Most disturbing WH40K chaos god

Which of the 4 (5) chaos gods do you think is the most disturbing?

Slanesh is bad, but it's not worms-in-your-skin bad.

Tie between Slaanesh and Tzeentch I'd say;
>Khorne is the classic kill 'em all, let the other gods sort them out. Bloody massacres, horrific murders, etc.
>Nurgle is gross, maybe kinda weird because of the Papa Nurgle shit. Physically gross stuff, plague of undeath.
>Malal is probably similar to Khorne, though the Sons of Malice are pretty spooky.
>Slaanesh is creepy indulgence, lovely music that is actually heavily altered tortured screams, paintings made of bodily fluids, watching a content man slowly descend into madness and murder his family. Freaky subtle shit.
>Tzeentch uses mind boggling shit, paradoxes and conundrums that fuck with your logic and morality.

Physically gross shit is bad, but we as humans deal with that on the reg (cops, doctors, etc), but then you start moving into weird fetishes and mind boggling shit that hurts your brain.

yeah Slaanesh disturbs me the most personally but Nurgle is fuckin gross also, Tzeentch honestly I never understood fully what he encompasses outside magic and mutation (and dickery)

>I never understood fully what he encompasses
literal chaos
>behavior so unpredictable as to appear random, owing to great sensitivity to small changes in conditions

>Tzeentch honestly I never understood fully what he encompasses outside magic and mutation (and dickery)

Secrets and lies. (secrets and lies)

The Great Horned Rat.



Which chaos god produces the best waifu daemons?


Slaanesh, since he is the closest thing to Biblical Satan among the Chaos gods.

Objectivly correct.

He's all of chaos's bad traits with none of their good traits.

He is Khorne's brutality without his honor.
He is Nurgle's plagues without his joviality or love or the microbial live.
He is Tzeentch's manipulation and back-stabing without his promise of hope and change.
Can't think of his similarities with Slaanesh thought.

One example is the Skaven breeding pits-
They keep the females mind numbingly drugged on warpstone and raped daily to constantly be popping out more skaven
Clan Moulders flesh laboratories are another good example

G-d Emperor of mankind

>All of the bad traits
....He's loved by Black Library to such a disturbing degree that they'll bend over established canon to make sure that he always comes out the winner?
>None of the good traits
His models suck?

Greedy and goes to extremes.

I vote for Tzeentch. Being disturbing is his aim after all, all the others are disturbing by accident.

Do you keep that in some word document, so you can just ctrl + v it?

>Can't think of his similarities with Slaanesh thought.
Prideful and jealous as fuck, but doesn`t use his emotions to create anything of value.