Where does Veeky Forums buy it's dice from. Nothing cheap and nasty, I'm looking for something fancy.
Dice Recommendations
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Oh good metal dice, better also buy a dice tray and get ready to be disappointed by how much the dice don’t roll.
Chessex has great dice I hear
At least it isn't the depleted uranium D6 that can penetrate your table like a Russian IFV.
Where and how do I get these if I want to poison my players?
>nickle coated
Lol a nickle coating will not stop all radiation from leaking out
Regardless, where do I get them?
Eat the dice, I dare you
so you're saying they're completely safe if I'm not a retarded? thanks but I knew that
"If. If is good."
I just got a Chessex Pound o'dice. It'a a random assortment of factory seconds, but it's pretty cheap for a lot of dice, you can toss any you don't like and still get value from it.
>not a retarded
Refrain from buying the dice if you have loved ones
not quite though.
I believe it's called the iraq syndrome and it occurs mostly among gulfwar (don't know which) veterans and the cause is repeated and unsafe handeling of DU penetrator rounds
Buy lead dice. DU is just a rock.
I have croc jawbone d6 for cantina games. They have mad jump. Looking into getting a full set made.
Swallowing something that dense will likely kill you without radiation. I bet it would tear your guts and make you bleed to death from the inside out like a Gau-8 chewing up light armored vehicles.
Nope, DU has been ruled out as the cause of GWS
The guys that make my carry cases for me cards started a dice range starting with d20's.
I got a bronze d20 and will be getting the rest of the set when they release them.
Cant use it for rolls because it takes chunks out the table but for a life counter for tcg its pretty smart
Yeah that's pretty much what I use metal dice for, they roll like shit but they're heavy and less likely to fall of a mini's stand than those clunky ass cardboard damage tokens.
Daily reminder that if you expect players to buy dice to play in an RPG, you are an elitist gatekeeping shitlord and should be publicly censured and fired from your job.
I never allow that digital bullshit
Depleted uranium doesn't mean it's depleted of all radiation you dumb retard, it's still dangerous
I have a set of metal dices. They look GREAT. But really can't be rolled on anything but a thick cloth lined box. Because it'll shatter glass, crater wood, and scratch metal.
Good for display, really shitty for real use. Stick with plastic ones.
I have a set of cthulhu themed dice cause I thought they looked cool. But other than that all my dice are from a Chessex Pound-O-Dice my first group bought and split up.
I still wouldn't get it. This shit is made in china. My plastic dice are already probably loaded with lead and other toxic metals. You really don't need anything actually made of heavy metals manufactured in China. Whatever coating they have on it was designed to be the absolute minimum to cut costs and then the guy running the factory shaved a bit off the spec to pocket the cash.
Shapeways. they have it all.
Artisan dice if you want things like mammoth bone dice, dice carved of actual bone, dice made of gemstones, and other weird shit.
Then you are a gatekeeping fuck. How dare you oppress normalfucks who want to play D&D and roll an epik natural twenty?
I have some gemstone dice from Norse Foundry and several sets of "Wondrous" dice from Norse Foundry for friends to use. Specifically, I have the "Opalite" gemstone set.
It's a really high quality set. I got them for $35 on Massdrop a couple years back. It's heavy-ish like metal dice but it doesn't clunk or damage roll surfaces and can actually roll well.
The NF wondrous dice are basically just really high quality and cool-looking Chessex style plastic.
Oops, nope, I'm wrong, I don't have "wondrous" dice from NF. I don't know who made my non-gemstone dice, but they definitely weren't $125. Could've been Chessex.
I like dice that are easy to read nowadays, fancy dice just slow down the game so much.
I'll shill them again, die hard dice (dieharddice.com