>Unearthed Arcana: Eladrin and Gith
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>Unearthed Arcana: Eladrin and Gith
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>No question
Shit OP.
Jeremy Crawford "the right thing to do is always what the DM says".
How do you feel about this?
Incorrect, the right thing to do is what the DM didn't expect.
>be me
>sorcadin, party around level 9
>recently got a shit tonne of gold from selling a load of shitty magic items we got from previous adventure
>want to buy a good weapon because i still have generic +1 greatsword, start looking for vorpal sword for sale (using price guide attached)
>can't find one, feelsbad.jpg
>but some english explorer dude approaches us in a tavern and says he wants some help finding ancient elven civilisation or something, in the desert accross the sea
>apparently there is a lot of treasure to be had, we set off
>take boat journey over and then ride camels accross the desert, fight pirates, some sort of evil snake etc
>make it to ruins, head into tower and go down some stairs, we are in ancient library, explorer bro starts looking at books, very excited
>we find a door off the library, dispel magical lock and open it
>inside is some sort of fox mage guy, shield guardian and a bunch of quadrons. Epic fight ensues, it was pretty damn hard because the dm doubles enemy hit points to make fight more fair
>manage to beat mage and his minions, only just, finger of death brought me down to 7 hp. time to loot!
>search area, find a magical greatsword and rapier. Wizard casts identify, greatsword is vorpal sword! feelsGOOD.jpg
>rapier is some fiend killing weapon
>explorer bro checks weapons out, he is pretty happy. We are about to leave
>hear a weird noise behind us, uh oh
>explorer transforms into some sort of evil cat man! roll initiative. Im still on 7 hp, rest of party is fucked up as well. Pretty much out of spell slots
>barbarian goes first, he grabs the vorpal sword from tiger dude. Manages to grab it and put it in bag of holding
>Sorcerer uses last spell slot to try and polymorph him, no effect. Quickens a booming blade which also does nothing. this is not good
>I cast darkness (i can see through it, im a shadow sorcerer/paladin). Run up to attack, but he can see me through the darkness! Bastard has truesight. Still 7hp, no healing left
>Barbarian and I start hitting the shit out of him, he tries to dominate barbarian but barb passes his save. Then tries some other spell with legendary action, barb still fine somehow
>Give bag of holding to wizard because he has good wisdom saves, can resist this guy. We do not want to lose vorpal sword
>He tries to plane shift wizard, who has -1 to cha! Wizard gets lucky and passes, and the hasted barbarian finishes tiger man off. We won!
>When tiger guy dies, his body dissapears. The rapier also dissapears with him. Wizard informs us that that was rakshara, and he will be reborn in the 9 hells in a few months. Not sure why he gets to keep magic rapier when he dies but whatever,still got the vorpal sword
>Take a rest, try attune to vorpal sword. I cant for some reason. Uh oh.
>We realise that it was just a regular sword with Nystul's Magical Aura cast. Tiger guy was just trying to fuck with us. There is no loot in the rest of the gigantic magical library except some spell scrolls
>mfw we get no treasure because tiger guy took it with him when he died
>mfw we spent more money on the boat trip than we gained from the ancient elven civilisation
>mfw we didn't even level up
Feels pretty fucking bad, all that fighting for absolutely nothing. I want to go into the 9 hells to find that tiger guy and fucking kill him for good, bastard wasted a lot of time and gold.
Well the important thing is now you have a goal.
Making a Paladin with oath of ancients next game. Going for a support Cha focused one.
Since I picked VHuman, I have a free feat. I know the GM doesn't allow any "Master" feats (CBE, PAM, GWM, etc) until level 8, but I don't mind, it gives me the option of taking a support feat without any regrets.
I was looking to more magic. Paladins are an odd caster in having no cantrips, and generally very little utility. How would Magic Initiate or Ritual Caster be?
The idea is taking either, and going for Cleric. Ritual Caster would give me a lot of non-combat potential on top of my high charisma and social skill proficiencies, especially as the game progresses, and it frees up my spell slots and spell selections.
