Anyone here playing DSA? Never seen Veeky Forums talk about it. I've been starting to play it recently, playing a craftman type character. The thing now is that I don't find any lists anywhere about the costs of materials, or the assembly of different weapons. How big does the head of a spear need to be, for example? How much metal do I need to buy to make it? Can I just cut down a small tree and turn it into a throwing spear? There seems to be so little information about it.
Didn't they throw this hardcore simualtionism out the window?
Also, if you're german, just check ulisses DSA wiki for rules.
Ryan Torres
I know the rules. The wiki is also in english, by the way.
Anyway, I've only played DSA5, which is the latest version. I don't even want a hardcore simulation, I'd just like some basic information on what I need to build myself a better weapon.
Cameron Cook
In that case, go to wikipedia or some spear making Website.
You wont find such explicit details in the official works. Well...maybe Wege des Schwerts has some more intel on that. But nothing in DSA 5 so far.
Zachary Johnson
Yes, Wege des Schwertes has rules for creating weapons, but it doesn't go into detail about how you have to construct specific weapons types.
Alexander Torres
>In that case, go to wikipedia or some spear making Website. Huh. I guess that would be a good approach.
Still I don't find anything about the actual price of metal, despite having (access to) the "Handwerk und Herstellung" compendium, which lists a bunch of different metals and even woods, but nothign about where to find them or how much they would cost on the market. Like, I am in Festum right now, and I know there are some forests nearby, and I also know that "Steineiche" is probably the best wood for a spear, but do I know wether that forest has those trees in it? Can I just go there and get me a piece of wood (I have a saw and an axe)? I suppose I will just have to wait and see how my GM will handle that next time we play, but I would like to be better prepared.
Juan Lewis
The Bornland is pretty strict about that. I don't think you can just go into a forest and chop down trees without the permission from the local bronjar. For more Information on the fauna and flora you can also check wiki-aventurica.
Brayden Morales
I find that wiki pretty lackluster. It doesn't really have a lot of information about stuff like that.
Jackson King
Or the old zoo-botanica book.
Connor Wright
Yeah, I thought about that one, sadly it is one of the few compendiums I don't have access to. 35 bugs is sorta a dealbreaker here, can I get it online somewhere?
Nicholas Cruz
Probably. If I were at home, I could take a quick peak at it to see if there's anything about the steineichen in it.
Adam Carter
Got the pdf, should I upload it somewhere?
Ryan Harris
That would be great
I know there is a forest called "Steineichenwald" somewhere in Thorwal, which is basically at the other end of Aventurien right now, so I don't have high hopes of getting my hands on some free steineichen wood anytime soon.
That would be pretty sweet. Do you have any filesharing website of preference?
Got any other pdfs? Maybe some more current ones? I'm particularly interested in "Aventurische Magie", just in case you have that and are willing to share it.
Parker Scott
I don't seem to have this particular one, strange. My archive is probably not up to date. If I remember correctly I got most of them through the share thread, maybe look there? Of course you can request something else.
Samuel Green
Do you have "Aventurische Rüstkammer"?
Wyatt Bailey
Sorry, I got very little DSA5.
Jayden Martin
Damn. Currently skimming through the sharethread archives, and there isn't that much there either. What do you have of DSA5? Thanks for your help anyway.
Jayden Scott
Stuff has been posted very slowly over the last couple of years.
I'll make a mega of it if this is still up tomorrow.
Xavier Rivera
Not much.
James Phillips
That would be grand. I'll bump the thread ocasionally.
I don't think I have Heilkräuter, unless it is the same as "Aventurisches Herbarium". A map would be nice, as you only find low-resolution ones online.
Julian Howard
Mostly as it a original german systen which while solid doesn't reinvent the wheel. Actually Degenesis might get more then dsa. Not on my pc but I have some pdfs somewhere
Owen Perry
Keep it alive, I'll upload them later.
Hunter Bailey
Degenesis has a super neat art direction (was the Diploma project of some art designer) but I thought the setting is pretty pants. Maybe the new edition is better.
Daniel Bennett
All I know about it is that a spawned a few decent videogames, and that a lot of Euro-OSR stuff takes heavy inspiration from it.
