Is the golden one /ourguy/?

is the golden one /ourguy/?

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Golden Goy is a faggot
Varg Vikernes is ourguy and MYFAROG is ourgame


He's a goddamn retard.

varg is ourguy

I think he's too Veeky Forums to be our guy.

There are a couple fi/tgu/uys on the board, but most people here are fa/tg/guys or skellies.



Just checked his insta. Who the fuck even is that dude?

Random fitness personality.
Known for his long hair and autismo.

>this is what pagans actually believe

Don't reply to Kristianposts, retard.


C'mon both of them are ok.

i can be non-pagan though

make me

Go back trying to raise money for a better font than papyrus.

His political views are garbage; but otherwise I think hes a pretty cool guy. The way he plays up his narcissism is funny; he likes witcher and 40k, I like witcher and 40k. Hes gotta physique worth admiring. Seems pretty cultured. Its a shame that hes a crypto-fascist though.

Your political views are garbage

>Veeky Forumss guy
Veeky Forumss guy
>/pol/s guy
>Veeky Forumss guy
>Veeky Forumss guy
He's like the anti-Dobson.

You are the one with garbage political views.

The golden one simply accepts reality.

We are in such fucked up times that is now considered crypto-fascist.

One, learn what fascist actually fucking means.

Two, choke to fucking death on your next meal you leftist faggot.

mfw when its comic sans

>Your political views are garbage.

You don't even know my political views. Why do you presume to do so?

>The golden one simply accepts reality.

What reality is it that he sees? The reality that radical nationalism and alienation of minority groups that are just as oppressed as you and I are (playing directly into the elites games) are the real problem? Or is it the reality that he and the far right only wish to see?

>One, learn what fascist actually fucking means.

Fascism as defined by wikipedia
>Fascism /ˈfæʃJzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

Sounds like his world views to me. He talks alot of white nationalism in his videos, refers to the hundreds of thousands of women and children fleeing from the war-torn middle east as "invaders", discusses what to do about the "jewish question" in one of his videos, seems to be a pretty in favor of privatization of public good and resources, basically said in another video that hes down with some of what Hitler did, advocated for a Trump presidency and likes Trumps campaign policies and rhetoric (which in themselves are quite fascistic).

I'm sorry does nuance and objectivity make you mad? Why don't you go back to your echo-chamber /pol/ where your flawed ideology and bullshit belongs.

Because you're assuming everyone agrees with you that his are "garbage". In other words stop being a faggot and assuming you're absolutely right and hes absolutely wrong. Your personal opinion =/= fact.

Not the guy you're responding to but...

You don't have to assume, the golden one is retarded. Take a look at the shit hes spouting, its retarded. He cites fantasy literature as how he 'feels things were and ought to be'. Even if you really want to believe it he couldn't even articulate it for shit either.

If you really want to live in a fantasy world, at least find a decent demagogue.

>Because you're assuming everyone agrees with you that his are "garbage". In other words stop being a faggot and assuming you're absolutely right and hes absolutely wrong. Your personal opinion =/= fact.


I'm sorry; but I always thought it was presumed to be a default position that nazism/fascism are a bad thing, and that the conclusion to the problems they see in society is usually pic related. Do I seriously have to lay it out for you in precise detail why exactly that is?

>implying the holohoax happened

You don't seem to understand what a fact or opinion is. But alright buddy.

>thousands of women and children
>Trump is a fascist! (But a special kind that likes his citizens to have guns and allows the media to mock him 24/7)
The fact that you think /pol/ is an echo chamber confirms that you’ve never actually been there and are just using it as some sort of boogeyman

> allows the media to mock him 24/7

Retard, he literally has 0 power to stop the media and he knows it.

>my opinions are facts, yours aint


Don't reply to /pol/shit, retard.

You can't reason with them user; they got butthurt about Wolfenstein II for fuck's sake. Apparently killing and vilifying Nazis is wrong now? Friggin' snowflakes.

You think a “literal Hitler” fascist has no power to stop the media?
It’s because he’s not a fascist you stupid faggot, he’s a crass, center-right Republican who says things you don’t like, that’s it.

