Do you guys invest in anything other than fucking cryptocurrency?

Do you guys invest in anything other than fucking cryptocurrency?

I invested in pee ess triples

only stupid old pajeet niggers invest in anything else, this is the new era faggot, you will never have the possibility to make these gains again

I have mid 6 figures in ETFs, a roth, and some OTC stocks. I started crypto w/ $10k and my portfolio is now about equal w/ my traditional investment portfolio.

tl;dr crypto prints money.

>oh wowie, stock xyz jumped up 3 whole percents today!

how about NO

i buy stock in ammo when shit like vegas happens then sell 6h later for 10% profit



I tried dividend shares
6% gain before tax
I want 6000%

Seriously though didnt the USAF chain a bunch of them together and use them as a supercomputer or some shit? I'd imagine someone could have unironically made a decent ROI if they actually invested in a couple hundred PS3s

80% of my money is in stocks, 15% in fiat, 5% in crypto. Thinking about real estate though.

What about pee ess cripple eeh eh eh

You know what you need to invest in? Good games. THE PS TRIPLE

That shit is _nice_

but for real? wipe my ASS with six hunnid dollahs

Weed breathalyzers.

>invested $4k in weed stocks in tax-free account
>turned it into almost $20k
>took $10k out and put it in crypto
>now have ~$73k in crypto

>put 15k into normie stock trading platform Dec '16
>made 24% return

Not bad for a first year investor, but given that I put 2k into crypto a few months ago and after cashing out my initial 2k I'm still at 7k portfolio - it's kind of a disspointment

I thrive on people who invest in crypto. If crypto goes down, I short the fuck out of crypto related stocks and vice versa.

Continue doing the jews work, good goyim.

>mfw people are content with 10-15% annually

So you're saying weed stocks is the future? sounds ABAP

>Weed breathalyzers.

Your money is pretty safe in stocks though, unlike crypto where when the bitcoin bubble pops you'd lose a of value for quite some time

>where when the bitcoin bubble pops you'd lose a of value for quite some time

Fuck no you stupid homo nothing else gives any returns

No, I don't understand the other markets.

Also, I'm trying to make it in the most autistic way, it would be double satysfying.

ETH, XMR and other worthy coin would undoubtedly rise above the ashes, but everything will be affected when bitcoin falls, I'd guess a 80% drop across the board for at least a year

>Your money is pretty safe in stocks though
>tfw people actually believe this
Only "safe" bets are mutuals/indexes and that's because someone is doing it for you. Doesn't make it any safer.

Yeah, for the past 8 years most of my portfolio has been held in land/real estate. Aside from that, there's a couple of bonds, stocks in brics, emerging markets. cryptos is just a past-time. I prefer forex desu.

when I say safe I don't mean incapable of losing money, more that stocks and global market isn't in a bubble like crypto / bitcoin is