What I like about DSA is that the characters do not become demigods like in a lot of other role playing games. You can gain quite a lot of power but numerical superiority still matters. In DnD a level 20 fighter can slaughter an quasi infinite amount of level 1 creatures. In DSA 4, levels were abolished.
Zachary Cook
Thanks, man. I think Heilkräuter is more or less the same as a passage from this one, , but the map is really great, thanks a bunch.
Blake Moore
I like that it is not really about combat all that much, but rather about puzzle/mystery solving, social interaction and being creative with your talents. I think some of the people who dislike DSA try to play it like DnD, and that is a big mistake. (Not that everyone who dislikes DSA is totally wrong, but you do need the right approach for it, I feel.)
Jonathan Butler
While we are talking about DSA, care about sharing some storys? Here is one I will not forget ever:
Party consists of: Gjalskerländer (sort of barbarian warrior), Geode (some sort of dwarfish druid, regarded as totally weird by fellow dwarfs) Elf (wood elf, close to nature civilization is weird type) and a healing mage(me)
We are in Weiden, a traditional province of the Midden Realm, people are very superstitious especially towards magic, also they hate, hate, hate orcs. Orcs have fur in DSA and half orcs are a thing.
Party encountered rich merchants son and saved him from some ruffians on the road. Get invited to stay at fathers home, nice eating, stay the night. After breakfast son suddenly screams for his father. Father bolts into son’s room, locks door. Silence. Time goes by, all quiet. Father and son emerge, talk to party and show son’s feet, where heavy hair growth is visible. Son reassures us that the hair is new. I raise eyebrows and perfom a detect and analyze magic spell. Not good at it yet, only some basic information. Result: some chaotic magic effect, DM described the astral lines as: “Imagine a sack which contains 5 balls of wool and 5 cats. Now shake that sack thoroughly. The only thing you are sure about is that that spell is not from your magic tradition”.
Everyone agrees that that cannot be good. I say that that is a problem for an experienced mage, not an adept like me. Party agrees to escort Son to the nearest magic academy to sort things out. Party agrees that to save time we should take a shortcut trough the nearest wood instead of following the road around it. Merchant Son turns out to be extremely whiny and annoying (What do you mean, sleep under the sky, where is my bed?). Fast forward a couple of days.
Carter Taylor
Party emerges from wood at midday near a town, Merchants son insists on going into nearest inn. Party agrees that that would be nice. I argue against it, say we should not waste time and continue on, but I get overruled. I have to admit that warm food, a bath, sleeping in a bed sounded nice. We enter, order food, store our stuff in rooms and head for the baths. It’s a huge inn at a major trade route; there are multiple bathtubs in the basement, separated in niches. A bard makes music, lots of other people present. Innkeeper offers laundry service as well, since practically all our clothes are dirty by now, we happily agree. We eat in the bathtubs, listen to the music, chat with other people, ogle some good looking female and generally have a good time. This is where things start to go wrong. Merchant’s son is agitated; I look and see that his legs are covered in fur up to his knees. I tell him to stay calm and wait in the bathtub, I will go and try to find some clothes so he can leave quietly. I manage to get some clothes and return to the cellar. Our Elf passes me on the stairs, holding what seem to be two hands of dirt. Elf approaches merchant’s bathtub and throws dirt into it. WTF? Son freaks out; everyone’s attention is on us. I barely convince the son to stay in the now extremely dirty bathwater. Then I ask the elf what the hell he thought. Answer: He was worried someone would see the hair through the clear water so he dirtied it…. After I recover from the sanity loss that answer causes, I ponder the problem of cleaning and clothing our annoying charge without somebody seeing his body hair and drawing the wrong conclusions.
