I miss the old Veeky Forums, straight from the /b/ Veeky Forums
The storytime Veeky Forums, drawfagging Veeky Forums
I hate the new Veeky Forums, the bad mood Veeky Forums
The /pol/bait Veeky Forums, the SJ Dub Veeky Forums
I miss the sweet Veeky Forums, the gets shit done Veeky Forums
I gotta to say at that time I'd like to be on Veeky Forums
I Love Veeky Forums
In b4 Rose Colored Glasses, which is the most dirty lie ever.
Then stop whining and do something about it. Get shit done. Play games worthy of stories. Start threads you want to see. Bring old Veeky Forums back if you love it so much.
Newfag here. All I know about Veeky Forums is from 1d4chan, anything I need to know about Veeky Forums now?
1d4chan is 60% lies.
I wanted to say that you shouldn't base your perception of old Veeky Forums on some other site, but then these posts have been made
>a board of cancer generals
>healthier and more creative
Most of all I miss the old Veeky Forums /x/ crossovers between writers, and just world building, both in here and on /x/.
>tfw can't drawfag waifus or anything organic
>lie meme
Is it essential that people use this in every thread now?
Then make better threads. Stop bitching and take action.
It's because /v/, /a/, and /pol/ are filled with children that have nothing to do with their day. All the Veeky Forums oldguard went off to live better lives and all we have are newfags who care more about the meme of Veeky Forums than they do any board they go on.
Veeky Forums is great, but if you think other boards are sinking us down, you're creating a boogeyman. A board's greatness isn't in it's lack of shitposting, but in the quality of it's goodposting.
I find /v/ hits more or less the same sweet spot and has done since the nazimod first came on here.
Not that I hate new Veeky Forums, it's just a lot less fun and the good stuff is more compartmentalized into generals now than back then. (really the only threads I skipped back then was MtG ones, now I pretty much only stick to 2-3 generals and the rarer interesting new thread)
The Veeky Forums oldguard mostly left for /v/, /a/ and other pure autist-NEET boards.
They're definitely not "living better lives" or any shit like that.
so you like the low hanging fruit pick Veeky Forums
it's not rose-tinted glasses. it's that things being new makes everything easier. guess what? things cannot stay new forever. jazz couldn't stay in the 20s/30s/40s forever either. deal with it or move on.
>the gets shit done Veeky Forums
This never existed, faggot
Veeky Forums is still vastly superior to the other boards out there
It's sad that you think that.
I agree, this is why we should all stop whining and start making things, or at least - having fun!
>being new
old Veeky Forums was old Veeky Forums for years and years.
Nah, it's only good when compared to other RPG forums. New Veeky Forums is mostly like a Veeky Forums with less attention-whoring/tripfagging and a lot of rehashing the same old fluff discussions. I mean yeah it's a lot better than cancerous shit like /co/ and /pol/ but that's about it.
Yeah. Friends of mine that browse /v/ are always amazed at how much better Warcraft discussions are here than there or on Veeky Forums
Your bloodelf slutmog is trash and I don't want to see it.
Because most of /v/ hates WoW and those that don't just like to shitpost about the lore being bad.
Probably because Warcraft lore has devolved into hot garbage that only the shit eating flies of Veeky Forums could stomach
Does that wizard give the hobo with a sword a thumbs up?
We've had some storytimes of varying length (a few posts to at least one that was spread across lots of threads and several months)
The one that jumps out to me most is the l5r Stonewall storytime. (it may be to your taste it may not, but if you are curious you should be able to find the threads archived on sup/tg/ though if you ask on an l5r general someone might post a WIP the cleaned up pdf version of the story some library anons are working on)
the rpg threads not the card game threads
>I miss storytime
>Britbongsteros especially. It was like watching a book happen before my eyes.
I remember back in 2010ish some guy would post "why dont you have a girl friend yet?" every single day 3 times a day with the same image and every every single time it would hit 500 posts. And this went on for years, it was the fastest moving thread on Veeky Forums
Hey, fuck off from Veeky Forums
Or lurk more on Veeky Forums
Just leave, go back to /b/
Your threads ruin Veeky Forums
2/10, are you even trying to imitate Kanye's flow