Should we be worried?
Other urls found in this thread:
Short answer, Yes
Long Answer, Start selling your minis
No? Women are 50% of the species, including them in a game makes a bit of sense. Not like they are flat-out replacing any of the male models, they're just *adding* women to the game. Sounds good to me.
>they're gonna add female space marines instead of ever updating the female models they already have
Oh shit, I didn't see that mentioned in the article, but I'm glad to hear it. Have they confirmed if it's a retcon yet or are you just making shit up to be upset by?
>women are 50%of the species
yes, however they are not 50% of the tabletop market, pandering to them is a surefire way to ruin the game for long time players for a shoddy attempt at gaining a minimal increase in players when they could instead focus on simply a larger advertising campaign to attract more people in general.
That's not a good thing.
well, yeah, GW can't sculpt women faces at all
t. can't understand sarcasm
What a faggot
You seem to not understand the premise of the argument you greentexted. Women are 50% of the species, which means they are 50% of the in-universe humans as well, and it makes no sense in lore to have them not represented on the table. This isn't pandering, it's updating decades old kits that didn't have female options to save money to include female options and be more lore accurate. How is this a problem?
Just make the She-males, most of their female faces look like dickgirls, they could tap into that sweet Tranny market and get dumb chicks and homos to buy them too.
women have literally never been 50% of the fighting force of anything though. that's a ridiculous argument
Lol. 40k is officially dead. Age of Shitmar first and now they are gonna kill 40k.
Brilliant. There are literally too many fucking humans in 40k, but they are gonna suddenly make women space marines? Not guard or sisters of battle or anything else, but to pander and make female versions of the one faction that by design cannot be female.
How can they not only pander this hard, but also pander so hard it breaks the lore? There are already factions with women in them. Why would you try to cram them into the one faction that never had them and for good reasons? Jesus fucking Christ.
Not to mention that some army/kits could use some diversity to break up the monotony. I would kill for some female guardsmen/scions just so everyone doesn't look so copypasted inbreds
I'm glad I kicked GW shit to the curb years ago
>This isn't pandering, it's updating decades old kits that didn't have female options to save money to include female options and be more lore accurate. How is this a problem?
Where in the article does it say that at all?
They said "More female representation" not that they were updating kits to include women.
>problematic statements
>women have literally never been 50% of the fighting force of anything though. that's a ridiculous argument
Considering that the article doesn't say anything about replacing 50% of the male fighters with females, you just posted a ridiculous argument.
I'm talking about what that guy said, not the article.
>Women are 50% of the population, therefore they should be 50% of 40k
>WOAH WOAH hold your horses, bub, nobody said anything about "50%" you nutbar
Well, it's a good thing that 40k canonically has single sex regiments, so congratulations, you don't have to worry about that now
>GW updating sets
>GW updating sisters EVER
Face it, they're gonna make female space marines since it'll be a headline
I never said the kits should be exactly 50% women 50% men, but having ANY options is more lore accurate than 0 options you mouth breathing retard.
Oh, excuse me, I forgot that "representation" doesn't mean new models, which woukd be the easiest and most likely thing, it obviously means entirely new factions, races, and characters who never existed in lore becore, because that is definitely in the article and not also make believe.
You may need to see a doctor about your eyes, you keep seeing shit that isn't in people's posts.
>women have literally never been 50% of the fighting force of anything though
Not him, but so?
Excuse me, are you complaining about realism in a game of pretend and get bend out of shape about adding females, despite allowing everything other weird or nonsensical thing and not even batting an eye?
Because seriously, it's like the boobplate "argument" - who fucking cares if its unrealistic? That's the fucking point of it
Jesus christ, you people are so fucking childish.
This is "girls have cooties" level of immature hysteria
Women in guard/sisters is fine. That's a reason why caphias cane and gaunts ghosts were great.
Female space marines however shouldn't ever exist and the second they do its literally all ogre
don't post cute 2d in a thread about disgusting 3d
>SJW horseshit causing problems in academia
>SJW horsedhit causing problems in politics
>SJW horseshit causomg problems in vidya gaems
>People who don't want it to spread to warhammer are just being childish
No need to get butthurt guys, no girls gonna play warhammer to start with.
What problems friendo? As another alt-right supporter i need to know to protect myself. What has changed that has ruined burgerland that we must rally to undo lest all of society crumble?
I'm pretty sure that's why people are butthurt. GW is going to fuck up something good to pander to a demographic that, as a whole, isn't interested in 40k.
New SoB codex when?
There are already women in 40k. So, why this big announcement?
