Is it gay to play as a female character if you are a male?
Is it gay to play as a female character if you are a male?
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No, it's gay to ONLY play men. Shows exactly what your tastes are.
Depends on the setting.
In what setting would it not be gay?
Its only gay if your balls touch.
Were your balls touching OP?
Breh, come on, thats like asking if its gay to suck a dick if your dressed as a girl.
Of course its not, your roleplaying a girl, that means any sex with a man is hetrosexual. Now if you start licking out some knife ears cunny while your playing a female character, that would be an act of lesbianism because your both female.
Me and my bros sometimes all dress up and roleplay girls and suck each other off, nothing gay about it, because were all roleplaying girls which means were actually lesbians.
And if your not even having sexytimes then it dosnt matter.
Why are you scared of people thinking your gay?
I don't think it's gay, but I'd never personally run a female PC. In the games I've been a player in, I find it really difficult to roleplay as a female because I can't relate to the character. In contrast if I'm running a game I have no issue creating female NPCs
I would find it very weird. Never happened on my table, and the DM gets funny looks when he tries to make girlish voice. Probably because he has a manly one and it sounds very funny.
Maid RPG.
Only if it's a sexual RP and the girl character isn't gay herself.
I don't think so. when I make characters I don't go with making a me clone, I get a concept in my head I want to run both in class and backstory then I figure out if a male or female better fit the imagery I'm working on. generally I aim for about 50/50
two examples. I had a bubbly asimarr paladin who was raised in heaven/ Elysium by cailean and sarenrae due to parents being devouts with some favors to call in. literal charisma beast I would use pacifistic and " happy conversation" to get through everything. i ended up taking in a baby goblin the party punted off a cliff and raising it into a CG ranger. my motivation was the most strict adherence to Sarenrae's everyone deserves a chance to change thing and even made a CE ogre change his ways and go on to be a CG shopkeep later in game. felt female was best gender to fit image.
have an Inquisitor of Nethys who while being selfless to a fault and basically supernaturally caring to those less fortunate, given past refuses to outwardly express that soft side and due to horrible past has gained the philosophy you save more people by murdering the evil thing now because allowing it to live will result in more grief later. devoted to both sides of nethysian philosophy I protect the most people possible by ending the problem with zero hesitation or mercy. felt a male best fit the imagery
No, but feminist will call you misogynist and whatnot. Because all male are rapist and you play woman to oggle them and whatnot.
Ask Anita Sarkesian, the renown 'gamer' feminist.
It will broaden your horizons as long as you don't play the kind of dyke who might as well be a guy.
What did he mean by this?
Some of my favorite times are when dudes play bawdy old ladies.
No but I suppose you can find ways to make it so.
Whatever it was, I'm hard
If you play her like a shameless slut that also acts like a cunt, and everytime you run into a female npc you ask the DM "is she hot?"... You're kinda gay.
Also if you play a male character after playing two whores, and have the need to put that they have a 13" penis on your description and your back story was you were hired to give your previous character the ole' R&K... You are double gay.
We had a faggot just like this. A misogynistic rich boy who would be drinking during sessions, say that his character schlicks off in her downtime and tried to eat the cock of a slain dragon. DM jokingly said if he did that he would his character would grow a dragon penis and the faggot said he would hurt him if he did that.
We actually think he was gay because he would talk about penis constantly with one of our players and admitted to another he liked getting his asshole licked during sex. Still he has the need to tell people he likes pussy and isn't gay.
So glad he's gone now. But he will go down in our groups history as the most epic That Guy we ever had.
As a /pol/tard, he's incapable of going more than a few minutes without shitposting about identity politics on the wrong board.
Imagine if you were browsing one of the porn boards and you constantly felt the need to post about your D&D experiences instead of posting girls getting their butts pounded. That's where user is at.
>I find it really difficult to roleplay as a female because I can't relate to the character
Why is this such a common thing to happen?
