I'll never be glorybringer edition
I'll never be glorybringer edition
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but glorybringer doesn't give carnage tyrant haste on curve
I think you meant to put burning suns avatar there... Is literally a more expensive without protection.
>at prerelease
rrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeee what the fuck are these shiiittttt
Why are these expensive anyway? Approach deck?
Neither does Regisaur Alpha when opponent plays his glorybringer
I would also like to know...
Pulled 3 of them so far
UB control was fairly popular at worlds with good results and the deck used that card as it's card advantage engine. It also was shilled quite much during the stream.
Approach usually plays this card as well so it's used in another deck. It might even have some modern use.
Nah, people were comparing alpha to glorybringer before ixalan dropped since they're both five drops that do something on etb/attack and have the same stats. Obviously glorybringer will remain king
Burning suns is a 6 drop...
I'm trying to rebuild my UR Prowess deck for the new standard. Yeah, it was Tier 4 garbage, but it was the most fun deck I've had in a long time. I just wish there were more than 2 good low cmc cantrips to work with.
I don’t understand Standard since Kaladesh. I can make some basic decisions like picking up removal early, but for some reason I can’t tell what’s good or not. It all looks like trash to me.
That is correct.
What does that have to do with my statement? I was showing the similarities of the 2 cards (regisaur alpha and glorybringer)and why people were comparing them.
I didn't mention avatar because he is nothing like glorybringer and people were not comparing him to glorybringer
My bad, avatar and glorybringer have one similarity in that they can both deal damage on etb/exert.
well, that's because it is. :^)
I have a question about Siren Stormtamer. When someone plays a creature, artifact or enchantment with an ETB ability that targets me, and I sacrifice Stormtamer in response, does it counter the whole spell or just the ETB ability?
I had someone play Skysovereign against me, and he told me that I could only stop the 3 damage, not counter the entire spell. Is that true? Also, do I have to counter the spell/ability before the target is declared or can I see what he targets first?
It's the card's ability. It will only counter the ability.
For ETB abilities, you have to counter before.
In other words, only targeted instants and sorceries can be fully countered I guess. Thanks, that clears things up.
>2 drop do nothing enchant
>modern use
Brewing/going to play BW vampire/lifegain. Until the next set top end of horse. Avanto Vanguard is pretty good against the control matches, and you have mb lifegain for red. Temur can stabalize and fly which is a problem. Its been fun, which is what standard is for so far at least.
enchantments too.
>Also, do I have to counter the spell/ability before the target is declared or can I see what he targets first?
Targets are announced as the spell/ability is put on the stack. ETB triggers only go on the stack after the permanent with the triggered ability actually hits the battlefield. Siren only counters Instants/Sorceries/Auras/Abilities that target you or your stuff.
Cats and Gruul Aggro
Scarab God
Trying to make a mono-green since it's my favorite kind of deck but ramp is so garbage right now and Ranging Raptors can get fucked up by so much shit that doesn't deal damage to him.
I thought Growing Rites wouldn't break $5 but here I am with 6 of them and they're over $10.
better sell now
Probably will sell all but 1. I don't see myself ever using more than 1.
>I thought Growing Rites wouldn't break $5
Are you joking? That was the most hyped up card during prerelease and started at $15 before the set came out. It's been going down every week.
Turns out Impulse on a stick is actually really good in control.
No one gave a shit locally and the price only recently went up at my card shops. If it's just gonna go down them I'm definitely getting rid of them.
>No one gave a shit locally and the price only recently went up at my card shops.
Holy shit where do you live? I want to pump and dump your backwater LCS that doesn't follow prices.
It basically is backwater. I think our FNM averages 16 people.
Is temur energy and/or ramunap red still the most played deck ?
All those fucking cards and everyone plays the same goddamned deck . . .
Still the top 2 decks as far as I know.
That's how standard usually goes
Just play something that preys on them.
>reeeeeeeeeee people are playing decks that are proven to be good!!!!!!!!!!
I just want more variety, I getting really bored of seeing the same decks.
Thats standard. Play EDH or casual. All other formats have the same 5-10 decks youll see over and over for the next five years too.
Not him but modern has a decent amount of variety ever since Eye of Ugin was banned.
For the pros, they brew decks and tested them against each other and then chooses several with the highest win %tage. If it's still the old decks, then those are the one getting played.