Magic initiate will give me 2 cantrips and a level 1 cleric spell. The cantrips will be very useful, though I am not do sure about the level 1 spell slot. I was thinking of non-combat spells not just because of the Wis modifier, but also because I have plenty of offensive power already.
Any thoughts or suggestions here? Is it worth it on a Paladin to grab either?
If your DM allows lucky there's no reason to pick anything else anyways.
This. I suggest making a rug.
He does, but he uses a modified nerfed version of it, where it basically just improved your current state by 1 tier (disadvantage to normal, normal to advantage, or advantage to super advantage, after all applied modifiers). So not really as good, and not really a feat that fits either.
Does it have some context? Because that is obviously not true.
I think the race could have been balanced if they added, while flying using the race feature, you can't make weapon attacks or cast spells with somatic components, and you can't fly if an effect would impair your ability to use your arms, or if an effect would lower your speed (such an encumbrance)
As I recall Initiate forces you to use the casting stat from the original class, so I think if you can find Bard, Sorcerer or Warlock stuff to use that'll be better.
Check Inspiring Leader too if you want to do support and you're going to pile on Cha anyway.
Attack cantrips are pretty bad on paladins. Almost anyone else in your party is going to be better off getting the utility cantrips.
Magic initiate might be worth it if you don't have a wizard for cantrips and want find familiar.
Ritual caster will probably not be worth it unless you really want Alarm for some reason.
Heavy armor master
Magic initiate wizard - find familiar
Inspiring leader
Resilient - Con
Shield Master
Spell Sniper - Booming Blade (Your DM will hate you)
Any of the above are good options.
They could've just made it a gliding speed instead of a flight speed when they're outside the Plane of Air, like a version of the Monk slow fall that lets you travel horizontally.
How does Spell Sniper affect Booming Blade? 10ft attacks? Might as well just use Bard Initiate and just use a halberd for the same effect + a spell and a cantrip
Yes, it gives 10ft attacks. It only works with a whip though.
Using a reach weapon alone doesn't work, the spell has explicitly 5 ft range. You need to use a reach weapon AND have spell sniper.
If you have less than 20 Cha you should be putting points in Cha, to improve your aura of protection. If you have 20 Cha, good paladin feats are Resilient (Constitution), War Caster or Shield Master. If you're going to be playing support Paladin, Magic Initiate and Ritual Caster can't really cut it. Consider multi-classing to warlock or sorcerer to imrpove your utility.
Shield Master is pretty good if you're going to be laying the smackdown with other melee, they'll thank you for your auras AND giving them advantage on anything you can push over. Might as well use those bonus actions on something aside from Misty Step.
Misty Step is fucking awesome.
>super advantage
If you had advantage and use 2, you get ULTRA ADVANTAGE. And if you use all three uses, you get M-M-M-M-MONSTER ADVANTAGE.
a friend recently bought me this, and i have never had any involvement with dnd or any RPG for that matter but have always been really keen to try it out. my friends are hoping that we will be able to figure out how to play it. it is likely that the role of DM will fall to me which im alright with. but i am a first time DM that will need to try and teach first time players.
is this even feasible? im really excited to play dnd and i have enough spare time from work to be able to make some really cool ideas for stories and scenarios i think once i get a grasp on how the game plays out. but getting this knowledge of how the game plays, AND teaching complete newbies so the game isnt impossible to play sounds tough.
also have to play it online because i live in a different state to them because of work.
you can totally do it user. it might be hard at times and you'll make mistakes but it'll definitely be worth it
How do I make a grappler that sucks the least? How do you optimise this?
That's the plan
Literally anything that has 1 level in Barbarian. That's it. Both the grappling feats seem kinda average. Tavern Brawler could be okay if you went Barb/Monk, although bonus action grapple competes with bonus action attack from martial arts.
Hex - bonus action, disadvantage on their better stat to get out.
Barb (Rage+second attack)+Bard (expertise, hex, that Lore feature that lets you debuff enemy rolls) = Plato.
Keep in mind that you can't concentrate while raging, so it's far better to be a barbarian with expertise AND have someone else using hex.
