much beyond building a beginner set. But I started looking into AoS a bit more since a friend bought me a Start Collecting box. So I'll just give my honest opinion even though I don't know a ton about the setting yet, but I've read the battletomes, wikia articles and 1d4chan.
>Identity Yeah this is just something AoS fails at if you compare it to WF. And there's really no way it could if we're being realistic. WF had twenty years of momentum and build behind it, and tons of fluff that gave just about every faction a lot of cool things to appreciate and enjoy. In that regard AoS is extremely barebones as rather than being based on physical location and cultures, its more about metaphysical shit and the winds of magic. But its still barebones to the point I don't quite enjoy it. I'm a Death player and the only part of that alliance I've found that's pretty cool is Flesh-Eater Courts, but even that suffers because they're based in "the mortal realms" which is such a huge an ambiguous location it's just about useless for any kind of inspiration in how you want to imagine your army.
>Struggle Still pretty much like it was in End Times from what I can tell, but I hear its getting fleshed out a little more this past year with new books and such.
>Solidity Mostly addressed this in Identity. I don't think there is a ton of solidity to the locations in the setting, and that's probably one of the things I hate the most.
Overall I guess my tl;dr answer as someone in your position is "Yeah, it's not nearly as great as WF and likely won't be for a long time, but some of the all new shit is neat."
Ryan Cox
Ye gods that Ironjawz army is dead killy Wot boyz was dat warboss bringin' wif 'im?
Andrew Green
I did read it. Everything provided in the links, the wiki, the website, but everything still feels incomplete. It's why I asked. I was hoping the pretentious douchebaggery of WHFB stayed with them. Guess I was wrong.
Thank you, this actually does help.
Brandon Sanchez
I've said it once, I'll say it again. Destruction get's it's paper (More parchment) From special "paper squigs" which basically have ready formed leafs of paper/parchment growing out of their backs that can be cut off without harming the beast
Zachary Hughes
If you have the time, grab Auction of Blood, City of Secrets and Spear of Shadows from the OP. All deal with the world on the level of fairly average scrubs. With that, the new Firestorm campaign and assorted bits here and there GW has made a lot of effort to give a face to the realms. It's still not much as of yet, but it's a step in the right direction.
Dominic White
>2 people actually playing Host of Slaanesh in the GT I am pleasantly surprised. Is there a way to see those armies?
Cooper Turner
Is that Chinaman guy who used to do casts/sculpts still a thing? I wanna get like 30 squigs without them being metal and/or $200
Brayden Baker
How should I build a Slaves to Darkness army? How good in general are they? All replies are much appreciated
Aiden Watson
Lots of warriors and chosen and marauder horsemen cause they look so cool
Jace Thomas
Tzeentch Fatesworn Warriors, Knights and Marauders are pretty legit backed up by a Warshrine and wizards.
Jack Myers
Dude. You're Wanderers. Kite them. Stay near board edges and use your pseudo-deep strike to play keep away, and just pepper them with arrows. Use your Glade Guard ability to get rid of their saves.
Ayden Wood
How often do you guys get to play? I've got tons of minis but only 2-3 people to play with since AoS isn't really popular in my area.
Parker Barnes
Dude. Nine of them is 36 wounds. Even a block of 30 GG using Bodkins will only do 10 wounds, and the crushers are large and numerous enough to easily cover the short end of a table because that happened. Combine it with the movement blood tithe, and it's almost impossible to kite them.
Owen Adams
It's an effective list. A decent amount of shooting, annoying MSU chaff, hard as fuck to kill phoenixes and a loremastered dragon lord for problem solving. Seems boring as fuck to play against but it is a tournament list.
William Peterson
>Worshipping Khorne >2017 >ISHYGDDT
Austin Myers
and yet he's still done more to differentiate his stormcast than GW does to differentiate any particular stormcast from another.
Adam Campbell
D... Di . .digital art is just as good as traditional art user!
Tyler Rogers
>Chaos Dwarfs in top ten
Aw yeee
Angel Martin
So, as Seraphon are demons of order, I want to carve my dudes apart and suspend the pieces aerially so as to show them forming into the world
Does anyone have any suggestions for this? I'm thinking just glue and paper clips, as I am a poorfag. Possibly painting the clips to look almost like light, but I don't have much experience with heavy conversions
I'm on my way home from a long road trip, so I won't be able to try it on anything for at least a day, but I'm probably going to start with skinks and work my way up the totem pole.
John Bennett
It's hard to use paperclips and make it look realistic.
The best examples I've seen of using paperclips is people who put either glue or some putty over those clips to give the effect "mass" of some kind.
Your idea certainly sounds cool but I can't imagine it's something easily achievable.
Ryder Martinez
I think something transparent to link the pieces together would be a good way to go. Like Transparent putty or something.
You could also do something similar to the Harlequinn Soltaire mini's cloak, which is an effect I quite like.
Xavier Cooper
Paint them somewhat how People paint their stealth suits?
