Is ripping character sheets "asunder" something that people actually do in game groups, or is it things that didn't happen?
I've never seen it happen on the table and I don't know anyone who has, but maybe your group does it or maybe someone you know does it. Anyone actually encountered this before?
Is ripping character sheets "asunder" something that people actually do in game groups...
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I've torn up someone's character sheet. Once. It was a long time ago. I don't to that now, even if was a joke back then. If a character dies I don't do anything special. Shit happens.
>Is ripping character sheets "asunder" something that people actually do in game groups, or is it things that didn't happen?
Literally nobody does this.
I'm, like, 135% convinced that it's either a rumor perpetuated by people who've never played or it's entirely a fabrication made up by people who make comics, videos, cartoons, etc.. To make a fucking board game seem more 'dramatic'.
Nobody does this.
It's retarded, it's RETARDED.
oh of course it is, we also all wear Spock ears and the DM has a cape...
I've never encountered people who destroy them, but particularly in DnD-like games where reviving is a thing that seems particularly dumb to do
When someone's character dies, we bury it.
I think the neighbors suspect we are very bad at keeping pets alive.
Our DM at college ran an OSR hexcrawl where dead characters got pinned up on a big memorial wall, but we never ripped up character sheets
You wouldn't rip up a sheet because the other players need to be able to read what loot is on it.
I only play gritty systems with lots of death and whenever a player dies he knows that I will take his sheet and wipe my arse with it next time I gotta take a shit.
I once got a nasty fucking paper cut on my asshole from one character sheet and harbored such a grudge against the player that I harassed him out of the group.
I'm starting a new game and plan on* keeping all character sheets of dead PCs unless they haul the body back to town and pay for a proper funeral (or have a cleric or the like in the party perform one in a makeshift grave).
But that is just for reference in case I want the PC to come back in some fashion (mostly for some form of undead/revenge), and want to know what stuff was on that body in case they come back to this area later.
*It's possible my players might whine enough to get me to not do this, but it is the PLAN
>gently on the breeze
It’s one of those things that people who have never actually played think happens, so it’s an easy way to spot when a media writer is lying for the sake of “geek cred.”
no, it sounds EXACTLY like something these bandwagon fake geeks think is "cool" to do on a stream
Get stabbed in the junk in the game, you get stabbed in the junk in real life!
The only time I've done that is throwing a character's sheet into the fireplace after they got vaporized by dragon fire.
We were all pretty drunk and it was in good humor.
I've ripped up my characters' sheets when the character died. However, this was in our "Drow Natural Selection Intro" of our campaign, where we all started with 20 characters each a la the all guardsmen party.
Giants are unpleasant at lvl 1...
This. We never saw anything wrong with looting dead characters. Hell I even said my character had a will leaving his shit to the other party members. What, am I gonna say no out of spite?
>allowing interparty violence
shit DM
Had a player sperg out once when he died and tore his sheet up infront of the group. Shit was hilarious.
Well, not really. I think it's nice to have a reminder of old characters that you used to play. Well, most of them, anyway.
I think we had one player do it while we were new because we just figured that was something that was done. We had a bit of a laugh over it when we realized it was pretty stupid.
>I seduce the X
>Bullshit natural twenties
>Monty Python jokes
>Dwarf McAxebeard
>Magic missing the darkness
>failing so hard you do something silly/gay instead
Am I missing any others?
A level 1 drow is literally a child.
What happened to Jughead's hat?
Exactly stuff like that. I really love the idea of funerals being practical in settings that have undead and stuff in them.
Plus I also can pull the "He was only MOSTLY dead" card if I want a LIVING enemy who is now terribly pissed at the party.
It has no meaning if its done just when a character dies, especially because they can get resurrected.
It should be reserved for pure and simple "Fuck You's".
I have like four versions of my current character, since I use a self-filling sheet that I just print out anew when something significant changes or I update the format. Ripping up a sheet would be pretty dumb and impactless.
Well the Monty Python jokes do happen
Like MTG Blacker Lotus. No one is actually going to rip their card up. That shits just crazy.
Chaos Confetti is instead replaced with a standard playing card or even a card sized piece of paper.
>Bullshit natural twenties
I have a player in party that's level 1 stats are
>20 STR
>21 CON
>18 DEX
>15 INT
>15 WIS
>4 CHA
It was an evil campaign.
That's even worse.