Robert Carter
Enter Lunatic Two. Our geode takes a very direct approach to the privacy problem. To prevent people from seeing the son’s hair, he simply raises a wall of stone. In the cellar. With the whole magic hating, superstitious people looking. Wall growths out of nowhere, people freak out, I and the barbarian player look at each other completely baffled. While we try to grasp the whole situation the elf player comes to the brilliant conclusion that the people are freaking out because they see the new stone wall in the cellar. His solution: Cast a fog spell so that people can no longer see the wall. Surely they will calm down after that. So in addition to growing stone, now there is fog coming from seemingly nowhere. People freak out even more, a general stampede up the stairs sets in and someone starts shouting something about demons in the cellar. While I lament the general stupidity I am surrounded by the other people in the inn barricade the entrance to the bath with whatever furniture they could find. A lot of arguing and shouting ensues in the cellar about the topic on how to get out of this mess and who is to blame for it in the first place. Can this whole situation get worse? Of course! While I argue for waiting till everyone calms down and realizes nothing bad is happening, our geode summons up a servant of ore, an element in dsa. He orders it to break down the blockade. So what do other people witness: Out of the cellar with the screaming voices comes, after a lot of stamping noises could be heard, a vaguely humanoid shaped figure which, while clouded in mysterious vapors and possessing shining red eyes, proceeds to punch trough the barricade. Total panic sets in, everyone at the inn flees…. In the end, we had to haul ass while every law enforcement officer, soldier, and a wild mob of volunteers with torches and pitchforks under the direction of every combat capable priest in the whole vicinity was on our tail intend on killing us demon worshipers….
Isaac Reed
That's pretty fun. Only really interesting story I have about DSA is from my first adventure when me (a fjarninger hunter) and three friends (a fjarninger warrior, a middle realm magician and a dwarfess guardist) were sleeping in an inn in a village that supposedly had an active witch circle somewhere in vicinity. When we slept at night, we would wake up from a creaking door, and saw a pair of hands with scissors reaching through the slightly opened door to cut off some hair of the maigician, then escaping into the floor. Before any of us could even get up and follow the thief into the floor, the warrior player exclaimed: "I'm jumping out of the window." His thought process, as he later on revealed, was that surely the campaign would intend for the thief to escape, so he would take a shortcut to catch him by the door. His plan succeeded, he actually caught the thief that way. Now what he didn't take into consideration was that just half an hour prior to that, our GM explained to us that he would handle things on a rather strict basis: if you don't say it, you don't do it. And since our warrior friend didn't say that he would open the window before jumping through it, he basically smashed the whole thing, and since he didn't have any money at him, he had to spend the rest of the night in jail. Atleast he passed the body controll check and didn't get any fall damage.
Not really much of an interesting story, but rather an anecdote about how GMs can handle certain situations.
Angel Russell
I hope the dwarf and elf are best friends now, having misadventures across the country.
Chase Thomas
Bump to keep the thread alive, but if it isn't tomorrow, could you post the link in the PDF share thread?
Henry Ortiz
Adam Garcia
Xavier Cooper
>Played a Schelm for a short adventure. >First time in a big city, super interested in a large temple >Runs up the stair and immediatly beset by priests who try to wring Money out of me >Think of being cool and doing a backflip down the stairs, fail >Manage to at least hit 8 out of at least 20 stairs >GM rolls for my equipment >Knife...nothing happens >Other valuables...nothing happens >My now perfectly tuned
Thomas Ross
>DSA >Never seen Veeky Forums talk about it. On scale from 1 to first day on Veeky Forums, how new are you?
Xavier Hernandez
So I was running a demo game for a couple of friends who were interested in DSA. When I was going over the different species, one said, she wanted to play a half goblin. So I was like, there are no half goblins. Then I was like, are there half goblins? Goblins are closely related to orcs and there are half orcs... Has there been any mention of half goblins in DSA before?
Joshua Smith
Half goblins are apparently not possible. Same as half dwarves. But it's curious then that half orcs exist.
Jose Price
Shame. I did allow her to be a half goblin though, mostly because of the existence of half orcs. And because it's my fetish.
Cameron Morgan
I googled about it and I found a forum entry from 2007 discussing the matter. There was an adventure where a goblin player saved a count's daughter from a bunch of orcs, so she seduced him in the following night and would become pregnant. The discussion was about wether the count would simply and sillently drown the offspring, or if there would be a local red-pelt genocide. These are the opportunities you muss when you don't allow half-goblins.
Liam Cook
I'm more in the male human x female goblin camp, but yes, plenty of possibilities.
A half goblin could also make for a nice Quasimodo character.