ITT: Let's make region in fantasy/sci-fi setting

I will start with small statement and we can go from there:
>Monstergirls(and boys) exist, and they can't breed with humans.
>They also don't care about raping, enslaving or otherwise capturing or holding humans.
>They got a proper cultures


Fortunately, the humans have Battlemechs.

That is actually a thing in my setting.
Humans don't trust em, though, they're not really welcomed by any other race.



They're the result of ancient genetic engineering by the planets original human colonists, specifically unlocking the reproductive abilities of the designer geneslaves they brought with them

a race of snail people are the scariest enemies.

they warp realities with their very presence, and each rock 200+ IQ's and extreme magical powers.

they corrupt both humans and monsters, who become lovecraftian and loyal to the snail.

they have no clear motives, and can cause even a normal girl to become an unkillible monstrosity that can come back from a single cell.

wow, that is not too bad

for example

an mermaid sees a giant snail moving through the sea. she swims up to the snail and instantly gets a giant head-ache. in this painful state she slowly gets warped by the snail.

a few minutes later, she has become a deep one cultist of the snail and starts out with his dirty deeds.

A theory is that the snails are actually portals to the far realms of madness, and warp all people by existing. People take to warping differently, all get stronger, but those that remain control of themselves are those of vast will.

They don't seem to be malicious, but will follow their goals to the end.

>The overseer of the region has banned guns, so civilians have gone back to using rocket hammers and swords and overpowered pitching machines against each other
>However, the police can legally wield guns, and their guns are overpowered

the ultraviolet are a group of scientists who follow a snail.

they are armed with pens that shoot out black-holes. these pens where developed by the snails and are often used in combat by them.

they kidnap and corrupt monsters and humans, many of which become far more terrifying.

god exists but doesn't show himself, preferring to change things from behind the senses.

All this is terrible.

Now we're getting somewhere.

>The Police often pilot the Battlemechs, and have developed tech to shield the pilots from the effects of the snails. These Battlemechs defend the cities from the snails using their overpowered guns. However those outside the Police ruled cities are on their own.

>Submit to their autocracy, or fend for yourself.

>not wanting lovecraftian wizard snails

what are you, gay?

There are science teams crazy enough to try to combat the snails, but mixing there DNA with other creatures lead to virus that could slow down the mind control effects of the snails - only problem, it does not effect humans.

Mandatory recruitment (see enslavement) and token representation of monsterkin in the Police force occurs. They are deployed as light infantry.

Now we got aracnias in underground areas to serve as both scouts and to carry other troops in case of a collapse

>Humans have Battlemechs to fight Snails
Are Humans a few inches tall or something?

Why not?


The monsterpeople aren't, but human technology is so far ahead of theirs as to seem like magic.

A race of sentient flying domino-sized robots where left behind by the precursors.

They are pacifist until they get attacked, but defeat their enemies with vast firepower. Not one attacker has ever survived


This place sounds like the Planet of Doctor Moureau.

Geneticallly engineered monster folk created to adapt and alter the planet. They've begun breaking free of their genetic programming and have been off and doing their own things now.

Miniaturized Humans, the product of idle curiosity, have been released in limited areas. They awoke surrounded by machines and technology they know how to maintain, but lack the infrastructure to reproduce. Their homes look like a mishmash of The Hobbit and Apple products.

The Snails are an unknown threat. Were they created and let loose on them, an invading force, or something else?

I kind of like these Dominoes as being the people responsible for the whole thing. They paid some mad scientists to mess around for their amusement and want to see what happens, but their at a loss of what to do about the snails.

I was going on the picture posted of the snails in comparison to humans .
But sure miniature humans work great too.

>With the underground being scouted by allied Arachnia. Many human cities expand down rather than out to protect their citizens from the snails and rogue monsters.
>Colony tunnels weave their way deep into the planets crust beneath each city, breaking off into smaller and smaller tunnels the tiny humans can retreat into, should the city above fall. The smallest of the tunnels are far too small for the snails or any monster to fit into.

How many different varieties of Monsterfolk is there? So far I see a Spiderfolk, Merpeople, and Lamia/Vipers of the XCOM2 variety

Rolling for number of monster races

Rolled 96 (1d100)

welp i done goofed

>96 different varieties of Monsterfolk
Yeah, someone went crazy with the CRISPR. Feels like this is a breeding place for them and then they get sold at interplanetary pet shops.

With humans being tiny and monsterfolk being numerous and massive, Monsterfolk corpses are sometimes used as building blocks for new cities, with the bones and organic matter being reinforced and incorporated into the city. The edible flesh parts are dried and preserved in giant food reserves stored under the ground.

You make do with what you have.

If the Humans have medical equipment, I can see some of the Monsters trading scales and other similarly removable parts in exchange for help.

I mean sure, with the number of humans required to build the giant mechs and cities, no doubt they'red be plenty who'd seek out individual monsters for protection too, getting their aid in exchange for advanced tech or advise.

Frontier settlements often can't afford mechs and are protected by friendly monsters using high-tech armor, offering nearly the same abilities at a much lower cost. As a safeguard, these suits contain a small cockpit and need a human pilot to activate most of the functions.