So I think my antagonist is about to win the game against the good guys. As they have found the last plot McGuffin, it's in the parties hands and next session they are going to fight them for it. They are also much stronger than the party and don't necessarily care about killing them as all they really care about is getting the McGuffin and summoning their Archdevil to the world.
So... yeah I'm a bit scared I can't really think of a way out for my party from this whole thing. No teleportation options, no killing the bad guys, no support in their current location, nothing.
So that leads me to my question, how would you run a game where the world is ending? How long would it take for the world to shift into chaos?
>If you have less than 20 Cha you should be putting points in Cha
I am not taking a +Cha feat.
Might take shield master then. I feel weird being a spell caster with no cantrips...
You really haven't heard anyone call the 3-die advantage that before?
And I thought I was new.
Do you guys think a tarrasque is a good monster to fight five level 20 PC's? The players are fairly good at optimising
It's more that I've literally never heard of anyone actually using 3-die advantage, or more.
>Never heard of lucky
Literally how.
any tips or recommended reading? i reckon i can do the RP things well im pretty out there compared to the rest of my friend group but being able to compromise and do things on the fly sounds hard unless i follow the story in the box the mines of phandelver because there would be so many facets of a story that i would have trouble acting on as i went. especially considering i think some of my friends would be pretty crafty in trying to work around the setting and always asking questions or trying to do things.
Got me
>a feat that occasionally lets you roll a third dice is "Three die advantage"
Oh, I see now. That's just a stupid way of calling it. I assumed you retards were stacking advantages on that you gain otherwise and consistently.
Not sure this is what u want but Matt Colville has some dnd vĂdeos on how to start out as a dm, check him on youtube if u want.
Not that user but have some tips.
If someone asks if they can do something, try as hard as you can to say yes.
Watching streams is what helped me the most. Chris Perkins is great. Other people will say I'm a faggot, but Matt Mercer and Matt Colville have some good points too.
Getting over feeling like my players were "doing it wrong" when they missed things was a stupid early hurdle for me. Also running a published adventure makes it way easier for me to run longer sessions, and even if things deviate from that having something I can refer to saves me a lot of stress.
>Wants a vorpal sword at level 9
I mean, good on you for setting your sights high, I guess
>I feel weird being a spell caster with no cantrips...
Why the fuck are you even playing paladin? Attacks are better than cantrips. Paladins are not casters
Play a cleric instead
Obviously correct.
Forgot to attach pdf to my first post, the dm is using this guide for prices, i have been saving and selling everything i find to afford a powerful weapon. Have about 30k gold atm.
I never see discussion of optimal gear. What are the best gear per class/sublass
Greatsword for 2h STR(Barbarian, GWF Champion Fighter), Rapier for DEX melee, Longbow for ranged, spells for caster.
Probably that, pretty invariably.
There's just not a lot of options, basically, and where there are, it's almost worth it to just carrying a few to cycle through depending on resistances.
talking about magic stuff
thank you both, ill definitely look into both of those to try and see what on earth im getting myself into.
Characters rarely have a choice in what magic item they acquire
Dex melee can also go two short swords depending on the class.
Ranged can be longbow, heavy crossbow or hand crossbow depending on feats and amount of attacks.
2H can go Pike/Halberd/Glaive depending on feats
There is way to much to work out for something that is left up to chance.
For instance you could wonder if you use armour of invulnerability or +3 armour, because on has attunement and one doesn't, but the chances of you getting one in a game let alone both is already low unless you are playing some maxed out level 20 have whatever items you want game
How shit would a fighter/druid multiclass be?
Druid seems like the one class that wouldn't benefit much from a fighter dip.
Depends on what/why you are doing it. Dipping druid for shilelagh could be worth to go with a WIS based staff+shield polearm fighter.
False. Cause sometimes I am a dickhead GM and like to fuck with my party.
>Attacks are better than cantrips.
I dont want attack spells, just the minor things like thaumaturgy or prestidigitation.
Best way to deal with a situation where the party is way underprepared is to have the villain underestimate the party and deus ex somebody in to save them from annihilation while giving the villain what he wants
Just read the rules user. Anyone can figure out 5e in an afternoon.
