What are the most interesting superpowers for superhero games?
What are the most interesting superpowers for superhero games?
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I'm a big fan of utility powers that can be applied in combat with creative thinking, or use of the environment, like being able to teleport other objects or characters.
The ability to shit in someone's pants
the ability to make someone shit their pants sounds better
The ability to make your eyebrowns pupate.
Ability to manipulate people's clothes. That mean unzipping or pulling down pants. Stripping clothes of female vilains.
The ability to turn people's hair into teeth.
Weaverdice/Worm trigger events.
I tried making one and you'll simply never get the same abilities twice.
The ability to survive anything unharmed. But otherwise, you're just another person.
This. I love scenarios where abilities or powers that are strictly not for combat are used in combat, and are effective.
I've been thinking of a self destruction kind of power lately.
The user has to activate it in his arms, legs or even his entire body, that body part starts accumulating energy, it starts to heat up and shake a lot and it hurts like hell.
If the user is not careful or charges for too long his bones can break or the affected area can literally explode.
Once he releases the energy the chosen body part starts moving at amazing speed with absurd strenght, the longer the user charges it the longer it lasts and the more it hurts the stronger and faster it gets.
So kinda like a more dangerous version of One For All?
Not really, Midorya breaks his bones because he isn't strong enough to handle One For All, this power literally revolves around the user destroying his body in exchange of speed and strenght, you can minimize the damage but it will catch up to you sooner or later.
You also activate it in a different way, look at pic related and imagine that guy twisting that shit and then going full All Might once he stops, but he's in a lot of pain while doing it, it takes him a couple of seconds and if he twists it too hard ot too many times it will break and he will die.
It's stupid i know, but i like it.
That's basically Marvel's Mr. Immortal. The guy has a respawn that Deadpool would be envious of- it just only kicks in when he kicks the bucket. He's kind of goofball and played for laughs a lot, but he actually has one of the suckier lives in Marvel. Everyone keeps dying around him, notably his literal destined soulmate who was otherwise ageless, and his ultimate fate is apparently to outlast everything and eventually be the last living being in the universe.
He's a good sport about it most of the time. Except for the occasional token suicide attempt.
I am a fan of psykic powers.
But what if the female villain wears no clothes and uses bodypaint instead?
I would be a very happy person.
Are guns the best superpower?
Got a friend who had an idea for a vidya game called Shit Runner
MC was cursed by the fallen god of shit, and had to go from point a to b in 2D platforming.
However if take too long you'll shit yourself because the curse. So then you have to find a pedestrian to steal his pants and force yours upon them to continue
I thought it was funny
The ability to be invisible when no one, including myself, is watching me.
I always wanted a character who's special power was "Realism bullets" that affect characters like they were real bullets.
I'm a fan of monstrous physiology powers. Not just a dude who can vomit lasers or shit fireballs. I want the Beast, Killer Croc and fun nonhumans or metahumans, whatever you call them.
Maybe minor secondary powers like low level regeneration or camouflage. But a birdman who shoots lasers seems a little silly. Well, unless he just owns a laser pistol or something.
Super strength with alternate powers that make NO sense.
>I can lift 4 times my body weight!
>shoot lasers out of my elbows!
Generic as it may be, I'll always love the power that turns off other powers and makes everyone have to switch to absolute mundanity for a fight.
This reminds me of Angel Summoner and BMX Bandit.
>when your joints spontaneously release energy beams under load
Utility powers or powers that have serious drawbacks/risks.
The world is probably my favorite
>great utility
>looks cool
>clearly defined weakness that encourages clever writing.
Angel summoner has a cool power
For a superhero game it's not that interesting, but I always like "Superhuman Durability" and regeneration-type abilities. The kind of thing where they don't necessarily help the person "win", but just make it extremely hard for them to lose and get knocked out of a fight. It's still just a normal person, except they can take an obscene amount of punishment and if necessary will always win a fight of endurance.
First I'm get sweaty and then I toss extra spare of clothing at her... an t-shirt that expose her chest and an extremly high cut jeans that barely cover her private parts.
Unironically, Jojo has literally some of the coolest superpower ideas ever. Even if you remove the stand part of it, the base powers alone can be pretty cool
The ability to summon good comics from other dimensions.
