If Veeky Forums hates d20 systems, what do they love?
If Veeky Forums hates d20 systems, what do they love?
Other urls found in this thread:
Freeform jazz?
Complaining about them.
Dice pools.
Suggesting people play systems that they themselves have not and will never played.
D20 systems.
I like fantasycraft, but it's a bit heavy on the bookwork and light on support.
I like Traveller, but feel like the setting lacks a certain oomph and the aliens aren't that interesting.
I like Stars Without Number's fluff, but it's deliberately vague and generic for actually writing your own on top of.
I like Rogue Trader/Dark Heresy thematically and mechanically, but they're a little aged.
I like FATE in theory but I also like having some actual crunch. Like, any at all.
No, the channel that used to me known as ABC Family, but is now known as Freeform.
I do like dnd 5e, and OSR. They're fine games.
My favorite resolution mechanics are diepool ones. In particular the One Roll Engine dice mechanic is my favorite for having both speed and detail, while giving a surprising amount of information and keeping math to a minimum.
>Suggesting people play systems that they themselves have not and will never played.
Seconding for truth
Lee van Cleef.
Also d100 in its various incarnations.
>I like FATE in theory but I also like having some actual crunch. Like, any at all.
Check out the Cortex Plus system that's used for things like Marvel Heroic. It's very verbal but still tracks the magnitude of traits, and depending on the flavor either broad categorical skills or more detailed skill lists. Me and my group agreed that it was basically what we wanted Fate to feel like.
Bitching about stuff.
d20 isn't inherently bad. There's just a lot of really bad things closely related to 3rd ed dnd. I'd pick 5e over a lot of systems
I can't really imagine why else anyone would recommend fantasy craft, savage worlds, or gurps
if someone likes FATE but there's not enough crunch, wouldn't make it more sense to point them to FUDGE?
I love Quests, but I'd consider Veeky Forums's relationship with them love/hate at best. At their worst, shitty /a/ quests and crappy joke quests could be really annoying. At their best, though? Badass quests could unite the board in one condensed thread of awesomeness. I still remember Bladebound Retainer 1, where we all united in our rage. It was beautiful.
2d6 + ability and modifiers versus difficulty
I played SW. I can see why people would play GURPS. I don't see FC's draw at all, and assume it's for people who have been damaged by 3.x but want to be special snowflakes.
I'm not familiar with FUDGE outside of it being the original basis for Fate.
Risus and Gurps are sublime.
Especially if you use the evens up mod for Risus.
Evens Up mod?
>I love Quests, but I'd consider Veeky Forums's relationship with them love/hate at best. At their worst, shitty /a/ quests and crappy joke quests could be really annoying. At their best, though? Badass quests could unite the board in one condensed thread of awesomeness. I still remember Bladebound Retainer 1, where we all united in our rage. It was beautiful.
Yeah, Veeky Forums was fine with Veeky Forums-centric quests until moot's abhorrent decision to move all the garbage-tier /a/ railroads onto Veeky Forums. Now whenever someone says they wish we still had quests here, someone invariably drops a strawman about "every quest is Stuttering Haremshit Loli Moe Quest #999999984".
Hopefully we get quests allowed back on Veeky Forums and /qst/ remains as a sewage collector for all the /a/ shit.
Veeky Forums loves to hate.
That really is a pretty solid improvement. Makes Risus much better suited for stuff other than the default of shits-and-giggles one shots and seems like it would help mitigate death spirals.
d6 systems
I like systems where if you're really fucking good at something, you tend to be successful at it most of the time and if you're really bad at something, you tend to fail.
Doesn't matter if it's crunchy or not, rules heavy or rules lite. I like both GURPS and FATE for example.
D20 systems are way too fucking swingy.
Veeky Forums hates everything. It's a weird sort of thing where its not like everyone finds everything bad but most of the time picking any given thread on any given topic will give you a concentration of shitposting rather than talking about the things they enjoy about that topic. Just kinda how things are. Pic related I guess
Yep. d20-based games can shine if sometimes you just assume characters can do things that are in their niche. That was a pretty normal thing to do before skill systems became so concrete as a core assumption of D&D.
If you don't assume a competency floor, and if like many DMs you call for too many rolls, you're inevitably going to sabotage your own games.
That's a big part of why spellcasting is as fucky as it is in 3.PF: even if you're not doing something cheesy they let you succeed at pretty much every facet of adventuring with very few rolls, which means you sidestep that inherent awkwardness while usurping other class niches.
