>ITT: Unsalvagable settings
ITT: Unsalvagable settings
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Elder Scrolls
Legend of the Five Rings.
You shut your whore mouth.
Forgotten Realms
Same for 7th Sea. This is unfortunate as both systems are super great in their niche.
This is actually a good summary of golarion.
Also, regarding Destiny, suck my balls bro. The setting is the strongest part of that game.
Your homebrew
Doesn't say much for the game
What makes destiny setting so good?
I'm being serious, most people I know who play the game seem to dislike the setting.
I think it's more what they're doing with the setting than the setting itself.
What's the difference?
I've considered running a game in Bioshock before. None of that Infinite or Bioshock 2 bullshit, just the good one.
I think the dumbest thing about this setting is all these areas basically exist in complete isolation and none of them really interact with each other.
Is it possible to have a gun-based science fantasy setting that doesn't suck?
Bioshock 1 and perhaps even 2 are perfectly fine, and so are the first three Halo games.
the first borderlands was okay, it was really just mad max with a little bit of humor
not great, but not horrible
There's a lot of very good stuff in the lore regarding the various enemy factions. Its most prominent with the Hive and the Vex.
Hey, Bioshock 1 and 2 were great. Infinite was meh and the DLC retroactively ruined the whole story.
Lore is nifty. The way the grimoire entries were written was interesting.
>Liking Heavy Metal: The setting
>Liking Brown and Irradiated: The setting
>Liking babies first fantasy setting
user plz
One of my favorite games I ran was set in the Fallout universe, so it can be done.
Your special snowflake homebrew system
At least post the right picture.
I know you want to be ebin, newfriend, but he typed setting, not system.
They ruined the setting converting it to Savage Worlds. Turned it into SJW crap. The death droid dudes were the only good thing about it anyway.
And they could not possibly have chosen a worse system to reboot Rifts than Savage Worlds. I mean, it's hard to pick a system worse than Savage Worlds in the first place. In terms of generic systems there are FAR better options: GURPS, Cortex, and FATE, to name a few.
Savage Worlds takes a decent core mechanic and lumps on a shitty wild die that is arbitrarily assigned because "muh plot" and fills the character with bennies that require the player to know all of their uses to use effectively. Not to mention, Benny effectiveness is heavily dependent on session length, so if you don't play the recommended 4 to 6 hours the game becomes wildly unbalanced.
The game is full of garbage trap options like in 3.5, the chargen is basically minmaxing Flaws like in GURPS except worse, shotguns are brokenly powerful giving a flat +2 to hit which in this system is basically only missing on a 1. They also do broken-ass damage because of exploding dice. The exploding dice also turn combat into a slogfest occasionally punctuated by someone actually dying; usually from a fucking ridiculous amount of damage.
I played Savage Worlds for a good three years now. Never will play it again, it is an arsed system that is half narrative bullshit, half autistic wargame, and entirely terrible.
Command & Conquer.
I can no longer tell if this is the same person posting these or not. Here's a (You) though.
What is Star Wars, Trebek?
>only one person on the internet dislikes Savage Worlds
If you'd been here longer than a day you'd recognize the style of writing, words, and arguments used, reddit-friend.
>only one person on the internet plays Savage Worlds
savage worlds is shit
I mean Golarion isn't good, but I don't think it's terrible either. There are even some neat cities like Kaer Maga.
I honestly thought this was Europe and the Middle East at first
Are they invalid arguments? Probably not. He has some pretty specific complaints so I highly doubt he's just bullshitting. Probably another crappy "generic system" wannabe that tries to be everything and succeeds at none of it.
Rest in Peace though power :(
Man, I just wanted to talk about Wiccan Abortion Wars
I wonder why user :^)
It's the same guy. Eventually you become familiar with all of his various pastas.
>Turned it into SJW crap.
Seriously? Is SJW a just a generic pejorative now? How exactly is it SJW?
Did they have gay or trans chracters who dared to exist? Women in the art who dare not to dress like a stripper who stepped on a landmine?
This. There's nothing worth using from TES.
Forgotten Realms.
Sengoku Jidai.
Supernatural Rhodesian Bush War.
Any Deus Ex game after Invisible War.
>Human Revolution ruined Deus Ex, but somehow Invisible War didn't.
This is the strangest opinion I've ever seen, and I actually like Invisible War.
HR completely invalidated everything that came before it in favour of "slick" fashion, shotty boss fights and muh transhumanism. Only thing it had gpijg for it was cyberwaifu.
What was thematic and interesting in Deadlands is pretentious bullshit everywhere else.
Hasn't been good for the last 4 movies chronologically.
come the fuck on. There's a lot of very valid complaints to throw Savage World's way, but there is nothing "pretentious" about its design.
>Did they have gay or trans chracters who dared to exist? Women in the art who dare not to dress like a stripper who stepped on a landmine?
Your snotnots wishful thinking and shit taste actually make me agree with the other guy more and I've never player RIFTS.
You don't get laid very much do you.
I've never needed to use your orbiter lines to do so
You're not replying to the person you think you're replying to, virgin.
And Invisible War took a dump on whatever ending you pick and killed a possible series of classics for a ton of years. What HR did is mild in comparison. But as HR is part of the modern games industry people get to add 10000 evil points to it regardless of its actual deeds.
Actually I don't even like the rules. But L5R is honestly retarded, can't see the appeal.