>not wanting to be killed by a screeching “liberal” makes one a snowflake
Lol ok

>being a Nazi is okay and you should be left alone
Lol ok

The Golden One believes that The Horus Heresy book series is good, therefore he is an enemy of Veeky Forums.

I never said mine was a fact, i was saying you can't state things as a fact when they're opinion. Stop projecting.

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi

>killing Nazis is ok
>also everyone I say is a Nazi is a Nazi :^)
I’ve decided you are a Nazi, what now faggot?

Literally who?

Sieg Heil. come at me, faggot.

I think they're more "butthurt" about communists being the good guys. Nobody cares about the nazi killing. Stop being disingenuous.

But user, killing Nazis IS okay. I'm pretty sure it's not even a punishable crime in most places.

Looks like you're dead then user. You criminal.

Yeah no, read all the angry tweets. Or go back to Breitbart and get some more circle-jerk news about why they're REALLY upset. People outed themselves as Nazis and said glorifying killing them is bad. It's hilarious.

I do love a good free-for-all.


None of Trump's policy positions are any different from the Bushes or Reagan's; the only difference is he's rude and a jerk about it. I never understood the "ZOMG HE'S LITERALLY HITLER!!!11!!1eleventryone!!!" paranoia.

>Go back to Breitbart
Wow thats REALLY sad user. Good job assuming my political position faggot. Better check under the bed for nazis before you sleep.

I'll assume your gender too, bitch.

Oh no, you got me i called him a retard. The adjective i applied to him was an opinion of him.

Nevermind why.

From the sounds of it thats punishable by death in your circles user.

Nice comeback. Should I assume your butthurt status too while I'm at it?

You seem upset enough to keep coming back to insult me for telling you you're wrong so maybe you should ask yourself that.

Homie, just because you are a fascist doesn't mean you have the power to do whatever you want.

This country doesn't like fascists so they don't have freedom they would in other examples.

Did Bush or Reagan ever call other news sources "FAKE"? Like, all the time?

>he keeps replying and projecting

>hes incapable of seeing how hes conducting himself

I know you are afraid of death squads hunting down Nazis.

Just don't wear a swastika, don't do the Nazi salute, and don't try to exterminate all the Jews. You can even say white power! It'll be frowned upon but at least you will live.


>Saying someone stating that someone is a retard as a fact is an opinion and they might be incorrect
>this makes me a nazi for disagreeing with someone calling someone they don't like a retard
You have some sad politics there user. Seek help.

Dude... different people. There are multiple threads of 'discussion' here.

They would actually be the best Nazi hunters. A gun doesn't need the wielder to look threatening.

Homie, you are trying to correct people who are shittalking Nazis.

They are Nazis.

They don't deserve any defense ever.

>implying those people aren't anti-gun

>replying and projecting

Nah this entire thread is a shitshow already. Just do what you want till the mod prunes it.

And you're just outright calling anyone who disagrees with you a nazi. I was also called a nazi for stating maybe you shouldn't assume someone is a nazi/that everybody agrees with you. Thats so fucking sad.
>NO U twice in a row
Real mature political discourse user. Stay in school.

I was going to bemoan the loss of another perfectly good thread to /pol/shit, but this thread was tainted from the start. Jesus what happened to Veeky Forums the untrollable board?

Quit trying to be the 'voice of reason' in a sea of piss, user. Virtue signaling of the highest order.

But yeah, this thread wasn't good from the start, and everyone knew it.

Veeky Forums is still untrollable; it's mostly just /pol/acks replying to each other to simulate a conflict.

No true scotsman eh?

Veeky Forums has never been untrollable.

I've not stated any of my political beliefs and yet they've been assumed for me. I don't see how that is virtue signalling. All i am getting from people is "everyone i disagree with is a nazi and nazis are bad, therefore you are bad". Enjoy your little nazi hunt i guess.

>I have but played the devils advocate, a lone beacon of civility and reason in this mad gaggle of vile bullies, such is the burden of the lone enlightened.

The people who want to take away my right to self defense definitely don't own guns.