I've seen people roleplaying immortal beings, warlocks, monsters, humanoid insects, half-gods, and other kind of characters that should act and think in a completely inhuman way, yet they find it hard to act as a normal person of opposite gender.
How is that even possible?
Something something insecure with their masculinity something something has never talked with a girl if it didn't involve banging.
Delusions of grandeur means that these people actually feel that they *can* relate to the kinds of characters you list out, but irrational fear of being perceived as gay, which also leads to insecurity about their sexuality (even if they're 100% straight), means that they can't relate to female characters.
I mean, depends on the porn board, and the D&D experience. We all know that /d/ and Veeky Forums have significant overlap in userbase. /aco/ and Veeky Forums too, since /aco/ is basically a softcore version of /d/.
It makes me wonder how an all /pol/tard D&D game would play out. I actually cannot imagine it at all. What would be the objective? Kill anyone that looks like a nigger? Seriously I want to know.
And there is nothing wrong with that
>tfw no bulky half-orc warrior to pinch nipples of
Regardless of its origins it would end with the founding an all-white ethnostate and a knife-ear genocide.
You uh, you wanna hang out sometime?
It would implode before the third session, as inevitably the party would fall into infighting over whether or not they were truly "white".
The actual game itself would just be a thinly-veiled version of one of the Crusades, probably the Third, set to the song "Crusader" by Chris de Burgh.
It's funny how you're so quick to cry "/pol/" when Anita herself pervades the Veeky Forums industry through shit like Betrayal at House on the Hill's expansion, which is known for being a shitty, agenda-pushing product.
Please fuck off to whatever safespace you came from.
By the way and for the record, the Third Crusade failed to actually recapture Jerusalem, or even reach it; they once came in sight of it, but were forced to retreat mostly due to dissension among the Crusading leaders. The song is totally wrong in its portrayal of events, in other words
But the /pol/tard would not understand this.
> Betrayal at House on the Hill's expansion
I've enjoyed it so far, personally. One of the Haunts is literally Clue, it's great.
An all human paladin party constantly shouting Deus Vult.
Sounds pretty gay.
He said he finds it difficult to roleplay and relate to women, but he really meant to say he finds it difficult to roleplay and relate with people
it's only gay if balls touch bro, and even then if you remember the three second rule and say no homo it's not gay
Since your character is not you, playing a male character means controlling him, and therefore his genitals.
Is it gay to have absolute control over another man's penis?
That question is gay because it shows you're an insecure little priss
>It's funny how you're so quick to cry "/pol/" when Anita herself pervades the Veeky Forums industry through shit like Betrayal at House on the Hill's expansion, which is known for being a shitty, agenda-pushing product.
>Please fuck off to whatever safespace you came from.
The difference is that (literally who) isn't shitposting on Veeky Forums, while /pol/tards are definitely shitposting on Veeky Forums.
I know it's hard for you to understand, but when you post /pol/ garbage on Veeky Forums, you're shitposting. Bringing up some e-celeb when it's completely unrelated to the thread topic just so you can whine about said e-celeb's political views means you're shitposting.
>The difference is that (literally who) isn't shitposting on Veeky Forums
Well, she might be, but if so she has both the common decency and good sense to not draw attention to herself while on Veeky Forums.
In vidya gaems I pick the women's cuz Id rather dat ass then dem man buns
A definitive yes.
What if you could have male character with dat ass?
Is it gay to play as a futa?
I wish I could have dat ass
>the god can be a hermaphrodite if it wants
>nothing that says that elves are, at any point
So what were the cucks on Veeky Forums bitching about?
>Some elves are made in Corellon's image.
Mind you, it seems kinda pointless to bitch about. Oh no, elves are a little odder than pointy eared humans?
>implying I can talk to women
I can't converse with women easily irl, how could I pretend to be one when I don't know anything about them?
It's only gay if they're not a trap.
If you ever plan to do any GMing... ever... it's never a bad idea to RP as a girl.
>Is it gay to play as a female character if you are a male?
Only in a Pen n Paper game. If it's vidya or miniatures, then it just gives you something to look at. But otherwise it's gay.
