>The goddess of death is trying to reinvent herself now that the age of darkness is over and has created new angels accordingly
>The goddess of the hunt is suing her for image infringement
>Allegedly dog girls are a sub category of wolf girls which she already has claim to
>Her defense was that sheep dogs are a wholly different concept from wolves
>Things got out of hand when they started calling each other whores and the gods are afraid to get between them
>Now they need a mediator
The goddess of death is trying to reinvent herself now that the age of darkness is over and has created new angels...
Other urls found in this thread:
The gods would be wise enough to never invent copyright laws.
Look man, the false flagging got really bad during the age of darkness. Rules had to be put in place.
Granted, but it's over now so we can just leave that all behind, right?
Why would the death goddess impersonate the hunt goddess anyway? Or why would the hunt goddess think that?
>remove the rules that helped end the age of darkness
Are you trying to make the hero crawl out of his grave to kill you?
>fair use
Subjects in question must be transformative in nature to avoid a lawsuit. I believe that the trainable and cooperative nature of sheep dog girls with humans is transformative enough. Furthermore, the non-murderizing manner in the way they (sheep dog girls) handle livestock is considered transformative enough in behavior to say they are different from wolf girls.
And honestly? Fuck the huntress in the ass. If someone can't come up with new and creative ideas and improvements to their old, someone else will do it better, cheaper and more user friendly. Copyleft-capitalism, bitch.
>Fuck the huntress in the ass
Well, you are usually supposed to remove emergency things like martial law after the threat passed, exactly because dickheads abuse it, like the huntress goddess is doing right now.
I'm trying to come up with some sort of Ayn Rand based pun but my creativity left me, pls help
As long as the two goddesses don't get too rough ayn randy with each other, they should be allowed to bicker.
>thinly veiled awoo thread
>no awoos posted
Man, you just know they were both hot for the hero and know his type
Gods aren't wise. Look up greek mythology
>Now they need a mediator
I'm sure we will be able to deicide this to everyone's satisfaction.
>>Allegedly dog girls are a sub category of wolf girls which she already has claim to
dog girls doesn't have the same amount of fluffyness to their tail as wolf girls. From this we can deduce that they are totally different on every important aspect
Underrated post
Wait, are you saying dog girls or wolf girls are fluffier?
wolves are fluffier. But obviously fox girls are the fluffiest if we are talking about tails
Don't get started on that, the Trickster Goddess has claim on those.
Wolfgirls are fluffier, but doggirls let you keep your hand after confirming this fact.
Pretty simple.
Death reigns over everything that is dead. Hence just take the angel wolf girls when they're dead an give them an afterlife job.
If some little shit like "hunt" has a problem with that, she can fuck off back to her meme second-rate theme.
Also it's canine girls that dogs and wolves are subcategories of; wolf and dog are more cousins than a subcategory of one or another.
>you will never touch fluffy tail on a yandere dog girl
Hunt is proto War, don't fuck with her. She contends with Nature
what would the godess of hunt do? kill the godess of death? get real.
Completely different. Also hunt is still second rate at best, especially considering the more civilized a culture gets the less hunting it needs and does.
She's also pretty damn far from fucking nature.
Hunting is conflict that ends in death. War is the hunting of ideas and groups on a grand scale, nothing more.
Let's be real here. Hunt has been sleeping with Nature for a long time and you know that.
>Hunt sleeping with Nature
That's was what I was hinting at.
>literally Towergirls
I'm stealing this when Scion 2e comes out
So what, you creating an original pantheon, or using existing gods?
Hunt Goddess has carefully cultivated her reputation among mortals, and is generally regarded as a very dignified deity worthy of veneration and adoration. Hunting is important to the success of many societies and as such the Goddess of the Hunt is considered very important to please. Goddess of Death is a black sheep, death gods are rarely popular, and in most cases worshippers of a death god are considered strange. If the Goddess of Death decided she wanted a new image and to actually be popular with the mortals, usurping the identity of a more popular Goddess, like the Goddess of the Hunt who has so diligently cultivated that popularity, would be an easy shortcut.
T. Paranoid Hunt Goddess
So how good of a guy are they fighting over?
We are here not to awooo but to execute the law!
Martial law? Pfft just get a wizard.
Hunt gets it only if she proves a past history of using dogs, otherwise it goes to death as the animals serve different purposes due to human interference.
Death may use dogs, but not crossing into a wolf defined by increased mental maturity, leg length, and narrower hips.
you should feel bad for posting this
And death is death. You can suppress love, end war, burn art, destroy nature and boil the sea. But in the end, there's death, right up to the heat death of the universe. You don't fuck with that
>Dog girls
Bad Cerberus, bad!
3 voices in unison...
>"What I do?"
There had better be art of this!
>A motherly goddess of death hugging and consoling newly deceased
I never knew I wanted this.
The doggirl dispute is irrelevant.
Not supporting the cause of death having active, happy sheep dog girls gently but assertively gather all the lost and lead them into the loving embrace of death.