If you do something to 'fix' skills then spellcasting immediately becomes less skewed.
Personally, I like percentile dice systems.
The swing of d20 is seriously, seriously overstated as part of the die itself. A system can easily have a skilled character be succeeding 70% of the character at their speciality. It's not any more swingy than any other single die system.
Elf butts
Hating d20 systems doesn't mean I like anything else. I don't even play TTRPGs.
>Hopefully we get quests allowed back on Veeky Forums
You won't. Move on already, like the rest of the board has.
It's better to just ignore the people that randomly bitch about quest threads in unrelated threads. I mean one of those deluded fucks here thought they "united the board"
>Hopefully we get quests allowed back on Veeky Forums
Holy shit no. Go kill yourself. They're gone for good and thank God for that.
Whining about
>d20 systems
>non d20 systems
>that guy
>big game companies
>independent game companies
>games they play in
>games they don't play in
>magical realms
>Not getting enough magical realm
>threads that involve whining
>threads that involve anything
>people whining
Dungeon World. It's fast, with a strong core mechanic built to enhance the story, not restrict it like the shitty D&D mechanics. Failure in Dungeon World is actually interesting, and all of the abilities are codified into the core mechanic to make it fast, fun, and easy to use. The combat is also much, much better. A dragon doesn't need 300 hit points to be challenging like it does in D&D, it can do stuff that's actually terrifying, like rip a character's arm off. Also, armor is damage reduction so no more of this "less likely to hit, but still does full damage if it does hit" bullshit. The monster stats are incredibly light, character creation is extremely fast and fluid, with just as many options as D&D when you consider that most of D&D is trap options. There is no powergaming in Dungeon World, just a fast story-based game that still has the mechanics from D&D that you love (hit points, classes, etc) but with much stronger mechanics that lead to a more fulfilling roleplaying experience.
My last session of Dungeon World, my human fighter wrapped a vampire in a bear hug and wrestled him out a window into the castle moat. That is real roleplaying, not babby D&D shit where you have to make two different rolls and then have some autist look up how far you can move about while grappling. Dungeon World is about fun and good story, not rules and combat bullshit.
Why are questfags surprised when everyone hates them. You managed to take a thread about dice systems and made an offtopic post about how threads should be allowed back on Veeky Forums.
Yeah that is totally not indicative of questfags cancerous desires to spread questfaggotry everywhere quality be damned.
Could it be the questfag that's always posting on these threads is actually an anti-questfag running a con to keep everyone mad at quests just in case? I mean, if we assume they're not just retarded, that's the only thing that would make any sense.
Fate is crunchy tho. Not PF-levels crunchy of course, but the rules are pretty clear and solid and come into everything if you run the game as intended.
Turns out the majority of Veeky Forums's users think the /qst/ split was a bad decision that caused a lot of content-creator types to get soured on this board.
According to who. Sounds like according to just you. The Veeky Forums metathreads are always questfag magnets. Opinions expressed there are not shared by "the majority of Veeky Forums's users".
Nah, the majority of Veeky Forums users just shrugged and went about their business. Only the questfags became salt elementals about it and the anti-questfags just gloat to poke at the incredibly thin skins the questfags have always had.
>I like Rogue Trader/Dark Heresy thematically and mechanically, but they're a little aged.
What do you mean by this? DHII is only only 3 years old
My issue with FATE is that the basic stuff for skills and such are just that, basic. If you want to mechanize more setting specific stuff, you need to put in the work.
Of course that works in a pinch and if you are ready to put in the work, but I prefer to find system that already gives me what I want, or at least gets close.
Though, sometimes I feel like I don't even know myself what I want out of a system.
We love arguing and complaining in equal measures, but most of all we like assuming things about others.
They really don't. I think you're seeing a vocal minority
Veeky Forums with rpgs in a nutshell
This. Either d10 dice pools or 1d100 games.
2d10 with critical confirmation rolls on doubles. Endless mayhem.
>you need to put in the work.
Yeah--Fate Core is meant to be customized (and I believe the rules say as much). At its default it's something of a husk.
The worst way to learn Fate Core is to play Fate Core. All the pre-configured versions are *much* better and will show you the sorts of things you can do with the base game.