Either GW is gonna pander hard and make the game shittier as a result, or GW is going to add shit that people never even wanted or asked for. Either way, this is retarded. Granted, in lore there are more women guard than in the actual game itself, but that is because guys playing a wargame generally want to play things that are manly and badass. So, that makes it more likely that GW is pandering and as a result will water shit down in order to try to lure more people in. Because, I cannot remember the last time I talked to a woman in the 40k scene, even in other tabletops it's rare. Nor have I ever heard a dude who was playing go "ya know, I like my army and all, but what I really want is a more diverse army with girls fighting equally alongside men in my grimdark game of pretend".
I've known a few fudgepackers that said this at a FLGS. Honestly they were more interested in the hobby aspect of the game anyways.
True, but let them print their material right, then it don't sell cause no one there to buy it, then cancelled and back to normal.
I mean getting women into playing the game, not girl minis. Don't mind girl minis.
If it results in decent plastic multipose Adeptus Soritas then I'm cool, if it results in overly detailed clip-together bolter bitches with that fucking smoke effect pouring out of every incense burner where every model has atleast 2 then I'm going to have a huge fucking problem.
As for women it depends on the chick, if its someone just there to paint and game, sweet, if its an annoying SJW attention whore then I'm going to avoid like the fucking plague and be a cunt to so they leave me alone. If the LGS kicks me out over this I'll go build my own gaming area where I'll only let in people I like. I think the solution to the whole annoying SJW shit anyway is to stop patronizing stores where they are at and like minded hobbyist building their own private space (not a store or public area) where you are well within your rights to tell whoever you like to fuck off and exclude whomever you like. Only problem is getting us up off our lazy arses and actually doing it.
Let's look at the bright side. As the Imperium and Eldar are flooded with incompetent females and overpriced models of waifus, the Tau will at last rise to their proper place as the true kings of 40K, just in time for it all to burn to the ground. Pure pottery.
Honestly I'd prefer to kick up a bit of a stink now so they don't waste the effort in the first place. At least that way GW might do it well.
1. It isn't a big announcement, it's a FB post that this literally who website found and made an article about that was in response to questions from a handful of people who play the game.
2. If they actuslly pander and hurt the game I'll bitch at that point, but nothing about adding a few more female models sans boobplate affects the game in any way unless they ligerally retcon SM to being female.
3. SM and Guard only being represented by male models has nothing to do with marketing and everything to do with saving money. In the old day boxes would have like 20 models all with the same 5 sculpts, and men are easier to look good at that scale than women. Quid quo pro, the fucking DE slave models.
4. Nobody is rallying behind it as something we need or 5hink will imrpove the game or bring in women. The people who in this thread are saying they are okay with it arent clamoring for it, theyre saying "okay, sounds cool." It's the fucking mouty breathing omega virgins that are screaming that the end is nigh for it, and we are rightfully calling them out as shitposting faggots who can't stop bitching for 5 fucking seconds and talk ablut the actual game. It's faggots like this that ruined /v/ so that every other thread is "what did he mean by this" garbage, and they're trying to do it to Veeky Forums too.
This is a whole article based on a post that was a week ago?
They're probably just introducing a few female sculpts into the various lines. We might see some female representation amongst most infantry sets, a few scattered in Imperial Guard boxes, Aspect Warriors, and general infantry and elite units (of factions that actually have women)... And probably a few characters. They already released a pretty good female Stormcast in the Neave character (and an okay one in the boardgame).
It's not like there's going to be much change in the minis or game itself, other than GW seems to be doing CAD-built minis with more sharply feminine designs than their older, hand-sculpted Ms. Man-Face miniatures. I mean, hell, with a female Imperial Guardsman you can finally field everyone's waifu from Space Marine, or have some more conversion-fodder for female Inquisitors.
>Raiders fan
>>People who don't want it to spread to warhammer are just being childish
Yes, you are being childish about a fucking children's game. Only saving grace is that given your reactions to female forms, you will never propagate.
Nothing is stopping women from playing 40K. If they wanted to play, they could buy some minis and play.
That's not in the article
Also, the bit about no boob plate simply means that all the difference there's going to be between male and female models (except for banshees and wyches, I guess) is their head
God forbid someone's passionate about their hobby.
I should just burn my ancient copies of LOTR because who cares? Just children's books.
least they aren't the Chargers
Why do companies always do this? Is it never enough to naturally progress a game? Does it always have to be this hamfisted dogshit that comes off as a desperate attempt to make money?
It's never just making female models to reflect the IG having women or making plastic sisters, it always has to be this faux moral righteousness and virtue signalling. It isn't even adding the women that bugs me, but these hamfisted attempts at suckering people in. If I was a woman I'd be offended that GW expects me to like their game just because they made a depiction of a woman in it. "SEE? THIS PLASTIC PIECE IS THE SAME GENDER AS YOU! BUY OUR STUFF NOW!"