For us the braindeads and people who don't have the time to grind test, we wait and netdeck them.
You do know that growing rites price is down instead of rising right?
Play MTGO there's plenty of decks played there
I'm very aware.
Im only playing standard as a break from moderns staleness my man.
>playing RG Energy with B splash, not really temur
rate my shitbrew Veeky Forums
The good thing about my LGS is that even if there aren't many people, they use a lot of different decks so it's pretty great
Anyone who wacthed worlds explain the sideboard of Temur Energy? My list almost identical to what they played, but I'm scratching my head over the gearhulks, supreme will and glimmer of genius. I assume they're package, but for what control, maybe the Sultai Energy decks? Alos appetite for the unnatural seems like a massive waste of slots.
>Play MTGO there's plenty of decks played there
Isn't that the fu online game where u need to pay with IRL CASH for cardS ? Even Cockatrice is better
Playebase is better in MTGO since the price barrier keeps most of the salty bitches out.
playing UR control because that's what I have. Could buy my mana fix and Scarab Gods to go UB, but I prefer going the mono red Aggro route that's going to get brick walled hard during this meta shift. Might sell all my T2 pool and spend it on weed.
>on a stick
It's a repeatable Impulse, there's no stick or feet
UR Winds
4 Favorable Winds
4 Lightning Strike
4 Chart a Course
4 Siren Stormtamer
4 Storm Fleet Aerialist
4 Abrade
4 Shock
4 Hope of Ghirapur
4 Enigma Drake
1 Chandra, Torch of Defiance
9 Island
9 Mountain
4 Spirebluff Canal
1 Scavenger Grounds
SB: 2 Sentinel Totem
SB: 1 Chandra, Torch of Defiance
SB: 4 Spell Pierce
SB: 3 Glorybringer
SB: 2 Fiery Cannonade
SB: 2 Negate
SB: 1 Mountain
Rate my shit brew. How fucked am I for FNM, people mostly play GB constrictor.
Has anyone had any success with BU treasure MaMa?
Siren Stormtamer
Dire Fleet Hoarder
Ruthless Knave
Sailor of Means
Fatal Push
Tezzeret's Touch
Tezzeret the Schemer / Scarab God
Marionette Master
Pirate's Prize
Depths of Desire
Implement of Malice
Spell Swindle
All the removal + revel + her, builds itself.
Why isnt green ramp a thing? Hour of promise helps you stabilize board and ramp. There are TWO 6 drop hexproof monsters in the format. Amazing 2-4 drops everywhere in green. What am I not seeing here?
Countering an ability does not counter the entire spell.
none of those are big enough to justify specializing in ramp.
What about the giant aethor revolt lizard? If it resolves, nothing short of an 8 energy harnessed lightning or the rare walk the plank is taking it out
Too slow at the start. I tried playing a green ramp deck but got absolutely fucked by RDW. There aren't any 1 drop mana creatures and hour of promise is the only multi-land ramp left after the rotation.
Cockatrice is shit, I had someone try to tell me I couldn't sac a fleshbag marauder to evolutionary leap with the marauder's etb on the stack because then I "wouldn't have anything to sac to the marauder's ability", as if that wasn't the entire point.
That was after another player tried to tell me that blocking causes my creatures to tap.
unless you have energy, it's just gonna be a, what? 10/10 that turns into a 7/7, doesn't effet the board when it ETBs, and dies to all used wraths, and vraska's contempt. Also Hydra can be big enough, and Glorybringer evades with flying, and when it dies, the opponent Scarab God can just get it back and pump it bigger since he actually plays energy.
Oashra cultivator? I know its subpar but rdw has to either lightning strike it or shock+combat damage it before their turn 3 to get any damage through
Also if it get's countered you don't have a follow up.
i once got a guy playing nourishing shoal discarding no green spell, x=0.
True but you're still stuck waiting two turns to actually ramp up. There are plenty of creatures that can fuck with RDW early offense but your gameplan is still ass because of the lack of good ramp. The best thing ramp has right now is arguably that new raptor that ramps from taking damage and even that eats shit to black removal.
Longtusk cub, attune with the aether, bristling hydra, maybe the energy 2 drop llanawor elves?
Prowling serpopard maybe?
I know im probably pissing you all off, but im just trying to homebrew something monocolored on a budget.
