Holy fuck

I just made 2000 dollars in the past hour arbitrage trading. I made an average person's monthly income in under a day.

Is this the power of crypto? Am I living in a simulation right now? Or is this real life?

>Simulation or real life
eh.. both?
I made 1.2k on PRL in one night when it went from ED to KuCuck never touching that garbage again tho LMFAO

Which coin where details damnit

which pairing?

did 30k when ibm announced its partnership w/ stellar a few months ago.


Teach me pls

>I just made 2000 dollars in the past hour arbitrage trading.
What's your capital?

>Am I living in a simulation right now?
In one of the layers of an infinite cycle of simulations, actually

I made a 6k gain two nights ago. Picking carefully and doing homework can yield some good stuff. At least until the taxman cometh.

op is larp

How much are you trading to make those kinds of gains?

redpill me on arbitrage trading. In crypto, wouldn't it mean buying a coin on one exchange for cheaper, transfering it to another and selling it for a higher price?

Yes, it would. I have a feeling that unless you're trading fairly large figures, transfer fees are going to kill any potential gains.

Are you talking about daytrading?

Yeah, good luck competing with bots. Also shitty exchanges and some coins transfer time and fees. It’s doable with enough of a spread, I’ve done it but it’s hard to do reliably

which pair

I was thinking about that as well. Could definitely see big gains with enough capital though

That's not true at all. Smaller capital gives higher ROI


I realize their is also arbitrage and have considered it, I've read about people getting their bank accounts being closed from deposits. I use coinbase/kraken and often the arbitrage with litecoin has big swings. So with low tx fee and quick confirmation times, its possible to get 800-2000 a trip. This means you have to have the money ready in kraken, plus factor in the 1.5% coinbase ass raping fee, plus capital gains to ensure a profit. Then wait until you have a wire transfer to restock your fiat in kraken. So if you were using the same money round trip, it could be a week before that money comes full circle for another arbitrage opportunity.

There's a more effective way but you have to have balances on multiple exchanges.

Basically if a coin you already own is selling cheaper (and I mean by like a 10% margin, which is rare but not unheard of) on a diff exchange, you sell what you have on the first exchange and then buy the same amount worth on the second exchange. So you end up with the same amount of starting capital but extra with whatever coin you're trading.

Explain to a brainlet pls

If you make too much money off arbitrage, then the tax man will raise your tax rate to Patriot Level 9 (90%), thus reducing your ROI.
You must use a small capital.

Don't feel like typing but. There are coins where first buy/sell orders are very small (

lol who cares about Goldberg


>small capital
what the heck do you mean by this?
Money gained is money gained in terms of short term capital gains. Doesn't matter if you arbitraged it or whatever you are describing.

If you are doing arbitrage, you are triggering short term cap gains.

Here's the income rate and % for 2018 and short term cap gains.

>or Bitbean if you want to absolutely save your money

What the fuck? Bitbean has a use?

BitBean is surprisingly good for this. Digibyte too.



How much capital did you use?