>all these faggots who have no appreciation for Gary Gygax's theatrical bullshit
The concept of doing it at all is because Gary Gygax loved playing shit up. Even if he never did (and I have heard of no times where he did), he would actually say things like, "Normally I would, but I'll let you hold onto it."
It's also why pre-AD&D there's something of a disconnect between the the rules and how people would actually run things, or how adventures would direct groups: that's by design because Gygax was trying to be a showman about it, and he wanted RPGs to feel like they were greater than the sum of their parts.
Read him talk about what it takes to be a good DM. And then, read him talk about the Tomb of Horrors. He's putting on this persona of being some cruel DM to build an atmosphere around the game, and he's doing it by talking about tearing up character sheets and taunting players, like he was trying to embody Acererak or something.
Rolling for stats is dumb in general, but that array makes me think it's 3.5 and there's a cha penalty and some racial bonuses you aren't telling. That's also not really anything related to what that guy was talking about
want the obvious answer?
It Varies By Group.
That is the answer to pretty much any of these "did people really DO this?" questions.
To this specifically? My experience is that most dont treat the character sheets as anything particularly important.
You died? You went back in the bag while a new character was rolled up or you waited for a res. That said, I did know some players that would desroy sheets but they were the exceptionr really.
Did have one DM I used to play with though, way way back, who had his own little "graveyard" folder, would have a short little ceremony where he would give a little eulogy of their greatest (or most hilarious) accomplishment before "consigning them to the depths of hades". It was pretty stupid but we were 16 and we thought it was fun.
tl:dr - Most of the time no, people are more interested in just playing the game rather than silly shows of drama but some people did do it, sometimes.
I've only done it once and that was in a permadeath one-shot game. Boss beholder zapped a stunned character with disintegration beam. BOOM, dead character.
I'd probably add "rolling for completely mundane things, like what kind of breakfast sandwich to order, or to make sure you don't trip and fall on your own shoelaces" to the list. I see that shit all the time, like in that one Futurama episode (ironically with Gary Gygax himself).
Even the most roll-heavy games will tell you not to bother your players with the trivial shit.
Are we doing That-Guy/That-DMisms?
>"I tell him X and roll to persuade"
>'secretly' taking loot for oneself
>stealing from other party members
>succeeding so hard you fail (like attempting to knock out a guard, but the DM lets your nat 20 cave in his skull in an explosion of gore)
>rolling for everything
I did it to a guy once. He was an ultra creepy That Guy that seemed to somehow insinuated himself into our game. The sheets I ripped apart were and I quote, "They're twin brother and sister Ley Line Walkers that are orphans ehhhhhhhh. Oh yeah, and they have sex eeehhhhhh!" I about made him cry when I did it. He later tried to hit on another player's 14 year old sister and that player kicked his ass. After that he never showed up again.
A few years later he got caught red handed molesting an eight year old in the maintenance shack at a local pool. After getting out about ten years after that he went right back in when a concerned parent called the cops on him when he was hanging out at the local FLGS' Pokemon night. As part of his parole he wasn't supposed to be hanging around places where kids congregate. He's been in prison ever since.
I have once. Guy created a character that had no personality whatsoever and would intentionally cause problems in game because they thought they were being funny. Now I know the DM and some asshattery is tolerated but this guy really rubbed him the wrong way. From my understanding, the DM AND the characters both had a discussion with him. Once Groot was dead, the sheet was tore up and another character had to be made.
I've seen players do it to their own sheets in frustration, but I've never demanded it nor played with a GM who demands it.
You know, if you're going to make up pedo stories, doing it on Facebook or Reddit will get you more likes or upboats respectively than you'll get (You)s on 4chaps.
Not him, but I'm on the fence about rolling for stats. I can see why people don't like it, there are lots and lots of good reasons, but sometimes it's fun to roll for stats first and then making a character afterwards. I don't know if you've tried it before, but removing some of your choice during character creating can make for an interesting game.
I wouldn't do it all the time, of course. Mostly I find it's fun to do when you're a last-minute entry into the game or just don't know what you want to run this time around.
I have a big stack in my closet of previously played characters. Its nice to go back and see the state a character ended in.
This is sort of what we did, except each DM had a graveyard folder and they sometimes brought back forgotten characters as vengeful/helpful (insert undead/celestial/infernal race) just to screw with us and see if we recognized them
I have a graveyard binder
Fuck, man.
What's a Ley Line Walker? Or is it something That Guy pulled out of his ass?