The green energy package helps and catsnake does well against control but RDW fucks ramp unless you can ramp early and hard or they run out of gas right as you get going.
What's your budget? I can modify my monogreen ramp list and post it if you want.
nah, you're not,
That might work once in a blue moon. You're actually better of just not playing it ramp, but rather energy stuff on curve then top it off with lizard, and maybe fling or something to finish off, after attacking with it.
Like $100, have two carnage tyrants already though. Id appreciate a list to compare. Ill try and throw one together quick too
>vraskas contempt
>hour of glory
also vizier of many faces still sees play in some sideboards and deals with two lizards/carnage tyrants.
Go Plummeler Stompy. Abuse Blossoming Defence and Larger than Life. Use this or prey upon as removal. I would just use this because of Gifted Aetherborn.
>Prey Upon
>Not Pounce
Come on lad
Instant speed is amazing, but how often is really worth the extra mana?
Glorybringer comes to mind, but nothing else.
Hostage Taker
Rival Energy creatures with their ETB on stack
Kari Zev
Soul-Scar Mage
Well something of this nature, obviously needs tuning. Sorry for phoneposter
Holy shit im retarded.
>Vampires in sunlight
Build Favourable Winds or build Enigma Drake, trying to do an in between will just be a weak deck.
Cus aether revolt was too pushed in power, now energy STILL is dominant and STILL little no counter to hydra and cub. Energy has strong creatures, spells, draw, dig, and self sustain of energy that they can sit on that hydra and laugh.
>Hostage Taker
Yes, I guess you can use the etb trigger window.
>Rival Energy
Their ability on the stack would be a blast too.
>Kari Zev
I don't really see your point.
Fighting with Soul Scar just sucks at any point. Instant or Sorcery, better go with Ambuscade.
>I don't really see your point.
Before she can attack and make a token; you blast her away
Fighting Exerted Anh-crop Crasher also works by making the dude who can't block fight it
it's not an enigma drake deck. The enigma drake is there because i wanted to try UR for the extra reach R gives (also the glorybringers and chandras in the side board). Enigma Drake is just a good UR flier with all the instants and spells i am using.
>not realizing Dracula and Carmilla were perfectly fine in the sun.
Fucked up the last post.
2x Architect of the Untamed
3x Bristling Hydra
2x Carnage Tyrant
4x Longtusk Cub
2x Oashra Cultivator
4x Ranging Raptors
2x Ripjaw Raptor
4x Servant of the Conduit
Sorcery (10)
4x Attune with Aether
2x Blossoming Defense
1x Growing Rites of Itlimoc
3x Hour of Promise
3x Nature's Way
4x Hashep Oasis
18x Forest
2x Scavenger Grounds
This is my list. Hopefully you can still see the post I fucked up and deleted because I really don't feel like retyping all that shit.
Not just for brainlets anymore
Mono green ramp stompy stallout, and Nayasaur ramp rush
myself for being unable to brew a good deck
More bullshit, this time a blue/black hostage treasure deck
why not use tappedout?
Appetite for the Unatural is to handle the rare enchantment deck. You laugh, but Abzan tokens is a thing now and again. No idea about the Hulk, guess it’s a transformative sideboard plan to tackle the mirror.
>blue gets straight up better tormenting voice
Why is this allowed?
Because blue is the superior colour.
Except the goal of Tormenting Voice is to get cards in your graveyard. That's a feature, not a bug.
Because Wizards are retards and can't stop jerking off control.
This can do that too though?
I play mardu GPG. If I could draw my 2 cards before discarding one, I would in a heartbeat. It's not even a question.
So hows this sound?
Abzan tokens
Turn 1: land, legions landing
Turn 2: land, servo exhibition.
Swing 1 gain 1
Turn 3: land, oath of ajani
Swing 6 gain 1, flip legions
Turn 4: land, vraska
Pop a dude or make a 2/2 and have an 8 loyalty walker.
Can throw itlimoc and ajani in there. Plays well with angel of invention. Thoughts?
But if you play this 2nd main and attacked then you don't get the discard at all.
then play before attack lol?
>regisaur pack members have trample
>The alpha doesn't
What the fuck?
There are times you may want to play your spells in 2nd main. It's generally the best time to play things.
All I'm saying is that the card isn't better under every circumstance, just most.
He's such a boss no one dares stand in his way.
Gib opinions please ;_;