For example, paint the body white draw a glowy yellow/green/red line around the biceps and paint the rest of the arm in regular skin color. Same with legs and the head. And do that differenly for every lizard.
Alexander Reed
Do you still have decorative rats from plague monks kits? If yes, use them as giant rats and play skirmish with a moulder warband
Hudson Powell
I put those down as rat herders for my rat swarms.
Jayden Martin
From previous thread.
I didn't play WFB either that's why I get so confused when it comes to AOS/WFB armies. Is there a complete list of armies/units made specificly for AOS? So I can see everything that is being reused from old WHFB.
More than using old minis for AOS I'm concerned if they are planning to release new line of human regular troops?
Aaron Sullivan
I'm thinking about what new units could they add to the Ieonjawz since they don't have that much unit variety, just 3 of them.
What would you guys think about a Gore-grunta Chariot? Imo that could be pretty awesome
Aiden Johnson
So with the points drop for gore-gruntas everything in the start collecting is perfectly viable now? Is it a good moment to start an elite and cheap army?
Isaac Sanders
Seems Death are either demoted to shit-tier garbage armies, or about to be fixed with new models etc to make them usable.
Destruction is completely broken too unless you're orcs. GW seem to have planned it this way, for some reason. Maybe they have something planned for non-orcs too?
Logan Baker
>Gore-grunta Chariot?
Samuel Gomez
>Is there a complete list of armies/units made specificly for AOS? Oh, I'm not sure. Personally, I have never seen one desu. - Everything SCE is new for sure. - Everything Ironjawz beside ardboyz is new - There are a lot of new Khorne mortal heroes. Also Blood Warriors and Bloodreavers are new kits - Aetherpunk dwarves are brand new - Tzeentch mortal dudes and big bad daemons are new
Chase Lopez
>about to be fixed with new models etc to make them usable >Destruction is completely broken too unless you're orcs They will fix these GAs with brand new armies I think. Yeah, GW released BCR, Bonesplitterz and FEC battletomes and gave them allegiance abilities but didn't release any new models. They made them up as separate factions with rules to satisfy some of the old players at least but I don't think they gonna expand them in the future. Ironjawz are posterboyz of the Destruction and I think that we haven't seen Death posterboys yet. I put my bet on brand new high-fantasy vampires - maybe undead aelves?
What about the new grots mentioned in the lore: "[karadron overlords] brought to battle by the airial armies of the Grotbag Scuttlers"
Angel Hughes
No sky grots or skyven as far. AoS is 2 years old for now and yet GW released a lot of stuff for this game. I'm ready to wait for something new while having fun with my legacy dudes
Parker Turner
That's kind of how I'm feeling. I want to start up a new army, something fresh to my ancient wood elves, but I'm afraid to buy anything because I have no idea what's coming out
Sebastian Roberts
If you want to run something related to WE then go with Sylvaneth - they are one of "new armies" so you can collect them safely. If you want to try something different then go with Ironjawz, SCE, KO, any Chaos Gods mortals or daemons (Chaos is always a safe pick - even the Slaanesh IMO) or Skaven (they are legacy but they are also a GW donut steel so they will not squat them).
As long as GW will keep the allies mechanic alive every purchase is a good idea. Maybe your current dudes will not get new models in the future but if GW will release any new army that fits your taste then you will just use your old models as allies
Josiah Rivera
So a bold highlight at the edge of every limb?
I was going to try and copy this for my colour scheme
Jackson Mitchell
Paper clips plus hot glue could work for transparency, possibly paint a very thin coat of waystone green to give it colour and hide the clip itself
I'm planning on a black tile base with a bright blue highlight in the cracks, so as to give it an almost Tron feel.
I know they aren't scifi, but something about them being mental constructs screams digital effects
I almost imagine them like shattered glass, similar to the old final fantasy battle start sequences
I know this is going to be a huge project, but the concept seems so unique that I need to make them mine
Oliver Kelly
Short answer, the game is not for you. Don't try to force yourself to play it, because you will be unhappy. Not even trolling, you picking up AoS would be like me picking up Dark souls- I'd be bored to tears from the boring setting, and frustrated due to the repetitive and slow combat. So I don't buy the game. I'd urge you to do the same. Consider Oathmark that the guys behind Frostgrave are launching for low-fantasy, no-frills setting you are looking for.
Ryder Cooper
Hero: Some spiders Battleline: A shit load of spiders Behemoth: A giant ass spider
Jaxson Harris
I just looked at the solitaire, and that is both beautiful and the effect I'm kind of looking for.
Some skinks will be murdered as I attempt to replicate that. Don't know if I should use green stuff to build the tiny cubes or something else, but we'll figure it out
Jaxon Carter
Something like this.