You ever just want to ruin something?

Sort of true, but only because there's an easily trollable sub-culture. Which is what was pointed out. Because they pretend to troll, then they troll themselves because they can't tell if the other trolls are false-flaggers, then they get mad and can't stop trolling, even if their stance is one they don't actually believe in because false-flagging. Habitual trolls are idiots. That's why discerning trolls don't do it all the time.

>Jews behind the spread of Christianity
There's so much wrong with this nonsense that I don't even know where to start.

Dont call it retarded though, someone might get upset.

All right, thanks for the advice.

It's developmentally disabled.

>also everyone I say is a Nazi is a Nazi :^)
You are the only person in this thread making that assertion.

>opposing people being killed for their beliefs means you are either playing the devils advocate or are one of said people

yes and it was justified

Actually no, that is fairly common viewpoint among the “intellectual” left.

What's wrong with genocide? If genocide is needed to ensure the existence and safety of my people so be it.
Or are you one of the delusional fuckers who still believes in universal morality and nonsense about human rights and how we are supposedly all equal?

I nearly bled out on that edge.

If you don't care about human rights. Why not fly down to africa with some of your /pol/ buddies and start taking land in the name of the white man and create your facist utopia? Shouldn't be hard to outsmart those filthy nig nogs, right?

Unless they are actively genociding you and it becomes an armed conflict it is morally wrong.
Consensual race mixing is not genocide by the way.

Disregard fascists, /pol/ utopia is a libertarian paradise, not a statist shithole.
Only faggots want a big-government tit to suck on.

Because I have no interest in abandoning the land of my ancestors.

If it quacks like a duck, user. Don't out yourself and you'll avoid the purge.

Oh shit we have an Amerindian in the house, folks.

Why are you assuming he's American?
You're arguing morality with someone who doesn't believe in morality, a psychopath.

I am not concerned about race mixing. Even in our oh so "tolerant" age, where propaganda promoting miscegenation is pushed down our throats everywhere, only a tiny minority of deranged people engage in that vile shit. Most people want their children to look like themselves and have no interest in breeding disgusting mulatto mongrels.

What I am concerned about is the ongoing non stop mass migration of subhumans to my homeland, at a rate that exceeds the native birth rates of my people, because this will lead to the demographic replacement of my people in our own homeland and ultimately make us into a fucking minority in the land our ancestors fought and died for.

>You ever just want to ruin something?
Yeah, but someone beat me to your mum's vag

I do believe in morality, just not in universalist nonsense morality. I have subjective moral framework in which the value of things is directly tied to their relationship with me. My family members are more valuable to me than a stranger is, my kinsmen aere more valuable to me than foreigners and so on.

>Euronig living in a country that was ruled for hundreds of years by a conquering warlord turned king who subjugated his people; he's one member of many of the majority of cultures that were wiped out and supplanted
>"muh heritage muh homeland blood and soil we's being invaded!"
Irony is hilarious.

You mean the lands your Ancestors also raped and outbred the native populace for.

Yeah it was my dad; fucker's hung like a horse and my ass never did heal right.

>"humans ain't humans unless i says they is!"


Guilliman is the best primarch and the one I'd follow till my death, and even beyond.

The "Golden One" is a retarded nationalist retard.

Half breeds almost always end up looking better than pures.

More than likely his ancestors had nothing to do with claiming the land, but immigrated in after the fact.

But aparently you're okay with killing millions of people because of a perceived threat to "your people" which also includes millions of people who probably don't give a shit about you aside from trying to virtue signal with some pseudo dark enlightenment tribalism crap.

Let me guess, you're that Fingolese retard.

Yes, and? Why on earth would I be ok with being replaced in my homeland, just because my distant ancestors may have done that to the previous inhabitants of this land? What is your argument?

>"humans ain't humans unless i says they is!"
What does it matter if they are human? Them being human is about as significant as them being also mammals. I do not care. A claim of universal humanity does nothing to make a foreigner into my kin. I only care about my kin and I would sacrifice rest of humanity if it ensured the survival of my people.

I admire his work ethic and humility while disagreeing with his politics