Which of these men would you rather join on an adventure?
Which of these men would you rather join on an adventure?
>Fake binary choice
See OP how big faggot you are?
I'm not manly enough to hang out with Tom of Findland characters
Both look like they wanna have gay sex but right looks like he takes it instead of giving it so right I guess because I don't want a sociopath business mans cock up my butt
me and the gay biker can have a dudes night out and he can talk shit about how guys are pigs and tell me how to dress to attract bitches and we can both jerk off to traps no homo
Depends on the setting
I'd say the one on the left is a bard trying out an alter self so he can more easily blend in with the crowd, and the right is a swashbuckler rogue. Really boils down to what my party's dynamics already are and whether I need another spellcaster.
I kill them both and take their stuff then set off on my own adventure.
>Left: Sociopathic cunt who can't fight, only talks, and has no comprehension of loyalty or friendship
>Right: Badass motherfucker who can punch, ride, smoke, drink, and party, and knows he's goddamn good looking.
Right. Every goddamn day.
>you fucking bet he can ride
Which one is hiv free
the one with the latex fetish
>Implying I'm not totally on to that
Also I was actually worried because as the team healer, I'm going to come in contact with their blood and I don't want to die because of it.
nobody is
The village people began as an experiment to do just that.
And they failed, which was inevitable
>Face, potential mage
>Street sam, maaaaybe a rigger
Well, our group has some sort of curse involving inconsistent faces, so we need left more than we need right.
He's actually one character with Incomplete Reprogramming who is actually a face/rigger/decker with a damn good gun arm, 10/10 would let pound my chromed-up ass.
holy shit. freddy mercury is superman
Looks like old school pulp.
You can tell because back then you didn't had to be a faggot to appreciate good masculine bodies.
...what kind of "adventure"? That's really the deal breaker here.
Gay biker every time m8
it's Tom of Finland. It's extremely, deliberately gay. I'm sorry you had to find out this way,
>only choosing one
You obviously need a balanced party, OP.
Guy on the right. Never adventure with a guy in a suit.
What are their alignments?
I dunno, that just looks like a manly and handsome dude.
What is so gay about that? I don't get why manliness is now seen as gay.
What is their quest?
1) Get themselves clean.
2) Have a good meal.
3) Do whatever they feel.
The artist of the op pic draws pictures of big kissing shirtless men, succulent nipples, and huge packages in tight jeans.
This is a better husbando CYOA than I've ever seen on /cyoag/
Also, right.
Google Tom of Finland to see why we're talking about gay shit. For non-gay manly, Google Dwayne the Rock Johnson.
There's nothing inherently gay about super masculine, handsome men, but there is something inherently gay about these masculine men. Mind you, they could still be the manliness badasses around. You could play them like weight-lifter Freddie Mercury.
>probably in league with bbeg
>will stab you in the back if given a chance
>touchy with women
>probably either impotent or just ironically homo
>has been fighting for the cause since the day he first crawled out of his father's ass
>has mastered all skills needed for the quest
>causes women to spontaneously combust if they get too close to him
>can make a man squeal like a school girl with his cock, makes sure that the balls will touch every time
The choice should be simple.
Guy on the left looks like a corporate douchebag.
Guy on the right looks like he owns a motorcycle.
Guy on the right.
Weren't only 2 guys in the group gay? I think it was the Indian and the construction worker.
Dude, google image search Tom of Finland. It's as gay as you can get because it has literal gay sex.
I think it was construction worker and cowboy, actually.
Neither until I get some more details
Looks like he's from a badass place and is going to check one out
You came to the RIGHT neighborhood, my friend.
I wish that this fucking degenerate stain on my nation's honor had died in the winter war.
But his men are so handsome!
Aika homo mielipide jtp.
Älä koskaan enää postaa mitään.
this looks like one of those OwO illustrations to me.
>Moomins are packing
Okay. I guess that's a thing now.
One on the left has that American Psycho build.
Also, and I find this hillarious
>Tom of Finland still draws finnish mongoloid eyes on his anglos
He died in 1991.
I know. Meant to imply that although he had been drawing for a long time and was pretty good at it, he never learned, or realized, how normal western european eyes were shaped.
I genuinely want to see the people behind that vile shit dead.
Moomins are sacred.
Moomins have always been gay.
>forgetting how snufkin basically was fucking moomintroll for most of the summer only to leave for the valley in search of thailand's ladyboy prostitutes during the winter
Left seems like he knows how to do fancy, having him around would likely bring much privilege.
Right seems like general bro tier.
Both look like they could rock the sheets like no other.
Can I have both?
Maybe in your degenerate headcannon
>the virgin faggot vs the chad homossexual
The one who doesnt smoke
Lawful Gay
Fabulous Gay
Ridiculous Gay
Double Gay
Macho, Macho Gay
True Neutral
>big kissing shirtless men
>no hard gay
>on Macragge
Both looks gay as fuck
>those fucking huts
Benis :DDDD
No it really isn't
After reading the thread I agree that the biker is probably the better choice.
Fuck off /pol/, he's a national treasure
The first would fit in better to my current game of Delta Green, with our James Bond expy.
Second would fit right the fuck into our RIFTS game
It's all about context
Hard Gay couldn't even scratch the surface of Tom of Finland-level gay.
The one on the right definitely.
>Leather jacket to protect him from knife wounds
>Mustache that projects maturity and authority
Now you see I always thought the Rock (the character, not Dwayne Johnson), was gay. He was always calling people candy-asses then said he was gonna turn things sideways and put it in their butts.
He also wore colourful shirts.
Man every finlander I've known has a stick up their ass. Which was probably a source if inspiration for Tom.
Moomins are fucking terrifying.
Do they fuck?
>For non-gay manly, Google Dwayne the Rock Johnson
The chad smurf
Apparently the soldiers under him as a Lieutenant in the war said he was a great guy.
When presented with these choices, always remember:
Righty tighty, lefty loosey.
But user, you are giving us no options...
What are you talking about, one of them has a moustache
It is clearly one and the same person, before and after.
No one grows a stache that fast
I'm going to have to pick left. One person having a mustache is a novelty, but if we both have mustaches then it just takes away from that.
A week or two, I say.
The filename says day and night
Moomins sure have changed since my childhood.
honestly the clean cut one on the left looks more likely to molest me. Not saying the biker one the right wouldn't, but I get the feeling he'd be more straight forward about it.
>and we can both jerk off to traps no homo
fucking top kek
The squave suited guy looks like he could be a high powered buisness man, or possibly even a con artist or maybe a mild mannered super type or possibly a spy in holiday attire.
The other one is a faggot.
underrated post
>N-no homo right?
Pray they do not reunite and merge once more, their true form revealed
Truly, we did not realize the struggle of being gay in the 70s
Part of science is being brave enough to try the impossible, user.
I'd probably have to pick gay Jotaro over bara Kira
>Moomin author was gay.
>Moomins have tons of gay subtext
What are you on about, user?
Yeah, the band was actually extremely heterosexual