Julian Brown
1 spider boss 2 arachnarok with wizard 1 moonclan wizard 30 spider riders 20 moonclan grots 20 moonclan grots 20 moonclan grots 3 fanatics 2 rocklobbas converted as spider web throwers with the spare arachnarok kits
Elijah Reed
While I like the concept, I tend to paint my models very bright so as to pop on the table. The idea of going gray-scale on them just makes me sad
Maybe I'll try that once I eventually get on the Stygies VII
Now tell me, do you already plan to buy a next army? Not asking about buying a squad of allies - I mean the full scale army on its own
Alexander Cook
don't try to make the paperclips transparent, paint them up the same blue you use on the base to make them like little zaps of energy holding bits together.
John Morgan
Stormcast chariot?
Julian Hernandez
No, they have enough goddamn models
Camden Watson
Everyone should get chariots, but only the progenitor should get chariot battlelines
Colton Cox
Don't fight, brothers.
Every Chariot is a wonder to be appreciated, even filthy Stormcast ones.
Joseph Allen
Greenskinz already have a chariot battleline
Logan Foster
Remove green kebab
Luke Wood
They are already as good as squatted - let them be. I'm not sure if there is any way to make them playable desu
Caleb Bennett
>He has only one type of Chariot
Tyler Howard
Just in case some body missed it. New nighthaunt next year. the Knight of Shrouds
>If you want to run something related to WE then go with Sylvaneth - they are one of "new armies" so you can collect them safely. I thought about it, but there's already a Sylvaneth player apparently, and playing the same army as someone else triggers my autism, especially when the group is still budding.
>If you want to try something different then go with >Ironjawz Oh God no. Ironjaws are fucking retarded, imo.
>SCE At least one person plays them, and fuck shillcast eternals. I was sick of seeing them long before I even started playing AoS.
>KO Already taken, possibly in multiples
>any Chaos Gods mortals or daemons I have some leftover tzeentch, too, but it's mostly just horrors. However while there are no other tzeentch players to my knowledge, there are a fuckload of chaos players. At least 4 that I can think of off the top of my head.
>Skaven Already 2 players I believe, and I'm not really interested in them.
>As long as GW will keep the allies mechanic alive every purchase is a good idea. It's more that I don't want to invest in a bunch of dudes and then have GW go "these dudes are literally better in every single way to those guys and more supported and just cooler in general!" and leave me stranded with a bunch of old shit. I also don't like allies and never have, so that's a turn off of itself.
I really want to like a faction in AoS because I enjoy playing the game, but there just isn't any army that jumps out at me. It is fucking frustrating as hell.
Easton Wilson
Well, it's a pretty old news senpai. IIRC we even had a Kitbash Edition thread with this guy
Nolan Green
It's just an Hero.
An Hero for each Grand Alliance. They will be the Heralds of their faction in the Campaign.
Matthew Smith
>I don't want to invest in a bunch of dudes You are not investing user. You are spending your money on plastic toy soldiers >then have GW go "these dudes are literally better in every single way to those guys and more supported and just cooler in general!" But it works like this since the very beginning not only in AoS but also in WHFB and 40k >I really want to like a faction in AoS because I enjoy playing the game, but there just isn't any army that jumps out at me Just don't give a fuck about what other players are running and play what you like.
Lucas Nelson
Warrior Kinband is always good.
It let's you double up on Axes
Robert Campbell
>You are not investing user. You are spending your money on plastic toy soldiers How is spending a bunch of time and money on something not investing into that thing?
>But it works like this since the very beginning not only in AoS but also in WHFB and 40k Not quite. GW is putting entire new factions for AoS it seems, which is significantly more than just a Codex update.
>Just don't give a fuck about what other players are running and play what you like. Literally impossible.
Nathan Reyes
Investing is meant to bring you profit. Spending on hobby is spending, not investing. You will not get any returns from it, only enjoyment from doing something you like.
Cameron Taylor
>enjoyment isn't a return
Josiah Wright
Can I get some feedback / opinions on my clan skryre conversions?
Luis Young
We've seen and praised them already. Clean them up, drill the barrels and start painting, dude.
Ayden Miller
>needing more than one perfected chariot
Jackson Jackson
Whats the chances that the new model for your GA is actually for your army though? You can bet your bottom shekel its for stormcast, ironjaws, nagash ghosts, non-rat chaos.
Michael Nguyen
It is. Source: economics
Noah Lewis
God I'm honestly so sick of Stormcast. I really Fucking hope we get someone besides them fighting death in the campaign next year
Jackson Collins
Tell me about it. The only expansion box thing I've purchased has been Firestorm, as its been the only thing not built around those stupid models with their bland boring robot faces. (It does have them on the box cover though, but i've burned it off with brush cleaner chemicals).
Daniel Reed
How does Veeky Forums feel about flesheater court's new allegiance abilities. I played with them first time the other day and they seem to fit their flavour a lot better than generic death but I had a question. When it comes to feeding frenzy it states that when a unit is slain roll a dice. On a 6 pile in and attack again. My question is essentially is this a useful ability or is it just one of those rarely useful things (must be in pile in range of a new unit) that rarely trigger . What do you guys think