Just fuck off.
>Childrens game
If I didn't know you were trolling, I'd actually be mad.
inb4 female primaris marines
You know it's going to happen.
>Wants to pander to women
>doesn't make more tyranid shit
this is how you know they don't know their playerbase
1.Thats changing rapidly
2. So what, they have a big part of the income, tgs want to make money, tgs will pounder to women also to get their money. Stop being butthurt and enjoy the ride
> >2.) They want to bring more women into the hobby, but don’t want to alienate the existing playerbase while doing so. It is something they’re aware of (but no details as yet).
>Alienation? The only part of the playerbase that would feel alienated by having more women at the gaming table and female models on the tabletop are those you would not want to game with in the first place. You could also make the cast that hygiene standards would improve as well…..
>About James Rodriguez
>I'm a huge fan of anything tabletop. I play strictly Chaos in Warhammer, and Imperial in anything Star Wars. I spent 2 years Air Force, 6 years Army, and now happy to be a civilian, working with a great group of guys. San Diego born, North Carolina raised, I'm an East Coast guy with a West Coast heart, Raider Nation! "Fear me mortals, for I am the Anointed, the favoured Son of Chaos, the Scourge of the World." - Archaon, Lord of the End Times
We always knew Chaosfags would end the 40K universe, and what a way to do it.
Sure, they are yours. You can do whatever you want with them.
Just don't think that ownership of your books mean that you have entitlement to the book's distribution
You know, anyone who fucking lists their military service like this was likely a fucking fueler or truck driver.
40k is a children's game. It's the tabletop wargaming with the youngest playerbase, hence the derogatory 40kids as the description of the playerbase.
>he still belives the sjw meme
wew lad
At least the Chargers fan club members list doesn't double as a prison role sheet.
We've been wanting plastic Sisters for years, we love the female sculpts from Victoria Miniatures, hell I wouldn't even mind GW releasing Eldar Autarch, Farseer and Warlock bitz so I can kit bash and convert them for my army. Done correctly not an issue.
Same with female gamers, if they like the game minis and settings and participate like everyone else its fine.
But it has to be this "representation" argument which means butchering up an existing thing in order to force a narrative and virtue signal to the Church of Feminism lest they be burned as apostates on the pyre of public opinion. It's forced, false and ultimately ends up creating more animosity toward the "inclusion narrative" and female gamers due to most being cautious due to the "once bitten twice shy" thing. Furthermore I don't want these people in the hobby, I game to relax, and I can't do that when I know I've got a Cunt Brigade Commissar hovering over my shoulder and eaves dropping so she (or pathetically he) cant make a big song and dance about something they deliberately take out of context. These people kill anything they get involved in, spiritually and financially, because the truth is they don't get involved in our communities because they share our interests, they get involved to Police our communities and make it all about them and their religion of misandric white hating vagina worship.
Yes but this is Brianna Wu we're talking about here. She plays a game, decides it's not transgender enough, and uses some kind of ooga booga trans magic to fear monger trans into everything related to the game.
>he can't figure out that poorly-worded Facebook post
>he can't infer that they intend to change/add things to the game itself, in the hopes that it would as an effect 'bring more women' players
>these independent changes couldn't possibly alienate anyone or be poorly done
They don't have a valve they can crank from M to F to change their customer base and Nothing Else with no possible side effects whatsoever. They're going to throw spaghetti at the wall and hope it sticks.
Just look at this thread.
40k is a man children boy's club.
GW HQ 2017.
>"Alright, guys, we need ways to make more money. How do we do this?"
"We could make plastic sisters. People have always wanted that."
"How about new models? We did a kind of reboot so maybe we can add more to army variety and make sure to balance the game."
"I say we lower the prices, more people will want to try the game and result in mor- *shot in the head*"
"What if we make more tyranid models or update some of these armies that are dumpster fire tier."
"How about we waste a lot of time and money trying to pander to a demographic that does not care about 40k and piss off our existing customer base?"
Yeah, and you know how deal with Brianna Wu? You fucking ignore him ratger than posting assblasted rants about his views on a peruvian ice fishing image board.
No one is talking about Literally Wu except you and the OP image which isn't even actually related to the article.
Has Wu even mentioned anything about this.
So? Nothing stopping a woman from playing.
>"How about we waste a lot of time and money trying to pander to a demographic that does not care about 40k and piss off our existing customer base?"
the problem is that the customer base shouldn't be pissed off at all.
