Why is WotC so cucked now? Ever since 2015 they've been making worse and worse decisions, and now they're ditching their 25 year old logo for some 2007 looking piece of crap? I don't think just R&D got run over by a bus, I think it was everyone, and they got replaced by SJWs, Hasbro execs, and new blood.
Why is WotC so cucked now? Ever since 2015 they've been making worse and worse decisions...
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Actually post some examples and try to make some points about why you think this, rather than posting nonsense user.
Imagine being so insecure that a logo change has you frothing at the mouth about SJWs.
Hasbro became a F500 and immediately got infested by "executives" trying to bleed it. No wonder it didn't lasted more than 9 months in the 500.
Now they are "underperforming" and since pretty much all the company bureaucracy are nobodies that came with the intention to pump and merge, they'll do anything to increase their revenues. Of course part of those "anythings" include lowering the quality of Transformers, diminishing support for the MLP brand, making pink Nerf guns and making WotC dance like monkeys for Tumblr's entertainment.
Execs are such geniuses.
>Actually post some examples
Another example.
Need more?
I will not stand for these fantasy creatures not following my strong conservative values.
so whats the issue here?
Clearly it's sensemaking for all fantasy races, even the little lizardmen to all have the same social opinions and culture as a human!
Not SJW crap.
Very minor crap, since the concept of a gender identity for a genderless species is dumb.
Not SJW crap. They're tiny dragon people. They lay eggs and don't give a shit.
but the koboblds don't have the same culture as humans in that example.
Listen, OP, if this is really what has you so up in arms? You should buy some pearls to clutch.
You are acting like the very stereotype of a 'triggered' tumblr user. If you're not careful, youlll be posting Steven Universe headcanon by this time next year.
Because the Hasbro executives keep meddling and what Upper Management says goes or they lose their jobs.
And they love their jobs making cards.
If you haven't noticed, though, there's been a shitload of people on the Magic side who have left in recent years. The people for whom MAKAN CAAAARDS wasn't enough to deal with that shit.
>This is why Kobolds don't go beyond Tribal societies.
Do you remember when people used to only pretend to be hyperoffended at stuff to mock overly sensitive SJWs? I miss those times.
If you want to bring up something that reflects the tumblr mentality it's how WotC has recently started making a large amount of their females ugly. Fat, overweight, or old etc. Sexy women is a bad thing. As well as vastly more women in general.
I'm not really bothered by it, but it's very obvious they have changed their art direction towards a more politically correct stance.
The problem with pretending to be a stupid asshole for laughs is that genuine idiots show up thinking they are in good company.
This explains most of 4chans problems as a whole these last few years.
I'm a far right nationalist, OP. These things are not even the work of the enemy. This is some weak bait that needs some sage and thyme for proper seasoning.
I don't mind that they are having more women in their art, personally. Or that SOME of them are fat/etc.
It's when they're the majority, and they're willing to go for beefcake but not cheesecake that it's a problem. Show both in the full range. Hags and geezers, sexy men and sexy women, as long as you've got BOTH. And that doesn't mean WELL LET'S CUT OUT ON THE MEN TOO because then you've just got Uglyworld, who wants to look at Uglyworld?
I may not agree with your politics, user, but in your tastes and your burns I consider you my brother.
>literally "no -4 STR, you can be a character like Mulan if you want, be creative"
>literally "these creatures that live in the Underdark may have picked up some of the Drows' idiosyncrasies"
>literally "kobolds don't act like people (they're reptiles after all)"
can we just stop bumping this one please
>sexless creatures
>have "gender identities"
Biology and neurology lie in their deathbed, poisoned by marxist sociology.
Ugly women, not because they like it but because they're that spiteful.
I'll second We may not politically agree (I'm lefty enough that I think I'm supposed to be the red under someone's bed) but I respect you.
Wizards of the Coast is trying to normalize transgenderism, shill for the destruction of the nuclear family, and promote sexuality in D&D. Look at pic related. This was the "gender" section in D&D 3.5. Notice anything? Your character can be male, or female. That's it. That's all that they needed. And in saying so, they said that non-conventional sexuality did not have a place in D&D. Not that it shouldn't exist, but that it is irrelevant to Dungeons and Dragons, a game about having heroic fantasy adventures. And they were right. The problem is, Wizards got infected by SJW bullshit and as a result we get shit like this: archive.is
>Not SJW crap.
It literally is. It wants you to think about your character's "gender identity" when the game has never before had that in the gender section. Again, look at 3.5. It's not that D&D has never mentioned sex before (I mean, succubi exist, and there are plenty of references to prostitution). But to put this kind of "think about what flavor of demisexual pangender dyke you are" shit in the core rulebook, is saying that you are trying to bring sexuality more into the forefront of the game. You want people to roleplay their sexuality. In a game that 12 year olds play. Fuck that.
I'm not triggered. The only contact I have with D&D 5e, is running one weekly campaign, and playing in Adventurer's League from time to time to try out the published adventures. But when I do, I notice an entire table of badly-passing MtF trannies. At least the cancer is contained to one group.
You sound exceptionally triggered.
>I'm not triggered.
They must be doing something wrong because I played mtg on and off here 4 years.
Started with new phyrexia 36 ppl showed up for launch. The last year and a half has seen a sharp decline in players. Ixalan seen 14 and 4 of them left early. "Prize" support for top 4 was a shiny token each. I remember when we got Sheoldred years back at minimum fir everyone who showed up. Top 5 got way more swag than that.
WOTC can fuck itself. When the tournament organizer opened the prize packet he was disgusted with us at how fucking cheap they are now.
so whats the issue?
im just tired of WotC pushing their LGBT agenda more than anything. we get it your company is filled with fags and trannies