Post Serpentfolk, Kobolds, Lizardmen, Dragonborn, and why you did/did not use them in your setting.
What did they do?
Were they evil or good?
Serpentfolk and Other Things
Continuation of this:
II have Dragonborn in a modified form for my players.
Lizardmen are a major antagonist that act from a hidden position.
They escaped a past catacylsmic event (the ice age) by traveling into the future, however this failed and they are now stuck outside of time, trying to get back "in".
ive based both dragonborn and kobolds off the bangaa from Ivalice
>pic related
Its kobalds
Serpentfolk, kobolds. Dragonborn were one-offs, not a race.
What did they do?
Serpentfolk were a mixture of ancient fallen empire and Snake Ferengi, but less assholes about it. They followed the teachings of Yigmurat, who promised to uplift them into dragons if they were good little sneks and dealed fairly with other races... most of the time. I mean sure, you gotta build a proper hoard and all if you wanna get Dracofied,but everyone being asshat greed machines was what caused the First Empire of Yig to get torn apart by internal conflicts.
Kobolds used to be their servitor race, but they work for anyone with the proper cashflow now. They'll even work for humans, or even halflings, if you can believe that. Yigmurat promised them uplifting into Serpentfolk in their next lifetime if they act in honest subservience.
>Good or bad
It's more of a Lawful/Chaotic arc for them then Good/Evil. The players took a liking to them because even at their worst, they would try to stab you in the front than the back, and never refused service or spurned honest toil. Compared to some of the other merchants and Chaotic Fishmalk things the Elves of that setting were up to, serpentfolk and kobolds were downright reasonable and straightforward.
Personally i prefer dogbolds, but i'll dump any reptilian art i have
Do we want dinosaur folk? Because I have some dinosaur folk
Did you draw these? I like them.
I've strayed away from them in my current setting, mainly because I wanted to parse things down and have them be more simple racewise. Plus Dragons in the setting are both weird and have many varients already extinct, so,they'd be even more out of place for that reason.
At most, a Dragonborn might be a bizzare manifestation of magical talent in an indivdiual
I think are from Pathfinder.
llok like those bangan guys from FFXII.
In the setting i'm working on right now, the Yuan-Ti worship an ancient hydra whose many heads survived the battle that vanquished it, eventually morphing into all of the world's servants. They are considered humanities ancient enemies. I also have a lot of pig orcs, and have really enjoyed these last two threads.
What happened to dragonborns?
Have you guys been able to fit tortles into a setting yet?
I really want to use these guys in a setting, but haven't figured out how yet.
Dragonborns are individual serpentfolk who have been uplifted by Yigurmat after a life of fair, honest, and highly lucrative dealings, or has worked towards spiritual AND/OR physical perfection.... or he's currently sleeping with since they got elected Sake Pope (gender irrelevant), and are better represented with class levels in Dragon Disciple or Dragon Racial Dice. Fun fact: last campaign the players aided the enlightenment of a pair of fraternal twins called Tiamat and Bahamut. What could possibly go wrong there?
Sorry, Yigmurat, not Yigurmat.
This is a really cool setting. Where did you get the name Yigmurat?
Nothing too fancy. Yig from Lovecraft mythos, then added -murat to make it sound more like Bahamut.
I think it sounds cool. And you've made me stop hating dragon born, if only temporarily.
because dragonperson-snowflaking has be to earned by not being an asshole, while still having to grind for that hoard-level cheddar?
Now you know how we got rid of a That Guy with them.
That, and making his precious lamia monster-waifus into decent, hardworking beast people
I guess it's just a more interesting dynamic than the standard lizard men with breath weapons or the weird as 3.5 dragonborn
Thank you. I'm glad you think that.