I bet the guy who posted this has a lot of sources for the amount of money wasted and exactly what sculpts are in the works and definitely isn't making shit up to be angry about and get tons of (you)'s.
You 40Kiddies need to grow up and start playing historicals. That way some mentally ill trannie can't fuck with your figs.
Nothing but the screeching sperging of manchildren as evidenced by this thread.
>nothing is stopping a woman from playing
>except the hundreds of people lousing their shit because GW wants to make it's public a bit bigger
Nigga this thred is a shining example why there is something stoping them
>the customer base shouldn't be pissed off at all
Jeez, God forbid a fandom be passionate about something and be happy when the thing they are fans of becomes openly hostile to them in order to please an new group who entered in for the soul reasons of it being a fad thing and to be openly hostile to the old fans. Fucking nerds should learn to be happy when they get treated like shit.
I mean, its not like your argument, and this bitching about people passionate about a hobby doesn't red mark you as a pleb who should fuck off out of the hobby if this is what you believe. No, not at all.
you're right, these people should be put in re-education centers.
every hobby should have a perfect 50/50% sex distribution, if they don't, something is wrong
Should and shouldn't are subjective and don't really change the practical outcomes.
>joining the US military
>so sensitive they'd leave a hobby they enjoy over some assholes
Then they're too sensitive and probably should pick a less competitive hobby. Like I love chess, if I was to leave any time I encountered some autistic dickhead I'd be one lonely and friendless motherfucker. And I had some kid who literally REEEEEE'd at me for making a move that wasn't a book opening and refused to change my move.
So, any woman hurt by some dude talking shit, probably wasn't cut out for the hobby.
Reminder that Brianna Wu is actually a man.
So nothing then. Oh, what hurdles!
They aren't playing because they CHOOSE not to.
>shoulds and oughts
shoo shoo spooks
Women shouldn't have to be pandered to by altering existing lore and fluff just to entice them to play the game. If they don't like 40K as it is now, then that's their problem. How hard is it to understand that an established fanbase doesn't like it when a company changes the product they enjoy to appeal to an audience that is not interested in said product to begin with?
Dang, glad I thought 8th edition was shit, but this still hurts me. What happened to shit just being metal? Sisters of battle didn't show up because they needed more representation: they showed up because they were metal as fuck and it was awesome.
Absolutely not. Women are welcome to play the game.
The problem is always that women don't want to play the game. If they want anything at all with it, they want to change it.
Am I sexist if I'm kinda against it because I'm fearing some lorebreaking retcon and don't care MUCH about women inclusion?
I mean, Primaris Marines lore is already convulated enough so I'm not very thrilled for female space marines or something stupid like that.
I'm ok with the great sisters of battle rebirth and 50% female imperial guard though,
that's pretty stupid man.
I do agree that 40k players probably need some kind of mental examination of some kind if vague posts about future miniature manufacturing with no substantiated facts are riling them up because it involved the opposite sex.
Yeah what's up with that lol. Every chick I know who plays 40k plays Tyranids or Demons.
Does anybody even care about her? Even most SJWs pretend she doesn't exist.
My proposal is don't push people out, but pull them deep in. They will either sink in or jump out and leave forever, because most SJWs thrive on feelings of persecution, not feelings of being welcomed and being taught some "stupid icky boys' game".
Anyways this thread is probably is a bait thread designed to drawout /v/irgins and /pol/acks. I want them to reconsider what reactions they are making, because reactions of anger and hostility won't solve anything.
I hope you guys have a nice day and fuck off from this thread like I will.
Yes but if more casual ass women get into Warhammer, then expect changes.
>Play Chaos
I guess he has been getting fucked for so long now he welcomes it.
Easy armies that make it easy to zerg rush an enemy and not have to use tactics.
>Then they're too sensitive and probably should pick a less competitive hobby
or the jackasses stop being jackasses.
In your chess example the sperging opener move autist should be slapped up the side of the head for not behaving in socially acceptable manner. Just because you can tolerate their shit, doesn't mean that they aren't being shit.
Yeah space marines have a specifically masculine appeal but everyone dig demons and scary aliens.
White Knight spotted lol
>How hard is it to understand that an established fanbase doesn't like it when a company changes the product they enjoy to appeal to an audience that is not interested in said product to begin with?
If the only change is that there's more models coming out, I would say cry me a fucking river. The level of autistic reaction to this vague thing is beyond unreasonable.
And? Why do you feel the need or desire to change that? Why can't they have a space for themselves to do what they love? Fuck off if that's what you think of the people who enjoy the hobby and go do the things you love rather than trying to intrude on a hobby you never had any interest in to begin with.