I've done both. There's basically two reasons to roll stats. One is you want a random element in character creation, and the other is because you think you're going to get higher stats when you're using point buy (which you usually will if you're using 4d6 drop one). Over the years I've seen a lot more of the latter. When it comes to randomizing character creation I prefer it to be the less mechanical stuff though (anything that generates appearance randomly is usually fun).
Peasants are peasants, no matter the race.
But yes, there were drow children, we managed to save around halfish of them.
My favorite scene was the temple, where we helped a Matron Mother summon a demon, and then one of her daughters (we controlled friendly npcs because ST overload) decided to betray her and fuck up the control circle. I think maybe 3 people survived that mess, mainly due to being close to exits.
I'm in the weird spot where I don't like either.
I don't like rolling for stats, primarily because unless you're lucky, it can end up with a pretty unbalanced party where the ones who rolled low feel ineffectual while the guy who has a 20, 18 and a 16 by level four wipes all the encounters by himself.
On the other hand, point buy at my group always seems to end up with the same min-maxed characters with two or three good stats, two or three around 10 and one dump stat at 8.
No. Fuck no. Fuck no, man.
There was a high-fatality L5R campaign where we put everybody's sheets on a cheap wallhanger katana when they died. It accumulated quite the stack.
One of my players ripped up his character sheet as soon as his character died, before I went over the math again and saw he had made an adding error and still had some hit points.
>PC: I betray him and stab him
>DM: okay. Your character is dead.
Why would you play with a DM like this?
i wear ears and a cape when i DM
of course
>a mentalist
named Atlas in honor of the book ATLAS SHRUGGED. When a fight broke out
he would hide and fire off mental bolts while extolling the virtues of
I rip sheets when people in my group dies.
granted I also tell my players that that is what will happen when they die, and I give them the chance to transfer any info they might want from the original before it happens
my players also know ahead of time I like to run an OSR-inspired, high-lethality type of game so they're not unprepared
Closest I've ever come to this was when, following a TPK at the end of a test campaign of 4E, the players signed and certified that they died in a TPK and handed them over to me as kind of joke trophy.
We were playing Keep on the Shadowfell and had no expectations of playing past the adventure whether the party survived or not, so there was no rancor from the players. It was honestly kinda cute.
I've never seen it happen, I've had GMs keep character sheets in a "graveyard" several times though
No ripping. Burning outside after the session.
yes, thats the joke
My wife's group does this. Absolutely baffles me. last session apparently the DM also told a player "just die already" because I guess he felt it had been too long without a char death?
As a DM Im totally down to kill you. But why do I need your character sheet? Are you going to stubbornly choose to keep playing it? Because taking your character sheet doesnt fix that.
A class from Rifts, basically just a Wizard that gets more powerful on geomantic lines of power. So he wasn't being a faggot with the class of his incestuous duo.
No, only time i've heard of someone do this in real life (rather than a KOTD strip) is a convention story from Gencon when some sperg pissed off everyone including the DM at a table running a deathtrap convention module by being a personal asshole, bringing a fake-ass all 18s character stuffed with artifacts, trying to tell everyone else how to play etc and then when he inevitably played stupidly and got himself killed by one of the traps the DM Gary Gygax took some mild glee in ripping the character sheet in two.
The fact that he did that was repeated endlessly on and WotC boards, of course always neglecting to mention that the player was a massive cunt to everyone involved up until that point. (back in the day when Gygax was still in charge of organizing it he used to have those kind of cunts thrown out when they ended up harassing the vendors like MAR Barker)
>ripping up a .txt file
I'd be intrigued as to how
rm -rf
This was a thing in high school.
I have given my character sheet over to the DM before, but because I was leaving the game because I could no longer make it to sessions and he wanted to make the character an NPC.
Never seen anyone destroy a character sheet before. I find the concept absurd because looking back at old characters is fun.
It was apparently tradition in the first group I was in to burn your character sheet at the end of a campaign. They let me keep mine though cause they recognized the sentimental value my first character sheet had.
Missing argument. Just do *, it's the only way to be sure.
Found the pedo
Just in case.
You didn't have to sperg but your disability doesn't allow you to see your projected deviant thoughts
I did it once because I was having a very bad day and a mid-tier enemy one shot my character with an AOE while I was invisible because I was standing within 15 feet of the target. It was stupid, but yes, idiots like me sometimes rip their character sheets.
