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Sons of Dorn edition

Old: >Warhammer Community news(New releases for the Death Guard: Multipart Plague Marines and new characters)

>Daily Duncan Playlist

>GW FAQ (1.1):

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>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

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>Old Black Library Mega

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

>Imperial Guard codex (thanks anons)

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Did somebody say dorn?

Melt the Mutant!

post workbench


Take a look at your army.
What's your favorite or one of your favorite unit(s)?

Explain this meme.

Did Dorn hate Alpharius or something?

you wouldn't want to see

We need more female representation in 40k

>Primogenitor: "Rogal Dorn"
You're lies aren't fooling anyone Cawl.

Pro-tip: next time you create Primaris Marines using traitor seed, avoid giving them the colorscheme / name similar to the traitor Legion

Yes lord commander? Have you decided to make me fabricator general?

>oh boy...

Nah, he loves him like a dead brother he murdered

Ah that's disappointing. I just painted up pic-related, but it'd be too much tax to include him in his own detachment.
Thanks anyway.

Your mom is already represented in the pleasure pits of Commoragh, and that's plenty

Fuck that. Give me new xenos. Hrudd, slann and Rak'Gol when?
Especially slann

There will be female heads in the new Imperial Guard models next year.

Every other faction that can have them have them.

Well where do you guys wanna start with mine?

I love inquisitorial miniatures from that era. Such style.

One of them is an acolyte rusing the dark angels, but which one is it?

what happens if a chaos player and an imperium player both put cypher in their lists? do two cyphers grace one battlefield?

also as he has the imperium keyword why hasn't he appeared in an imperium index/codex

All of them~
But if we're choosing favorites...

>few Guard
>some Necrons
>half the AdMech
>half the Eldar
>all the SoBs
>all of the Nids

Nah, you're just bitching to bitch.

Clear your floor you animal.

sort yourself out

where is that model from?

>>all of the Nids
wrong, only some

Can always kitbash some acolytes and run a vanguard.

See My workbench is fucking mess.

Get that penis out of here, this is a blue board !

he'll be in the dark angels codex along with his models standalone release

Are you converting some Chimeras into new pseudo Russes?


Just pretend, they canocally have the most powerful women in the setting too.

Cleaned up like 2 days ago.

Company commander, probably. I prefer Steel Legion to Krieg, but the Krieg commissars and officers are a really nice fit for either army, and great sculpts.

Ah the well endowed eagle of the Imperium.

Rolled 1, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 3, 4, 4, 3 = 49 (12d6)

Three thudd guns have just fired onto the unit you last built or painted! How will it fare?

No, he killed him dead. ALfags get butthurt by this

The unsorted should fear the sorted. Very nice and tidy.


Rest of the room is quite clean, just my hobby station that naturally produces detritus

How do you guys like my Nurgle Land Raider?

>few Guard

I dunno, man. Vossies and Catachans should be well over 50% women now.

Rolled 2, 5, 1, 3, 4, 1, 2, 4, 5, 2, 6, 3, 6, 6, 6, 4, 1, 4, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 5 = 80 (25d6)

can I even roll that many dice on this board?

>Chaos Sorcerer.
Jokes on you. He's not the closest unit you dirty cheater.

Rolled 1, 5, 6, 3, 4, 5, 3, 6, 2, 1, 1, 4, 4, 3, 6, 6, 1, 3, 6, 6, 1, 5, 2, 5 = 89 (24d6)


Looks like ass.

Just fine. A commissar can't be targeted if he's surrounded by conscripts.

Rolled 4, 4, 6, 4, 2, 4, 3, 1, 6, 4, 6 = 44 (11d6)

rerolling 1s


Any swefags looking for people to play with in Stockholm?

nth for best Marines Chapter

Bullgryn and Ogryn. I love those lenny type morons.

Good luck Dorn I'm behind 16 body doubles

Bikers are looking to be my anti-tank units and I was wondering if I should use plasmaor melta? I know melta hits harder but plasma is rapidfire and can overcharge, can somebody who plays the game give me some input?

Bullgryn. You just killed one you monster.

iirc, it was a limited run Inquisitor for an event.

Land Raider with bleeding anus?


Does sharia even allow you to play with dice?

Rolled 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 1, 4 = 24 (7d6)

Only seven hits cause I'm airborne, rolling to wounds

Rolled 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 1, 5, 1, 2, 6, 4, 1, 1, 6, 4, 6, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2 = 79 (25d6)

32 hits


needs a darker wash over the flesh but otherwise its fucking vile and repulsive

Rolled 4, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 5 = 28 (7d6)

You could also argue that daemons could be close enough to djinns to break one of the unforgivable sins

>some Necrons
Presumably exactly half.


>implying Necrotyr were completely dimorphic

>real burger hours
It's time to go back.

23 wounds on T3-4
13 wounds on T5
8 wounds on T6-9
and that's without any orders. This is the shit I'm gonna have to play next game

I'm trying to make Skaven admech, but have no ides what to do for Dragoons, would just plain unchanged doomwheels do the trick?

That didn't seem so bad from the thumbnail. It looks like they left it in the rain while it was wet or something.

>drybrushed to shit



I'm calling the NAACP right now

How easy is it to take the head off of a Kreiger model? I'm converting them into Chem Dogs, just need to know what I'm getting into

Fuck, that flyer is sweet. Where can I get that ?

What are the stats? 12d6 and they hit on 4s, and what strength and ap are they?

From Hitler if you ask here.

S4 AP-

so he painted it, stippled the shit out of it, and only then added the artworked on top. What the fuck.

each gun is 4d6 s5 can target units not visible

From FW but why would you when this exists for the same price?

Cadia stands to reroll 1 amirite

But legit, all of them

I'd upvote this if I could

What's your least favourite model from your faction, Veeky Forums? Purely on looks, not tabletop ability.

Mine are the Catachan squad.

Here's how it looked a year ago.

I am highly displeased by Russes and similar patterns. I used to be all for it, but as I collected more infantry the cubic trapezoids started grating on my senses like all IG armour. I'm vaguely looking forward to converting Rough Riders to avoid using Sentinels or Hellhounds for Fast Attack, but only just.

>Those sentinels
Holy fuck I know that pain.

The fuck are those Sentinels doing, holy shit.


Wartrakk is close but I can use the trakks for grot tanks.

Jesus user, I'm in class and that's the funniest thing I've seen all week.

you can't drive drunk but nobody said anything about walking


What's the best loadout for a taurox prime ?

This is why they can't move and shoot

New ogryns

They're arriving in the mail three days ago for $15 and are being tested with different weapons before I fix them up and paint them. Notice they're unarmed.