Because Veeky Forums convention meetups never go badly, ever.
Is anyone else going to this clusterfuck? How bad an idea would a Veeky Forums meetup be?
Because Veeky Forums convention meetups never go badly, ever.
Is anyone else going to this clusterfuck? How bad an idea would a Veeky Forums meetup be?
>How bad an idea would a Veeky Forums meetup be?
Better than you'd think, but worse than you'd have hoped.
I've been to PAX East for the board gaming repeatedly and it has been a lot of fun. There have been tons of people I've meet there and had a blast gaming with, and a ton of games in their library to try out. Was hoping to go to the Philly event this year, but it looks like I'm going to South instead.
So, while I haven't been to Philly, if it's anything like East, it'll be a good time. I picked up Gears of War after talking to a group of guys playing it and asking them how they liked it and what they liked about it. You can also find game publishers giving demos, and places may have extra discounts on stuff on the last day so they don't have to pay to ship it all back home.
>Is anyone else going to this clusterfuck? How bad an idea would a Veeky Forums meetup be?
not rparticularly notable
If you have a great urge to call someone a faggot in person rather than over the internet, go for it, user.
Don't do Veeky Forums meet ups dude. Learn from /k/'s mistake.
Where is the black female majority WotC is so desperate to please?
What happened?
Who's bringing the brownies?
It went fine. Somebody jizzed in the brownies and didn't tell anyone before serving, but honestly if it's mixed in and cooked, what does it even matter?
The meetup we really wouldn't want to be like is the /mlp/ one.
Too busy meeting up with PA forum folks.
Have fun, though!
Are you going to spam this in every thread?
Was that the one with the ball pit or the one with the Undertale orgy?
I'm interested in going, but have not bit the bullet yet. Need to convince friends to share the price as much as possible. Other than that, I'm fine with meeting with elegan/tg/entlemen there.
The ball pit was a brony convention. I have no idea what the tumblrtale orgy is about and my morbid curiosity is going to make me regret asking isn't it.
That's perfectly acceptable though.
>Sharing the price
NJfag here, just crashing at my parents' place for the weekend for this, feels fucking good man.
I'm having to come up from Florida, and know no one in Philly. Enjoy your charmed life.
Sounds fun, I'll bring brownies
Even the /mlp/ one would be better than the tumblr one, or the sort of furry convention that gets the whole hotel condemned.