WIP - Work In Progress General

No WIP thread on Veeky Forums?!? Emperor's Teeth! That's HERESY!!!

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>WIP's own 10-point painting scale:

>This planet is ours, witch!

>Previous Thread(s):

Other urls found in this thread:



reposting link for this tank kit

My current WIP. Planning on slathering a bunch of wash on him to make him look dirty white. Any recommendations for the tubing and tentacle coloring?

Just trying out some paint effects for a possible Alpha Legion colour scheme. You can't really tell on a static photo (from a shit phone) but theres a nice subtle colour change from green to blue.

Iridescent medium is fucking amazing stuff, but if you're going to play around with it invest in some flow aid.

After not getting to do anything for the past few days, I didn't manage to make up for the work of them in one day. Finished the tree roots and started putting texture on there. Fotos aren't the best, so the structure is hardly visible. A big brush isn't the best tool to incorporate details into the ground, so I had to leave them out and will go over them tomorrow, along with the stuff on the right side, and all the bases. This way I might manage to prime it all in two days.

Opinions and suggestions? What do you just love to paint?

user, you know how tracks work right? They roll, so the part at the top would be as dirty as the part at the bottom since they exchange place continuously while the tank moves.

Thanks for the color recommendation last time, guys. I'm fairly happy with the overall scheme now.
I wonder, should I do the mount of the lord I'm about to paint the same color to tie them to this unit, or give it a different color to make him more distinct?


On a scale of 1 to grim dark of the 41 millenium, how much creepy/cringe would be to deploy/own/paint an army made of this?


I find rather amusing to do a good paint job on minis like that. The dichotomy of sensations reminds me of Giger (Alien) / Species (1995).

You ever get that cosmetic bit or two that you've just got no idea at all how to use it?

I have this sprue that came with the Leman Russ tech command. Aside from the auger array, I have no idea what the rest of it is for.

90% of the stuff that comes with CSM kits

You mean the old Apocalypse command sprue? There are bits on there for a Leman Russ Tank, A Sentinel, a Rhino, a Chaos Dreadclaw thingy - the crab thing with the demon on top forgot the name.
Just google for command vehicles in apocalypse if that is what you mean.

I got a lot of bits that I decided against using. Fast forward a few years later I've found better places to use those bits.
Nothing is ever really useless.

the eye sockets should have more shadow. it will make them look less goofy.

This is the one. Don't think I can really use any of this aside from the auger array.

Nah. I've made millisaurs out of unused Raptor clawed toepieces before.

Yeah, like the other user said, you've got Eldar, Tau and Chaos bits on there, if you don't play any of those, you can always swap them with friends who do.

Blood Angels Drop Pod I worked on all weekend. Still need to hit some of the metal areas, do touch ups and paint the interiors.

that's a mixed faction upgrade sprue. your army might only need 1-3 bits from it.


yeah that is the apocalypse sprue. I noticed that GW recently chucked it back in with something else they sell.
I think the instructions were in a WD around the time GW released apocalypse and started selling the apocalypse bundles (10 sentinels or 10 leman russes at once with a discount).

And a WIP Death Company Dreadnought to go with it. Not sure how I should paint his Fists/Blood Talons. Are there any tutorials for getting a good glow effect on them?

Among friends or strangers? That's definitely not something you bring to the table if there's even a chance of kids being around - not because you'll somehow injure their little minds, but because they won't shut up about it (and will risk bring dawn the wrath of mommy upon your communal play space).

>*down the wrath
I'm a faggot phoneposter with autocorrect on, please rape my face

This. I got the sprue with a box of 3 Russes when Apocalypse came out and I was looking for more tonks. Gave the Eldar bits to a friend who was starting Eldar. Used the Guard and Marine bits myself. And just a while back put the CSM bits to good use as a combi-melta on my 30k DG land raider.

>starting to get close to winter again

/wip/ secret Santa is the best time of the year

About to freehand some lettering on a banner, anyone know of a good 40k gothic font I can copy?

is it not actual gothic script?

There seems to be quite a few Gothic fonts.
Just wanting to know if Veeky Forums had a particular one they used

I got a cheap shity lightbox today so trying that out with a group shot of all the marines I've got painted so far.
Trying to decide on what color to do the chapter logo I'll be putting on the leviathans shoulder, Black or Red are my top choices at the moment, do you think black would stand out enough against the grey armour?
I am so happy it's almost finished, been doing it on and off for about a month now and fingers crossed after tonight it will finally be finished

Except for the people who get screwed. Big fuck you to New Hampshire user

So not worth doing? What happened?

mine worked out.

most peoples did, as far as I'm aware there was one out of about 20 that diddn't

What is the deal with it, how does it work?