Does a female character with a male player spend the entirety of the game on their knees or back?
If not, how is that gay?
Trap (female)?
I guess to expand upon my point:
If you only ever intend to roleplay, and not actually run a game, then it only makes sense to play what you enjoy.
If you intend to run something, you're essentially the omni-player. Every role, every race, every gender, and every variant condition a living being, intelligent or otherwise, will pass through your domain eventually.
Most of my characters are male. My first female character was six years ago, and I play them every once in awhile. I'm not uncomfortable with playing a female character, including heterosexual female characters, nor do I portray them as parodies of what a female character might be.
I'm not sure the "female PCs r ghey" crowd can do the same, but I prefer to assume that those people are just being silly and immature for it's own sake.
Yes, i never do it. Which is kinda gay
>So what were the cucks on Veeky Forums bitching about?
/pol/tards like to complain about things that don't affect them, as well as things that they don't know anything about.
No, because it is a character, not yourself.
Yes, absolutely. Also, red is black, gold has no value, and people who play roleplaying games are all kiddy diddlers.
to me it's really weird for someone not to play both genders.
I mean, fuck, we've all GMed right? We all have character ideas for both genders, right?
Is it less gay to play a lesbian female character than a hetero sexual one?
>still thinks presenting any facet of the world makes you gay
Git gud, player scum.
There's no expectation of what a "real" demigod or bug person would be like so there is less pressure. But playing a woman "wrong" is more noticable since people have more of a frame of reference for what a women character should be, in their mind.
All I'll say is that you have to be very limited in your creativity if you haven't run the gamut of different character concepts, and haven't had at least ONE idea for a character that would be preferably female over male.
Mine was when I first played a Druid. For some reason, the idea of a nature-worshipping spellcaster who buffs the party and whatnot made more sense as a woman (being a maternal figure) than a man.
My GM didn't like it, called me a fag, and made me rewrite them as a male character.
I erased the name I had written for her and wrote "Genericus" as my newly male character's name, refusing any attempts to change it to anything else.
I guess for me, it's like - no one can truly relate to being a warlock, or Barb McLargehuge, or Bard McCharmanigga, or Dragonkin McScalyfetish.
So while you can't really go wrong in portraying a believable fantasy race or class, you can go wrong in believably playing the opposite gender.
And if there's any of that gender at the table, they can notice that.
At least, that's my take on it.
I can usually roleplay men just as well as women, but then I'm a forever fucking GM so I need to, I suppose.
Yes, but if you let that stop you you're a massive faggot
>and made me rewrite them as a male character.
I'd call his bluff and shown up to the first session with the female character anyway.
He made us roll up the characters in front of him.
I did the "Genericus" crap to grind on him. It pissed him off to no end every time I said my character's name.
We stopped talking after that. Motherfucker was full of "That Guy"-isms, both as a player and a GM. Glad he's gone.
>We actually think he was gay because he would talk about penis constantly with one of our players and admitted to another he liked getting his asshole licked during sex. Still he has the need to tell people he likes pussy and isn't gay.
Holy shit, after all of that you guys only THINK he might be gay.
This guy sounds like he needs to be nuked from orbit.
In retrospect, Shirou was probably autistic wasn't he?
There's no getting around that he's pretending to be a chick. That's faggy any way you slice it. It's less faggy than doing it outside the context of a game, but without arguing the exact degree of degeneracy, it's some non-zero value of queerdity. Probably a one or two on the Kinsey Scale.
At least with vidya or miniatures, you can say that you just like the figure without it being the whole story of your in-game representation. It's impersonal; the scene exists outside of your own imaginings. You're literally internalizing being a chick, and you can't get around that with any amount of compartmentalizing.
GMs are not exempt from this. All GMs are a bit queer by default. Your average GM is some dude looking to excite a bunch of other dudes. GAAAAAAAY.
95% of animated children, including male children, are voice-acted by women. Does that make the women gay?
