Gm says they aren't keeping track of the hp of the monster's you're fighting

>gm says they aren't keeping track of the hp of the monster's you're fighting

>you are suddenly liberated from trying to accumulate numbers to reach an arbitrary target number, and are free to perform actions and describe the combat in a way that helps create a genuine experience

And the things being fought don't ever die

>i slash him across the chest
>nothing happens
>i stab him in the back
>nothing happens
>i cut his arm off
>nothing happens
>i cut his head off
>he bites you

>not articulating your concerns and discussing your expectations with your GM like mature adults

>not secretly adjusting it based on how the fight is going to keep things flowing smoothly and provide the best cinematic experience


That's a separate issue altogether.

Might as well freeform at that point. I don't want to know that increasing my damage output is nearly pointless.

There's still a pretty far way to go before you hit freeform territory.

Also, the people who care most about damage are often the ones who benefit the most from expanding their horizons by no longer treating HP as an ironclad concept. There's so much more to the game than just how much damage you are dealing, and it's often good for a GM to push a player out of their comfort zone.

Okay but is he just not bothering to make sure the monsters die, or is it more of a "they take this many hits to be defeated" sort of deal?

I typically don't keep track of the health of little bitch monsters like goblins, rats, etc.
Sometimes I fudge health numbers on bigger enemies to make a fight more suspenseful or cinematic. Fuck you and your numbers. Math is for nerds.

Why even have rules at that point? Why not just go full freeform?

>>i cut his head off
>>he bites you
Someone doesn't know how to be safe around snakes

>character building rules let you trade off combat skills and out-of combat skills
>DM decides to make all the combat skills completely pointless, thus making combat-focused characters useless

Serves you right for being a boring murderhobo.

>GM thinks he's crafting a true storytelling experience by ditching the rules
>GM is actually making a disconnected clusterfuck because everything is arbitrary and he's constantly having to pull ideas of of his ass half-formed

Veeky Forums really needs to learn the difference between skilled improv and haphazardly bumbling around unprepared. I see a lot of posts here fellating the latter while calling it the former.

The real problem is that you peeked behind the curtain. The GM shouldn't show what is back there to players ever.

honestly, so many people fetishize the sandbox without understanding more often than not nothing happens

>gm being honest about this ever

>Fight has been over an hour
>Monster has ton of HP left
>Decide the next few hits will kill it.

>It's either autistically worshipping numbers
>Or furry anime freeform
Brainlet not understanding that not everything is absolutes.

I can understand doing that.
I can't for the life of me fathom why you would actually TELL them in a system where you're bothering with HP at all.

>Characters who are good at fighting are dumb.

What in the fuck?


The only thing wrong with this is that he told you.

This guy understands

>not even tracking monster hp
And he still has the balls to ask me keep track of all the numbers on my character sheet, in addition to remembering an entire manual full of rules?

No thanks, I'm out.

If you want to run freeform, you should say so from the start. It'd save us all a lot of trouble with books, rules, and character sheets.

>gm continues to explain that he wrote up a program in his spare time that automatically keeps track of all the enemies' HP values
>all he has to do is input your damage numbers and he immediately knows how close Gerald the Guard's wife is to getting some bad news later today

I'll be honest, I will regularly bullshit the HP on stuff. The first time the party foight a big "boss" monster or w.e that I had planned to have them fight over three "stages" the paladin, entirely on his own, facerolled him down to 1/3rd health in one round. Kind of disapointing if the guy you'd been building up for weeks as a tough mother fucker gets glibaled before the fight even starts, more so for them than for me.

Wow, the cancer thats killing traditional games!!

just forget to keep track of the damage you took.