I don't like wh40k at all but in contrast I think it would be perfectly salvagable if only done comically.
I know nothing about Golarion, but “CONAN vs. MAGIC ROBOTS FROM SPACE” cracks me up every time I see it.
Warhammer Fantasy
>not liking Heavy Metal
>AD 2005 + 12
>liking Heavy Metal
BL1 is still one of my favorite games ever. The others are shit compared to it.
>not liking heavy metal
>Not getting the year reference
Sup, underage. Still in your edgy phase?
Halo was good
Emphasis on was
>Gun based
Unless you're counting tcw, it doesn't even come close
Marathon was always the better game, though. Sadly nobody at Bungie has the stones to do a full 3D remake of either the Marathon trilogy or Pathways into Darkness. Marathon 25A never.
>hurr durr i dislike therefore is SJW
Ok I'll bite. How exactly is it, as you put it, "SJW?"
>throwing obscure references from ~25-30 years ago
The main draw for Golarion is that all the neat lore and secrets are contained within the adventures themselves, instead of in guidebooks or drizzt novels. Since every adventure pretty much takes place in one zone, the lack of setting-wide unifying themes isn't much of an issue in practice. It's a setting that's quite good at what it's made for, but terrible at everything else.
Spotted the Destiny-fag.
If your players never played Bioshock you can make a nice horror game with them trying to escape Rapture
For Borderlands, all you have to do is to avoid Borderlands 2 and Pre Sequel humour and writing, the universe of Borderlands could be quite interesting, the Telltale game was absolutly fantastic storywise and character wise
It would be hard to represent the millions of game in a ttrpg though
Is this a nostalgia thing? Shit I grew up on Marathon and Halo was better in ever way.
It's probably because I play it in Aleph One, which is significantly better than the original engine.
medieval yurop
They had a dedicated science fiction writer write the Grimoire Cards. Because of that, they have a unified, cohesive feel that sticks to the ribs of the setting's aesthetics.
Also they sometimes feel like science fiction, sometimes like religious texts, and sometimes like fairytales. And that's not accidental in a setting where philosophy, religion, and science have started to blend together to the point that there's real overlap setting-wise.
The lore really hits the spot. There's a lot of cool, big ideas there that are written very well. Especially since its also written tightly. Its a bit like Morrowind's CHIM, Lessons of Vivec shit, except more cohesive.
Not much of it actually gets into the GAME front-and-center, though, which is a shame.
For example, why does the traveler have a big chunk missing from it? Its that big ball on the cover, its like a more active version of the Monolith from 2001. It goes around uplifting species with space-magic tech.
The official story is that during the collapse, the Traveler and the Inexplicable Darkness fought, and the Traveler WON, though this rendered it catatonic.
Except that in the lore, this exact scenario has happened before, but doesn't go as well for the species uplifted. Traveler uplifts a species, the Hive turns up in the system, and the Traveler BOOKS IT. The Hive and that species fight it out, and the hive wins. Wash, rinse, repeat.
The theory is that the human's super-AI that was in charge of earth's defense network, Rasputin, did the math and decided that the optimal move was to hamstring the traveler. Cripple it so it couldn't leave, and had to stand and fight.
Yeah, the deep lore stuff reads like religious texts, except with space stuff.
"And Lo, Bartholemew cast cast out from the lands of his fathers, and instead dwelt on the moon with the octopus-people. And for a time, it was good."
>Not much of it actually gets into the GAME front-and-center, though,
Kind of like the Elder Scrolls lore, really.
If you play this you are literally human trash who should kill yourself.
Rifts takes the radical SJW position that Nazis are bad.
I thought Rifts was jerking off to how cool the Coalition are
Rifts spends a lot of time telling you the CS are bad, then undermines it by making the CS totally reasonable cool dudes.
I don't know what setting this is, but having a continent shaped like a dragon is enough to tell me it's shit.
>Not adapting Fallout to fit your agenda.
It's like you want to be a commodity.
It goes both ways depending on the writer. The coalition are still oppressive genocidal Nazis regardless.
/v/ermin detected
There's a couple Grimoire cards that get into these being's heads. One from the Traveller's POV which regards its crippling by Rasputin and decides of its own volition that it's committed to standing its ground now, because it's just tired of running.
And another from Rasputin's POV which regards the choices made by itself and the Traveller (which it called the Gardener) and their own choices: Rasputin shut itself down and survived in the aftermath, but the Traveller sacrificed itself to stave off the Darkness and allowed Humanity to survive. In essence, it reads like survivor's guilt.
It's not just that there's these big epic things and beings everywhere, but that you get scraps of data and scattered thoughts and notions and memories from many of them which flesh out their characters. And it's not that you just get info from them as a first or secondhand resource, but that the emotions or thoughts conveyed seem almost at odds with what you'd expect; conflicted.
Of course, that seems to be the cypher for Destiny lore: make one thing and instead of doing what follows for it, do something contrary to it to give it depth. The unexpected is just beneath the expected surface. Does this give it the illusion of depth? Maybe, but it seems to give it a good deal of actual depth since they flesh out that twist in a meaningful manner, rather than one-offing it.
How does it feel to be retarded?
This is a a golden reaction pic
It's literally a theme park. If you think setting your game in Disneyland is actually good, go for it. I've rather use something that makes sense.
I'm sad too.
But it was bad ever since warcraft two.