>Godly in every stat
>except charisma
He is perturabo
Top kek - thnx mate!
No you mark a big red X across the paper and stick it to the wall with the others.
We keep our sheets. Anybody who does this is either a tryhard or a fucking retard
I have seen literally every one of these come up with literally every group I've ever been in.
Actually, that's not true. One group never quotes Monty Python, thank fucking christ, and another never did the whole "Axebeard Beardaxe of the McAxebeard Clan" thing, though perhaps only because there were never any dwarves in their campaigns at all.
>"I tell him X and roll to persuade"
That's... how perception checks work, though? You tell someone a lie, and then roll to persuade them.
Is it that the player is saying "I roll to persuade" instead of the DM saying "make a persuasion check?"
Its the same mentality of people who think that if you die in the game you get kicked out of it and can't play anymore. Those people who think just because it's roleplaying, everything has to be exaggerated and crazy
Oh wow, a crazy person!
Well yeah, of course people do. Not everyone's a pussy who's too scared to roll a new character when they die in a game. It's not like you only have the one.
Gave me a chuckle
>Reading the first entry
Man, this reminds me of that one guy who used to talk shit about his horrible fellow gamers, I wonder whatever happened to that guy
>Second entry
Oh, sweet joy, I knew I clicked on this pdf for a reason.
I used to spend all night reading blocks of these stories when I would encounter them...
>Playing in Uncle-A's garage
>Uncle-B has a string of good luck and destroys Uncle'A's tanks
>Die lands on 1
>Uncle-A grabs the die, lumbers over to the vise he has mounted on the counter and turns it until the die disintigrates
Never seen him so salty about the dice.
It's not my call.
I've thrown dice across the room before when they kept rolling badly. Like, really badly- all night long.
My group once ritually burned a character sheet for someone who left the group. He was moving away and wanted 'to go out with style' so his character had a blaze of glory and we laid him to rest.
I keep dead characters in a folder so I can use them for undead bad guys in future games
The players get a kick out of seeing a pc from campaigns past shambling around
I played with a DM who would write DEAD in big red marker and shred the character,
I'veonly ever seen it once. It was in a supers game which was terrible, with one of the worst GMs I've ever played with. His entire game was a minmax power trip,where he would send the most munchkined and over poweredenemies at us and beat the shit out of our characters again and again and again. When we lost, the villains would mock us and leave us alive. When we did win, we were not allowed to kill them. This was literally in the game rules as an option, based on the comic book decade you were emulating, where no one could ever die. You could fire bolts of lightning into their skull a thousand times as they lay unconscious on the floor, the GM would not allow you to kill them. They had to be sent to jail, and would then immediately escape and come back having been remunchkined to become more invinsible and beat us up again.
So, he had created a situation where we could never really achieve anything or ever defeat anyone, and he would whomp us over and over with his crazily power gamed bad guys. He clearly loved the cycle of abuse he had created.
So the game was awful. Eventually, we got into a fight with the super villain nemesis from my backstory who had murdered my wife. We had a huge epic fight with the guy and actually beat him, but again, no matter how I tried, I was not allowed to kill him. I wastold by the GM that if I didn't stop even saying I was trying to kill them, the Avengers, because this was in the Marvel universe, would come and arrest me for being evil.
At this point I wanted nothing to do with the game, so in the next fight, when I was hit by a huge laser, I refused to soak and said was just going to let the damage kill me. He said fine, that I was dead, then he took my sheet from me and dramaticlly tore it into pieces while glaring at me the whole time.
He had this look like I had offended him, and he was showing me how he had bested me. It was pretty strange.
Once. This new player came in making an "ironic" character sheet with nothing but memes as his backstory and my DM tore it up and just told him to get the fuck out and come back when he was serious and interested in playing the game.
He never came back.
Perturabo almost got killed by some random Imperial Fists captain. He's only alive because the Imperial Fists are just autistic Ultramarines and that captain decided leaving RIGHT NOW was more important than wiping out a traitor primarch and leaving a few minutes later.
Why didn't you say 'I stab him in the neck until he dies' and just leave then?
>Autistic demigod
No, an adult drow literally starts at level 2 with no equivalent class levels. a level one is a child, not even a pesant.
I've heard of taking their sheet and handing them a new one so they can start up on a new character, but never destroying it in front of them.
Hell, I myself staple the things into the a notebook, along with their date of creation, date of death and cause of death.
Sort of a PC graveyard.