What are elves' fucking problem?
What are elves' fucking problem?
They're Elves. What else do you need to have a Grudge against them, foolish Beardling?
>What are elves' fucking problem?
A lack of fucking.
I want to punch the one on the left so bad
Elves would be completely fine if not some retards would start shitty threads about them.
Well they're Elves for one thing, but i fyou must know they're fully stuck up, pointy eared, lute listening baby voiced, wine gurgling, fancy bread eating, starlight fancying, silk panty wearing, tree hugging, vegan, no-balls, elk-shagging, timotei using, delicate finger bowl molesting, unfallen human, limp-eared, duel wielding, bow stringing, oath breaking FANNIES!
Just like yer maw
Imagine you're the elite of humanity but you're surrounded by barely literate plebs who will take everything from you and ruin it if given the chance.
I imagine that's what its like to be an elf.
Being the master race ain't easy.
>Imagine you're the elite of humanity but you're surrounded by barely literate plebs who will take everything from you and ruin it if given the chance.
>I imagine that's what its like to be an elf.
So elves are the white people ogmf Fantasy?
>So elves are the white people ogmf Fantasy?
More like the Ashkenazi Jews
>Human hating on elf
When in history have the Askenazi Jews created anything by themselves? They have been shunned outsiders in various non jew societies for most of their existence.
Fuck off, this never made any sense at all.
Basically this.
They've done everything there is to do and resort to shitposting irl. Kinda like Australians.
Think about it.
>Eldritch language
>Wherever they go, they must shitpost
>Hate foreigners/mortals
>Food is incomprehensible to outside palates
>Bizarre culture
>Basically sit around doing nothing
>Sustained by the tears of Veeky Forums posters
They are the eternal Bruce.
I remember when mods would delete these shitty elf bait threads. Good times.
>built everything
>paved the way for all civilizations to come
>are forced to act as stewards to greedy, hateful people who they could wipe out in an afternoon if they weren't so damned benevolent
>beset on all sides by hooting apes demanding gibs and wheedling jews braying about how you owe them for some past slight that they brought on themselves
Elves have every reason to be pissed off isolationists
>mfw dumbies say white people are elite when 95% of whities are just as bad if not worse than any other race because they had it better but still did nothing with their lives
what is YOUR fucking problem OP
das rite
no tax policy
Stupid players?
shitpost bump
Their creators told them "Nuh-oh" and they were like "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE".
Then they were stuck on Middle-Earth for aeons.
They aren't skeletons and compensate for it.
I want a reaction image of the guy on the left
Quality thread.
They're not smug enough.
You are either the second children with short life period prone on backstabbing, bastards whose fixated on earthly materials like gold and gems, or an abomination created by the dark god.
Imagine yourself to explain the nature of this world to bunch of intelligent squirrel.
The problem is the frustration to live side-by-side with the apathetic barely on-par-in-intellect races.
Skeletons are inherently better.
>just as immortal
>no aches and pains
>laugh at poison and disease
>no 8 con, wouldn't die from diseases anyways
>+2 dex(yea that's right just as fast as elves)
>don't sleep
>immunity to mind-effecting spells.
Can't have the pleasure of sex, so no.
Liches are generally shown to be better mages than elves anyways.
Plus if you don't have to worry about sex you can concentrate on deep relationships and driving your enemies before you.
I still prefer sex.
I can beat that
Well, with those particular elves, it all goes back to this one particular asshole called Feanor.