It's gay to play anything, OP. "Playing" involves participating in a "game", and real men don't play games. They work or play sports, not games. Games are for children and women.
So if you're playing a game, you're either imitating a woman, which is gay, or imitating a child, which makes you a pedo if you're over 18.
I had a single female character only half way like that, but the character was also a half insane immortal who constantly drinks, smokes, and engages in senseless violence and chaos to make immortality less boring. as for being a whore. she had a liking for seducing cloisters of celibatesmale and female because I'm an equal opportunist and because of the challenge until she met this redhead witch that quickly turned into very unique mysterious character, given the need to find interesting things to not be bored went screw celibate I want that. been a major goal since.
but for me anyways even female characters need range. I also have had a ball of sunshine and rainbows aasimar paladin generally naive to how bad people generally are like having every dirty joke go right over her head, or asking the assassin to not kill people anymore he goes ok and I trust him because why would he lie?
a charlatan who wore all black, black hair, constantly doing charlatany things. only gets cheery and charismatic during a con. then party learns she has a weakness for overly girly things including but not limited to breaking combat to pocket a few perfumes/ and expensive frilly gloves and pink curtains
an evil arcane archer contract killer using her sex appeal as a tool
and a tomboy cavalier who generally acts more masculine
I also apply the same train of thought to male characters too. playing males ranging from cookie cutter macho meathead to pansies. I have even played gay male characters. it's really only as weird as you want it to be
You're already gay for playing make-believe. You might as well go all the way.
Wait, really? Holy shit, I need to grab it.
Yes. Citation: i'm a gay
Is it gay to jerk off your friends under the table? Asking for a friend.
>Is it gay to play as a female character if you are a male?
>Is it gay to have absolute control over another man's penis?
Yes. It also makes you a dom
That's like saying it's furry to play as a non-human, OP.
And it should be trans, not gay. Or trans-lesbian or something.
true, true, all true.
It means you want to be the GF
because all those things are fictional and people can apply the "me clone" template to them.
women are real despite some of those people only seeing them in porn and find it difficult to view women as being more than submissive and/ or there for eye candy and sex.
choosing women in Vidya is simply because if you're going to be starting at an ass for most of your day you might as well enjoy it. most games don't care what gender you play or your sexual preference no npc treats you different. in pen and pad especially a well DM'd world it lets you experience situations you would not get to do normally or ever without turning it into a dick waving contest to reassure everyone you are not into dudes.
makes me so glad I'm one of the lucky ones who who is comfortable with my sexuality
>makes me so glad I'm one of the lucky ones who who is comfortable with my sexuality
I try to write off most of these "female PCs r gy" responses as merely people being silly. The alternative is somewhat uncomfortable.
Fair point.
Given such other options simply picking an opposing gender is probably really boring.
>tfw skipped straight from tfw no gf to wanting to be the gf
An autist with a fetish for swords, yes
And they say it isnt insanity...
for a while mine were too when I first started because playing a female felt weird to me. made my first one about 7 or 8 years ago now. main reason for breaking out of that thinking was simply asking what reason should I have for feeling uncomfortable. now I play about a 50/50 mix because I like making a diverse range of characters
also agreed anyone who plans on being a DM absolutely needs to be capable of playing a wide range of personalities a player who is incapable of doing so usually and by usually I mean always turns the world into a cringy sexual fantasy that stinks of virgin
that when you play him as a gay male. who embraces his feminine side. if the DM is that closed minded fuck him. only had one DM kind of like that and I only graced his table for one session
Is there anything insane about wanting to be cute?
It is a bit gay
well let's be real here. this is the internet and the internet is populated by an alarming number of mysogynistic homophobe shitbirds who need to reassure themselves that they like girls every half hour on the dot.
and before you ask yes, sleeping is very hard for them
bitch I'm adorable
So why can't I be?
I don't think it is at all, but if you're asking then you don't seem comfortable with it. And in that case, play what you are comfortable with and don't worry about it so much unless you want to 'solve' the discomfort.