The monsters are usually warriors from a neighboring tribe, using the equipment to protect their own settlement as well as the humans.


Ocean-dwelling monsterfolk can grow even larger than their land-based counterparts, and in some regions are a major threat to ships.

Some are quite gentle and will help sailors, but others will go for the attack - there is even a tail of ships captain's hunting down one of these giant merfolk, in a duel that took decades and ended in captain's death....(cough cough moby dick and ahab cough cough)


Yeah, something like this.

>unlike most monsters, mousefolk are a similar size to humans


How advanced are the Humans? Modern capabilities?

What about the Monsterfolk?

Humans can build robots and energy weapons, so significantly more advanced than modern day when they have the infrastructure to support it.

Monsterfolk still think metal swords are high-tech, but sometimes acquire human technology through trade or salvage.

How many places on the planet can support their high tech infrastructure?

Humans, being tiny in this setting are spread across the planets. Their tech enables them to go toe to toe, but requires massive amounts of raw materials, leaving them having to mine large networks of tunnels under the ground of the continents where the majority of their population ends up living.

I’m guessing the Monsterfolk are a bit more protective of their Humans because they know they can help them. Let’s build on that.

How many monster people do the bigger population centers have?

What are some noticeable physical landmarks they’ve made towns around?

Any interesting government types they have?

Do Humans live among them? Are they invited in, or captured and put to work?

>How many monster people do the bigger population centers have?

Depends on the type of monster folk - ones will have less (Arachnids) - with five to ten individuals, others more (Lamias) - in the thousands.

>What are some noticeable physical landmarks they’ve made towns around?

It's common for them to take up hills and forests, as well as natural caves.

Human cities and colonies are almost as common as ant hills are on our world. They outnumber monsters and snails severely, but they use their sheer numbers to research technology, defend their cities and mine for resources.


Humans excavating Monsterkin remains.


What about Humans who end up in their towns, what would different Monsterpeople have them do?

Seems a bit too exposed. Are they near a well defended Monstertown?

Is this a fully developed Human Manufacturing town?

Doctors, electricians and radio operators are always wanted, but even a human with no skills can be valuable if they can access weather forecasts or operate a small drone. Worst case, their size still makes them good lookouts, as they're easily hidden and don't have to do anything physical.

1.Advisers and strategists.
2.Main threat is snails, so building into the sky gives them advantage.


One of the mechs?

>entire hanger city of enormous construction mechs that gained sentience and got up and just left the work site
>the most honored and celebrated are those that can do extremely small and deliquite works like sculting every day human objects

Alright, tell me more about the monsterpeople. What are some notable towns of there’s to visit? Any noteworthy hobbies they pursue?

There are 96 of them, give me something interesting about a few of them that make aliens want to abduct them.

How did the Humans wind up so small?

The strongest person in the setting is a warrior who goes by the name Max.

He seems to be rocking peak performance, and can take mechs with his bare hands.

He seems to be a short but stocky man with blonde hair and blue eyes. He is ripped beyond comparison and is always smiling.

He is mainly known by myths and nobody really knows what he is like or even if he exists.

One crazy theory is that he is the geneticist who made the monsters, but that couldn't be true, could it?


The humans were descended from a generation ship that suffered from a severe life support failure early its journey. Unable to fully repair the damage, the first generation colonists had to use advanced bioengineering to shrink their descendents so they could survive the rest of the journey with minimal resources.

Select humans have undone this genetic modifications.

The small ones are known as homo parvus. The taller ones are known as homo magnum.

The smaller ones outbreed the larger however something is to be said for height

The smaller humans often dislike dealing with giants, knowing that the monsters are much easier to influence.

The stories of them eating people are entirely made up.

Robot skeletons roam the world. They are the secondary threat keeping the humans inside their cities.

They are clockwork creations of cosmic order, as opposed to the snails who are embodiments of the cosmic chaos.

They possess personality, but are maliciously ordered and efficient. They don't fall under lawful stupid, always content to cut out red tape with scalpels.

They march through the world, seeking to capture and study the human subspecies.

Most of the world is covered in their cities, some ruins some not. The snails commonly come from the ruined cities, the skeletons come from the intact.

They are just below the dominos for firepower, walking around in pic related.

Give us more details on the Cosmic Order and Chaos. Is there some announcement of their intention, or do they just appear?


The Monster don't trust bigger humans for that very reason and some mad giant humans degenerate to level of primitive and go around calling themselfs "Paladins"


Cosmic order is projected by the skeletons. Where ever they match they corrupt the ground into a brass colored metal. The metal is unidentifiable, and cannot be produced by any other than the skeletons. The skeletons have strange effects on people as well, causing people to become ordered, be it making them symmetrical or some other mutation.

Chaos is embodied in the snails, who cause the air around them to crackle with electricity and to be constantly changing temperature. They leave an ooze behind that changes the area around it to crackle and change like the snails aura.

The order seems to order things, the chaos makes the most random things happen.


Are we supposed to post cute images?

(Sure we can re purpose this for that)


>harpies are notorious for collecting shiny objects, such as unguarded equipment, vehicles and light aircraft