And even then, it can be easy to flub the setting creation/game customization stuff that's supposed to go down in session zero. Fate Accelerated is more foolproof unless you'll have people trying to short circuit the approaches to trivialize things, but those are people you shouldn't be playing Fate with anyways.
d12 systems
Quest threads that are bland with vaguely-defined characters, unoriginal-as-fuck plots and maybe demonic lich-dragons.
Repeating the damn stale 40k jokes over and over while refusing to acknowledge anything else
I love The Shadow. Also, there's nothing wrong with the humble little d20, it's The D20 System (tm) that I don't like.
What books do you need to properly customize Fate Core? And are there any rule light/medium narrative RPGs that don't run on a point economy that anons can recommend?
Coincidentally, D20 systems...
You should check out fate-srd.com, it's got the custom bits and bobs from all the big/interesting ones.
>And are there any rule light/medium narrative RPGs that don't run on a point economy that anons can recommend?
Dharma 6 is pretty fun, and tiny, and free, and attached to this post.
What system that does this do you use/like?
>Veeky Forums hates d20 systems
What faggot told you that?
Cryptic, obscure system based on Manichean mythology that uses Siberian shamanistic rituals for resolution and is written in a made-up language, that they found in a notebook looted from a dead hobo on the subway.
Anything less is too mainstream for Veeky Forums's tastes.
I hear this a lot here, but if you actually look at which systems Veeky Forums discusses it's almost only the most mainstream titles available.
>Calling salt elementals on "I hope things change"
That's kind of weak.
Yeah, a large portion of them seem to think it's a bad idea. Ah well, that's the way the board is going. Basically anything homegrown we had here is despised in the modern day, and only foreign memes are accepted. It's weird.
The alternative is to admit that Veeky Forums goes downhill every time our mod purges another section of the board's OC creators. I thought it would end with quest threads but he keeps on moving more and more threads to /qst/ because "not board-related".
not all OC is good or belongs on Veeky Forums solely by virtue of it being OC
It's strange how much modern Veeky Forums has come to hate the various things Veeky Forums has made throughout its' lifetime.
Especially anything cultural, like a meme.
>Veeky Forums goes downhill every time our mod purges another section of the board's OC creators
No one's gonna admit to that, because it's factually wrong. The time when quest-threads clogged up the board due to getting banned on every other board was one of the two worst times in this board's history. The other being the enormous influx of shitposts and off-topic threads that lead directly to Nazimod being granted the power to purge the board.
If we only made complaining about quests being gone a bannable offense the board would be almost perfect now.
Not the user you're responding to, but Kamigakari is my example.
Man, revisionist history hits hard.
I know what you mean. The questfags act like their shit brought all the OC and great threads to Veeky Forums when the vast majority of it was utter drek like "Current Popular Animu Quest."
It's strange how much modern Veeky Forums has come to hate the things past Veeky Forums has created.
Man, I would take thousands more elf wat do threads if it meant I never had to see a frogpost or a feelguy again.
Shit's weird. Feels like I'm on another board.
It's not strange at all, a lot of those things were shit. Remember when people kept shoehorning sergals into everything?
I remember them in like 3 things.
Which is more things than I can even think of in recent memory. Which makes me sad.
I wish those worldbuilding threads made anything memorable.
People like good things Veeky Forums has created, like, I dunno, Chapter Master and Dungeons the Dragoning, and hate bad things Veeky Forums has created, like Animu Waifu Quest XXXIII.
Not all OC is good solely by the virtue of being OC. That mentality got us invaded by redditards spamming vapid mad lib threads in hopes that their shitty jokes will be recognized as EPIC OC DUDE and annalized on 1d4chan.
People never mention either of those things. They're largely forgotten.
Which I guess is better than hated, but yeesh.
And I disagree with you on where we're getting our newfags, based on super scientific meme cryptography and ouija boards, but we'll not get into that.
>If we only made complaining about quests being gone a bannable offense the board would be almost perfect now.
I was talking about Field Kit Inspection, Galactic Federation, Mage Guild, and all the other fun roleplaying threads that have been banned from Veeky Forums in the last few weeks, but by all means, keep complaining about questfags and how they took up 99% of the board.
Ah, sorry about that my friend, your threads have retroactively always been shit.
Those threads were also shit though?
not you, dummy.
Veeky Forums hates everything.
And Veeky Forums loves everything.
It's an omniscient being.
I assume once TowerGirls and the CYOAs get banned, we'll hear a lot more complaining about entitled questfags, followed by constant claims that CYOAs took up half the board.