ITT we discuss a game that doesn't exist

Has anyone else looked at the changes in Bullies and Blackboards? I've been running the numbers and it no longer looks possible to play get your Physical Bullying score above a certain level without the teachers giving you detention unless you also take the Wealthy perk. Is this a design flaw or intentional? And what's the advantage of the Goth Kid class?

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Man, I wish there was a non-supermatural version of MonsterHearts.


I love my dead gay elf

Just emphasize the school/teen setting and have supernatural plots/themes come up less.

It's not funny or entertaining if you put it in the OP.

>It's not funny or entertaining if you put it in the OP.
It's pretty sad how in the past, Veeky Forums would make a thread about a fictitious game and everyone would roll with it, but these days the thread would just fill up with people being upset that OP lied and the game isn't real unless he explicitly states it in the OP.

Veeky Forums has been castrated and turned impotent.

The Goth Kid has two advantages:
The "Outsider" trait means that they can ignore the -50% penalty for dealing with a rival faction, because they get that -20% on ALL social rolls, including teachers.
Secondly " ignores dress code" has so much potential! Whether it's vamping it up in velvet and lace for bonuses to sex appeal, voluminous coats for smuggling contraband, or going full "school weirdo" with bizarre accessories that can double as weapons, etc.

It's really amazing how much things have changed in the past five years. In my first campaign I put all of my points into a charisma build, and I couldn't do jack shit with it. I rolled a 18 to seduce my teacher, and I got sent to detention. Physical builds were the only way to have any fun.

Now things have switched around completely, and I really wish they could find the right balance between the two extremes. That being said, character creation has gotten a lot better.

What are your thoughts on the new Paranormal supplement? It's a fun gimmick, but I'm worried it's going to bring in a lot of shitty fans who read Twilight and Harry Potter.

I haven't played as a goth kid for years, but I can attest to this. I'm glad they decided to keep "ignore dress code" from 3E.



>implying the player base for this game wasn't always shit
Every fucking game I try to host just ends with my players arguing over who gets to be the party Fonzie. I swear to god if I hear "ayyyy" one more fucking time I'm really gonna agitate the gravel.

>Veeky Forums has been castrated and turned impotent.
Well, that's what happens when you remove the stuff that produces all the fun content. You're left with a smooth and sterile expanse, and the vague lingering feeling that you were better before.

Everything that's removed has taken more than the people against it realized. Or they are happy with the blandness.

Yup. But when a majority of the board doesn't understand that they can't pick and choose the creativity they want to keep, don't even remember what it used to be like, and have the mods on board with them, what can we do?

Paranormal completely destroys the atmosphere. It's only appropriate for goths.

Faggot, old-school B&B is better. The game went downhill when they replaced Greasers with Goths and got rid of the rumble rules in second edition.

Fucking rose tinted glasses of +2 nostalgia.

Now i'm not saying that the new super streamlined versions are any good. They limit character creation too much. But going back to 1st ed is like washing your clothes down by the river instead of a washing machine.
It may have flair, but ultimately it's an exhausting pointless waste of time for fucking hipsters.

So next week I have my first session for this, and I'm relatively new. I'm trying to make a skateboarder character who kind of floats between factions selling weed.

I already know that I need the Outsider trait, but I don't really want to be a Goth. Could I roll up a Rich Kid so that I can actually afford the weed and have a better social standing? I think mechanically it makes sense, but it might take some refluffing.


Nah, Rich Kid is cool but they can't double-type except as Popular and/or Sport Kid as they would be too powerful with some synergies. (for example equipment bonus would be broken with the shooting skill bonus of the school shooting specializations)

so all games

No no no no. You're going about this all wrong.

The outsider perks give you a -20% with teachers as well. They'll be more likely to check your things, and then it's just downhill from there.

Did you miss the Transfer Student class? I know you have to roll your INT occasionally so that you understand what other people are saying, but you don't start with a rival faction.

What tier is the Trap class now that you can crossdress even in public zones because of the Progressive Updates?

Tier A if you roll your school around the northwest due to the progressive update's stronger effect, still Tier Z if you roll down in the southeast because there are still some heavy penalties for public crossdressing down there.

Rich Kid can also double-type as Studious Kid if you take the Asian sub-race.

Good idea. I must've missed that faction thing. Do you think that drugs could be considered one of the Native Items they get?

If you make a south american character, I wouldn't doubt it.

user is thinking of the Exchange Student; ES parents always start at 100% Law-abiding. You're probably ok with a TS build.

>Tier A
I'm pretty sure that got fixed in the errata.
Like 100% sure.
I mean it wouldn't even make sense.
If it didn't then that'd be a surefire sign that the publishers finally decided to throw all pretense of realism out of the window. Might as well be freeform at that point.

We got rid of quests, but we should have gotten rid of generals and multi-thread epic quests. Things you know to look for should be segregated.

Maybe not tier A, but remember, if you have a bad interaction with someone, the dice roll for whether or not they'll get the "Bigot" charisma debuff is not too hard.

I admit i kinda only glanced over those tables.

Aaaand i looked it up. You're right.

But like...
Where's the fun in that?
If everything is supposed to be safe and nice even in the game world... why play?
It's like playing DnD without weapons, because you wouldn't be allowed to carry them around IRL.

Fuck the guy crying about 1st ed being so much better might have had a point as much as i loathe to admit it.

I mean if at least they had a separate roll for they types (if any) witnesses to the interaction.
But no, it is default that the bad interactions are known by the right crowd of people.
This is just way oversimplifying the whole interaction system.
Fuck why even put points into the Followers/Friends category if it's not even used in situations like this?
I get that the system must be easier and streamlined but holy shit.

Why is the Roleplayer Nerd subclass so underpowered?

Like, I get it guys, self-deprecating humor but come on, there has to be SOME advantages, right?

Come to think of it what *has* 4E really improved upon?
The sexuality subsystem is really really pitiful. I mean i know that when the first edition came out that was kinda a taboo subject but i thought even prudish fucking american publishers were past that.

One roll for outcome?
Fuck off.

It's completely valid to not want to make an "i fell in love with my bully" simulator, but you have all those types and you end up not differentiating between them in such a vital interaction. Yeah because an Goth and a Rich Kid could totally get it on just as easily as a SceneKid with the Trap class and an Outsider type. Riiight.
Fuck me.

But that's what you get when you try to go full on corporate and design the game by going with the least common denominator from focus groups.
3E with the AfterschoolSpecial supplement still rules.

Bubblegumshoe, anons

Underpowered? They get that epic bonus to make up believable excuses why they didn't do their homework! That's pure gravy!

I do think the penalty to get a date is a bit much though.

Yeah, but if you take ANY Nerd class/subclass, you likely have the stats to just do the homework anyway. Often even with the "doing it in another teacher's class" penalty.

In the past few weeks there's been half a dozen of these that were good quality and highly entertaining. This OP sounds incredibly tryhard and attempting to force humour where there isn't any.

>3E with the after school supplement still rules
You have a true gentleman’s taste, user.
I set up a special playlist for that somewhere, it was great.