Would your character use a drug that greatly increases your abilities but withdrawal is fatal?
Would your character use a drug that greatly increases your abilities but withdrawal is fatal?
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Like how food is?
No, winners don't do drugs.
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My character saw one of his buddies get chopped in half by a multilas last session, along with roughly half of the (NPC) soldiers under my direct command. The situation is likely going downhill from here. Yes.
Are you guys stupid? That was a terrible comparison. Food isn't optional.
fuck this is what I was gonna post
>doesn't know about tapping his 12th Chakra and subsisting on light crystal energy
Would Dihydrogen Monoxide make better comparison?
It's not optional because the crippling addiction to food you gained in-vitro has a lethal withdrawal.
How do you ensure a constant supply?
It's an equivalent, you are addicted to it after all, even if it's a naturally born addiction.
Who controls the supply of this drug?
The question you are really asking is, "would your character willingly turn themselves in to a slave for a bit of extra power".
Food withdrawl isnt fatal. You can Fast fir days or even weeks with minimal symptoms as ling as you do it right and had energy to burn before.
What kills you isnt withdrawl. What kills you is thermodynamics and lack of sodium.
But you can survive months without food and it doesn't really do much than give you energy and chemicals.
Water however!
Not necessarily - in some areas there might (theoretically, at least) be enough supply and competition between dealers that, while you're still always buying from someone, you can easily get from someone else, in the same way you might for fast food or mobile network providers.
But yes, I am self destructive and my characters generally are too.
On other people? Yes.
The definition is too broad. By this logic, one can say that any process which involves the energy transfer of some sort is an addiction.
Sure. That's just being a paladin, with a much less complex code.
>But you can survive months without food
Three weeks.
It's three weeks without food, three days without water, three minutes without air.
With a bit of support you can last much, much longer than 3 weeks
He lasted 382 days, and actually was able to walk out of the experiment in reasonable health
Admittedly that guy started *extremely* obese (456lbs, 205kg), and lost 275.5 pounds, shitting every 40-50 days, but it's still possible
Spice withdrawal is only fatal if you're actually addicted though, and most people outside Arrakis can't even afford enough spice to build up an addiction
Well that depends on how expensive it is and how steep the addiction stairway is. Is it you try it once and you're ona squid road to total body malfunction or is that it, only if I quit I die?
Do you play Rimworld? Luciferium is damn good. If you feed it to prisoners and release them, they will come back with more the next time they raid you.
As a gambit, sure. I tend to play characters that make sacrifices for the group. Bonus points uf the drugs make them smarter or better social tricksters.
So everybody is addicted to air. Gotcha.
If it's necessary to save the party, probably.
Well, yes?
>Addiction is a brain disorder characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli, despite adverse consequences.
Shut the fuck up you mouth breathing faux intellectuals. Just because you've heard a word be used doesn't mean you can just start saying everything is a fucking addiction.
in that case it's likely that enough people would be using it that you must use it too if you don't want to fall behind.
this is the rare question that doesn't really depend on the setting
I once had a shadowrun character that was born out of a simple question in my head: "How much drugs could I possibly take?"
The guy was a beast with his combat drug cocktails but, ironical as it is, lugging a junkie around isn't a really good idea when dealing with high society.
As to the question in the OP, he did carry around a vial of "Kali's blood" as a last resort.
We never got into a bad situation where it was necessary, but the option was there.
user, you just don't understand! They're only PRETENDING to be retarded!
no, blood of kali is bad, stop it user!
Like a juicer?
Yeah, quite possibly - if everyone's on something you've gotta be pretty special to get by with nothing but yourself, Lelith Hesperax style.
Not exactly fatal, but I threw a drug onto my party.
It gives you nearly every advantage of a long rest in a turn, but every portion consumed increases the DC of the check which the characters have to make to be able to long rest without the drug.
One of them already addicted to it, muhaha.
I know people that can hold their breath for 5 minutes.
Thank you
Are you saying breathing isn't rewarding?
Ever tryed not
sure buddy
lets put skinny skelleton and fatty mcpork on a diet and see who dies first. even skelly could last 4 months. someone like that fat youtuber could last 6 months at least
Depends on the other side effects and how easily it can be acquired.
>He lost over 60% of his weight, more than most people weigh
That's a huge fucking qualifier.
With modern food industry you can get all required nutrition in liquid form, so technically speaking you can last your whole natural lifespan without food.
>Food withdrawl isnt fatal, but the effects of the withdrawal are
Yeah, nice way make your own "argument" null and void
Survive =/= live, you stupid shit. When your own body starts to chew on your own muscles, you are at this point dying anyway. The fact you can make it doesn't really matter, since you destroyed your liver (literally ate it), half of structural muscles and probably also nerve endings. Also, unless you happen to end up in hands of professional medical staff that before dealt with starvation victims, anyone helping you is going to kill you, since your body is going to tilt over from sudden access to nutrient if done improperly. And no, just a first doctor you have at hand won't do.
tl;dr the famous 3 weeks are the SAFE time you can stay without food. After that your body starts eating itself. The exact same applies to water - recorded maximum is 8 days, but that was winter in cold climate. Thing is, after first 3, your body is dying.
> food is only solid