Depends on how you would paint it.
But for that model, probably either some greenstuff or take another one.

R8 lads

Whats the best way to glue transparent flight rods to resin without fogging it up?

Inquisitorial storm troopers pls no bully

Gonna do chevrons in the power cables

Spider-nid, spider-nid.
Does whatever a spider-nid does.
Can he/she/it swing, from a web?
No because it's a giant xeno tank-monster.
Look out...
Here comes the spider-nid.

highlighting on the top veents is questionable at best and the red spikes could do with a bit of cleanup but overall it looks nice.
I also question your choice on red rims for bases

Oh shit I didn't even realize I took a picture of an Australian insect, oops

I thought it would look good because the vents catch the light, and now that I see it I going to fix the spikes
Pic related

They seem so dark that it's hard to make out details, imo. But maybe that's just how these guys are supposed to be. I don't know 40K paint schemes except for the most iconic.

Where can I get some military sabers for IG, preferably held in hand and sheathed. Victoria has some solo blades that needs a hand, as well as ones held in hand, but no sheathes.

Anyone know if the Black Ark Corsair swords are of the size that they might fit into Dark Rider sheaths?

Photoshop it and see for yourself. IMO, the black isn't going to be very prominent on muted red or gray.

Maybe consider yellow/orange/green(if you really want it to pop).

Necromancer Warband Update

Didn't managed to get much painting done today other than some base coats down and wash the couple of spectral models I'm doing.

The big one in the back is going to get a transition that's darker blue at the top and yellow towards the bottom, energy turning to evil dark stuff as its sucked out of the skeletons.

I also finished the third box of wall sections for my castle set, so that's half of that done and probably all I'll do of it for now because it's plenty for a 3x3 or 4x4 table.

He's a cutie.

Fuck yes.... I was wondering when you were coming back. Hope you have an airbrush for all of this.

Venom done

Compared to my old one

So I'm a newfag to the hobby and I'm really captivated by the casting of molds using Liquid Blu Stuff and Green stuff as seen in OP. How practical is that shit if I wanted to press out like 20 skulls or maybe entire marines or tentacles or whatever? Is that a common thing to do? Or does green stuff end up being more expensive than just buying another set of whatever? Maybe use milliput or something? Either way, it sounds fun to try once. I'm just curious if it's prevalent.

Sounds like it is practical, just needs practice.

First off, how much time do you want to spend doing all of that? It takes a lot of time to get it right. As for your various ideas though, tentacles are better done if you just sculpt them yourself and pose them, just use some wire as the core. GW sells a box of skulls that is freaking awesome. It's worth it to replicate bits you need like weapons and other parts you need multiples of. I don't really see it being worth it for most models, especially bigger ones.

how many of you guys actually play the games of the miniatures you paint?

Finished up with my Grunts (sans basing).
I think I might go back and tidy up some of the highlights a bit, but they are ready to go on the table and fight for AMERICA.
I do. My Trollbloods are mostly painted, got some new stuff I need to paint, and these guys are going to see the table tomorrow.

I do, actually. My nid force isnt 100% painted yet, but I'm working on it. I work pretty slow, but thats because i take my time to drill the gun barrels, shave off moldlines, do abit of conversion here and there, paint with shades and highlights, and do up the bases.

I've never played a game of anything. There are people around (San Diego), but I'm too autistic to go out and meet new people.

I have 1800 force of IG and orks Ive been working on for a couple years and have yet to play a game

Typically I always have, but I'm working through my Malifaux shit and I have never had a chance to play it. Picked it up because it has some of the best looking and dynamic minis out there. Interested to give playing it a try though.

Try At Ease games user, the people there are generally pretty cool. I can only vouch for the Infinity folks though.

I only paint for games I want to play, outside of the odd one off just because I like the mini.

Now sometimes I'll try to get some people into something, paint up a nice force and then they bail on me, but it's always with the intent to play.

Played my first game last week. Started collecting them in 2001. Still have tons to paint.

I've shopped there a few times, but it's a bit of a drive (I actually live in north county--like 40-50mins from At Ease).

My closest shop is Pair a Dice and I just can't will myself to play a game with strangers.

Oops sorry I made an extra thread, didn't see this one.

Chapter logo in white.

You should give it a go some time. Making nerdy friends through miniature games tends to be pretty great.