It's called "Japan"
Seconding this. If you don't want to watch several seasons of anime or read volumes of manga to get ideas, check the Jojo wiki.
This ones great.
I'm not going to lie, I really fucking love super strength.
You can jerk yourself off over your super speed, your flying, your teleportation or laser beams, or gravity control.
But when it comes down to it, the ability to tear something in fucking half with your bare hands, or throw a tank a few hundred meters, is a simple, yet sublime joy.
The ability, to move you.
Noclip is fun
Patrick Stewart pls go.
>The world
>clear weakness
Please explain for a brainlet like me
The World's weakness is another stand with the same powerset.
9 seconds thing.
It's simple and fun.
Even if talking is a free action sometimes.
Changing properties of matter.
Solidify the air in that room, make concrete flow again, that and messing with gravity are my favourits
You know, the weird thing is that there was a Japanese manga (Aijin) with this concept. But the villain in that one instead plays as if he's living in Grand Theft Auto.
Is that a jojo reference?
>9 seconds
>able to use it as soon as it finishes
>effectively infinite anyway
Stopping time has no time related weaknesses. Don't fool yourself.
You know, I've seen that around a few times and I think the anime is on Netflix. Is that series any good?
It's even implied that if Dio kept practicing at it he'd get the time stop to be unlimited anyway
Jotero is an idiot for not keeping his skills up
> (OP)
>The ability to be invisible when no one, including myself, is watching me.
I miss that movie
He said that more he used it more strenuous it got as if humans weren't meant to experience such things.
Teleportation is super neat. Easily my person favourite. But lets try going a bit more unique.
Making solid things "flow." So you can make a wall melt, but not because of heat, but because the concrete behaves like melting wax for a bit. The more solid the material, the more slowly it flows.
Unimpeded movement. Nothing can stop you from moving from point A to point B. Not walls, not forcefields. Not even someone physically grabbing you. You're still a physical body, you're not phasing or anything. Its just like things get out of your way, including the atoms in a wall.
The ability to store palm sized objects in a sort of hammerspace, to be recalled at will at any time. The user has no other special abilities.
It put too much strain on Jotaro to keep using it as often as Dio did. Dio only got away with it because he was a powerful vampire.
Hopefully the person with that last one would have some big hands.
Time travel.
Check out Don't Shit Your Pants. It is a short text adventure.
I know Jojofagging is discouraged but I'm currently playing a Jojo RPG with some friends and we have a character that has a power like that. Their stand is called Portishead and it's special ability is that it can teleport people/objects via inserting similar objects into it's head. The object inserted and it's similar item are lost after the teleport so it's only good for one teleport before another object has to be inserted into its head. For example the user primarily carries around a bag of pennies so they can use it to teleport anywhere a penny is located. They slot a penny into Portishead, throw a penny somewhere they want to teleport, and hold another penny in their hand. The user could cause anything touching those two pennies to teleport to the other's location (people, items, and even stands if have the range). The user is a street urchin pickpocket and will plant pennies on a target for various effects. He normally uses this to steal their wallets after he's tailed them to a bank and knows they have money and returns the wallet after taking the cash with the second penny he planted. In combat he's learned to flick pennies like a dart between his fingers so as soon as they touch an enemy, he causes them to teleport within range of the heavy hitters Stands. His main combo is teaming up with Midnight Marauders (A swarm stand of 3 Apache Indians dressed in Native Gear mixed a ninja motif) that can reflect damage they deal to a target's shadow into real life. Portishead teleports them near a light source so they make a wide shadow and Midnight Marauders pelt the shadow with arrows from their bows or slice it with their tomahawks.
This, I've always liked teleportation, as well as physical powers, speed, strength, reflexes, damage resistance, etc.
Stealing Attributes:
You have the power to take some kind of attribute from an inanimate object, like "flammable" or "malleable" and put it in something else, leaving two objects that don't function like they normally would.
Alternatively, the new Adventure Zone game has one of the characters working with Super Acrobatics. Take something like that that never gets used and do something interesting with it.
Friend of mine doesn't "Min-Max" as much as pick obscure ways to snap the difficulty curve over his knee for shits and giggles.
Mutants and Masterminds, the power to Teleport, himself or others.
He can only teleport someone as far as he can see.