Figure out the basics and just go. Keep the first session easy for players to figure out how to play. Even if this means letting them one hit everything they fight against and fudging rolls not to TPK first session. Once you and the players have a better hang of things thats when you can up the difficulty.
Challenge rating is garbage. Dont go by it. Half the fun for me is setting up an impossible task or foe for the party and seeing how they get through it. Which they nearly always do.
>posting Elmore art for a 5th edition thread.
So, is the "Damage die" for a greatsword "2d6" or is it "Two Six Sided Dice"?
Yes? What do your six sided dice go from 6 to 12?
Is the bludgeoning/piercing/slashing distinction useful from a gameplay standpoint?
I meant for stuff like the Half-Orcs racial feature, or just critical hits in general. Do you get less benefit compared to say, a Greataxe which is 1d12?
Who's hyped for Food and Provisions?
For criticals no, you roll all of the damage dice again.
For Half-Orc racial trait, yes, you only reroll one die.
Also applies to barbarians.
>Need four people to start the campaign
>One faggot has IRL problems
>The other faggot won't make a fucking character
>UNLESS, he assures me, I will allow him the druid of the shepard
>Fine, whatever. As long as you will play.
>He's overcome with joy.
>...and a week later, his character sheet is nowhere to be seen.
>Okay, clearly I need to let go those unreliable faggots and find the new blood
>Find two new players
>After a few days of being pretty active, they suddenly go silent, never to be heard from again
I hope it's less than 4 paragraphs. 2-3 is plenty for me and you should all be thankful for what you get. I don't want WotC to wear themselves out with all of that content they're constantly pushing out.
Yes there's multiple enemies that are immune, resistant and vulnerable to certain damage types and not others.
Is Phoenix Sorc kill?
UA when?
Which subclass from XGE do you guys think Mearls (or hopefully Crawford) will preview today?
Something we already know about, like Divine Soul or Redemption Paladin
6th Monday of October.
>Redemption Paladin
Did we get a confirmation its in? I hope its a Crawford video as he talks more about mechanics than Mearls and I really want to know the changes they've made
UAs happen on the third Monday of the month from now on.
Is it confirmed to be a XGE preview? Or are you just being hopeful?
There will be one preview each day of week till they review everything
I got a question for the Empathic skill.
> If your check succeeds, you have advantage on attack rolls and ability checks against the target until the end of your next turn.
Is the advantage on ability checks for what the target does to me, or what I do to the target?
>That's just a stupid way of calling it
How is it a stupid term for lucky? That's literally what it is.
I think it would be both, so for example you would have advantage on your athletics checks if it tried to grapple you, and you would also have advantage on deception or insight or any other checks you make against the target
>know that alignment is a generalized abstraction
>still struggle to decide what my character's alignment is
How to stop overthinking?
>How to stop overthinking?
let your DM decide.
True Neutral
How about you roll a die?
I just leave it blank. It's not like my character will help a starving family and then burn down an orphanage just because I haven't written an alignment down. I find traits and bonds help me decide what my character will do in a situation more than alignment
>Roll 1d9
Let me tell you the super secret solution to this complicated problem: Re-roll on 10. This will change your life.
>implying 10 wouldn't be unaligned
Beast mode engaged
Roll 1d100. 1-11, 12-22 etc are all alignments. 100 means you roll 2d100 and have a split personality disorder and if you get two different ones
Inspirational LEADER is nice
>I think the race could have been balanced
The race is balanced, basically, but the ability to fly is allowed with DMs permission. Its ability to fly is no better than an uncommon item or a flying mount (and actually worse), and they get no other racial abilities of note.
>I assumed you retards were stacking advantages on that you gain otherwise and consistently.
Because you can't read?
Post the character here, have us decide
It falls off as you level up, but its always nice to have more health
I roll 2d6. First roll determines Law vs Chaos (1-2 Lawful, 3-4 Neutral, 5-6 Chaotic), second roll determines Good vs Evil (1-2 Good, 3-4 Neutral, 5-6 Evil).
Yeah someone took a screenshot from the PDF at a convention