Oops here's my word.

I'm really proud of how the hitler turned out. I'm brainstorming some conversion kit bashed British and German troops. I have lots of skeeltons with weapons that should have a good scale for melee weapons.

What do you guys think I should do to stop my paint from chipping? Would priming work better for that?


Squadron 666 investigating the jungle while transporting an injured trooper. Suddenly they are ambushed by a hitler and his skeletons

BFG hive fleet pretty much 'complete'. I've skipped a few final steps on the hive ships as I'm not really digging how they turned out, but other than that I'm pretty pleased.

Do you think I can make this dread into a hellbrute? What are the main things I need to change?

It depends how good looking you personally are. If you yourself are atrractive you won’t look like a creepy neckbeard and you’ll get away with it.
I like them 2bh.

Dont use flash on your camera, it kills lots of detail and makes it way too glossy. What i can say about the scheme it looks good. I like the added detail of all the little buttons and stuff. Need to do those to my Kasrkin models aswell.

I dont care what people say about sigmarines, this models are cool as fuck. Good work on the paintjob.

drill barrels or throw it away

Just put some fleshy bits on the legs, drill the barrels and change the sarcophagus, either more flesh around it, or a new sarcophagus entirely via cut and sculpt.

This is so fucking weird. Primer and varnish to stop your paint chipping.

Hellbrute is just the new name for Chaos Dreads right? Just look at some pics of old Chaos Dreads for inspiration and go with that.
Adding the chaos trim around the front panels and some grizzly trophies would go a long way towards that I think.

The painting doesn't blow me away, but I'm not gonna lie, Hitler and his skeleton army sounds like a cool idea to me.

Nothing. Helbrutes are dreadnaughts of chaos design. Frankly just scalping the iconography and doing some funky greenstuff to make it more fleshy (especially the back, less wires and stuff, more organic) and your pretty much set. Doing something different with the claw might be nice, or maybe your just looking to keep it "fresh" from the vault and just paint him up in your legions colors.

Beyond that if you wanted to get crazy crack open the front and mangle the wiring on the side so it looks like the middle has exploded outward, and put a skeleton or maybe just a rabid eyeball in the center peering out from within. replace the arms with just ropes of tendrils or some such. Depends on your legion really. (and chaos god alignment)

Here's a Hydra I've been working on recently. Gotta touch up some parts on the main hull then there isn't much left with the turret and tracks.

Got a bit more work done on Doomrider today. Admit I got impatient to try out Valhallan Blizzard for the base before I was finished with him, but I'm generally liking the way it turned out, though it's a bit more fluffy and not as granular as I would've liked.

Weathering done in moderation can breathe life into a model. Too much and it just looks like it took a bath in Simple Green.

I live in a """city""" just south of the middle of the bumfuck Arctic, so the handful of regulars who actually play non-GW games at the LGS are about as socially crippled by the effects of winter isolation as I am.
I manage to get myself outside to play a match of something about once a month when the opportunity of another interested party presents itself, though.

Looks fucking great.

Giant Poisonous Australian Insect Marsupial/10

ch- chocobo -- knights??..

Fantasy/AoS bits might be a good place to look for such bitz, but I haven't played either of those so I wouldn't know any specific examples

What game is this? It looks cool.

Is anyone familiar with historical/fantasy models that wear plate armor to use as a counts-as dismounted reiksguard? I tried looking around but it's either historicals being too grounded or fantasy being too flashy. A middle ground would be sweet.

Thanks. I do have an airbrush, which I only used for priming so far. Cheapest one I could find with a compressor.

Try and see if you can still get the knights from Knight White minis. They are basically oldhammer minis anyway.

I'm building a Warhound. It kinda sucks but it'll look so cool when it's done.

by all accounts the hardest most irritating part of that kit is the feet and you're already past them so things can only get better.
How long've you been at it so far?

Basilisk wip, what do you guys think of the camo pattern, weathering and tracks so far?

I love it

Armageddon pattern best pattern. Looks really cool user

Can anyone help me? I need to know if pic related is bigger or smaller than the current great unclean by GW

Are Vallejo paints or P3 superior to gw paints? Should one but them over gw for my first paints? I've heard that they're nicer but I have never used any of them. My main concern is learning flow and brush control and learning to thin properly. Are any of them more beginner friendly or do they all take the same amount of practice and learning?

If I remember right it's about the same size, maybe a little bigger.

I do. However I'm one of those fuckers who never manages to get any painting done.