I come with two purposes tonight. The first is to show you my completed INQ28 warband (although I will keep adding to it).
My second is to ask for help on how to turn this into a functional 500-750pt 8th ed army.
First up, is the an objective marker. This is a GAPCo billboard, typical of the sort you see strewn across the dusty rusting streets of the Wodenheim.
Jayden Smith
Here we have the president of GAPCo, Rufus Ganzenwelt.
A young and impetuous leader, he recently took the presidency following the mysterious death of his father. While Ganzenwelt Sr. dealt with problems by throwing money at them, Rufus prefers more direct action, for better or for worse...
Caleb Kelly
Rufus is rarely seen out without his personal bodyguard, Reno.
Reno has something of an attitude but that's more than made up for by his talent in a fight.
(You can see that I am not a wonderful painter, but I am happy with the TT quality of my warband)
Adam Garcia
Captain Heidegger was a loyal servant of Ganzenwelt Sr. Still unsure as to how Rufus will perform in his duties, Heidegger follows his own father's footsteps and does his work at GAPCo dilligently.
Michael Turner
The presence of Einsof on the battlefield is enough to turn the stomach of the most veteran ganger. Warp-green eyes and the uncanny ability to summon flame from his fingertips has lead to some to suspect he is not human. From what GAPCo is known to do in their labs, they might be right.
Luke Allen
SOLDIERs are the bread-and-butter of the GAPCo paramilitary. The maintenance of peace in their corporate slum is of the utmost importance, as is the safety of the ancient Wodenheim service tunnels in the underhive.
Benjamin Nelson
Aero Combatants on the other hand, perform more subtle tasks, including aerial recon and targeted assassination during skirmishes. The anbaric hum of the servolamps in the upper rafters masks the buzz of their copterblades.
James Miller
GAPCo R&D has also lead to the development of some fairly robust combat servitors, including the Hammer Blaster, which is adept at dealing with high armour targets and for breaking reinforced doors during gang sieges.
Carter Sanchez
Moth Slashers were part of the same R&D cycle, and while less effective at breaking down doors, they do not struggle against moving opponents nearly as much.
Wyatt Miller
Some of the earlier combat servitor technology is less autonomous. The Anbaric Stub Servitor is one such machine- vicious when it hits, it's cannon can decimate most opponents. When it hits.
Anthony Clark
Some of the smaller machines GAPCo are testing are less brute force, and more support-oriented. The Smogger is one such trial- designed to sneak into ganger camps and gas them to death. Silent but deadly.
Nolan Peterson
Part of the Smogger R&D cycle was a more... adventurous servitor variant- the Brain Pod. It serves a similar function. It is larger and more visible but it can fly, so it has it's uses. It's unlikely this will see mainstream GAPCo production however.
Jordan Watson
The Mighty Grunt truly lives up to it's name. A huge, lumbering exo-suit, the Mighty Grunt sports two bolter-like guns attached to it's giant fists. In a gang battle, this machine is a dangerous, mobile gun platform.
William Taylor
When the Mighty Grunt exo-suit fails, however, all is not lost. The rear of that suit opens, and the lightning-fast Grunt that pilots the suit can spring forth to eviscerate it's foe.
Jack Wilson
Rarely brought the the battlefields of the streets of Wodenheim, the wyrdstone-powered prototype Custom Sweeper is an awe-inspiring sight to behold. Two heavy bolters tear through all who oppose it. It's a shame the servo-motors that control the arms and legs are so flimsy...
Caleb Murphy
This got weird fast
>My second is to ask for help on how to turn this into a functional 500-750pt 8th ed army.
Run em as orks
Connor Gonzalez
The Iron Man is, in fact, a GAPCo redesign of a much older piece of technology. Monstrous, powerful, and absolutely priceless. Only one functioning model is known to exist in Wodenheim.
Noah James
Ramuh. Who is he? How can he do the things he does? The earth seems to move beneath his feet; lightning erupts from his fingertips. Has GAPCo experimentation with wyrdstone gone too far? Is he even human?
Matthew Ross
The beast known as Ifrit is truly a marvel as it tears it's way through the enemy with tongues of fire and tearing claws. A being of flame and fury, some speculate that it is the body of a great warrior deeply infused with wyrdstone. Others suspect it is a Demon and accuse GAPCo of the greatest of heresies.
Camden Evans
Finally, here is a family portrait.
Eli Jenkins
I was thinking of running them as an open Vanguard Imperium list. I had a draft done up but it was partly terrible and overshot 500pts by 36pts.