>"user! user! Where ya goin'?! Nonono! NOT that way *shove* Yeah! Yeah! Hurry or I won't hold back! Hurry! Hurryhurry! You asked for it! *nips your neck* hrrrrrrrrrrrmmphrrrrry! *shoves* thiph uweh oo awmmee *stears* mmmmph PUWEH! Yay! Mommy! Mommy! I found another!"
Switching the scythe for a shepard's staff to show a more benign face while keeping a similar silhouette too.
She sheers the sheep for wool of a lifetime of experience and then sends them back out into the world with bare skin.
Shit, that's impossibly cute!
Are you Tree?
When you are lost, you don't know where you were, who you were before or are now. Sometimes you feel guilty, scared, accomplished... but you always remember her arms wrapping around your shoulders and bringing your head into her bosom to rest comfortably. To stare into her soft face or to look out into the misty fields of a former life. The routine is always the same:
She scolds you. You might have been too forward in pressuring your daughter into marriage. Too cruel on the field of battle... Too lazy in your due moral diligence. Took too many lovers after you had committed yourself to your husband. You don't remember doing, but you remember feeling and the blanket of guilt she lays upon you. Her tone softens and she combs through your hair. "You made mistakes. It's all you can do... And you can do better next time..." and becomes firm whisper "You can be stronger. I know."
And with that she grins and ruffles your hair before sitting you up and the routine will continue. She will bald you with her sheers. You will leave with regret, cold as the dewing air upon your scalp. Then she will send you back into life escorted by her canine child, in tears and grasping your ever enthusiastic, but firm escort for comfort while she handles you through misty fields and beyond pastures and around brambles and rocks and trees and holes to join the realm of the living once again. But you will meet again. You know. That energy presents to you purpose in your life, to impress her.
Nevermind, nevermind. Just reminded me of someone.
>Death wasn't always so kind
>She used to look like Nito back when she had to slaughter in the age of darkness
>The motherly figure we see now was a developed persona
>If was so she could fit in at her favorite bar and have a drink with the bartender
>She still slips into rip and tear every once in a while if one of her angels are in damger
I'd add onto the lore... Death and the Huntress are competing. Death's rebranding from reaper to shepherd and fleecer puts her in direct opposition. Souls which had once been harvested are now flocks of prey animals. The Huntress' domain of the wilderness and her nature residing in predatory action see the flock as fair game to be consumed by the wolves. The Lost who fell victim to the Huntress are reborn into a predatory nature, as their soul has been stripped down to the bone they grow to be thin and hungry, unafraid to take the weak to sustain themselves.
This is adorable and I never knew I wanted something like this so bad until I read this post.
I dunno user, death awoos sound scarier than normal valkyries
"In the wake of recent civil unrest, we will be implementing Wizard law until further notice."
I'm going to see if I can fit it into something original, since I only have knowledge of like 3 of the 10 pantheons that are going to be in the core, but if not I could use something original.
You could steal from 4e’s Death God. She actively sends people out to hunt down various Undead types. Have her followers use a Fluffy Cerberus as their symbol, with actual Cerberuspeople occasionally popping up.
My writefagging is going by OPs original concept.
If you want a more myth-y story to her...
Death had raised humans as she raised cotton. Growing, reaping, separating and planting the seed again. Now the age of hardship and darkness was over she sought to release mankind from their attachment to the land by turning her cotton crop into sheep, granting them the freedom to roam beyond their farmland and fetters. Her sheep were small as the cotton puffs they were produced from, but her yield grew beyond her expectations as each soul took in the new land and experiences to grow a hundred fold with golden fleece the other gods sought. And as the gods smiled upon her her work, she smiled upon her flock.
This is a good thread. I've been in general's for too long
So is the Death Goddess actually sending out a beautified Cerberus to hunt down evil doers, or are random people become Cerberus-like?
>Hunter deity's claim exists any time one pursues prey.
>Death deity's claim exists any time a hunt is successful.
They don't need a mediator. They need a buddy-cop film scenario where they get together as partners to face off against a foreign entity to their cosmos who is trying to sustain all life and awareness indefinitely.
Raven Queen's particularly relevant to the divine litigation angle since so much of her thing is how wary the rest of the pantheon is about her expanding from god of death to god of all things dead.
Sounds like a fun reason to cause arguments. In a time of peace, the Death Goddess is trying to improve her appeal AND her domain.
But in the dark corners of the world, all manner of creature lie in wait...
But only sometimes
They are just children with super powers.
I prefer my goddesses well endowed bitches
Hunting is a form of deathgiving, which means Death has primacy over Huntress, who should be her subordinate. As far as I'm concerned she can use the Huntress's face as a chair and it's fair play.
Hunt is an intermediary between life and death, probably not a subordinate
Eh, if we go by the typical "Reaper of Souls" trope, Death represents an agricultural cycle which promotes the growth of civilization, where success means more people will eventually die and Death profits. Shifting from agrarian roots into pastoral could represent a shift into a more active role in protecting her way of life (possibly learned from the Age of Darkness), as being a shepherd means Death will be moving from conditions unfavorable to her flock to places which are better.
The Huntress is just another goddess of life/death but suited more in line with the predatory aspects of nature.
Death (the Shepherd (formerly Reaper)) is essentially a goddess of collective living, the Huntress is a goddess of individual living.