And enemies can resist being teleported with a will save.
Then he gave himself Telescopic vision and maxed it out. The first time an enemy failed the "You go bye-bye now" save, we discovered how broken it was.
"How far did you teleport him?"
>"About a 1/3 of an AU."
AU= the distance between the Earth and the Sun.
>"Yep. Somewhere over..."
Gestures idly to his upper-right.
>"That way?"
I imagine it as, someone having all these incredibly specific items. Prepared for literally any scenario.
That's telekinesis, Kyle!
I would just be myself.
>when you were a junior and hit on a girl at a party but found out she left and fucked some guy. It was me!
Wow sex with a minor. He IS evil.
"Wtf user were the HEROES! We can't just kill people!"
"To be fair I didn't kill him the vacuum of space did but ya know"
I teleported a pillarman three feet in front of the sun.
The heat did him in
Mr Jive was a good stand.
Already seen it, pretty funny tho
Oh talking about that.
Mr Jive manipulated space time, nothing better than wormholing people away.
blade of the immortal?
alchemy is always fun if you play it right. whether it's like the alchemy of old where you are dicking around with elixirs and potions or like the alchemy from FMA, it can allow for some pretty creative ideas.
Manga's better than the anime, due to the anime being a weird cel-shaded 3d thing that kind of screws with the manga's artstyle. That said, it's pretty good. A fun read at least, and I love it's designs for the freaky psuedo-stands you get when you become immortal.
Turn anyone's fingers into bears. What're they gonna do? Put their fingers in its eyes?
Most interesting powers are ones where the power is on a person who is not suited for the power level of the environment. Take Shiki, from Tsukihime, who has the outrageously overpowered ability to kill literally anything, just by looking at the points that represent the present value of its future death. Problem is he's a normal human, and not a strong one. He has severe anemia and if he utilizes his power to try to see the potential death of something that isn't alive, like say a vampire, he could accidentally have an aneurysm and turn himself into a vegetable. What makes him so interesting is that he needs to get creative and find a way to use his power that, on anybody normally fit for the power of the setting, would be almost all-powerful.
Every time.
limited super str, see pic
also, some public domain characters have clever way of having superpowers
This is why not everyone are taking anime powers seriously, why not just make it short and simple?
So what does he do?
But it is short and simple.
>Guy sees lines of existence
>He can erase lines to kill things
>But doing so physically damages him
>And he's up against superhuman monsters who refuse to die easy
>Has to get creative with what using the power to kill them
If he traces along the lines with a knife or any similar shaped object, the thing the line on will split along that line and break whether it's a wall, table, or person. The problems faced by the character are threefold: 1 is that the monsters he faces are vampires that are physically much faster and stronger than him, 2 is that if he focuses too much on not-human lines, which are essentially foreign, it'll cause brain damage as it strains him too much, and finally, he can't turn it off. He only survives so long because he got a pair of glasses that blocks his vision of the lines from a traveling mage.
He only really wins his fights because his opponents underestimate him and he catches them by surprise. One of them he literally collapses a building on them to pin them to the ground so he can stab them to death.
Immense physical strength is amazing in table-top RPGs. There's no limit, no script, no invisible walls or immovable "background" objects, nothing can stop you or hold you back.
A Power that can tell you something about the character and/or the world he lives in.
That’s not really a “weakness.” If you gained the power to stop time for 5 seconds right neck you wouldn’t have gained a weakness.
If you gained the power to lift only one ton that’s a limitation, not a weakness.
The worlds weakness is DIO's ego which is why he lost to Jotaro despite being superior.
A fun power would be the power of bullshitting so well everyone believes you, such as sticking wires on a box and threatening people with the 'wormhole bomb' that you just created. And make them encounter this guy at some point once they've got used to using it
I always thought it was because he really pissed him off.
Shotgun blast of rings to the head.
Other stands and users spontaneously developing immunity to it.
And they basically have stands as well.
I should make more custom stands, but I keep falling into the trap of basing them on the song/album name too much.
The only two I really think were clever were Queenryche, sort of a cross between Death and Heaven's Door, and Cha Cha Slide, who could multiply/divide the effect of friction on people, like being able to make a car stop on a dime on a solid sheet of ice, or sliding across bare concrete like it's.... well, a solid sheet of ice.